Exemple #1
def test_sigma_plot():
    """ Test to make sure sigma's correctly mirror the shape and orientation
    of the covariance array."""

    x = np.array([[1, 2]])
    P = np.array([[2, 1.2],
                  [1.2, 2]])
    kappa = .1

    # if kappa is larger, than points shoudld be closer together
    sp0 = UKF.weights(2, kappa)
    sp1 = UKF.weights(2, kappa*1000)

    Xi0 = UKF.sigma_points (x, P, kappa)
    Xi1 = UKF.sigma_points (x, P, kappa*1000)

    assert max(Xi1[:,0]) > max(Xi0[:,0])
    assert max(Xi1[:,1]) > max(Xi0[:,1])

    if DO_PLOT:
        for i in range(Xi0.shape[0]):
            plt.scatter((Xi0[i,0]-x[0, 0])*sp0[i] + x[0, 0],
                        (Xi0[i,1]-x[0, 1])*sp0[i] + x[0, 1],

        for i in range(Xi1.shape[0]):
            plt.scatter((Xi1[i, 0]-x[0, 0]) * sp1[i] + x[0,0],
                        (Xi1[i, 1]-x[0, 1]) * sp1[i] + x[0,1],

        stats.plot_covariance_ellipse([1, 2], P)
Exemple #2
def test_batch_missing_data():
    """ batch filter should accept missing data with None in the measurements """

    def fx(x, dt):
        F = np.array([[1, dt, 0, 0],
                      [0,  1, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0,  1, dt],
                      [0, 0, 0,  1]], dtype=float)

        return np.dot(F, x)

    def hx(x):
        return np.array([x[0], x[2]])

    dt = 0.1
    points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(4, .1, 2., -1)
    kf = UKF(dim_x=4, dim_z=2, dt=dt, fx=fx, hx=hx, points=points)

    kf.x = np.array([-1., 1., -1., 1])

    zs = []
    for i in range(20):
        z = np.array([i+randn()*0.1, i+randn()*0.1])

    zs[2] = None
    Rs = [1]*len(zs)
    Rs[2] = None
    Ms, Ps = kf.batch_filter(zs)
Exemple #3
def test_sigma_points_1D():
    """ tests passing 1D data into sigma_points"""

    kappa = 0.
    ukf = UKF(dim_x=1, dim_z=1, dt=0.1, hx=None, fx=None, kappa=kappa)

    points = ukf.weights(1, 0.)
    assert len(points) == 3

    mean = 5
    cov = 9

    Xi = ukf.sigma_points (mean, cov, kappa)
    xm, ucov = unscented_transform(Xi, ukf.W, ukf.W, 0)

    # sum of weights*sigma points should be the original mean
    m = 0.0
    for x,w in zip(Xi, ukf.W):
        m += x*w

    assert abs(m-mean) < 1.e-12
    assert abs(xm[0] - mean) < 1.e-12
    assert abs(ucov[0,0]-cov) < 1.e-12

    assert Xi.shape == (3,1)
    assert len(ukf.W) == 3
Exemple #4
def test_linear_2d():
    """ should work like a linear KF if problem is linear """

    def fx(x, dt):
        F = np.array([[1, dt, 0, 0],
                      [0,  1, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0,  1, dt],
                      [0, 0, 0,  1]], dtype=float)

        return np.dot(F, x)

    def hx(x):
        return np.array([x[0], x[2]])

    dt = 0.1
    points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(4, .1, 2., -1)
    kf = UKF(dim_x=4, dim_z=2, dt=dt, fx=fx, hx=hx, points=points)

    kf.x = np.array([-1., 1., -1., 1])
    #kf.R *=0

    zs = []
    for i in range(20):
        z = np.array([i+randn()*0.1, i+randn()*0.1])

    Ms, Ps = kf.batch_filter(zs)
    smooth_x, _, _ = kf.rts_smoother(Ms, Ps, dt=dt)
def sensor_fusion_kf():
    global hx, fx
    # create unscented Kalman filter with large initial uncertainty
    points = JulierSigmaPoints(2, kappa=2)
    kf = UKF(2, 2, dt=0.1, hx=hx, fx=fx, points=points)
    kf.x = np.array([100, 100.])
    kf.P *= 40
    return kf
 def __init__(self, trueTrajectory, dt, Q=np.eye(4), R=np.eye(4)):
     n_state = len(Q)
     n_meas = len(R)
     sigmas = SigmaPoints(n_state, alpha=.1, beta=2., kappa=1.)
     ukf = UKF(dim_x=n_state, dim_z=n_meas, fx=f_kal, hx=h_kal,
               dt=dt, points=sigmas)
     ukf.Q = Q
     ukf.R = R
     self.ukf = ukf
     self.isFirst = True
 def __init__(self, trueTrajectory, dt, Q=np.eye(4), R=np.eye(4)):
     n_state = len(Q)
     n_meas = len(R)
     sigmas = SigmaPoints(n_state, alpha=.5, beta=2., kappa=0.)
     ukf = UKF(dim_x=n_state, dim_z=n_meas, fx=f_kal_accel, hx=h_kal_accel,
               dt=dt, points=sigmas, x_mean_fn = state_mean, residual_x=res_x,
     ukf.Q = Q
     ukf.R = R
     self.ukf = ukf
     self.isFirst = True
def run_localization(
    cmds, landmarks, sigma_vel, sigma_steer, sigma_range,
    sigma_bearing, ellipse_step=1, step=10):

