Exemple #1
def sgr_sim_density(stripes, params):
    SGA = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/stream_gen_analysis.txt", ",")
    low_lam, high_lam = 200.0, 314.8  # from Sgr stripes: (200.025901082, 314.707561185)
    size = (high_lam - low_lam) / 15.0
    N_stars = [
        19386, 18734, 11096, 17044, 18736, 15409, 12519, 12248, 8853, 7328,
        5479, 4450, 3486, 2425, 971, 9511, 16119, 16603
    south = [79, 82, 86]
    out = []
    for i in range(15):
        print "# - Lambda wedge {0}:".format(i)
        num = str(i)
        name = "./sim_streams/lamsim_out_" + num + ".txt"
        data = fi.read_data(name, echo=1)
        total = len(data[:, 0])
        other = sc.sum(data[:, 3])
        length = 7.653333333  # bin size
        out.append([(low_lam + (size * i) + (size * 0.5)), total - other,
                    total, 0.0, total / length])
    for i in range(15, 18):
        print "# - Southern wedge {0}:".format(south[i - 15])
        data = fi.read_data("./sim_streams/sim_stripe_" + str(south[i - 15]) +
        total = len(data[:, 0])
        other = sc.sum(data[:, 3])
        length = SGA[i, 3]
        mu, r, theta, phi, wedge = eval(params[i][4]), eval(params[i][5]), \
            eval(params[i][6]), eval(params[i][7]), stripes[i]
        x, y, z = coor.stream2xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mu, r, theta, phi, wedge)
        Xs, Ys, Zs, lam, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x, y, z)
        out.append([lam, total - other, total, 0.0, total / length])
    fi.write_data(sc.array(out), "sgrNorth_density_sim.txt", ",",
                  " lam(mid), count, SDSS Deff, SDSS/FTO Deff, per degree")
Exemple #2
def do_compare_wedges(file1="stars-82.txt", file2="Stripe82_coadd.csv", stripe=82,
                      mag=0, size=1.0):
    """ Modify if size is not 1.0 """
    one_run = fi.read_data(file1)
    or_l = len(one_run[:,0])
    or_hist = sv.plot_wedge_density(one_run, stripe, q=0.458, r0=19.4,
                                    name="_rho1", mag=mag, plot=0, size=size)
    coadd = fi.read_data(file2)
    ca_l = len(coadd[:,0])
    ca_hist = sv.plot_wedge_density(coadd, stripe, q=0.458, r0=19.4,
                       name="_rho2", mag=mag, plot=0, size=size)
    # Separate into heights
    or_h = or_hist[:,1]
    ca_h = ca_hist[:,1]
    # Divide the first data set by the second
    if len(or_h) < len(ca_h):
        l = len(or_h)
        extra_h = -0.1*sc.ones((len(ca_h)-l))
        l = len(ca_h)
        extra_h = 0.1*sc.ones((len(or_h)-l))
    diff_h = sc.zeros(l)
    for i in range(l):
        diff_h[i] = ( or_h[i] / ca_h[i] )
    out = sc.zeros((l,3))
    for i in range(l):
        out[i,0], out[i,1] = ca_hist[i,0], diff_h[i]
        out[i,2] = 1.0 #ma.sqrt(or_hist[i,2]*or_hist[i,2] + ca_hist[i,2]*ca_hist[i,2])
    return out
Exemple #3
def get_errors(file1="../sgrnorth_paper/results_BG_easyread.txt",
    """ Takes in mu,nu,r errors, and turns them into a 3D "sigma sphere" for
        fitting a plane - GARBAGE"""
    wedges = [
        9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 79, 82, 86
    data = fi.read_data(file1, ",")
    errors = fi.read_data(file2)
    circ = []  # circular errors
    for i in range(len(data[:, 0])):
        # Get x,y,z errors due to d_R
        x0, y0, z0 = coor.stream2xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, data[i, 4], errors[i, 4],
                                     0.0, 0.0, wedges[i])
        # Get x,y,z errors due to d_mu - the difference between the original vector, and that vector shifted by d_mu
        x1, y1, z1 = coor.stream2xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, data[i, 4], data[i, 5],
                                     0.0, 0.0, wedges[i])
        x2, y2, z2 = coor.stream2xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                     (data[i, 4] + errors[i, 3]), data[i, 5],
                                     0.0, 0.0, wedges[i])
        x3, y3, z3 = (x2 - x1), (y2 - y1), (z2 - z1)
        #print x0,y0,z0, x3,y3,z3
        X = sc.sqrt(x0 * x0 + x3 + x3)
        Y = sc.sqrt(y0 * y0 + y3 + y3)
        Z = sc.sqrt(z0 * z0 + z3 + z3)
        print X, Y, Z
        circ.append(float(sc.sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z)))
    for item in circ:
        print item
    return circ
def sgr_sim_density(stripes, params):
    SGA = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/stream_gen_analysis.txt", ",")
    low_lam, high_lam = 200.0, 314.8  # from Sgr stripes: (200.025901082, 314.707561185)
    size = (high_lam - low_lam) / 15.0
    N_stars = [19386, 18734, 11096, 17044, 18736, 15409, 12519, 12248, 8853, 7328,
               5479, 4450, 3486, 2425, 971, 9511, 16119, 16603]
    south = [79, 82, 86]
    out = []
    for i in range(15):
        print "# - Lambda wedge {0}:".format(i)
        num = str(i)
        name = "./sim_streams/lamsim_out_"+num+".txt"
        data = fi.read_data(name, echo=1)
        total = len(data[:,0])
        other = sc.sum(data[:,3])
        length = 7.653333333  # bin size
        out.append([(low_lam+(size*i)+(size*0.5)), total-other, total, 0.0, total/length])
    for i in range(15,18):
        print "# - Southern wedge {0}:".format(south[i-15])
        data = fi.read_data("./sim_streams/sim_stripe_"+str(south[i-15])+".txt")
        total = len(data[:,0])
        other = sc.sum(data[:,3])
        length = SGA[i,3]
        mu, r, theta, phi, wedge = eval(params[i][4]), eval(params[i][5]), \
            eval(params[i][6]), eval(params[i][7]), stripes[i]
        x,y,z = coor.stream2xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mu, r, theta, phi, wedge)
        Xs, Ys, Zs, lam, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x,y,z)
        out.append([lam, total-other, total, 0.0, total/length])
    fi.write_data(sc.array(out), "sgrNorth_density_sim.txt", ",", " lam(mid), count, SDSS Deff, SDSS/FTO Deff, per degree")
Exemple #5
def unload_hists(l_in=None, red_in=None, dered_in=None):
    if l_in != None:  l_hist = fi.read_data(l_in, ",")
    else:  l_hist = None
    if red_in != None:  red_hist = fi.read_data(red_in, ",")
    else:  red_hist = None
    if dered_in != None:  dered_hist = fi.read_data(dered_in, ",")
    else:  dered_hist = None
    return l_hist, red_hist, dered_hist
Exemple #6
def unload_hists(l_in=None, red_in=None, dered_in=None):
    if l_in != None: l_hist = fi.read_data(l_in, ",")
    else: l_hist = None
    if red_in != None: red_hist = fi.read_data(red_in, ",")
    else: red_hist = None
    if dered_in != None: dered_hist = fi.read_data(dered_in, ",")
    else: dered_hist = None
    return l_hist, red_hist, dered_hist
Exemple #7
def fit_distance():
    dmod = [0.0, 5.0, 10.0, -5.0, -10.0]
    filename = "./Girardi_Isochrones/"+name+"_0.dat"
    iso_data = fi.read_data(filename)
    if name != 'Pal5':
        clus_data = fi.read_data("noU_NGC_"+name+"_cluster.csv", ",")
        clus_data = fi.read_data("noU_"+name+"_cluster.csv", ",")
    if dist < 10.0:  high = 7.0
    elif dist < 20.0:  high = 6.0
    else:  high = 5.5
    clus = format_data(clus_data, dist, cuts=(3.5, high))
Exemple #8
def fit_distance():
    dmod = [0.0, 5.0, 10.0, -5.0, -10.0]
    filename = "./Girardi_Isochrones/" + name + "_0.dat"
    iso_data = fi.read_data(filename)
    if name != 'Pal5':
        clus_data = fi.read_data("noU_NGC_" + name + "_cluster.csv", ",")
        clus_data = fi.read_data("noU_" + name + "_cluster.csv", ",")
    if dist < 10.0: high = 7.0
    elif dist < 20.0: high = 6.0
    else: high = 5.5
    clus = format_data(clus_data, dist, cuts=(3.5, high))
Exemple #9
def fit_iso(name, dist, plot=1):
    if name != 'Pal5':
        clus_data = fi.read_data("noU_NGC_"+name+"_cluster.csv", ",")
        clus_data = fi.read_data("noU_"+name+"_cluster.csv", ",")
    if dist < 10.0:  high = 7.0
    elif dist < 20.0:  high = 6.0
    else:  high = 5.5
    clus = format_data(clus_data, dist, cuts=(3.5, high))
    iso_data, age = [], []
    for i in range(len(mod)):
            filename = "./Giso_shifted/"+name+mod[i]+".dat"
        except IOError:
            print "!!! File not found - {0}".format(filename)
    """ Get R-squared values for each isochrone"""
    iso, RR = [], []
    for i in range(len(iso_data)):
        iso.append(format_isochrone(iso_data[i], cuts=(7.0, 3.5)))
        results = poly.poly_fit(0.0,iso[i][:,0],iso[i][:,1],iso[i][:,2], 6, verbose=0)
        RR.append(R_squared(clus, results))
    points = sc.array(zip(age, RR))
    max = sc.ma.max(points[:,1])
    RRmod = -1.0*(points[:,1] - max)
    sigma = 0.1*sc.ones(len(RRmod))
    c, d, start = mc.do_MCMC(func.gaussian_function, sc.array([0.1, 0.0, 0.2]), sc.array([0.001,0.001,0.001]),
               points[:,0], RRmod, sigma, "test", number_steps=10000, save=0)
    best = gd.gradient_descent(func.gaussian_function, start,
                               points[:,0], RRmod, sigma)
    # One-dimensional errors
    if len(RR) != 5:
        error = np.sqrt(abs((8.0*0.2*0.2) / (2.0*(RR[-1]-RR[0])) ) )  #Uses last point, which should be the '-2'
        error = np.sqrt(abs((8.0*0.2*0.2) / (RR[2] + RR[4] - 2.0*RR[0])))  # Hesssian error for one parameter fit
    # Plot these bad boys
    if plot==1:
        plt.errorbar(clus[:,0], clus[:,1], yerr=clus[:,2], fmt='o')
        for i in range(len(iso)):
            plt.plot(iso[i][:,0], (iso[i][:,1]) )
        plt.scatter(points[:,0], points[:,1])
        x = sc.arange(plt.xlim()[0], plt.xlim()[1], 0.01)
        y = -1.0*(func.gaussian_function(x, best)) + max #func.gaussian_function(x, best) #
        plt.plot(x,y, 'g-')
        plt.savefig(name+"_isoAn2.ps", papertype='letter')
    return (sc.array(zip(age,RR)), best, error)
