class MathCaptchaForm(forms.Form):
    Subclass of ``django.forms.Form`` which contains the math fields.
    Inherit this class in your forms to add math captcha support::

        class MyForm(MathCaptchaForm):
            field1 = forms.fields.CharField()
            # ...

    math_captcha_question = forms.fields.CharField(widget=NullWidget())
    math_captcha_field = MathField(label=settings.QUESTION)

    def clean_math_captcha_field(self):
Exemple #2
class MathCaptchaModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
    Subclass of ``django.forms.ModelForm`` which contains the math fields
    Inherit this class in your forms to add math captcha support::
        class MyForm(MathCaptchaModelForm):
            field1 = forms.fields.CharField()
            # ...
            class Meta:
                model = MyModel
    math_captcha_field = MathField(label=settings.QUESTION)
    math_captcha_question = forms.fields.CharField(widget=NullWidget())

    def clean(self):
        super(MathCaptchaModelForm, self).clean()