    points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(n=3, alpha=.00001, beta=2, kappa=0,
    ukf = UKF(dim_x=3, dim_z=2*len(landmarks), fx=fx, hx=Hx,
              dt=dt, points=points, x_mean_fn=state_mean,
              z_mean_fn=z_mean, residual_x=residual_x,

    ukf.x = np.array([2, 6, .3])
    ukf.P = np.diag([.1, .1, .05])
    ukf.R = np.diag([sigma_range**2,
    ukf.Q = np.eye(3)*0.0001

    sim_pos = ukf.x.copy()

    # plot landmarks
    if len(landmarks) > 0:
        plt.scatter(landmarks[:, 0], landmarks[:, 1],
                    marker='s', s=60)

    track = []
    for i, u in enumerate(cmds):
        sim_pos = move(sim_pos, u, dt/step, wheelbase)

        if i % step == 0:

            if i % ellipse_step == 0:
                    (ukf.x[0], ukf.x[1]), ukf.P[0:2, 0:2], std=6,
                     facecolor='k', alpha=0.3)

            x, y = sim_pos[0], sim_pos[1]
            z = []
            for lmark in landmarks:
                dx, dy = lmark[0] - x, lmark[1] - y
                d = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) + randn()*sigma_range
                bearing = atan2(lmark[1] - y, lmark[0] - x)
                a = (normalize_angle(bearing - sim_pos[2] +
                z.extend([d, a])
            ukf.update(z, hx_args=(landmarks,))

            if i % ellipse_step == 0:
                    (ukf.x[0], ukf.x[1]), ukf.P[0:2, 0:2], std=6,
                     facecolor='g', alpha=0.8)
    track = np.array(track)
    plt.plot(track[:, 0], track[:,1], color='k', lw=2)
    plt.title("UKF Robot localization")
    return ukf
 def __init__(self, trueTrajectory, dt, route, Q=np.eye(2), R=np.eye(2)):
     #from filterpy.kalman import KalmanFilter as KF
     from filterpy.kalman import UnscentedKalmanFilter as UKF  
     from filterpy.kalman import MerweScaledSigmaPoints as SigmaPoints        
     n_state = len(Q)
     n_meas = len(R)
     sigmas = SigmaPoints(n_state, alpha=.1, beta=2., kappa=0.)
     ukf = UKF(dim_x=n_state, dim_z=n_meas, fx=f_kal_v, hx=h_kal,
               dt=dt, points=sigmas)
     ukf.Q = Q
     ukf.R = R
     self.ukf = ukf
     self.isFirst = True
     self.route = route
def show_sigma_transform():
    fig = plt.figure()

    x = np.array([0, 5])
    P = np.array([[4, -2.2], [-2.2, 3]])

    plot_covariance_ellipse(x, P, facecolor='b', variance=9, alpha=0.5)
    S = UKF.sigma_points(x=x, P=P, kappa=0)
    plt.scatter(S[:,0], S[:,1], c='k', s=80)

    x = np.array([15, 5])
    P = np.array([[3, 1.2],[1.2, 6]])
    plot_covariance_ellipse(x, P, facecolor='g', variance=9, alpha=0.5)

    ax.add_artist(arrow(S[0,0], S[0,1], 11, 4.1, 0.6))
    ax.add_artist(arrow(S[1,0], S[1,1], 13, 7.7, 0.6))
    ax.add_artist(arrow(S[2,0], S[2,1], 16.3, 0.93, 0.6))
    ax.add_artist(arrow(S[3,0], S[3,1], 16.7, 10.8, 0.6))
    ax.add_artist(arrow(S[4,0], S[4,1], 17.7, 5.6, 0.6))


def test_saver_UKF():
    def fx(x, dt):
        F = np.array([[1, dt, 0, 0],
                      [0, 1, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 1, dt],
                      [0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=float)

        return np.dot(F, x)

    def hx(x):
        return np.array([x[0], x[2]])

    dt = 0.1
    points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(4, .1, 2., -1)
    kf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(dim_x=4, dim_z=2, dt=dt, fx=fx, hx=hx, points=points)

    z_std = 0.1
    kf.R = np.diag([z_std**2, z_std**2]) # 1 standard
    kf.x = np.array([-1., 1., -1., 1])
    kf.P *= 1.