def do_wedgeplots():
    files = glob.glob('stripe_[7-8][0-9].txt')
    print files
    for stripe in files:
        wedge = stripe[7:9]
        data = fi.read_data(stripe)
        plot_stripe_mur(data, int(wedge), ("wedge_" + wedge))
def plot_stuff(args):
    g_avg = 4.18
    data = f.read_data(filename)
    l, w = data.shape
    blue_base, yellow_base, red_base = data[0,1], data[0,5], data[0,9]
    """ 2nd file stuff """
    """file2 = args[1]
    data2 = f.read_data(file2)
    l2, w2 = data2.shape
    blue_base2, yellow_base2, red_base2 = data2[0,1], data2[0,5], data2[0,9]"""
    fig = plt.figure(1)
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    '''Plot Blue Box'''    
#    plt.subplot(3,1,1)
#    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,1]/blue_base), 'b-')
#    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,2]/blue_base), 'y-')
#    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,3]/blue_base), 'r-')
    '''Plot Yellow Box'''    
#    plt.subplot(3,1,2)
#    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,4]/yellow_base), 'b-')
#    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,5]/yellow_base), 'y-')
#    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,6]/yellow_base), 'r-')
    '''Plot Red Box'''    
#    plt.subplot(3,1,3)
#    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,7]/red_base), 'b-')
#    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,8]/red_base), 'y-')
#    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,9]/red_base), 'r-')
    '''Plot Only turnoff stars'''
    ax1.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,5]/yellow_base), 'y-')
    ax1.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,2]/yellow_base), 'b-')
    ax1.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,8]/yellow_base), 'r-')
    ax1.plot( data[:,0], ((data[:,5]+data[:,2]+data[:,8])/yellow_base), 'k-')
    ''' Agiain!  For files '''
    """ax1.plot( data2[:,0], (data2[:,5]/yellow_base), 'y:')
    ax1.plot( data2[:,0], (data2[:,2]/yellow_base), 'b:')
    ax1.plot( data2[:,0], (data2[:,8]/yellow_base), 'r:')
    ax1.plot( data2[:,0], ((data2[:,5]+data2[:,2]+data2[:,8])/yellow_base), 'k:')"""
    '''Fancy double x-axis plotting stuff'''
    x_tick = ax1.get_xticks()
    plt.xlabel(r'$d_{\rm eff}$, kpc', fontsize=10)
    plt.ylabel(r'Fraction of Initial', fontsize=10)
    new_ticks = []
    for i in range(len(x_tick)):
        if x_tick[i] == 0:
            new_ticks.append("") #(g_avg)
            new_ticks.append(round( (5.0*m.log10(x_tick[i]/0.01) + g_avg), 1) )
    x_lim = ax1.get_xlim()
    new_lim = (g_avg), (5.0*m.log10(x_lim[1]/0.01) + g_avg)
    ax2 = ax1.twiny()
    plt.xticks(x_tick, new_ticks)
    plt.xlabel(r'$g_{0}$', fontsize=10)
    return 0
def unpack_data(resfile, namestr=None):
    """Get data from a custom file, and unpacks the correct entries into HistFits """
    names, parameters, errors = [], [], []
    readfile = open(resfile,"r")
    count, unpack = 1, 0
    for line in readfile:
        if line.strip() == "":  continue
        if line[0] == "#":  continue
        if namestr == None:  unpack = 1
            if (re.search(namestr, line) != None):  unpack = 1
        # unpack wanted values
        if (unpack == 1) and (count == 1):
            count = 2
        if (unpack == 1) and (count == 2):
            count = 3
        if (unpack == 1) and (count == 3):
            count = 1
            unpack = 0
        # skip unwanted values
        if (unpack == 0) and (count == 1):
            count = 2
        if (unpack == 0) and (count == 2):
            count = 3
        if (unpack == 0) and (count == 3):
            count = 1
            unpack = 0
    # if no matching sets were found, exit
    if len(names) == 0:
        print "!!! No entries matching description {0} were found !!!".format(namestr)
        return 0
    fits = []
    #print names, parameters, errors
    for i in range(len(names)):
        params = (parameters[i].strip("[] ")).split()
        for j in range(len(params)):
            params[j] = eval(params[j])
        errs = (errors[i].strip("[] ")).split()
        for j in range(len(errs)):
            errs[j] = eval(errs[j])
        fits.append(HistFit(names[i], params, errs))
    """ Now get the files loaded in """
    files = glob.glob("./An_Project/*"+namestr+"*.txt")
    for i in range(len(fits)):
        lookfor = str(fits[i].dist)
        # The "+1" will cause it to error out if no matching file is found
        for j in range(len(files)+1):
            if re.search(lookfor, files[j]) != None:  break
    return fits
Exemple #13
def show_lambda():
    data = fi.read_data("./sep_lbr/s1-79.txt")
    x, y, z = coor.lbr2xyz(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2])
    Xs, Ys, Zs, lam1, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x, y, z)
    data = fi.read_data("./sep_lbr/s1-82.txt")
    x, y, z = coor.lbr2xyz(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2])
    Xs, Ys, Zs, lam2, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x, y, z)
    data = fi.read_data("./sep_lbr/s1-86.txt")
    x, y, z = coor.lbr2xyz(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2])
    Xs, Ys, Zs, lam3, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x, y, z)
    plt.hist(lam3, 20)
    plt.hist(lam2, 20)
    plt.hist(lam1, 20)
Exemple #14
def make_table_werrors(stripes, params):
    file2 = "../sgrnorth_paper/results_errors_final.txt"
    errors = fi.read_data(file2)
    for i, stripe in enumerate(stripes):
        if stripe == 9 or stripe == 22 or stripe == 82:
            theta, phi = (ma.pi - eval(params[i][6])), (
                eval(params[i][7]) + ma.pi)  #not sure if needed anymore
            theta, phi = float(params[i][6]), float(params[i][7])
        theta, phi = coor.angle_bounds3(theta * deg, phi * deg, phi_max=180.0)
        theta, phi = theta * rad, phi * rad
        fit = [
            float(params[i][5]), theta, phi,
        # put it together
        out = str(stripe) + " & "
        for j in range(2, 8):
            out = out + str(round(fit[j - 1], 2)) + r" \pm " + str(
                round(errors[i, j], 2)) + r" & "
        out = out + r" \\"
        print out, "\n"
        back = [
Exemple #15
def metal_con(filename, distances, real_dist, bins=35, limits=(-3.1, 0.2),
              avgs=1, detection=1, tag="out"):
    """ main bit """
    if filename[-4:] == '.csv':  delim = ','
    else:  delim = None
    data = shift_data(fi.read_data(filename, delim), real_dist, distances[0])
    mod_actual = 5.*(ma.log10(real_dist*1000) - 1.)
    mod_new = 5.*(ma.log10(distances[0]*1000) - 1.)
    mod = mod_actual - mod_new
    print "Effective Magnitude Shift = {0}, average g={1}".format(mod, sc.mean(data[:,2]))
    new_data = cut_data(data, 4,2,3,5, deff=0, modulus=mod, full=1)
    FeH = get_photo_metal(new_data[:,4],new_data[:,2],new_data[:,3])
    ref_hist = np.histogram(FeH, bins, limits)
    hist = []
    #Also iterate over several runs and average
    for i in range(len(distances)):
        print "#- Convolving to distance {0} kpc".format(distances[i])
        if i==0:  deff=0
        else: deff=detection
        temp_hist = []
        for j in range(avgs):
            #holds dist constant, applies appropriate errors for new distance
            new_data = con.convolve(data, real_dist, distances[i])
            #shift data so detection efficiency works correctly;  has no noticable effect if deff=0
            new_data = shift_data(new_data, distances[0], distances[i])
            # apply color cuts and detection efficiency to shifted and convolved data
            new_data = cut_data(new_data, 4,2,3,5, deff=deff, modulus=None, full=0)
            print "Average g = {0}, total stars = {1}".format(sc.mean(new_data[:,2]), len(new_data[:,0]))
            FeH = get_photo_metal(new_data[:,4],new_data[:,2],new_data[:,3])
            temp_hist.append(np.histogram(FeH, bins, limits))
        new_hist = avg_hists(temp_hist)
    plot_hists(hist, ref_hist, distances, tag)
    return hist
Exemple #16
def dotties():
    data = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/planefit_results.txt", ",")
    planes = []
    for i in range(6):
        planes.append(data[i, :])
    #for plane in planes:  print plane
    dots = sc.zeros((6, 6))
    for i in range(6):
        for j in range(6):
            dots[i, j] = (sc.arccos(planes[i][0] * planes[j][0] +
                                    planes[i][1] * planes[j][1] +
                                    planes[i][2] * planes[j][2])) * deg
    print dots
    errors = sc.zeros((6, 6))
    for i in range(6):
        for j in range(6):
            dotty = planes[i][0] * planes[j][0] + planes[i][1] * planes[j][
                1] + planes[i][2] * planes[j][2]
            factor = -1.0 / sc.sqrt(1 - dotty * dotty)
            print factor
            errors[i, j] = factor * (
                planes[j][0] * planes[i][4] + planes[i][0] * planes[j][4] +
                planes[j][1] * planes[i][5] + planes[i][1] * planes[j][5] +
                planes[j][2] * planes[i][6] +
                planes[i][2] * planes[j][6]) * deg
            #if i==3 and j==5:  print dotty
    print errors
    Sgr = [14.655645800014774, 2.2704309216189817, -5.8873772610912614]
    print "# - dist to Sgr Core:"
    for plane in planes:
        print (Sgr[0]*plane[0] + Sgr[1]*plane[1] + Sgr[2]*plane[2] + plane[3]), \
        (Sgr[0]*plane[4] + Sgr[1]*plane[5] + Sgr[2]*plane[6] + plane[7])
Exemple #17
def show_lambda():
    data = fi.read_data("./sep_lbr/s1-79.txt")
    x,y,z = coor.lbr2xyz(data[:,0],data[:,1],data[:,2])
    Xs,Ys,Zs,lam1,beta,r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x,y,z)
