Exemple #1
def process(thefile):
	print thefile.rawcapNumber
	kwargs = thefile
	acf = mtd.get_aNumber_channelConfig_face(conf.magneticTape.cnxn,**kwargs)
	print acf
	if acf is not None:
		for k,v in acf.iteritems():
			kwargs[k] = v
		kwargs = ut.dotdict(kwargs)
		kwargs.aNumber = "a" + kwargs.aNumber
		#init folder to do the work in
		kwargs.processDir = os.path.join(conf.magneticTape.new_ingest,kwargs.aNumber)
		if not os.path.exists(kwargs.processDir):
		#make the full ffstr using the paths we have
		ffproc = ff.audio_init_ffproc(conf,kwargs)
		full_ffstr = ff.prefix(os.path.join(conf.magneticTape.new_ingest,kwargs.rawcapNumber) + "." + conf.ffmpeg.acodec_master_format) + ffproc.ff_suffix
		print full_ffstr
		#run ffmpeg on the file and make sure it completes successfully
		with ut.cd(kwargs.processDir):
			ffWorked = ff.go(full_ffstr)
Exemple #2
def concat_vobs(file):
	concatenates VOB files into single VOB
	'''with open(file.concatxt, 'a') as concat:
		for vob in os.listdir(file.vobDir):
			if vob.startswith('VTS') and vob.endswith('.VOB'):
				concat.write("file '" + vob + "'\n")
	ffstr = 'ffmpeg -f concat -i concat.txt -c copy -map V -map a ' + file.vobOutFullPath'''
	inputstr = ''
	inputcount = 0
	filterstrprefix = ''
	for vob in os.listdir(file.vobDir):
		if vob.startswith('VTS') and vob.endswith('.VOB'):
			inputstr = inputstr + " -i " + vob
			filterstrprefix = filterstrprefix + "[" + str(inputcount) + ":v:0] [" + str(inputcount) + ":a:0] "
			inputcount = inputcount + 1
	ffstr = 'ffmpeg' + inputstr + ' -filter_complex "' + filterstrprefix + ' concat=n=' + str(inputcount) + ':v=1:a=1 [v] [a]" -map "[v]" -map "[a]" -c:v libx264 -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 20 -c:a aac -ac 2 -b:a 192k ' + file.outputFullPath
	print ffstr
	foo = raw_input("eh")
	with ut.cd(file.vobDir):
		ffWorked = ff.go(ffstr)
		if ffWorked is not True:
			print 'makebroadcast encountered the following error trying to concatenate the VOBs'
			print ffWorked
			return False
			return True
def make_video(thefile):
	actually use everything we've made to make the mp4
    with ut.cd(thefile.dir):
        if thefile.ext == 'mxf':
            ffstr = 'ffmpeg -i ' + thefile.infullpath + ' -map 0 -dn -vf "weave,setfield=bff,setdar=4/3" -c:v libx264 -preset slower -crf 18 -c:a aac ' + thefile.outfullpath
            ffstr = 'ffmpeg -i ' + thefile.infullpath + ' -map 0 -dn -c:v libx264 -preset slower -crf 18 -c:a aac ' + thefile.outfullpath
        print ffstr
        ffWorked = ff.go(ffstr)
        if ffWorked is not True:
            print "makeaccess encountered an error transcoding that file"
            print ffWorked
Exemple #4
def sampleratenormalize(ffproc,kwargs):
	normalizes the sample rate to 96kHz for files which have had a speed change
	iofile = make_iofile(ffproc,kwargs,"hlvface")
	kwargs.filename = os.path.join(kwargs.processDir,iofile)
	full_ffstr = ff.sampleratenormalize(conf,kwargs)
	returncode = ff.go(full_ffstr)
	if returncode is not True:
		print "There was a problem processing " + kwargs.aNumber
		return False
		return True
Exemple #5
def make_audio(args, thefile):
	process audio objects into broadcast masters
	ar = conf.ffmpeg.acodec_broadcast_rate #audio rate
	acodec = conf.ffmpeg.acodec_broadcast #sample_fmt, signed 16-bit little-endian
	fadestring = '' #placeholder for fades, if we make em
	normstring = '' #placeholder for loudnorm
	filterstring = '' #placeholder for -af + fadestring + loudnorm
	id3string = id3_handler(args, thefile)

	if args.n is True:
		grips the normalize string
		normstring = conf.ffmpeg.filter_loudnorm

	#if args.s is True:#get the right channel config
		#ac = '2'

	if args.f is True:
		makes the fadestring
		streams = ff.probe_streams(thefile.infullpath)
		fadestart = float(streams['0.duration']) - 2.0
		fadestring = "afade=t=in:ss=0:d=2,afade=t=out:st=" + str(fadestart) + ":d=2" #generate the fade string using the fade out start time