    zs = [[i, i] for i in range(40)]
    s = Saver(kf, skip_private=False, skip_callable=False, ignore=['z_mean'])
    for z in zs:
        #print(kf.x, kf.log_likelihood, kf.P.diagonal())
 def __init__(self, trueTrajectory, dt=.1, noise = 0.):
     from filterpy.kalman import UnscentedKalmanFilter as UKF  
     from filterpy.kalman import MerweScaledSigmaPoints as SigmaPoints
     self.dt = dt
     sigmas = SigmaPoints(3, alpha=.1, beta=2., kappa=0.)
     self.KF = UKF(dim_x=3, dim_z=2, fx=f_kal_a, hx=h_kal,
               dt=dt, points=sigmas)
     self.KF.Q = np.diag([1., 0.5, 0.2])
     self.KF.R = np.diag([2., 1.12])*noise + np.diag([.05, .05])
     self.first = True
Exemple #13
def test_linear_2d():
    """ should work like a linear KF if problem is linear """
    def fx(x, dt):
        F = np.array([[1, dt, 0, 0],
                      [0,  1, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0,  1, dt],
                      [0, 0, 0,  1]], dtype=float)
        return np.dot(F, x)
    def hx(x):
        return np.array([x[0], x[2]])
    dt = 0.1
    kf = UKF(dim_x=4, dim_z=2, dt=dt, fx=fx, hx=hx, kappa=0)
    kf.x = np.array([-1., 1., -1., 1])
    #kf.R *=0
    zs = []
    for i in range(20):
        z = np.array([i+randn()*0.1, i+randn()*0.1])

    Ms, Ps = kf.batch_filter(zs)
    smooth_x, _, _ = kf.rts_smoother(Ms, Ps, dt=dt)
    if DO_PLOT:
        zs = np.asarray(zs)
        plt.plot(smooth_x[:,0], smooth_x[:,2])
def estimateUKF(camPoses):
    points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(3,.1,2.,0.)
    filter = UKF(3,3,0,h, f, points, sqrt_fn=None, x_mean_fn=state_mean, z_mean_fn=state_mean, residual_x=residual, residual_z=residual)
    filter.P = np.diag([0.04,0.04,0.003])
    filter.Q = np.diag([(0.2)**2,(0.2)**2,(1*3.14/180)**2])
    filter.R = np.diag([100,100,0.25])
    Uposes = [[],[]]
    for i in range(len(speed)):
        x = filter.x
        filter.update(z = [camPoses[0][i],camPoses[1][i],camPoses[2][i]])
    return Uposes
Exemple #15
def test_1d():

    def fx(x, dt):
        F = np.array([[1., dt],
                      [0,  1]])

        return np.dot(F, x)

    def hx(x):
        return np.array([[x[0]]])

    ckf = CKF(dim_x=2, dim_z=1, dt=0.1, hx=hx, fx=fx)

    ckf.x = np.array([[1.], [2.]])
    ckf.P = np.array([[1, 1.1],
                      [1.1, 3]])

    ckf.R = np.eye(1) * .05
    ckf.Q = np.array([[0., 0], [0., .001]])

    dt = 0.1
    points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(2, .1, 2., -1)
    kf = UKF(dim_x=2, dim_z=1, dt=dt, fx=fx, hx=hx, points=points)

    kf.x = np.array([1, 2])
    kf.P = np.array([[1, 1.1],
                     [1.1, 3]])
    kf.R *= 0.05
    kf.Q = np.array([[0., 0], [0., .001]])

    for i in range(50):
        z = np.array([[i+randn()*0.1]])
        #xx, pp, Sx = predict(f, x, P, Q)
        #x, P = update(h, z, xx, pp, R)
        assert abs(ckf.x[0] -kf.x[0]) < 1e-10
        assert abs(ckf.x[1] -kf.x[1]) < 1e-10

Exemple #16
def test_1d():
    def fx(x, dt):
        F = np.array([[1., dt],
                      [0,  1]])

        return np.dot(F, x)

    def hx(x):
        return x[0:1]

    ckf = CKF(dim_x=2, dim_z=1, dt=0.1, hx=hx, fx=fx)

    ckf.x = np.array([[1.], [2.]])
    ckf.P = np.array([[1, 1.1],
                      [1.1, 3]])

    ckf.R = np.eye(1) * .05
    ckf.Q = np.array([[0., 0], [0., .001]])

    dt = 0.1
    points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(2, .1, 2., -1)
    kf = UKF(dim_x=2, dim_z=1, dt=dt, fx=fx, hx=hx, points=points)

    kf.x = np.array([1, 2])
    kf.P = np.array([[1, 1.1],
                     [1.1, 3]])
    kf.R *= 0.05
    kf.Q = np.array([[0., 0], [0., .001]])

    s = Saver(kf)
    for i in range(50):
        z = np.array([[i+randn()*0.1]])
        assert abs(ckf.x[0] - kf.x[0]) < 1e-10
        assert abs(ckf.x[1] - kf.x[1]) < 1e-10

