def main():
    ##  Initial print
    print('#############   FORWARD HIERACHICAL PROJECTOR  #############')

    ##  Get the startimg time of the reconstruction
    time1 = time.time()

    ##  Get input arguments
    args = getArgs()

    ##  Get input directory
    pathin = args.pathin
    if pathin[len(pathin)-1] != '/':
        pathin += '/'

    if os.path.exists( pathin ) is False:
        sys.exit('\nERROR: input directory ', pathin,' does not exist!')

    print('\nInput directory:\n', pathin)   

    ##  Get input image and number of views
    imgfile = args.image
    image = io.readImage( pathin + imgfile )
    npix = image.shape[0]

    print('\nSinogram to reconstruct:\n', imgfile)
    print('Number of pixels: ', npix)

    ##  Display image     
    if args.plot is True:
        dis.plot( image , 'Input image' )

    ##  Get projection angle range
    if args.geometry == '0' or args.geometry == '1':
        if args.angle_range.find( ':' ) == -1:
            angle_start = myfloat( args.angle_range )
            angle_end = angle_start + 180.0

            angle_aux = args.angle_range.find( ':' )
            angle_start = myfloat( angle_aux[0] )
            angle_end = myfloat( angle_aux[1] )

        print( '\nSelected angle range: [ ', angle_start,' , ', angle_end,' ]' )

    ##  Get projection geometry  
    print( 'args.geometry = ', args.geometry)
    if args.geometry == '0':
        nang = args.nang  
        print('\nDealing with equiangular projections distributed between 0 and'
                +' 180 degrees ---> [0,180)')
        angles = create_equally_spaced_angles( nang , angle_start , angle_end )

    elif args.geometry == '1':
        nang = args.nang
        angles = create_pseudo_polar_angles( nang ) * 180.0 / np.pi
        print('\nDealing with equally sloped projections in [0,180)')

        geometryfile = pathin + args.geometry
        print('\nReading list of projection angles: ', geometryfile)
        angles = np.fromfile( geometryfile , sep="\t" )

    nang = len( angles )

    print('Number of projection angles: ', nang)   

    if args.plot is True:
        print('\nProjection angles:\n', angles)


    ##  Pad image to reach number of required sinogram pixels
    if args.npix_s is not None:
        npix_s = args.npix_s
        npix_s = npix

    if args.base_size == 0:
        base_size = npix 
        base_size = args.base_size

    if args.down_size == 0:
        down_size = npix 
        down_size = args.down_size  

    ##  Set parameters
    print( '\nFHBP parameter setting:' )
    print( 'Number sinogram pixels: ' , npix_s )
    print( 'Base size: ' , base_size )
    print( 'Downsampling size: ' , down_size )
    print( 'Ratio sinogram / image sampling: ' , args.sampl_ratio )

    param = np.array( [ npix_s , base_size , down_size , 
                        args.sampl_ratio ] ) 

    ##  Apply forward projection operator
    time_rec1 = time.time()
    sino = fhbp.forwproj( image.astype( myfloat ) , angles.astype( myfloat ) ,
                          param.astype( myfloat ) )

    time_rec2 = time.time()


    ##  Crop sinogram
    if args.crop is True and npix_s > npix:
        print( 'Sinogram cropping enabled')
        i1 = int( 0.5 * ( npix_s - npix ) )
        i2 = i1 + npix
        sino = sino[::-1,i1:i2]

    ##  Display sinogram     
    if args.plot is True:
        dis.plot( sino , 'Sinogram' )

    ##  Save sinogram
    write_sinogram( sino , pathin , angles , args )

    ##  Time elapsed to run the code
    time2 = time.time()
    print('\nTime elapsed to run the forward gridrec: ', time_rec2-time_rec1)
    print('Total time elapsed for the run of the program: ', time2-time1)

    print('####    FORWARD PROJECTION DONE !  ####')