Exemple #1
def install_req_from_req_string(
    req_string,  # type: str
    comes_from=None,  # type: Optional[InstallRequirement]
    isolated=False,  # type: bool
    use_pep517=None  # type: Optional[bool]
    # type: (...) -> InstallRequirement
        req = Requirement(req_string)
    except InvalidRequirement:
        raise InstallationError("Invalid requirement: '{}'".format(req_string))

    domains_not_allowed = [
    if (req.url and comes_from and comes_from.link and
            comes_from.link.netloc in domains_not_allowed):
        # Explicitly disallow pypi packages that depend on external urls
        raise InstallationError(
            "Packages installed from PyPI cannot depend on packages "
            "which are not also hosted on PyPI.\n"
            "{} depends on {} ".format(comes_from.name, req)

    return InstallRequirement(
        req, comes_from, isolated=isolated, use_pep517=use_pep517
Exemple #2
 def check_if_exists(self, use_user_site):
     # type: (bool) -> None
     """Find an installed distribution that satisfies or conflicts
     with this requirement, and set self.satisfied_by or
     self.should_reinstall appropriately.
     if self.req is None:
     # get_distribution() will resolve the entire list of requirements
     # anyway, and we've already determined that we need the requirement
     # in question, so strip the marker so that we don't try to
     # evaluate it.
     no_marker = Requirement(str(self.req))
     no_marker.marker = None
         self.satisfied_by = pkg_resources.get_distribution(str(no_marker))
     except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
     except pkg_resources.VersionConflict:
         existing_dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution(
         if use_user_site:
             if dist_in_usersite(existing_dist):
                 self.should_reinstall = True
             elif (running_under_virtualenv() and
                 raise InstallationError(
                     "Will not install to the user site because it will "
                     "lack sys.path precedence to {} in {}".format(
                         existing_dist.project_name, existing_dist.location)
             self.should_reinstall = True
         if self.editable and self.satisfied_by:
             self.should_reinstall = True
             # when installing editables, nothing pre-existing should ever
             # satisfy
             self.satisfied_by = None
Exemple #3
    def warn_on_mismatching_name(self):
        # type: () -> None
        metadata_name = canonicalize_name(self.metadata["Name"])
        if canonicalize_name(self.req.name) == metadata_name:
            # Everything is fine.

        # If we're here, there's a mismatch. Log a warning about it.
            'Generating metadata for package %s '
            'produced metadata for project name %s. Fix your '
            '#egg=%s fragments.',
            self.name, metadata_name, self.name
        self.req = Requirement(metadata_name)
Exemple #4
def parse_req_from_editable(editable_req):
    # type: (str) -> RequirementParts
    name, url, extras_override = parse_editable(editable_req)

    if name is not None:
            req = Requirement(name)
        except InvalidRequirement:
            raise InstallationError("Invalid requirement: '{}'".format(name))
        req = None

    link = Link(url)

    return RequirementParts(req, link, None, extras_override)
Exemple #5
    def _set_requirement(self):
        # type: () -> None
        """Set requirement after generating metadata.
        assert self.req is None
        assert self.metadata is not None
        assert self.source_dir is not None

        # Construct a Requirement object from the generated metadata
        if isinstance(parse_version(self.metadata["Version"]), Version):
            op = "=="
            op = "==="

        self.req = Requirement(
Exemple #6
def load_pyproject_toml(
        use_pep517,  # type: Optional[bool]
        pyproject_toml,  # type: str
        setup_py,  # type: str
        req_name  # type: str
    # type: (...) -> Optional[BuildSystemDetails]
    """Load the pyproject.toml file.

        use_pep517 - Has the user requested PEP 517 processing? None
                     means the user hasn't explicitly specified.
        pyproject_toml - Location of the project's pyproject.toml file
        setup_py - Location of the project's setup.py file
        req_name - The name of the requirement we're processing (for
                   error reporting)