    data = fi.read_data("./sep_lbr/s1-82.txt")
    x,y,z = coor.lbr2xyz(data[:,0],data[:,1],data[:,2])
    Xs,Ys,Zs,lam2,beta,r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x,y,z)
    data = fi.read_data("./sep_lbr/s1-86.txt")
    x,y,z = coor.lbr2xyz(data[:,0],data[:,1],data[:,2])
    Xs,Ys,Zs,lam3,beta,r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x,y,z)
    plt.hist(lam3, 20)
    plt.hist(lam2, 20)
    plt.hist(lam1, 20)
Exemple #18
def dotties():
    data = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/planefit_results.txt", ",")
    planes = []
    for i in range(6):
    #for plane in planes:  print plane
    dots = sc.zeros((6,6))
    for i in range(6):
        for j in range(6):
            dots[i,j] = (sc.arccos(planes[i][0]*planes[j][0] + planes[i][1]*planes[j][1]
                                   + planes[i][2]*planes[j][2]))*deg
    print dots
    errors = sc.zeros((6,6))
    for i in range(6):
        for j in range(6):
            dotty = planes[i][0]*planes[j][0]+planes[i][1]*planes[j][1]+planes[i][2]*planes[j][2]
            factor = -1.0 / sc.sqrt(1 - dotty*dotty)
            print factor
            errors[i,j] = factor*(planes[j][0]*planes[i][4] + planes[i][0]*planes[j][4] +
                                  planes[j][1]*planes[i][5] + planes[i][1]*planes[j][5] +
                                  planes[j][2]*planes[i][6] + planes[i][2]*planes[j][6])*deg
            #if i==3 and j==5:  print dotty
    print errors
    Sgr = [14.655645800014774, 2.2704309216189817, -5.8873772610912614]
    print "# - dist to Sgr Core:"
    for plane in planes:
        print (Sgr[0]*plane[0] + Sgr[1]*plane[1] + Sgr[2]*plane[2] + plane[3]), \
        (Sgr[0]*plane[4] + Sgr[1]*plane[5] + Sgr[2]*plane[6] + plane[7])
Exemple #19
def plane_fit_table():
    """  Make latex tables from a set of plane-fits """
    data = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/planefit_results.txt", ",")
    for i in range(len(data[:,0])):
        string = ""
        for j in range(4):
            string = string + " & " + str(round(data[i,j],3)) + r"$\pm$" + str(round(data[i,j+4],3))
        print string
def do_testwedgeplots():
    files = glob.glob('single*.txt')
    print files
    for stripe in files:
        wedge = stripe[7:-4]
        data = fi.read_data(stripe)
        #plot_stripe_mur(data, 82, ("wedge_"+wedge))
        plot_stripe_mug(data, 82, ("wedge_g_" + wedge))
Exemple #21
def do_compare_wedges(file1="stars-82.txt",
    """ Modify if size is not 1.0 """
    one_run = fi.read_data(file1)
    or_l = len(one_run[:, 0])
    or_hist = sv.plot_wedge_density(one_run,
    coadd = fi.read_data(file2)
    ca_l = len(coadd[:, 0])
    ca_hist = sv.plot_wedge_density(coadd,
    # Separate into heights
    or_h = or_hist[:, 1]
    ca_h = ca_hist[:, 1]
    # Divide the first data set by the second
    if len(or_h) < len(ca_h):
        l = len(or_h)
        extra_h = -0.1 * sc.ones((len(ca_h) - l))
        l = len(ca_h)
        extra_h = 0.1 * sc.ones((len(or_h) - l))
    diff_h = sc.zeros(l)
    for i in range(l):
        diff_h[i] = (or_h[i] / ca_h[i])
    out = sc.zeros((l, 3))
    for i in range(l):
        out[i, 0], out[i, 1] = ca_hist[i, 0], diff_h[i]
            2] = 1.0  #ma.sqrt(or_hist[i,2]*or_hist[i,2] + ca_hist[i,2]*ca_hist[i,2])
    return out
def one_wedge_plots():
    for stripe in stripes:
        data = fi.read_data("/home/newbym2/Desktop/star_holder/stars-"+str(stripe[0])+".txt")
        mu_lim = (stripe[1], stripe[2])
        outname = "wedgeplot-"+str(stripe[0])
        sv.plot_stripe_mur(data=data, wedge=wedge, mu_lim=mu_lim, outname=outname,
                       r_lim=None, mag=0, scale=1, color=1,  nu_flatten=0)
        print "# - Stripe {0} Complete".format(stripe[0])
Exemple #23
def do_cuts(infile, delimiter, outfile, cuts):
    # Get data
    data = fi.read_data(infile, delimiter)
    # cut data
    for i in range(len(cuts)):
        data = do_one_cut(data, cuts[i])
    # write data
    fi.write_data(data, outfile, delimiter)
    print "# - Finished with cuts"
Exemple #24
def do_cuts(infile, delimiter, outfile, cuts):
    # Get data
    data = fi.read_data(infile, delimiter)
    # cut data
    for i in range(len(cuts)):
        data = do_one_cut(data, cuts[i])
    # write data
    fi.write_data(data, outfile, delimiter)
    print "# - Finished with cuts"
Exemple #25
def plane_fit_table():
    """  Make latex tables from a set of plane-fits """
    data = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/planefit_results.txt", ",")
    for i in range(len(data[:, 0])):
        string = ""
        for j in range(4):
            string = string + " & " + str(round(
                data[i, j], 3)) + r"$\pm$" + str(round(data[i, j + 4], 3))
        print string
Exemple #26
def rejection(filename, min=None, max=None, bin=0.2, reject=2.0, thresh=1000.0):
    data = fi.read_data(filename, ",")
    if min == None:
        min = np.ma.min(data[:,2])
    if max == None:
        max = np.ma.max(data[:,2])
    data_out = []
    steps = int((max-min)/bin)+1
    for i in range(steps):
        # build a data set for each bin
        data_temp = []
        min_temp, max_temp = (min + i*bin), (min + (i+1)*bin)
        for j in range(len(data[:,0])):
            if (data[j,2] >= min_temp) and (data[j,2] < max_temp):
        print "number of stars in bin {0}: {1}".format(i, len(data_temp))
        if len(data_temp)==0:  continue  #skip empty sets
        # continue checking for rejections until no rejections occur
        kills = [1] 
        while len(kills) > 0:
            kills, new_temp = [], []
            # pack the g-r values into a single list
            g_minus_r = []
            for j in range(len(data_temp)):
            g_minus_r = sc.array(g_minus_r)
            avg = sc.mean(g_minus_r)
            stdev = sc.std(g_minus_r)
            #print avg, stdev
            # Find the values that lie outside 'reject' sigma
            for j in range(len(g_minus_r)):
                diff = ma.fabs( g_minus_r[j] - avg )
                if diff > (reject*stdev):  kills.append(data_temp[j])
                elif diff > thresh:  kills.append(data_temp[j])
                else:  new_temp.append(data_temp[j])
            data_temp = new_temp
        data_out = data_out + data_temp
        print "Stars kept in bin: {0}".format(len(data_temp))
    # restructure data
    data_out = sc.array(data_out)
    print " {0} stars remaining out of {1} original stars".format(len(data_out[:,0]), len(data[:,0]))
    g_minus_r_ori = data[:,2] - data[:,3]
    g_minus_r_out = data_out[:,2] - data_out[:,3]
    # show plot, then ask to save data set
    fig = plt.figure()
    #plt.scatter(g_minus_r_ori, data[:,2], 2, marker='o', facecolor="r", edgecolor='face')
    plt.scatter(g_minus_r_out, data_out[:,2], 1, 'k', 'o')
    plt.ylim(max, min)
    plt.xlim(-1.0, 2.0)
    fname = raw_input("save data? [filename to save, empty to skip]")
    if fname != "":
        fi.write_data(data_out, fname, header="#")
    print "# --- Done"
def sgr_plot(folder="./sep_lbr"):
    files = glob.glob(folder + "/*.txt")
    for file in files:
        data = fi.read_data(file)
        Xs, Ys, Zs, lam, beta, r = coor.lb2sgr(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:,
        plt.scatter(lam, beta, s=1, c="black")
def multi_wedge_plots():
    prefix, pack = ["bg-", "s1-", "s2-", "s3-"], []
    folder = "/home/newbym2/Desktop/star_holder/sep_lbr/"
    for stripe in stripes:
        mu_lim = (stripe[1], stripe[2])
        outname = "multi-wedgeplot-"+str(stripe[0])
        for tag in prefix:
        sv.plot_separation_mur(pack, wedge, outname, mag=0, scale=1, color=1, mu_lim=mu_lim,
                               r_lim=None, nu_flatten=0)
        print "# - Stripe {0} Complete".format(stripe[0])
Exemple #29
def get_errors(file1="../sgrnorth_paper/results_BG_easyread.txt",
    """ Takes in mu,nu,r errors, and turns them into a 3D "sigma sphere" for
        fitting a plane - GARBAGE"""
    wedges = [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 79, 82, 86]
    data = fi.read_data(file1, ",")
    errors = fi.read_data(file2)
    circ = []  # circular errors
    for i in range(len(data[:,0])):
        # Get x,y,z errors due to d_R
        x0, y0, z0 = coor.stream2xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, data[i,4], errors[i,4], 0.0, 0.0, wedges[i])
        # Get x,y,z errors due to d_mu - the difference between the original vector, and that vector shifted by d_mu
        x1, y1, z1 = coor.stream2xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, data[i,4], data[i,5], 0.0, 0.0, wedges[i])
        x2, y2, z2 = coor.stream2xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, (data[i,4]+errors[i,3]), data[i,5], 0.0, 0.0, wedges[i])
        x3, y3, z3 = (x2-x1), (y2-y1), (z2-z1)
        #print x0,y0,z0, x3,y3,z3
        X = sc.sqrt(x0*x0 + x3+x3)
        Y = sc.sqrt(y0*y0 + y3+y3)
        Z = sc.sqrt(z0*z0 + z3+z3)
        print X,Y,Z
        circ.append(float(sc.sqrt(X*X+Y*Y+Z*Z) ) )
    for item in circ:  print item
    return circ
Exemple #30
def metal_con(filename,
              limits=(-3.1, 0.2),
    """ main bit """
    if filename[-4:] == '.csv': delim = ','
    else: delim = None
    data = shift_data(fi.read_data(filename, delim), real_dist, distances[0])
    mod_actual = 5. * (ma.log10(real_dist * 1000) - 1.)
    mod_new = 5. * (ma.log10(distances[0] * 1000) - 1.)
    mod = mod_actual - mod_new
    print "Effective Magnitude Shift = {0}, average g={1}".format(
        mod, sc.mean(data[:, 2]))
    new_data = cut_data(data, 4, 2, 3, 5, deff=0, modulus=mod, full=1)
    FeH = get_photo_metal(new_data[:, 4], new_data[:, 2], new_data[:, 3])
    ref_hist = np.histogram(FeH, bins, limits)