        # test mahalanobis
        a = np.zeros(kf.y.shape)
        maha = scipy_mahalanobis(a, kf.y, kf.SI)
        assert kf.mahalanobis == approx(maha)

Exemple #17
def test_radar():
    def fx(x, dt):
        A = np.eye(3) + dt * np.array ([[0, 1, 0],
                                        [0, 0, 0],
                                        [0, 0, 0]])
        return A.dot(x)

    def hx(x):
        return np.sqrt (x[0]**2 + x[2]**2)

    dt = 0.05

    sp = JulierSigmaPoints(n=3, kappa=0.)
    kf = UKF(3, 1, dt, fx=fx, hx=hx, points=sp)

    kf.Q *= 0.01
    kf.R = 10
    kf.x = np.array([0., 90., 1100.])
    kf.P *= 100.
    radar = RadarSim(dt)

    t = np.arange(0,20+dt, dt)

    n = len(t)

    xs = np.zeros((n,3))

    rs = []
    #xs = []
    for i in range(len(t)):
        r = radar.get_range()
        #r = GetRadar(dt)

        xs[i,:] = kf.x

    if DO_PLOT:

        plt.plot(t, xs[:,0])
        plt.plot(t, xs[:,1])

        plt.plot(t, xs[:,2])
Exemple #18
    def __init__(self, deltaT, measurementNoiseStd):

        self.updatedPredictions = []
        self.mus = []
        First init constant linear model

        points1 = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(5, alpha=0.0025, beta=2., kappa=0)

        self.constantLinearModel = UnscentedKalmanFilter(

        self.constantLinearModel.x = np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0])

        self.constantLinearModel.P = np.eye(5) * (measurementNoiseStd**2) / 2.0

        self.constantLinearModel.R = np.eye(2) * (measurementNoiseStd**2)

        self.constantLinearModel.Q = np.diag([0.003, 0.003, 6e-4, 0.004, 0])
        Second init constant turn rate model

        points2 = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(5, alpha=0.0025, beta=2., kappa=0)

        self.constantTurnRateModel = UnscentedKalmanFilter(

        self.constantTurnRateModel.x = np.array(
            [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.001, 1e-5])

        self.constantTurnRateModel.P = np.eye(5) * (measurementNoiseStd**
                                                    2) / 2.0

        self.constantTurnRateModel.R = np.eye(2) * (measurementNoiseStd**2)

        self.constantTurnRateModel.Q = np.diag(
            [1e-24, 1e-24, 1e-3, 4e-3, 1e-10])
        Third init random motion model
        points3 = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(5, alpha=0.0025, beta=2., kappa=0)

        self.randomModel = UnscentedKalmanFilter(dim_x=5,

        self.randomModel.x = np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.001, 1e-5])

        self.randomModel.P = np.eye(5) * (measurementNoiseStd**2) / 2.0

        self.randomModel.R = np.eye(2) * (measurementNoiseStd**2)

        self.randomModel.Q = np.diag([1, 1, 1e-24, 1e-24, 1e-24])


        if (1):

            filters = [self.constantLinearModel, self.constantTurnRateModel]

            mu = [0.5, 0.5]

            trans = np.array([[0.9, 0.1], [0.1, 0.9]])

            self.imm = IMMEstimator(filters, mu, trans)


            filters = [
                self.constantLinearModel, self.constantTurnRateModel,

            mu = [0.34, 0.33, 0.33]

            trans = np.array([[0.9, 0.05, 0.05], [0.05, 0.9, 0.05],
                              [0.05, 0.05, 0.9]])

            self.imm = IMMEstimator(filters, mu, trans)
Exemple #19
                  [0., 0., 1.]])

    return np.dot(F, x)

def hx(x):
    """ returns slant range based on downrange distance and altitude"""

    return (x[0]**2 + x[2]**2)**.5

if __name__ == "__main__":

    dt = 0.05

    radarUKF = UKF(dim_x=3, dim_z=1, dt=dt, kappa=0.)
    radarUKF.Q *= Q_discrete_white_noise(3, 1, .01)
    radarUKF.R *= 10
    radarUKF.x = np.array([0., 90., 1100.])
    radarUKF.P *= 100.

    t = np.arange(0, 20+dt, dt)
    n = len(t)
    xs = []
    rs = []
    for i in range(n):
        r = GetRadar(dt)

        radarUKF.update(r, hx, fx)
#m = array([[5, 10], [10, 5], [15, 15], [20, 5],[5,5], [8, 8.4]])#, [0, 30], [50, 30], [40, 10]])
#m = array([[5, 10], [10, 5]])#, [0, 30], [50, 30], [40, 10]])
#m = array([[5., 10], [10, 5]])
#m = array([[5., 10], [10, 5]])

sigma_r = .3
sigma_h =  .1#radians(.5)#np.radians(1)
#sigma_steer =  radians(10)
dt = 0.1
wheelbase = 0.5

points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(n=3, alpha=.1, beta=2, kappa=0, subtract=residual_x)
#points = JulierSigmaPoints(n=3,  kappa=3)
ukf= UKF(dim_x=3, dim_z=2*len(m), fx=fx, hx=Hx, dt=dt, points=points,
         x_mean_fn=state_mean, z_mean_fn=z_mean,
         residual_x=residual_x, residual_z=residual_h)
ukf.x = array([2, 6, .3])
ukf.P = np.diag([.1, .1, .05])
ukf.R = np.diag([sigma_r**2, sigma_h**2]* len(m))
ukf.Q =np.eye(3)*.00001

u = array([1.1, 0.])