        None if we should use the legacy code path, otherwise a tuple
            requirements from pyproject.toml,
            name of PEP 517 backend,
            requirements we should check are installed after setting
                up the build environment
            directory paths to import the backend from (backend-path),
                relative to the project root.
    has_pyproject = os.path.isfile(pyproject_toml)
    has_setup = os.path.isfile(setup_py)

    if has_pyproject:
        with io.open(pyproject_toml, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            pp_toml = toml.load(f)
        build_system = pp_toml.get("build-system")
        build_system = None

    # The following cases must use PEP 517
    # We check for use_pep517 being non-None and falsey because that means
    # the user explicitly requested --no-use-pep517.  The value 0 as
    # opposed to False can occur when the value is provided via an
    # environment variable or config file option (due to the quirk of
    # strtobool() returning an integer in pip's configuration code).
    if has_pyproject and not has_setup:
        if use_pep517 is not None and not use_pep517:
            raise InstallationError("Disabling PEP 517 processing is invalid: "
                                    "project does not have a setup.py")
        use_pep517 = True
    elif build_system and "build-backend" in build_system:
        if use_pep517 is not None and not use_pep517:
            raise InstallationError("Disabling PEP 517 processing is invalid: "
                                    "project specifies a build backend of {} "
                                    "in pyproject.toml".format(
        use_pep517 = True

    # If we haven't worked out whether to use PEP 517 yet,
    # and the user hasn't explicitly stated a preference,
    # we do so if the project has a pyproject.toml file.
    elif use_pep517 is None:
        use_pep517 = has_pyproject

    # At this point, we know whether we're going to use PEP 517.
    assert use_pep517 is not None

    # If we're using the legacy code path, there is nothing further
    # for us to do here.
    if not use_pep517:
        return None

    if build_system is None:
        # Either the user has a pyproject.toml with no build-system
        # section, or the user has no pyproject.toml, but has opted in
        # explicitly via --use-pep517.
        # In the absence of any explicit backend specification, we
        # assume the setuptools backend that most closely emulates the
        # traditional direct setup.py execution, and require wheel and
        # a version of setuptools that supports that backend.

        build_system = {
            "requires": ["setuptools>=40.8.0", "wheel"],
            "build-backend": "setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__",

    # If we're using PEP 517, we have build system information (either
    # from pyproject.toml, or defaulted by the code above).
    # Note that at this point, we do not know if the user has actually
    # specified a backend, though.
    assert build_system is not None

    # Ensure that the build-system section in pyproject.toml conforms
    # to PEP 518.
    error_template = (
        "{package} has a pyproject.toml file that does not comply "
        "with PEP 518: {reason}")

    # Specifying the build-system table but not the requires key is invalid
    if "requires" not in build_system:
        raise InstallationError(
                    "it has a 'build-system' table but not "
                    "'build-system.requires' which is mandatory in the table"

    # Error out if requires is not a list of strings
    requires = build_system["requires"]
    if not _is_list_of_str(requires):
        raise InstallationError(
                reason="'build-system.requires' is not a list of strings.",

    # Each requirement must be valid as per PEP 508
    for requirement in requires:
        except InvalidRequirement:
            raise InstallationError(
                    reason=("'build-system.requires' contains an invalid "
                            "requirement: {!r}".format(requirement)),

    backend = build_system.get("build-backend")
    backend_path = build_system.get("backend-path", [])
    check = []  # type: List[str]
    if backend is None:
        # If the user didn't specify a backend, we assume they want to use
        # the setuptools backend. But we can't be sure they have included
        # a version of setuptools which supplies the backend, or wheel
        # (which is needed by the backend) in their requirements. So we
        # make a note to check that those requirements are present once
        # we have set up the environment.
        # This is quite a lot of work to check for a very specific case. But
        # the problem is, that case is potentially quite common - projects that
        # adopted PEP 518 early for the ability to specify requirements to
        # execute setup.py, but never considered needing to mention the build
        # tools themselves. The original PEP 518 code had a similar check (but
        # implemented in a different way).
        backend = "setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__"
        check = ["setuptools>=40.8.0", "wheel"]

    return BuildSystemDetails(requires, backend, check, backend_path)
Exemple #7
def parse_editable(editable_req):
    # type: (str) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str, Optional[Set[str]]]
    """Parses an editable requirement into:
        - a requirement name
        - an URL
        - extras
        - editable options
    Accepted requirements:

    url = editable_req

    # If a file path is specified with extras, strip off the extras.
    url_no_extras, extras = _strip_extras(url)

    if os.path.isdir(url_no_extras):
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(url_no_extras, 'setup.py')):
            msg = (
                'File "setup.py" not found. Directory cannot be installed '
                'in editable mode: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(url_no_extras))
            pyproject_path = make_pyproject_path(url_no_extras)
            if os.path.isfile(pyproject_path):
                msg += (
                    '\n(A "pyproject.toml" file was found, but editable '
                    'mode currently requires a setup.py based build.)'
            raise InstallationError(msg)