	if fadestring and normstring:
		filterstring = "-af " + fadestring + "," + normstring
	elif fadestring or normstring:
		filterstring = "-af " + fadestring + normstring
	ffmpegstring = 'ffmpeg -i ' + thefile.infullpath + " " + id3string + ' -ar ' + ar + ' -c:a ' + acodec + ' ' + filterstring \
	+ ' ' + conf.ffmpeg.acodec_writeid3 + ' ' + conf.ffmpeg.acodec_master_writebext + ' -y ' + thefile.outfullpath
	#_ffmpegstring = ffmpegstring.decode("utf-8")
	#ffmpegstring = _ffmpegstring.encode("ascii","ignore")
	#print ffmpegstring
	ffWorked = ff.go(ffmpegstring)
	if ffWorked is True:
		cleanup(args, thefile) #rename and delete as necessary
		print "makebroadcast encountered an error transcoding that file"
		print ffWorked
def make_audio(thefile, mtdstr):  #make the mp3
	actually use everything we've configured so far to make an mp3
    with ut.cd(thefile.dir):
        if mtdstr:
            ffstr = 'ffmpeg -i ' + thefile.infullpath + ' ' + mtdstr + ' -ar ' + conf.ffmpeg.acodec_access_arate + \
            ' -ab ' + conf.ffmpeg.acodec_access_bitrate + ' -f mp3 ' + conf.ffmpeg.acodec_writeid3 + ' -y ' + thefile.outfullpath
            #subprocess.call(['ffmpeg','-f','ffmetadata','-i',mtdObj,'-i',startObj,'-ar','44100','-ab','320k','-f','mp3','-id3v2_version','3','-write_id3v1','1','-y',endObj], shell=True) #atually do it
            ffstr = 'ffmpeg -i ' + thefile.infullpath + ' -ar ' + conf.ffmpeg.acodec_access_arate + \
            ' -ab ' + conf.ffmpeg.acodec_access_bitrate + ' -f mp3 ' + conf.ffmpeg.acodec_writeid3 + ' -y ' + thefile.outfullpath
            #subprocess.call(['ffmpeg','-i',startObj,'-ar','44100','-ab','320k','-f','mp3','-id3v2_version','3','-write_id3v1','1','-y',endObj]) #atually do it
        print ffstr
        ffWorked = ff.go(ffstr)
        if ffWorked is not True:
            print "makeaccess encountered an error transcoding that file"
            print ffWorked
Exemple #7
def mono_silence(kwargs):
	runs silence remove on mono files
	ffmpeg -af silenceremove works on the file level, not stream level
	with ut.cd(kwargs.processDir):
		for f in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):#make a list of the whole directory contents
			if f.endswith(".wav"):#grip just wavs
				kwargs.filename = f
				print kwargs.filename
				full_ffstr = ff.prefix(f) + ff.audio_secondary_ffproc(conf,kwargs)
				returncode = ff.go(full_ffstr)
				if returncode is not True:
					print "There was a problem processing " + kwargs.aNumber
					return False
					return True
Exemple #8
def process(kwargs):
	directs the processing of a file
	#check if it's bigger than WAVE spec
	tooBig = size_check(kwargs)
	if tooBig is True:
		print "this file is too large to process with ffmpeg"
		return False
	#get the aNumber, channelConfig, face of the file
	acf = mtd.get_aNumber_channelConfig_face(conf.magneticTape.cnxn,**kwargs)
	print acf
	#verify that we got an object back from mtd.py
	if acf is None:
		return False
		#verify that FM record filled out compeltely
		processNone = 0
		for p in acf:
			if acf[p] is None:
				processNone = 1
				return False
		if processNone > 0:
			print ""
			print "ERROR - FileMaker record incomplete"
			print "Please check FileMaker record for rawcapture:"
			print args.i
			return False
		#add aNumber, channelConfig, face info to kwargs
		for k,v in acf.iteritems():
			kwargs[k] = v
		kwargs = ut.dotdict(kwargs)
		#verify that there's not two channelConfigs set in FM
		if "\r" in kwargs.channelConfig:
			return False
		kwargs.aNumber = "a" + kwargs.aNumber
		#init folder to do the work in
		kwargs.processDir = os.path.join(conf.magneticTape.new_ingest,kwargs.aNumber)
		if not os.path.exists(kwargs.processDir):
		#make the full ffstr using the paths we have
		ffproc = ff.audio_init_ffproc(conf,kwargs)
		full_ffstr = ff.prefix(os.path.join(conf.magneticTape.new_ingest,kwargs.rawcapNumber) + "." + conf.ffmpeg.acodec_master_format) + ffproc.ff_suffix
		print full_ffstr
		#run ffmpeg on the file and make sure it completes successfully
		with ut.cd(kwargs.processDir):
			ffWorked = ff.go(full_ffstr)
		if not ffWorked:
			return False
		#special add for mono files
		if not "Stereo" in kwargs.channelConfig and not "Cassette" in kwargs.channelConfig:
			ffWorked = mono_silence(kwargs)
		#if we need to reverse do it
		if ffproc.revface:
			revWorked = reverse(ffproc,kwargs)
			if revWorked is not True:
				print "there was a problem reversing the file"
				print revWorked
				return False
		#if we need to normalize our sample rate to 96kHz, because we sped up or slowed down a recording, do it here
		if ffproc.hlvface or ffproc.dblface:
			print "sample rate normalize"
			srnWorked = sampleratenormalize(ffproc,kwargs)
			if not srnWorked:
				print "there was a problem normalizing the sampel rate of the file"
				return False
		#embed bext info
		#hashmove them to the repo dir
		return True