xp = ukf.x.copy()

plt.scatter(m[:, 0], m[:, 1])
Exemple #21
def test_julier_weights():
    for n in range(1,15):
        for k in np.linspace(0,5,0.1):
            Wm = UKF.weights(n, k)

            assert abs(sum(Wm) - 1) < 1.e-12
Exemple #22
def test_linear_1d():
    """ should work like a linear KF if problem is linear """

    def fx(x, dt):
        F = np.array([[1., dt],
                      [0, 1]])

        return np.dot(F, x)

    def hx(x):
        return np.array([x[0]])

    dt = 0.1
    points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(2, .1, 2., -1)
    kf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(dim_x=2, dim_z=1, dt=dt,
                               fx=fx, hx=hx, points=points)

    kf.x = np.array([1, 2])
    kf.P = np.array([[1, 1.1],
                     [1.1, 3]])
    kf.R *= 0.05
    kf.Q = np.array([[0., 0], [0., .001]])

    z = np.array([2.])

    zs = []
    for i in range(50):
        z = np.array([i + randn()*0.1])

        print('K', kf.K.T)
        print('x', kf.x)
Exemple #23
def test_rts():
    def fx(x, dt):
        A = np.eye(3) + dt * np.array ([[0, 1, 0],
                                        [0, 0, 0],
                                        [0, 0, 0]])
        f = np.dot(A, x)
        return f

    def hx(x):
        return np.sqrt (x[0]**2 + x[2]**2)

    dt = 0.05

    kf = UKF(3, 1, dt, fx=fx, hx=hx, kappa=1.)

    kf.Q *= 0.01
    kf.R = 10
    kf.x = np.array([0., 90., 1100.])
    kf.P *= 100.
    radar = RadarSim(dt)

    t = np.arange(0,20+dt, dt)

    n = len(t)

    xs = np.zeros((n,3))

    rs = []
    #xs = []
    for i in range(len(t)):
        r = radar.get_range()
        #r = GetRadar(dt)

        xs[i,:] = kf.x

    kf.x = np.array([0., 90., 1100.])
    kf.P = np.eye(3)*100
    M, P = kf.batch_filter(rs)
    assert np.array_equal(M, xs), "Batch filter generated different output"

    Qs = [kf.Q]*len(t)
    M2, P2, K = kf.rts_smoother(Xs=M, Ps=P, Qs=Qs)

    if DO_PLOT:

        plt.plot(t, xs[:,0])
        plt.plot(t, M2[:,0], c='g')
        plt.plot(t, xs[:,1])
        plt.plot(t, M2[:,1], c='g')

        plt.plot(t, xs[:,2])
        plt.plot(t, M2[:,2], c='g')
Exemple #24
def test_fixed_lag():
    def fx(x, dt):
        A = np.eye(3) + dt * np.array([[0, 1, 0],
                                       [0, 0, 0],
                                       [0, 0, 0]])
        f = np.dot(A, x)
        return f

    def hx(x):
        return [np.sqrt(x[0]**2 + x[2]**2)]

    dt = 0.05

    sp = JulierSigmaPoints(n=3, kappa=0)

    kf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(3, 1, dt, fx=fx, hx=hx, points=sp)

    kf.Q *= 0.01
    kf.R = 10
    kf.x = np.array([0., 90., 1100.])
    kf.P *= 1.
    radar = RadarSim(dt)

    t = np.arange(0, 20 + dt, dt)
    n = len(t)
    xs = np.zeros((n, 3))

    rs = []

    M = []
    P = []
    N = 10
    flxs = []
    for i in range(len(t)):
        r = radar.get_range()

        xs[i, :] = kf.x
        if i == 20 and len(M) >= N:
                M2, P2, K = kf.rts_smoother(Xs=np.asarray(M)[-N:],
                flxs[-N:] = M2
                print('except', i)

    kf.x = np.array([0., 90., 1100.])
    kf.P = np.eye(3) * 100
    M, P = kf.batch_filter(rs)