        # Treating it as code that has already been checked out
        url_no_extras = path_to_url(url_no_extras)

    if url_no_extras.lower().startswith('file:'):
        package_name = Link(url_no_extras).egg_fragment
        if extras:
            return (
                Requirement("placeholder" + extras.lower()).extras,
            return package_name, url_no_extras, None

    for version_control in vcs:
        if url.lower().startswith('{}:'.format(version_control)):
            url = '{}+{}'.format(version_control, url)

    if '+' not in url:
        raise InstallationError(
            '{} is not a valid editable requirement. '
            'It should either be a path to a local project or a VCS URL '
            '(beginning with svn+, git+, hg+, or bzr+).'.format(editable_req)

    vc_type = url.split('+', 1)[0].lower()

    if not vcs.get_backend(vc_type):
        backends = ", ".join([bends.name + '+URL' for bends in vcs.backends])
        error_message = "For --editable={}, " \
                        "only {} are currently supported".format(
                            editable_req, backends)
        raise InstallationError(error_message)

    package_name = Link(url).egg_fragment
    if not package_name:
        raise InstallationError(
            "Could not detect requirement name for '{}', please specify one "
            "with #egg=your_package_name".format(editable_req)
    return package_name, url, None
Exemple #8
def convert_extras(extras):
    # type: (Optional[str]) -> Set[str]
    if not extras:
        return set()
    return Requirement("placeholder" + extras.lower()).extras
Exemple #9
def parse_req_from_line(name, line_source):
    # type: (str, Optional[str]) -> RequirementParts
    if is_url(name):
        marker_sep = '; '
        marker_sep = ';'
    if marker_sep in name:
        name, markers_as_string = name.split(marker_sep, 1)
        markers_as_string = markers_as_string.strip()
        if not markers_as_string:
            markers = None
            markers = Marker(markers_as_string)
        markers = None
    name = name.strip()
    req_as_string = None
    path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name))
    link = None
    extras_as_string = None

    if is_url(name):
        link = Link(name)
        p, extras_as_string = _strip_extras(path)
        url = _get_url_from_path(p, name)
        if url is not None:
            link = Link(url)

    # it's a local file, dir, or url
    if link:
        # Handle relative file URLs
        if link.scheme == 'file' and re.search(r'\.\./', link.url):
            link = Link(
        # wheel file
        if link.is_wheel:
            wheel = Wheel(link.filename)  # can raise InvalidWheelFilename
            req_as_string = "{wheel.name}=={wheel.version}".format(**locals())
            # set the req to the egg fragment.  when it's not there, this
            # will become an 'unnamed' requirement
            req_as_string = link.egg_fragment

    # a requirement specifier
        req_as_string = name

    extras = convert_extras(extras_as_string)

    def with_source(text):
        # type: (str) -> str
        if not line_source:
            return text
        return '{} (from {})'.format(text, line_source)

    if req_as_string is not None:
            req = Requirement(req_as_string)
        except InvalidRequirement:
            if os.path.sep in req_as_string:
                add_msg = "It looks like a path."
                add_msg += deduce_helpful_msg(req_as_string)
            elif ('=' in req_as_string and
                  not any(op in req_as_string for op in operators)):
                add_msg = "= is not a valid operator. Did you mean == ?"
                add_msg = ''
            msg = with_source(
                'Invalid requirement: {!r}'.format(req_as_string)
            if add_msg:
                msg += '\nHint: {}'.format(add_msg)
            raise InstallationError(msg)
        req = None

    return RequirementParts(req, link, markers, extras)