    hist = []
    #Also iterate over several runs and average
    for i in range(len(distances)):
        print "#- Convolving to distance {0} kpc".format(distances[i])
        if i == 0: deff = 0
        else: deff = detection
        temp_hist = []
        for j in range(avgs):
            #holds dist constant, applies appropriate errors for new distance
            new_data = con.convolve(data, real_dist, distances[i])
            #shift data so detection efficiency works correctly;  has no noticable effect if deff=0
            new_data = shift_data(new_data, distances[0], distances[i])
            # apply color cuts and detection efficiency to shifted and convolved data
            new_data = cut_data(new_data,
            print "Average g = {0}, total stars = {1}".format(
                sc.mean(new_data[:, 2]), len(new_data[:, 0]))
            FeH = get_photo_metal(new_data[:, 4], new_data[:, 2], new_data[:,
            temp_hist.append(np.histogram(FeH, bins, limits))
        new_hist = avg_hists(temp_hist)
    plot_hists(hist, ref_hist, distances, tag)
    return hist
Exemple #31
def sgr_density_south(stripes, params):
    out = []
    for i in range(15, 18):
        mu, r, theta, phi, wedge = eval(params[i][4]), eval(params[i][5]), \
            eval(params[i][6]), eval(params[i][7]), stripes[i]
        print mu, r, theta, phi
        x, y, z = coor.stream2xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mu, r, theta, phi, wedge)
        Xs, Ys, Zs, lam, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x, y, z)
        print lam, beta, r, stripes[i]
        name = "./sep_lbr/s1-" + str(stripes[i]) + ".txt"
        data = fi.read_data(name, echo=1)
        wedge_norm = coor.stripe_normal(stripes[i])
        plane_norm = [
            0.03176573688051381, 0.98687684085235916, 0.15831942063343135
        stream_norm = [
            sc.cos(phi) * sc.sin(theta),
            sc.sin(phi) * sc.sin(theta),
        print wedge_norm, stream_norm
        dotty = wedge_norm[0] * stream_norm[0] + wedge_norm[1] * stream_norm[
            1] + wedge_norm[2] * stream_norm[2]
        #dotty2 = plane_norm[0]*wedge_norm[0] + plane_norm[1]*stream_norm[1] + plane_norm[2]*stream_norm[2]
        if dotty > 1.0: print "!!!  Not a valid dot-product: {0}".format(dotty)
        H = abs(2.5 / dotty)
        #H2 = 2.5 / sc.sqrt(1 - (dotty2*dotty2))
        print "H = ", H, dotty, sc.arccos(dotty) * 180.0 / ma.pi  #, H2
        count, in_1, in_2 = 0, 0.0, 0.0
        lam_low, lam_high = 360.0, 0.0
        for j in range(len(data[:, 0])):
            l, b, r = data[j, 0], data[j, 1], data[j, 2]
            count = count + 1
            # Correct for completeness
            Deff = 1.0 / SDSS_eff(r)
            in_1 = in_1 + Deff
            in_2 = in_2 + Deff + 1.0 / TO_eff(r)
            x, y, z = coor.lbr2xyz(l, b, r)
            Xs, Ys, Zs, lam2, beta2, r2 = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x, y, z)
            if lam2 < lam_low: lam_low = lam2
            if lam2 > lam_high: lam_high = lam2
        out.append([lam, count, in_1, in_2, in_2 / H])
        print "--- Lambda Range: {0}:{1}".format(lam_low, lam_high)
        print "###   Number of stars in stream:  {0}".format(count)
        print "###   Corrected for SDSS Eff.:    {0}".format(in_1)
        print "###   Corrected for SDSS/FTO Eff: {0}".format(in_2)
    for o in out:
        print o
    return sc.array(out)
Exemple #32
def one_wedge_plots():
    for stripe in stripes:
        data = fi.read_data("/home/newbym2/Desktop/star_holder/stars-" +
                            str(stripe[0]) + ".txt")
        wedge = stripe[0]
        mu_lim = (stripe[1], stripe[2])
        outname = "wedgeplot-" + str(stripe[0])
        print "# - Stripe {0} Complete".format(stripe[0])
def do_densityplots():
    files = glob.glob('single*[0-4]_2.txt')
    #files = glob.glob('stripe_[7-8][0-9].txt')
    print files
    for stripe in files:
        #wedge = stripe[7:9]
        wedge = stripe[7:12]
        data = fi.read_data(stripe)
                           name=("hernquist_" + wedge),
                           mag=0)  #int(wedge)
Exemple #34
def make_table_werrors(stripes, params):
    for i, stripe in enumerate(stripes):
        if stripe==9 or stripe==22 or stripe==82:
            theta, phi = (ma.pi-eval(params[i][6]) ), (eval(params[i][7]) + ma.pi) #not sure if needed anymore
            theta, phi = float(params[i][6]), float(params[i][7])
        theta, phi = coor.angle_bounds3(theta*deg, phi*deg, phi_max=180.0)
        theta, phi = theta*rad, phi*rad
        fit = [stripe, float(params[i][3]), float(params[i][4]), float(params[i][5]),
               theta, phi, float(params[i][8]) ]
        # put it together
        out = str(stripe)+" & "
        for j in range(2,8):
            out = out + str(round(fit[j-1],2))+r" \pm "+str(round(errors[i,j],2))+r" & "
        out = out + r" \\"
        print out, "\n"
        back = [stripe, ]
Exemple #35
def multi_wedge_plots():
    prefix, pack = ["bg-", "s1-", "s2-", "s3-"], []
    folder = "/home/newbym2/Desktop/star_holder/sep_lbr/"
    for stripe in stripes:
        wedge = stripe[0]
        mu_lim = (stripe[1], stripe[2])
        outname = "multi-wedgeplot-" + str(stripe[0])
        for tag in prefix:
            pack.append(fi.read_data(folder + tag + str(wedge) + ".txt"))
        print "# - Stripe {0} Complete".format(stripe[0])
Exemple #36
def compare_MW():
    stripes1, params1 = load_params("../sgrnorth_paper/results_BG_easyread.txt")
    stripes2, params2 = load_params("../sgrnorth_paper/results_MW_easyread.txt")
    table = []
    for i in range(15):
        if float(params2[i][0]) > float(params1[i][0]):  line = "YES "
        else:  line = "NO  "
        table_l = str(stripes1[i])+" & "    
        for j in range(1,9):
            #print params1[i][j], params2[i][j], errors[i,(j-1)]
            diff = abs(float(params1[i][j])-float(params2[i][j])) / errors[i,(j-1)]
            #diff = 100.0*abs(float(params1[i][j])-float(params2[i][j])) / float(params1[i][j])
            line = line + str(round(diff,2)) + "\t"  #FOR JUST Dsigmas
            param = float(params2[i][j])
            table_l = table_l + str(round(param,2)) + "/" + str(round(diff,2)) + " & "
        print stripes1[i], stripes2[i], line
    for item in table:
        print item
Exemple #37
def sgr_density_south(stripes, params):
    out = []
    for i in range(15, 18):
        mu, r, theta, phi, wedge = eval(params[i][4]), eval(params[i][5]), \
            eval(params[i][6]), eval(params[i][7]), stripes[i]
        print mu, r, theta, phi
        x,y,z = coor.stream2xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mu, r, theta, phi, wedge)
        Xs, Ys, Zs, lam, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x,y,z)
        print lam, beta, r, stripes[i]
        name = "./sep_lbr/s1-"+str(stripes[i])+".txt"
        data = fi.read_data(name, echo=1)
        wedge_norm = coor.stripe_normal(stripes[i])
        plane_norm = [0.03176573688051381, 0.98687684085235916, 0.15831942063343135]
        stream_norm = [sc.cos(phi)*sc.sin(theta), sc.sin(phi)*sc.sin(theta), sc.cos(theta)]
        print wedge_norm, stream_norm
        dotty = wedge_norm[0]*stream_norm[0] + wedge_norm[1]*stream_norm[1] + wedge_norm[2]*stream_norm[2]
        #dotty2 = plane_norm[0]*wedge_norm[0] + plane_norm[1]*stream_norm[1] + plane_norm[2]*stream_norm[2]
        if dotty > 1.0:  print "!!!  Not a valid dot-product: {0}".format(dotty)
        H = abs(2.5 / dotty)
        #H2 = 2.5 / sc.sqrt(1 - (dotty2*dotty2))
        print "H = ", H, dotty, sc.arccos(dotty)*180.0/ma.pi #, H2
        count, in_1, in_2 = 0, 0.0, 0.0
        lam_low, lam_high = 360.0, 0.0
        for j in range(len(data[:,0])):
            l, b, r = data[j,0], data[j,1], data[j,2]
            count = count + 1
            # Correct for completeness
            Deff = 1.0/SDSS_eff(r)
            in_1 = in_1 + Deff
            in_2 = in_2 + Deff + 1.0/TO_eff(r)
            x,y,z = coor.lbr2xyz(l,b,r)
            Xs, Ys, Zs, lam2, beta2, r2 = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x,y,z)
            if lam2 < lam_low:  lam_low = lam2
            if lam2 > lam_high:  lam_high = lam2
        out.append([lam, count, in_1, in_2, in_2/H])
        print "--- Lambda Range: {0}:{1}".format(lam_low, lam_high)
        print "###   Number of stars in stream:  {0}".format(count)
        print "###   Corrected for SDSS Eff.:    {0}".format(in_1)
        print "###   Corrected for SDSS/FTO Eff: {0}".format(in_2)
    for o in out:  print o
    return sc.array(out)
Exemple #38
def compare_MW():
    stripes1, params1 = load_params(
    stripes2, params2 = load_params(
    errors = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/results_errors_final.txt")
    table = []
    for i in range(15):
        if float(params2[i][0]) > float(params1[i][0]): line = "YES "
        else: line = "NO  "
        table_l = str(stripes1[i]) + " & "
        for j in range(1, 9):
            #print params1[i][j], params2[i][j], errors[i,(j-1)]
            diff = abs(float(params1[i][j]) -
                       float(params2[i][j])) / errors[i, (j - 1)]
            #diff = 100.0*abs(float(params1[i][j])-float(params2[i][j])) / float(params1[i][j])
            line = line + str(round(diff, 2)) + "\t"  #FOR JUST Dsigmas
            param = float(params2[i][j])
            table_l = table_l + str(round(param, 2)) + "/" + str(round(
                diff, 2)) + " & "
        print stripes1[i], stripes2[i], line
    for item in table:
        print item
import math as m
import numpy as np
import scipy as sc
import files as f
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter

'''python script for plotting u,g,r error fits on the same pane
Matthew Newby, May 4, 2011'''

#Get data
data1 = f.read_data('Pal5_Uerrors_cut2.csv', ',')
data2 = f.read_data('err_pal5_stars.txt')

#Assign data
u_data = data1[:,2]
u_err = data1[:,3]
g_data = data2[:,2]
g_err = data2[:,4]
r_data = data2[:,3]
r_err = data2[:,5]

#Initialize error functions
"""  Old Values
a_u = 0.02076735
b_u = 0.81309147
c_u = -19.61533299
a_g = 0.0
b_g = 0.790391
Exemple #40
def fit_iso(name, dist, plot=1):
    if name != 'Pal5':
        clus_data = fi.read_data("noU_NGC_" + name + "_cluster.csv", ",")
        clus_data = fi.read_data("noU_" + name + "_cluster.csv", ",")
    if dist < 10.0: high = 7.0
    elif dist < 20.0: high = 6.0
    else: high = 5.5
    clus = format_data(clus_data, dist, cuts=(3.5, high))
    iso_data, age = [], []
    for i in range(len(mod)):
            filename = "./Giso_shifted/" + name + mod[i] + ".dat"
        except IOError:
            print "!!! File not found - {0}".format(filename)
    """ Get R-squared values for each isochrone"""
    iso, RR = [], []
    for i in range(len(iso_data)):
        iso.append(format_isochrone(iso_data[i], cuts=(7.0, 3.5)))
        results = poly.poly_fit(0.0,
                                iso[i][:, 0],
                                iso[i][:, 1],
                                iso[i][:, 2],
        RR.append(R_squared(clus, results))
    points = sc.array(zip(age, RR))
    max = sc.ma.max(points[:, 1])
    RRmod = -1.0 * (points[:, 1] - max)
    sigma = 0.1 * sc.ones(len(RRmod))
    c, d, start = mc.do_MCMC(func.gaussian_function,
                             sc.array([0.1, 0.0, 0.2]),
                             sc.array([0.001, 0.001, 0.001]),
                             points[:, 0],
    best = gd.gradient_descent(func.gaussian_function, start, points[:, 0],
                               RRmod, sigma)
    # One-dimensional errors
    if len(RR) != 5:
        error = np.sqrt(abs(
            (8.0 * 0.2 * 0.2) /
            (2.0 *
             (RR[-1] - RR[0]))))  #Uses last point, which should be the '-2'
        error = np.sqrt(abs(
            (8.0 * 0.2 * 0.2) /
            (RR[2] + RR[4] -
             2.0 * RR[0])))  # Hesssian error for one parameter fit
    # Plot these bad boys
    if plot == 1:
        plt.errorbar(clus[:, 0], clus[:, 1], yerr=clus[:, 2], fmt='o')
        for i in range(len(iso)):
            plt.plot(iso[i][:, 0], (iso[i][:, 1]))
        plt.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1])
        x = sc.arange(plt.xlim()[0], plt.xlim()[1], 0.01)
        y = -1.0 * (func.gaussian_function(
            x, best)) + max  #func.gaussian_function(x, best) #
        plt.plot(x, y, 'g-')
        plt.savefig(name + "_isoAn2.ps", papertype='letter')
    return (sc.array(zip(age, RR)), best, error)
Exemple #41
plt.xlabel(r'Sun-centered r (kpc)')

# Plotting Code 
fig = plt.figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)

#ax.plot([-5.0,5.0],[0.0, 0.0],[0.0, 0.0], c='yellow')
#data_b = fi.read_data("Backgen82.txt")
#xb, yb, zb = co.lbr2xyz(data_b[:,0], data_b[:,1], data_b[:,2])
#ax.scatter(xb,yb,zb, facecolor='k', edgecolor='k')

data_p = fi.read_data("full_test_82.txt")
xp, yp, zp = co.lbr2xyz(data_p[:,0], data_p[:,1], data_p[:,2])
ax.scatter(xp,yp,zp, c='r')