    Qs = [kf.Q]*len(t)
    M2, P2, K = kf.rts_smoother(Xs=M, Ps=P, Qs=Qs)

    flxs = np.asarray(flxs)
    print(xs[:, 0].shape)

    plt.plot(t, xs[:, 0])
    plt.plot(t, flxs[:, 0], c='r')
    plt.plot(t, M2[:, 0], c='g')
    plt.plot(t, xs[:, 1])
    plt.plot(t, flxs[:, 1], c='r')
    plt.plot(t, M2[:, 1], c='g')

    plt.plot(t, xs[:, 2])
    plt.plot(t, flxs[:, 2], c='r')
    plt.plot(t, M2[:, 2], c='g')

# x = [1.3905235974633778, 7.832049402391674, 9.020314462351989, 3.687485010010496, 4.933087914504979, 5.842278721831094, 7.374384722598193, 11.548435059429593, 10.08330407331331, 4.048332216167037, 11.753400231528877, 5.24814930818585, 0.3780861370621249, 3.819226471192638, 3.219009627591963, -0.660991670650813, -6.810902143188039, -2.648632039619782, -0.8651469995661083, -5.882826870804094, -6.771881598941817, -6.883212384180803, -10.970288387596014, -9.38416048883138, -2.0041408634734, -4.1999609273146294, -4.427392485133488, -4.094107923812431, -4.539507495972897, -6.958816977357863, -0.5837156626237164, 3.211904185873981, 2.6999090897786973, 4.946462347786874, 6.250544373196611, 1.4360007457367132, 6.376447944684558, 5.395872942944427, 3.6592834591198713, 3.6799054753035985, 6.372070482657179, 10.83971503990248, 6.471684767984395, -4.13122094642976, 1.3657905443071188, -2.1545837703277186, -3.6218498314375362, -5.990316163817381, -2.825131401522447, -8.47962049553197, -3.0710249464300077, -5.242374500395425, -11.356227320748491, -3.580215175474069, -8.949524398862625, -12.148475712671257, -3.541357682569754, -2.3218551317498113, -4.10750098248105, -1.154362522019348, 1.719708807469195, -2.9317706605909493, 5.581580285882415, 7.322885401113478, 8.035547065332059, 7.115626723235949, 6.8834109751060195, 9.605681429819468, 5.378480946301948, 4.55936497171603, 0.9696632799355314, 3.0281397205843197, -2.4315041509242974, -0.4213417059299991, 0.13371487118430309, -2.5616840637149783, -3.330922819747191, -3.238792470549532, -12.848697164298123, -11.650132469341331, -2.9250345334239203, -8.844969766009035, -7.54940178448948, -10.204223020208033, -7.4851192397126525, -9.156624882388012, -6.366425519643718, -8.553734125327592, -4.609302566545153, -4.264881667574036, 1.4533519725675805]
# y = [5.1592964225372135, 8.216934337621904, 14.221677454416298, 9.606966741201592, 15.393598119630198, 15.463991661062682, 18.798461424361072, 17.83425651827887, 16.480645145332982, 22.97048479933387, 19.510051232214657, 24.642699320629887, 25.45829257417096, 25.497397786842278, 22.450305133766594, 21.947846746481055, 18.037770599424036, 23.858011123610375, 19.308656588152285, 16.69873918296076, 20.488408553230123, 16.367880867164754, 23.654044378766407, 20.73648776720881, 15.90450795825495, 16.135338583542634, 8.493714748632618, 8.913938224865586, 8.734285273935438, 8.050993570472942, 10.158164230122795, 8.08449276240243, 14.886302280598855, 14.237310205824675, 17.306486687897937, 13.8601024213346, 17.90588766410904, 15.869047349619871, 20.686353443244506, 18.42398071352659, 23.22554467544738, 21.198830063607687, 24.727001975565397, 23.188652263477202, 25.512192853204706, 25.07747201310473, 24.054712728944807, 22.68899006890544, 22.641944066718526, 18.33228864387304, 17.94999176153331, 22.10590333682616, 19.005801408713417, 13.582191596376182, 10.639031293990215, 15.577633926934181, 9.911438955202737, 8.666040822401431, 11.027340108357107, 12.56573800372876, 11.771468252890216, 12.46635569231553, 8.986038622183006, 12.215863938535502, 10.291879983793017, 16.505270167068254, 19.6009636347262, 19.10972604819267, 15.892910888479538, 26.63984263799601, 17.951774058138326, 21.107945349676598, 23.441244468726836, 21.853959925952115, 21.162499359087953, 21.808181391384416, 20.52011983367284, 19.153098462721978, 26.471740153772178, 25.208554508505728, 17.67356964440606, 18.51548339755294, 16.646498463883713, 15.599794378503121, 17.747778170685166, 13.998749493955843, 13.588001144109704, 16.94352162086974, 9.476077823803571, 5.4278110057897955, 12.342893333479008]
# x_actual = [0.0, 1.4672214011007085, 2.83753958756461, 4.0510650791270315, 5.054760988665319, 5.80476098866532, 6.268286480227742, 6.4250791751292216, 6.268286480227741, 5.804760988665318, 5.054760988665317, 4.051065079127029, 2.837539587564608, 1.4672214011007072, -8.881784197001252e-16, -1.5000000000000009, -2.9672214011007103, -4.337539587564613, -5.551065079127038, -6.554760988665329, -7.304760988665335, -7.768286480227762, -7.925079175129248, -7.768286480227774, -7.3047609886653575, -6.55476098866536, -5.551065079127074, -4.3375395875646525, -2.9672214011007503, -1.500000000000041, -4.107825191113079e-14, 1.4672214011006668, 2.837539587564567, 4.051065079126986, 5.054760988665272, 5.8047609886652705, 6.268286480227689, 6.4250791751291665, 6.268286480227683, 5.804760988665258, 5.0547609886652545, 4.051065079126965, 2.8375395875645424, 1.4672214011006404, -6.816769371198461e-14, -1.5000000000000682, -2.967221401100777, -4.337539587564679, -5.551065079127102, -6.554760988665391, -7.304760988665395, -7.76828648022782, -7.925079175129303, -7.768286480227826, -7.304760988665407, -6.55476098866541, -5.551065079127124, -4.337539587564702, -2.9672214011008, -1.5000000000000908, -9.08162434143378e-14, 1.467221401100617, 2.837539587564517, 4.0510650791269365, 5.0547609886652225, 5.804760988665221, 6.26828648022764, 6.425079175129117, 6.2682864802276335, 5.804760988665208, 5.054760988665205, 4.051065079126915, 2.8375395875644926, 1.4672214011005906, -1.1790568521519162e-13, -1.500000000000118, -2.9672214011008267, -4.337539587564729, -5.551065079127151, -6.554760988665441, -7.3047609886654445, -7.76828648022787, -7.925079175129353, -7.768286480227876, -7.304760988665457, -6.55476098866546, -5.551065079127174, -4.337539587564752, -2.9672214011008498, -1.5000000000001406, -1.4055423491754482e-13]
# y_actual = [10.0, 10.31186753622664, 10.92197250084034, 11.803650379279048, 12.91836761749514, 14.217405723171797, 15.643990497614528, 17.135773340666937, 18.627556183719346, 20.054140958162076, 21.353179063838734, 22.467896302054825, 23.349574180493534, 23.959679145107234, 24.271546681333874, 24.271546681333877, 23.95967914510724, 23.349574180493544, 22.46789630205484, 21.353179063838752, 20.054140958162098, 18.62755618371937, 17.13577334066696, 15.643990497614551, 14.217405723171819, 12.918367617495159, 11.803650379279066, 10.921972500840356, 10.311867536226657, 10.000000000000021, 10.000000000000025, 10.311867536226666, 10.921972500840369, 11.80365037927908, 12.918367617495173, 14.217405723171833, 15.643990497614563, 17.135773340666972, 18.62755618371938, 20.05414095816211, 21.353179063838766, 22.467896302054854, 23.349574180493562, 23.95967914510726, 24.2715466813339, 24.2715466813339, 23.95967914510726, 23.349574180493562, 22.467896302054854, 21.353179063838766, 20.05414095816211, 18.62755618371938, 17.135773340666972, 15.643990497614562, 14.217405723171831, 12.918367617495171, 11.803650379279079, 10.921972500840369, 10.31186753622667, 10.000000000000034, 10.000000000000037, 10.311867536226679, 10.921972500840381, 11.803650379279093, 12.918367617495186, 14.217405723171845, 15.643990497614576, 17.135773340666987, 18.627556183719395, 20.054140958162126, 21.35317906383878, 22.467896302054868, 23.349574180493576, 23.959679145107273, 24.271546681333913, 24.271546681333913, 23.959679145107273, 23.349574180493576, 22.467896302054868, 21.35317906383878, 20.054140958162126, 18.627556183719395, 17.135773340666987, 15.643990497614576, 14.217405723171845, 12.918367617495186, 11.803650379279093, 10.921972500840383, 10.311867536226684, 10.000000000000048, 10.000000000000052]

