def store(): client = MongoClient(username=MONGO_USERNAME, password=MONGO_PASSWORD) try: client.server_info() except ServerSelectionTimeoutError as err: print("MongoClient could not reach server, is it running ?") raise client_es = Elasticsearch([ES_URL], http_auth=("elastic", ES_PASSWORD)) fhirstore = FHIRStore(client, client_es, DB_NAME) fhirstore.reset() fhirstore.bootstrap(depth=2, resource="Patient") fhirstore.bootstrap(depth=2, resource="Practitioner") fhirstore.bootstrap(depth=2, resource="MedicationRequest") return fhirstore
# uncomment the following line if mongo already has initialised # collections and you don't want to bootstrap them all # store.resume() # reset collections (comment if you used `store.resume()`) print("Dropping collections...") start = timer() store.reset() end = timer() print(end - start, "seconds") # create collections (comment if you used `store.resume()`) print("Creating collections...") start = timer() store.bootstrap(depth=3) end = timer() print(end - start, "seconds") # creating document print("Inserting documents...") json_folder_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "test/fixtures") json_files = [ x for x in os.listdir(json_folder_path) if x.endswith(".json") ] total = 0 for json_file in json_files: json_file_path = os.path.join(json_folder_path, json_file) with open(json_file_path, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) start = timer()