#data_s = fi.read_data("stream_test.txt")
#xs, ys, zs = co.lbr2xyz(data_s[:,0], data_s[:,1], data_s[:,2])
#u,v,w = twg.generate_stream(1000, -2.2, 1.9, 2.0)
#xs,ys,zs = [],[],[]
#for i in range(len(u)):
#    x_h,y_h,z_h = co.stream2xyz(u[i],v[i],w[i],360.0, 21.0, 0.0, 0.0, 82)
#    xs.append(x_h), ys.append(y_h), zs.append(z_h)
#ax.scatter(xs,ys,zs, facecolor='b', edgecolor='b')
#mu, nu, r1 = sc.array([360.0, 360.0]),sc.array([-1.25, -1.25]),sc.array([10.0, 30.0])
#x,y,z = co.GC2xyz(mu, nu, r1, 82)
#ax.plot(x,y,z, c='r')
#mu2, nu2, r2 = sc.array([360.0, 360.0]),sc.array([1.25, 1.25]),sc.array([10.0, 30.0])
Exemple #42
pos_y = 1
subs = []
"""Plot Initializations"""
fig = plt.figure()
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.001, wspace=0.001)
for i in range(len(gc_names)):
    name = gc_names[i]
    distance = gc_distances[i]
    #metal = gc_metals[i]
    HB_limit = cutoff[i]
    """Get Data"""
    if (i == 10):
        data_iso = f.read_data(('Iso_new_Pal5.dat'))
        data_clus = f.read_csv('noU_Pal5_cluster.csv')  #'HR_Pal_5_cluster.csv'
        data_fid = f.read_data(('Pal5_2_fiducial_out.txt'))
        data_iso = f.read_data(('Iso_new_' + name + '.dat'))
        #data_iso = f.read_data( ('Iso_series_'+name+'_A.dat') )
        data_clus = f.read_csv('noU_NGC_' + name +
                               '_cluster.csv')  #'HR_NGC_'+name+'_cluster.csv'
        data_fid = f.read_data(
            ('NGC_' + name + '_' + str(fid_res[i]) + '_fiducial_out.txt'))
    """Setup Data for Plotting"""
    mm = -0.01463023
    bb = 0.08928602
    iso_x_list, iso_y_list = [], []
    for j in range(len(data_iso[:, 8])):
        if (data_iso[j, 8] > HB_limit):
def plot_stuff(args):
    g_avg = 4.18
    filename = args[0]
    data = f.read_data(filename)
    l, w = data.shape
    blue_base, yellow_base, red_base = data[0, 1], data[0, 5], data[0, 9]
    """ 2nd file stuff """
    """file2 = args[1]
    data2 = f.read_data(file2)
    l2, w2 = data2.shape
    blue_base2, yellow_base2, red_base2 = data2[0,1], data2[0,5], data2[0,9]"""
    fig = plt.figure(1)
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    '''Plot Blue Box'''
    #    plt.subplot(3,1,1)
    #    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,1]/blue_base), 'b-')
    #    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,2]/blue_base), 'y-')
    #    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,3]/blue_base), 'r-')
    '''Plot Yellow Box'''
    #    plt.subplot(3,1,2)
    #    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,4]/yellow_base), 'b-')
    #    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,5]/yellow_base), 'y-')
    #    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,6]/yellow_base), 'r-')
    '''Plot Red Box'''
    #    plt.subplot(3,1,3)
    #    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,7]/red_base), 'b-')
    #    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,8]/red_base), 'y-')
    #    plt.plot( data[:,0], (data[:,9]/red_base), 'r-')
    '''Plot Only turnoff stars'''
    ax1.plot(data[:, 0], (data[:, 5] / yellow_base), 'y-')
    ax1.plot(data[:, 0], (data[:, 2] / yellow_base), 'b-')
    ax1.plot(data[:, 0], (data[:, 8] / yellow_base), 'r-')
    ax1.plot(data[:, 0],
             ((data[:, 5] + data[:, 2] + data[:, 8]) / yellow_base), 'k-')
    ''' Agiain!  For files '''
    """ax1.plot( data2[:,0], (data2[:,5]/yellow_base), 'y:')
    ax1.plot( data2[:,0], (data2[:,2]/yellow_base), 'b:')
    ax1.plot( data2[:,0], (data2[:,8]/yellow_base), 'r:')
    ax1.plot( data2[:,0], ((data2[:,5]+data2[:,2]+data2[:,8])/yellow_base), 'k:')"""
    '''Fancy double x-axis plotting stuff'''
    x_tick = ax1.get_xticks()
    plt.xlabel(r'$d_{\rm eff}$, kpc', fontsize=10)
    plt.ylabel(r'Fraction of Initial', fontsize=10)
    new_ticks = []
    for i in range(len(x_tick)):
        if x_tick[i] == 0:
            new_ticks.append("")  #(g_avg)
                round((5.0 * m.log10(x_tick[i] / 0.01) + g_avg), 1))
    x_lim = ax1.get_xlim()
    new_lim = (g_avg), (5.0 * m.log10(x_lim[1] / 0.01) + g_avg)
    ax2 = ax1.twiny()
    plt.xticks(x_tick, new_ticks)
    plt.xlabel(r'$g_{0}$', fontsize=10)
    return 0
Exemple #44
@author: Yulu Su

import warnings
import itertools
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm

import files

data = files.read_data(r'LeanHogsFutures.xlsx')
data = pd.DataFrame(data['Close'].dropna()) #[data.index > dt.datetime(2010, 1, 1)].dropna())
data = data.resample('M').mean() # resample daily data to monthly data
data = data['1992':'2004']
lh =  np.log(data / data.shift(1)).dropna()*100 # d 1
lh.plot(figsize=(19, 4))

#test stationarity
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller
#Perform Dickey-Fuller test:
print('Results of Dickey-Fuller Test:')
dftest = adfuller(pd.Series(lh['Close']), autolag='AIC')
dfoutput = pd.Series(dftest[0:4], index=['Test Statistic','p-value','#Lags Used','Number of Observations Used'])
    for i in range(len(data[:,0])):
        if low_cut != None:
            if data[i,col] < low_cut:
        if high_cut != None:
            if data[i,col] > high_cut:
    return sc.array(holder)

""" Main Cutting Function """
def cut_data(data, *args):
    new_data = []
    if len(args) == 0:
        print "!!! NO ARGUMENTS DEFINING CUT !!!\n"
    for arg in args:
        if new_data == []:  new_data = cut_once(data, arg)
        else:  new_data = cut_once(new_data, arg)
    return new_data

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import files as fi
    file_in = "noU_NGC_5466_background.csv"
    data = fi.read_data(file_in, ",")
    data_out = cut_data(data, (2, 20.0, 21.0), (3, None, 20.0))
    fi.write_data(data_out, (file_in[:-4]+"_cut.txt"))
    #print data_out
    #print "length of data:", len(data[:,0]), "; length of cut data:", len(data_out[:,0])
Exemple #46
    line_y = function(line_x, params)
    #print line_x, '\n', line_y
    plt.errorbar(data_x, data_y, yerr=y_err, xerr=x_err, ecolor='b', fmt=None)
    plt.scatter(data_x, data_y, s=1, marker='o', c='black')
    plt.plot((line_x), (line_y), c='g')
    plt.xlabel(title[1], fontsize=10)
    plt.ylabel(title[2], fontsize=10)
    if save == 1:
        save_file = save_name + '_pltfunc.ps'
        plt.savefig(save_file, papertype='letter')
        print '#---function and fit plot saved as', save_file
    print '#---Done with function and data plot'
    return 1

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import functions as func
    import files as f
    data = f.read_data('test_data_out.txt')
    parameters = [5.0, 0.0, 2.0]
    plot_function(data[:, 0],
                  data[:, 1],
                  y_err=data[:, 2],
import glob
'''python script for running gc scripts
Matthew Newby, Sept 6, 2010'''
'''Add Limits to parameters and data! '''

#Setup variables
filename = glob.glob("./An_Project/*real_noG1_20.0*.txt")
print filename
function = func.double_gaussian

for i in range(len(filename)):
    #Load data
    uid = "fit_" + filename[i][-13:-4]
    identifier = [uid, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H']
    data = f.read_data(filename[i])

    #Set data
    #columns in data file for respective values
    x_col, y_col, sig_col = (data[:, 1] +
                             0.05), data[:, 0], func.poisson_errors(data[:, 0])
    """ Initializations - choose correct number of parameters"""
    """ 6 params """
    start_params = sc.array(
        [5.0, -1.0, 1.0, 2.5, 1.0,
         0.5])  #A function that gives a good start is nice here
    steps = sc.array([0.1, 0.01, 0.01, 0.1, 0.01,
                      0.01])  #1/10 of expected parameter order is usually good
    """ fit data """
    MCMC_fit, errors, best_fit = mc.do_MCMC(function,
Exemple #48
import math as m
import numpy as np
import scipy as sc
import files as f
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

'''python script for SEGUE plate plotting
Matthew Newby, July 22, 2010'''

file1 = "SEGUE_plates.dat"
#file2 = "SEGUE_test.dat"
data1 = f.read_data(file1)
#data2 = f.read_data(file2)
l1, w1 = data1.shape
#l2, w2 = data2.shape()

in_disk = 0
for i in range (l1):
    if (abs(data1[i,5]) <= 20.0):
        plt.scatter(data1[i,4], data1[i,5], c='blue', marker='o')
        print str(data1[i,0]), "is in the disk, b =", data1[i,5]
        in_disk = in_disk + 1
        plt.scatter(data1[i,4], data1[i,5], c='red', marker='x')
    if (data1[i,2] < -1000.0):  faint_id = "---"
    else:  faint_id = str(data1[i,2])
    plate_id = str(data1[i,0]) + "/" + faint_id
    plt.text(data1[i,4], data1[i,5], (plate_id), fontsize=8)
import math as ma
import numpy as np
import scipy as sc
import files as fi
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import functions as func
import astro_coordinates as coor
'''python script for quickly analyzing data.
Matthew Newby, November 15,2010'''

data = fi.read_data("Grillmair_2011_isochrone.dat")
data2 = fi.read_data("isochrone_8gyr_n1p0.dat")
data3 = fi.read_data("isochrone_7gyr_n0p8.dat")
data4 = fi.read_data("isochrone_6gyr_n0p8.dat")

g = coor.getg(9.7, data[:, 8])
g_minus_r = data[:, 8] - data[:, 9]
g_minus_i = data[:, 8] - data[:, 10]

g2 = coor.getg(9.7, data2[:, 8])  #+0.43
g3 = coor.getg(9.7, data3[:, 8])  #+0.63
g4 = coor.getg(9.7, data4[:, 8])  #+0.63

s1 = 0.41
s2 = 0.61
s3 = 0.52

M1 = 15.0  #coor.getM(15.0, 9.7)
M2 = 19.5  #coor.getM(19.5, 9.7)
import math as m
import numpy as np
import scipy as sc
import files as f
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter
'''python script for plotting u,g,r error fits on the same pane
Matthew Newby, May 4, 2011'''