x = [-3.422319443527482, -0.3670766780148629, 0.42810463566372503, 7.971751432584803, 5.561623301852658, 5.122631477269733, 7.9380784789008345, 5.724443001813307, 3.9453729476132224, 7.805691945653483, 7.103981420312309, 3.6438350482459896, 2.307982454031695, 3.700120851211732, 2.659684755972816, -3.5930177497743228, -3.5940690041937104, -7.197420705291179, -3.320401730928432, -9.86609819752164, -7.080369683242467, -6.127129784273851, -8.85849826178098, -6.263547220912284, -8.512470940768917, -4.743424343342259, -5.395873837722023, -7.8941877456860885, -2.6621170295142553, -6.09164203736454, -1.320245983651153]
y = [14.16729015960461, 18.105403721893914, 11.857680736011378, 11.965905696440576, 12.378397170235502, 17.813946679056244, 20.347459881502157, 24.746811440113035, 25.764577855024726, 29.784943985662252, 22.03292253903822, 26.837906066246074, 27.727039870771407, 27.711933191437307, 34.07656757469763, 28.72982212627928, 28.284308305957804, 29.184032547849366, 26.636778632724987, 27.76168258806925, 27.716226098275158, 25.345843624215934, 14.664004496070973, 20.461258499585742, 18.967501506449352, 14.098137295901621, 14.072033819348718, 15.520102110851612, 16.343599524337055, 15.096377045760601, 15.52746451234623]
x_actual = [0.0, 1.4672214011007085, 2.83753958756461, 4.0510650791270315, 5.054760988665319, 5.80476098866532, 6.268286480227742, 6.4250791751292216, 6.268286480227741, 5.804760988665318, 5.054760988665317, 4.051065079127029, 2.837539587564608, 1.4672214011007072, -8.881784197001252e-16, -1.5000000000000009, -2.9672214011007103, -4.337539587564613, -5.551065079127038, -6.554760988665329, -7.304760988665335, -7.768286480227762, -7.925079175129248, -7.768286480227774, -7.3047609886653575, -6.55476098866536, -5.551065079127074, -4.3375395875646525, -2.9672214011007503, -1.500000000000041, -4.107825191113079e-14]
y_actual = [15.0, 15.31186753622664, 15.92197250084034, 16.80365037927905, 17.91836761749514, 19.217405723171797, 20.643990497614528, 22.135773340666937, 23.627556183719346, 25.054140958162076, 26.353179063838734, 27.467896302054825, 28.349574180493534, 28.959679145107234, 29.271546681333874, 29.271546681333877, 28.95967914510724, 28.349574180493544, 27.46789630205484, 26.353179063838752, 25.054140958162098, 23.62755618371937, 22.13577334066696, 20.643990497614553, 19.217405723171822, 17.918367617495164, 16.803650379279073, 15.921972500840363, 15.311867536226664, 15.000000000000028, 15.000000000000032]

