Exemple #1
 def _get_rootH(self, _type, i, j):
     Return square root R of matrix H =  0.5(Cov^-1 Cl + (Cov^-1 Cl)^t)
     i.e. R R^t = H. (no beam)
     :param type:
     assert i < len(_type) and j < len(_type), (i, j, _type)
     if i > j: return self._get_rootH(_type, j, i)
     fname = self.lib_dir + '/%s_rootH_%s%s.npy' % (_type, i, j)
     if not os.path.exists(fname):
         Cinv = SM.get_Pmat(_type, self.lib_alm, self.cls_len,
                            cl_transf=self.cl_transf, cls_noise=self.cls_noise, inverse=True)
         R = np.zeros_like(Cinv)
         for _i in range(len(_type)):
             for _j in range(len(_type)):
                 for _k in range(0, len(_type)):
                     R[:, _i, _j] += Cinv[:, i, _k] * SM.get_unlPmat_ij(_type, self.lib_alm, self.cls_len, _k, j)
         del Cinv
         R = 0.5 * (R + np.swapaxes(R, 1, 2))  # symmetrisation without changing diagonal
         for _ell in range(self.lib_alm.ellmin, self.lib_alm.ellmax + 1):
             w, v = np.linalg.eigh(R[_ell, :, :])
             assert np.all(w >= 0.), w
             R_ell = np.dot(v, np.dot(np.diag(np.sqrt(w)), v.T))
             assert np.allclose(np.dot(R_ell, R_ell.transpose()), R[_ell, :, :])
             R[_ell, :, :] = np.copy(R_ell)
         for _i in range(len(_type)):
             for _j in range(_i, len(_type)):
                 _fname = self.lib_dir + '/%s_rootH_%s%s.npy' % (_type, _i, _j)
                 np.save(_fname, R[:, _i, _j])
                 print "Cached :", _fname
     return np.load(fname)
Exemple #2
    def _apply_signal(self, _type, alms, use_Pool=0):
        assert alms.shape == self._datalms_shape(_type), (alms.shape, self._datalms_shape(_type))

        t = timer(_timed, prefix=__name__, suffix=' _apply signal')
        t.checkpoint("just started")

        tempalms = np.empty(self._skyalms_shape(_type), dtype=complex)
        ret = np.empty_like(alms)
        for _i in range(len(_type)): tempalms[_i] = self._mask_alm(alms[_i], forward=False)
        tempalms = self._apply_beams(_type, tempalms)
        t.checkpoint(("masked alms and applied beams"))

        if use_Pool <= -100:
            import mllens_GPU.apply_GPU as apply_GPU
            f = self.f
            f_inv = self.f_inv
            apply_GPU.apply_FDxiDtFt_GPU_inplace(_type, self.lib_skyalm, self.lib_skyalm, tempalms, f, f_inv,
            tempalms = self._apply_beams(_type, tempalms)
            for _i in range(len(_type)):
                ret[_i] = self._mask_alm(tempalms[_i], forward=True)
            return ret + self.apply_noise(_type, alms)

        for _i in range(len(_type)):  # Lens with inverse and mult with determinant magnification.
            tempalms[_i] = self.f_inv.lens_alm(self.lib_skyalm, tempalms[_i],
                                               mult_magn=True, use_Pool=use_Pool)
        # NB : 7 new full sky alms for TQU in this routine - > 4 GB total for full sky lmax_sky =  6000.
        t.checkpoint("backward lens + det magn")

        skyalms = np.zeros_like(tempalms)
        for j in range(len(_type)):
            for i in range(len(_type)):
                skyalms[i] += get_unlPmat_ij(_type, self.lib_skyalm, self.cls_unl, i, j) * tempalms[j]
        del tempalms
        t.checkpoint("mult with Punl mat ")

        for i in range(len(_type)):  # Lens with forward displacement
            skyalms[i] = self.f.lens_alm(self.lib_skyalm, skyalms[i], use_Pool=use_Pool)
        t.checkpoint("Forward lensing mat ")

        skyalms = self._apply_beams(_type, skyalms)
        for _i in range(len(_type)):
            ret[_i] = self._mask_alm(skyalms[_i], forward=True)

        return ret
Exemple #3
 def get_W2(_type, i, j):
     ret = SM.get_unlPmat_ij(_type, self.lib_alm, self.cls_len, i, 0) * self._get_Pmatinv(_type, 0, j)
     for _k in range(1, len(_type)):
         ret += SM.get_unlPmat_ij(_type, self.lib_alm, self.cls_len, i, _k) * self._get_Pmatinv(_type, _k, j)
     _cl = self.cl_transf[0:self.lib_alm.ellmax + 1] ** 2
     return ret * _cl[self.lib_alm.reduced_ellmat()]
Exemple #4
 def get_W2(_type, i, j):
     ret = SM.get_unlPmat_ij(_type, self.lib_alm, self.cls_len, i, 0) * self._get_rootPmatinv(_type, 0, j)
     for _k in range(1, len(_type)):
         ret += SM.get_unlPmat_ij(_type, self.lib_alm, self.cls_len, i, _k) * self._get_rootPmatinv(_type,
                                                                                                    _k, j)
     return ret * self.cl_transf[self.lib_alm.reduced_ellmat()]