#Get data
data1 = f.read_data('Pal5_Uerrors_cut2.csv', ',')
data2 = f.read_data('err_pal5_stars.txt')

#Assign data
u_data = data1[:, 2]
u_err = data1[:, 3]
g_data = data2[:, 2]
g_err = data2[:, 4]
r_data = data2[:, 3]
r_err = data2[:, 5]

#Initialize error functions
"""  Old Values
a_u = 0.02076735
b_u = 0.81309147
c_u = -19.61533299
a_g = 0.0
b_g = 0.790391
c_g = -19.8928
import functions as func
import math as ma
import numpy as np
import scipy as sc
import fit as fit
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

run = range(1,6)
start_params = [3.0, 17.0, 0.75, 5.0]
#run=[1]  #debug

for i in run:
    print "# --- Fitting region {0}".format(i)
    data = fi.read_data("/home/newbym2/Dropbox/Research/Cetus_Polar/bhb_dmod"+str(i)+".txt", skip=1)
    print "# --- l-coordinate mean, std: {0}, {1}".format(np.mean(data[:,0]), np.std(data[:,0]) )
    b_hist, b_edges = np.histogram(data[:,1], bins, range=[80.0, 180.0])
    b_err = func.poisson_errors(b_hist)
    b_wid = (np.ma.max(data[:,1]) - np.ma.min(data[:,1]) ) / bins
    d_hist, d_edges = np.histogram(data[:,2], bins, range=[16.0, 19.0])
    d_err = func.poisson_errors(d_hist)
    d_wid = (np.ma.max(data[:,2]) - np.ma.min(data[:,2]) ) / bins
    # Initialize
    fitter = fit.ToFit(d_edges[:-1]+(d_wid/2.0), d_hist , d_err)
    fitter.step = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
    fitter.param_names = ["amp", "mu", "sigma", "floor"]
    fitter.min = [None, None, 0.0, None]
    fitter.max = [None, None, None, None]
Exemple #52
    return 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print '#- number of arguments:', (len(sys.argv)-1)
    # Read arguments
    filename = sys.argv[1]
    column = int(sys.argv[2])
    size = float(sys.argv[3])
    if len(sys.argv) > 4:
        spread = [float(sys.argv[4]), float(sys.argv[5])]
    else:  spread = []
    if len(sys.argv) > 6:
        name = sys.argv[6]
    else:  name = 'quick'
    # Load Data
    suffix = filename[-4:]
    if suffix == '.txt':
        data = f.read_data(filename)
    elif suffix == '.csv':
        data = f.read_csv(filename)
    # Run scripts
    to_bin = data[:,column]
    reg_hist = make_hist(to_bin, size, spread)
    plot_histogram(reg_hist, size, name=(name+'_normal') )
    f.write_data(reg_hist, fileout=(name+'_normal.txt'), header='# Centers, Counts')
    cum_hist = cumulative_hist(to_bin, size, spread)
    plot_histogram(cum_hist, size, name=(name+'_cumulative') )
    f.write_data(cum_hist, fileout=(name+'_cumulative.txt'), header='# Centers, Counts')
    print '#done with quick histograms'
Exemple #53
# reference
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.tsa.api import VAR
import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import files

#read CME lean hogs futures' data from excel
lh = files.read_data(r'LeanHogsFutures.xlsx')
#read CME corn futures' data from excel
cn = files.read_data(r'CornFutures.xlsx')
#read CME live cattle futures' data from excel
lc = files.read_data(r'LivecCattleFutures.xlsx')

data = pd.DataFrame({'LeanHogs': lh['Close']})
data = data.join(pd.DataFrame({'Corn': cn['Close']}))
data = data.join(pd.DataFrame({'Livecattle': lc['Close']}))
data = data.resample('M').mean()  # resample daily data to monthly data
data = np.log(data / data.shift(1)).dropna()  # d 1

data = 100 * data['1992':'2004']

#forward fill the NA
data = data.fillna(method='ffill')
Exemple #54
    fi.write_data(sc.array(holder), files[2])
    s3 = len(holder)
    print "# - {0} matched stars, {1} unmatched in file 1, {2} unmatched in file 2".format(s1,s2,s3)
def create_indices(sorted_data, sub_list, c=0):
    """ Creates a set of indices for the sorted_data, at intervals of sub_list
        c is the column from which to index """
    index = []
    for i in range(len(sorted_data[:,c])):
        if (i % sub_list) == 0:
            index.append((sorted_data[i,c], i))
    return index

if __name__ == "__main__":
    d1 = fi.read_data("stars-10-OLD.txt")
    d2 = fi.read_data("stars-10-NEW.txt")
    sort = Compare(d1, d2, c1=0, c2=0, sub=100)
    match_stars(sort, 5.0*arcsec)
    separate_stars(sort, ["matched-10-2.txt", "unmatched-10-old-2.txt", "unmatched-10-new-2.txt"])
    print "# --- Done"

def get_index(min, max, data):
    base = sc.arange(min, (max+1), 1.0)  # "+1" prevents index overflow during matching
    index, k = [], 0
    for i in range(len(data[:,0])):
        if k == (len(base)-1):  break
        if data[i,0] > base[k]:
Exemple #55
def sgr_density(stripes, params):
        # get lambda for stripes
    holder = []
    for i in range(len(stripes)):
        mu, r, theta, phi, wedge = eval(params[i][4]), eval(params[i][5]), \
            eval(params[i][6]), eval(params[i][7]), stripes[i]
        x,y,z = coor.stream2xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mu, r, theta, phi, wedge)
        Xs, Ys, Zs, lam, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x,y,z)
        #if lam > 180.0: lam = lam - 360.0
        #lam = -lam
        print lam, beta, r, stripes[i]
        holder.append([lam, beta, r])
    Xs, Ys, Zs, lam, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(14.655646, 2.270431, -5.887377)
    print lam, beta, r
    # Get distances as a function of Lamda, using straight pipes to connect points.
    LAB = [] # lambda, A, B such that:  R = A(lam) + B;  C,D st beta = C(lam) + D
    for i in range(15-1):  # all but end
        A = (holder[i+1][2]-holder[i][2])/(holder[i+1][0]-holder[i][0]) # R2-R1/L2-L1
        B = holder[i][2] - A*holder[i][0]  # R1 - A*L1
        C = (holder[i+1][1]-holder[i][1])/(holder[i+1][0]-holder[i][0]) # B2-B1/L2-L1
        D = holder[i][1] - C*holder[i][0]  # B1 - A*L1
        LAB.append([holder[i+1][0], A, B, C, D])
    # get lambda range for northern Sgr  15 N stripes, 0-14 -> 9-23
    low_lam, high_lam = 200.0, 314.8  # from Sgr stripes: (200.025901082, 314.707561185)
    size = (high_lam - low_lam) / 15.0
    print "# - LAMBDA BIN SIZE: {0}".format(size)
    out = []
    for i in range(15):
        killed = 0
        print "# - Lambda wedge {0}:".format(i)
        num = str(i)
        name = "./Lambda_outs/lamsim_out_"+num+".txt"
        data = fi.read_data(name, echo=1)
        count, in_1, in_2, in_0 = 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        sigma = params[i][8]
        for j in range(len(data[:,0])):
            lam, beta, r = data[j,0], data[j,1], data[j,2]
            count = count + 1
            index = 0
            while data[j,0] > LAB[index][0]:
                index = index + 1
                if (index == len(LAB)-1):  break
            # correct for missing far edge by counting all near edge and doubling
            A, B = LAB[index][1], LAB[index][2]
            if r > (A*lam + B)/sc.cos(beta):  killed=killed+1; continue
            #D = (0.295*lam - 42.601)/sc.cos(beta)
            #if r > D:  killed=killed+1; continue
            # correct for missing side edge by counting inner and doubling
            #C, D = LAB[index][3], LAB[index][4]
            #if beta > (C*lam + D):  continue
            # Correct for completeness
            Deff = 1.0/SDSS_eff(r)
            in_0 = in_0 + 1.0
            in_1 = in_1 + Deff
            in_2 = in_2 + Deff/TO_eff(r)
        out.append([(low_lam+(size*i)+(size*0.5)), count, in_1, in_2, in_2/size])
        print "###   Number of stars in stream:  {0}".format(count)
        print "###   KILLED: {0}".format(killed)
        print "###   Remaining Stars:    {0}".format(in_0*1.0)
        print "###   Corrected for SDSS Eff.:    {0}".format(in_1*2.0)
        print "###   Corrected for SDSS/FTO Eff: {0}".format(in_2*2.0)
    #print out
    return sc.array(out)
import scipy as sc
import math as m
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

"""This program plots GC fit results as a ganged plot

Matthew Newby (RPI), Dec 11, 2010

save = 1
save_name = 'GC_results_combined_metal.ps'
data = f.read_data('results_new_corrected_singles.txt')
names = ['NGC 4147', 'NGC 5024', 'NGC 5053', 'NGC 5272', 'NGC 5466', 'NGC 5904', 'NGC 6205',
         'NGC 7078', 'NGC 7089', 'Pal 5'] #'NGC 6341',
x_column = 13  #13=CG97 metallicity, 11=fit age, 0 = distance
# !!! Order for Offsets:   sig_r, sig_l, mu, turnoff
""" Metallicity Offsets """
x_offset = [ [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01],
    [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01],
    [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01],
    [-0.11, -0.1, -0.1, -0.1],
    [-0.1, 0.01, 0.01, -0.1],
    [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01],
    [-0.02, -0.1, 0.01, 0.01],
    [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01],
    [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01],
    [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01] ]
Exemple #57
import csv
import scipy as sc
import math as m
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import files as f

