Exemple #1
class SubstitutionParser:
    """Parse input in order to substitute all variables($var)."""

    parser_path = os_file_path('parsing', 'substitution', 'Substitution.lark')

    def __init__(self):
        self.parser = LarkParserLoader.create_parser(self.parser_path)

    def parse(self, env: Environment, string: str) -> str:
        """Parse input, substitute variable and return the result."""
            tree = self.parser.parse(string)

            transformer = SubstitutionTransformer(env)
            tree = transformer.transform(tree)

            reconstructor = Reconstructor(self.parser)
            return reconstructor.reconstruct(tree)
        except (UnexpectedCharacters, UnexpectedToken) as e:
            raise ShellException('[Substitution]Unexpected characters at position %s' % e.pos_in_stream)
        except LarkError:
            raise ShellException('[Substitution]Parse error')
Exemple #2
class ShellParser:
    """Parse input string to list of commands."""
    parser_path = os_file_path('parsing', 'parser', 'ShellGrammar.lark')

    def __init__(self, command_factory: CommandFactory):
        self.parser = LarkParserLoader.create_parser(self.parser_path)
        self.shell_transformer = ShellTransformer(command_factory)

    def parse(self, string: str) -> list:
        """Parse input, return list of commands."""
            tree = self.get_ast(string)
            commands = self.shell_transformer.transform(tree)
            return commands
        except (UnexpectedCharacters, UnexpectedToken) as e:
            raise ShellException('[Parser]Unexpected characters at position %s' % e.pos_in_stream)
        except LarkError:
            raise ShellException('[Parser]Parse error')

    def get_ast(self, string: str) -> Tree:
        """Returns input string AST representation."""
        return self.parser.parse(string)
Exemple #3
import unittest

from parameterized import parameterized

from commands.CatCommand import CatCommand
from commands.Command import Command
from environment.Environment import Environment
from files.files_io import os_file_path
from test.CommandTest import CommandTest

file1 = os_file_path('test', 'test_file_1.txt')
file2 = os_file_path('test', 'test_file_2.txt')
fileNotExists = os_file_path('test', 'test_file_0.txt')

class CatCommandTest(CommandTest):
        ('empty', [], '', ''),
        ('one arg', [file1], '', 'Hello world!'),
        ('args', [file1,
                  file2], '', 'Hello world!Some string.\nSome other string.'),
        ('input', [], 'Hello from input', 'Hello from input'),
        ('input and args', [file1, file2], 'Hello from input',
         'Hello world!Some string.\nSome other string.'),
    def test(self, _, args, input_string, output_string):
        self.command_test(args, input_string, output_string)

    def command(self, args: list, environment: Environment) -> Command:
        return CatCommand(args, environment)
Exemple #4
import unittest

from parameterized import parameterized

from commands.Command import Command
from commands.CustomCommand import CustomCommand
from environment.Environment import Environment
from environment.os_environment import extend_environment
from files.files_io import os_file_path
from test.CommandTest import CommandTest

script = os_file_path('test', 'script.py')

class CustomCommandTest(CommandTest):
    def command(self, args: list, environment: Environment) -> Command:
        return CustomCommand(args, environment)

        ('python', 'python', [script], '', 'Hello world!\n'),
    def test(self, _, name, args, input_string, output_string):
        self.command_test([name] + args, input_string, output_string)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Exemple #5
import io
import unittest

from parameterized import parameterized

from Shell import Shell
from files.files_io import os_file_path

file1 = os_file_path('test', 'test_file_1.txt')

class ShellTest(unittest.TestCase):
        ('exit', 'exit\n', ''),
        ('echo', 'echo "Hello world!"\nexit\n', 'Hello world!\n'),
        ('substitution', 'x=42\necho "\'$x\'"\nexit\n', "'42'\n"),
        ('pipe', 'echo hello | wc\nexit\n',
         'newlines = 1;  words = 1; bytes = 5\n'),
        ('wc', 'wc test/test_file_1.txt\nexit\n',
         'newlines = 1;  words = 2; bytes = 12 test/test_file_1.txt\n'),
        ('cat', 'cat test/test_file_1.txt\nexit\n', 'Hello world!\n'),
        ('grep', 'grep other test/test_file_2.txt\nexit\n',
         'Some other string.\n'),
        ('wrong', '8 = 3\nexit\n', ''),
        ('substitution magic', 'x = ex\ny = it\necho $x$y\n$x$y\n', 'exit\n'),
    def test(self, _, input_string, output_string):
        input_stream = io.StringIO(input_string)
        output_stream = io.StringIO()

        # noinspection PyTypeChecker