"""This program plots data from the gc project

Matthew Newby (RPI), Jan 28, 2010

data = f.read_data('best_results_firstpoint.txt')
names = ['NGC 4147', 'NGC 5024', 'NGC 5053', 'NGC 5272', 'NGC 5466', 'NGC 5904', 'NGC 6205',
         'NGC 7078', 'NGC 7089', 'Pal 5'] #'NGC 6341', 
columns = ['Distance(kpc)', 'Fwhm', '$\mu$ (magnitudes)', '$\sigma_l$', '$\sigma_r$',
           'Amplitude (counts)', '$\mu$ error', '$\sigma_l$ error', '$\sigma_r$ error',
           'Amplitude error', 'Average Age(Gyr)', 'Fit Age(Gyr)', '<[Fe/H]> (Harris)',
           '<[Fe/H]> (CG97 Scale)', 'Harris Distance(kpc)']

#x values
i = 13
#y values
j = 3
#y_error values
e = j + 4

Exemple #58
cluster_name = 'NGC_6205_CG97_clean2'
distance = 7.7  #starting distance
save_data = 0  #saves isocrone files as output if set to 1
#plot_title = cluster_name + ', isocrone(blue) and fiducial fit(green)'
file_str = 'HRISO_compare_' + cluster_name  #plot file string
#load in and prepare SDSS data
gc_data = f.read_csv(data_file)
gc_l, gc_w = gc_data.shape
gc_array = sc.zeros((gc_l, 2), float)
         0] = gc_data[:,
                      2] - 5. * (m.log10(distance * 1000) - 1.0)  #'g' values
gc_array[:, 1] = (gc_data[:, 2] - gc_data[:, 3])  #'g-r' values
#load in and prepare isocrone data
iso_data = f.read_data(iso_file)  #<--might fail due to leading whitespace?
iso_l, iso_w = iso_data.shape
iso_in = sc.zeros((iso_l, 2), float)
iso_in[:, 0] = iso_data[:, 8]  #'Mg' values
iso_in[:, 1] = (iso_data[:, 8] - iso_data[:, 9])  #'g-r' values
#Chop up isocrone so that the bounds are equal
gminusr = 0.6
for i in range(1, iso_l):
    if ((iso_in[i, 1] < gminusr) and (iso_in[(i - 1), 1] > gminusr)):
        high_g = i
    if ((iso_in[i, 1] > gminusr) and (iso_in[(i - 1), 1] < gminusr)):
        low_g = i
iso_array = iso_in[high_g:low_g, :]
iso_l, iso_w = iso_array.shape
#break up data CMD into strips in Mg
Exemple #59
def width_plot(stripes, params):
    data = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/sgrNorth_density_sim.txt", ",")
    #Ben = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/bensgr_lam_bins.dat")
    #Law = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/lawsgr_lam_bins.dat")
    Law = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/lawsgrTRX_lam_binsC.dat")
    sph = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/lawsgrSPH_lam_binsC.dat")
    obl = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/lawsgrOBL_lam_binsC.dat")
    pro = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/lawsgrPRO_lam_binsC.dat")
    LM10 = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/lawsgrTRX_widthsC.dat")  #2
    wp = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/lawsgrPRO_widthsC.dat")
    ws = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/lawsgrSPH_widthsC.dat")
    wo = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/lawsgrOBL_widthsC.dat")
    errors = sc.array([0.775105, 0.47734, 0.836774, 1.882841, 0.932078, 1.531246,
                       1.653404, 0.593513, 0.853309, 0.469178, 3.053077, 0.314356,
                       0.388961, 1.21, 2.330186, 0.142532, 0.989839, 0.541965])
    sigma, slam = [], []
    for i in range(len(stripes)):
        mu, r, theta, phi, wedge = eval(params[i][4]), eval(params[i][5]), \
            eval(params[i][6]), eval(params[i][7]), stripes[i]
        #print mu, r, theta, phi
        x,y,z = coor.stream2xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mu, r, theta, phi, wedge)
        Xs, Ys, Zs, lam, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x,y,z)
    for param in params:
    fig = plt.figure(1)
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.001, wspace=0.001)
    # density along stream plot
    sp1 = plt.subplot(211)
    color = ['w', 'w', 'k', 'k', 'k', 'k', 'k', 'k', 'k', 'k', 'k', 'k', 'w', 'w', 'w', 'k', 'k', 'k']
    #plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,4]*1.0, facecolor=color, marker="s",
    #            label="Expected Counts")
    plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,4], facecolor=color, marker="^", label="__nolabel__")
    plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1]*(data[:,4]/data[:,2]), facecolor=color,
                marker="o", label="__nolabel__")
    #plt.errorbar([315.0, 315.0, 315.0, 312.0, 312.0, 312.0], [1000, 2000, 3000, 1000, 2000, 3000],
    #            yerr=[39.2, 51.5, 80.0, 33.2, 43.6, 53.8], fmt="o", markersize=1,
    #            mfc="red", ecolor="red", label="Typical Errors") #71.8
    #plt.plot(Ben[:,0], Ben[:,1]*0.2, "k--") #0.1
    a, b = 21, 23
    plt.plot(obl[:a,0], obl[:a,1]*7.0, "r:", label="Oblate")
    plt.plot(obl[b:,0], obl[b:,1]*7.0, "r:", label=None)
    plt.plot(sph[:a,0], sph[:a,1]*7.0, "k-.", label="Spherical", linewidth=1.5)
    plt.plot(sph[b:,0], sph[b:,1]*7.0, "k-.", label=None, linewidth=1.5)
    plt.plot(pro[:a,0], pro[:a,1]*7.0, "b--", label="Prolate")
    plt.plot(pro[b:,0], pro[b:,1]*7.0, "b--", label=None)
    plt.plot(Law[:a,0], Law[:a,1]*6.0, "k-", label="L&M10 Nbody") # 1.5
    plt.plot(Law[b:,0], Law[b:,1]*6.0, "k-", label=None) # 1.5
    #sp1.annotate('Triaxial', xy=(178, 3200), xytext=(210, 3650), fontsize=8,
    #             arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05, width=0.5, headwidth=3)  )
    #sp1.annotate('Prolate', xy=(192, 3000), xytext=(215, 3350), fontsize=8,
    #             arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05, width=0.5, headwidth=3)  )
    #sp1.annotate('Spherical', xy=(199, 2750), xytext=(220, 3050), fontsize=8,
    #             arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05, width=0.5, headwidth=3)  )
    #sp1.annotate('Oblate', xy=(205, 2500), xytext=(225, 2800), fontsize=8,
    #             arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05, width=0.5, headwidth=3)  )
    #plt.scatter(Ben[:,0], Ben[:,1]*0.5, facecolor="blue", marker="x")
    #plt.scatter(Law[:,0], Law[:,1], facecolor="red", marker="+")
    spoof1 = plt.scatter(180.0, -10.0, facecolor='k', marker="^", label="Expected Counts") #spoof
    spoof2 = plt.scatter(180.0, -10.0, facecolor='k', marker="o", label="Raw Counts") #spoof
    plt.setp(sp1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.ylim(0.0, 6000.0)
    plt.ylabel("Stars per degree", fontsize=12)
    # legend
    leg1 = sp1.legend(loc='upper center', numpoints=2)
    for t in leg1.get_texts():
    # ----------------  FWHM v lambda plot --------------------
    sp2 = plt.subplot(212, sharex=sp1)
    g_mean = np.sqrt(LM10[:,3]*LM10[:,4])  #geometric mean
    plt.errorbar(slam, sigma, yerr=2.35482*errors, fmt="d", mfc="black", ecolor="black", label="MLE Fits")
    #plt.scatter(slam, sigma, facecolor="black", marker="o", label=None)
    plt.plot(LM10[:21,0], 2.35482*g_mean[:21], "k-", label=None)
    plt.plot(LM10[21:,0], 2.35482*g_mean[21:], "k-", label=None)
    aa, bb = 21, 21
    plt.plot(wp[:aa,0], 2.35482*np.sqrt(wp[:aa,3]*wp[:aa,4]), "b--", label=None)
    plt.plot(wp[bb:,0], 2.35482*np.sqrt(wp[bb:,3]*wp[bb:,4]), "b--", label=None)
    plt.plot(ws[:aa,0], 2.35482*np.sqrt(ws[:aa,3]*ws[:aa,4]), "k-.", label=None)
    plt.plot(ws[bb:,0], 2.35482*np.sqrt(ws[bb:,3]*ws[bb:,4]), "k-.", label=None)
    plt.plot(wo[:aa,0], 2.35482*np.sqrt(wo[:aa,3]*wo[:aa,4]), "r:", label=None)
    plt.plot(wo[bb+3:,0], 2.35482*np.sqrt(wo[bb+3:,3]*wo[bb+3:,4]), "r:", label=None)
    #plt.scatter(LM10[:,0], 2.35482*g_mean, facecolor='black', marker='+', label="L&M10 Nbody")
    # legend
    leg2 = sp2.legend(loc='lower right', numpoints=1)
    for t in leg2.get_texts():
    plt.ylabel(r"FWHM (kpc)")
    plt.ylim(0.0, 20.0)
    plt.xlim(320.0, 70.0) # 70, 320
    #plt.xticks(sc.arange(80.0, 320.0, 20.0))