points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(n=3, alpha=.00001, beta=2, kappa=0, subtract=residual_x)
ukf = UKF(dim_x = 3, dim_z = 2, fx=fx, hx=Hx,
          dt=dt, points=points, x_mean_fn=state_mean,
          z_mean_fn=z_mean, residual_x=residual_x,
ukf.x = np.array([1.3905235974633778, 7.832049402391674, 0.])
ukf.P = np.diag([.1, .1, .05])
ukf.R = np.diag( [sigma_range**2, sigma_bearing**2] )
ukf.Q = np.eye(3) * 0.0001

state = ukf.x.copy()

for i in range(1, len(x)):

    state = x_actual[i], y_actual[i]
    #state = move(state, dt, turning)

    ukf.predict(dt = 1., fx_args = (1.5, 2*pi / 30))
Exemple #26
    F = np.array([[1, dt, 0, 0],
                [0, 1, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 1, dt],
                [0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=float)
    return np.dot(F, x)

def hx(x):
# measurement function - convert state into a measurement
# where measurements are [x_pos, y_pos]
    return np.array([x[0], x[2]])

dt = 1
# create sigma points to use in the filter. This is standard for Gaussian processes
points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(4, alpha=.1, beta=2., kappa=-1)

kf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(dim_x=4, dim_z=2, dt=dt, fx=fx, hx=hx, points=points)
kf.x = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0]) # initial state
kf.P *= 0.1 # initial uncertainty
z_std = 0.1
kf.R = np.diag([z_std**2, z_std**2]) # 1 standard
kf.Q = Q_discrete_white_noise(dim=2, dt=dt, var=0.01**2, block_size=2)



vel = {}
position = {}
Exemple #27
def test_linear_rts():

    """ for a linear model the Kalman filter and UKF should produce nearly
    identical results.

    Test code mostly due to user gboehl as reported in GitHub issue #97, though
    I converted it from an AR(1) process to constant velocity kinematic
    dt = 1.0
    F = np.array([[1., dt], [.0, 1]])
    H = np.array([[1., .0]])

    def t_func(x, dt):
        F = np.array([[1., dt], [.0, 1]])
        return np.dot(F, x)

    def o_func(x):
        return np.dot(H, x)

    sig_t = .1    # peocess
    sig_o = .0001   # measurement

    N = 50
    X_true, X_obs = [], []

    for i in range(N):
        X_true.append([i + 1, 1.])
        X_obs.append(i + 1 + np.random.normal(scale=sig_o))

    X_true = np.array(X_true)
    X_obs = np.array(X_obs)

    oc = np.ones((1, 1)) * sig_o**2
    tc = np.zeros((2, 2))
    tc[1, 1] = sig_t**2

    tc = Q_discrete_white_noise(dim=2, dt=dt, var=sig_t**2)
    points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(n=2, alpha=.1, beta=2., kappa=1)

    ukf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(dim_x=2, dim_z=1, dt=dt, hx=o_func, fx=t_func, points=points)
    ukf.x = np.array([0., 1.])
    ukf.R = np.copy(oc)
    ukf.Q = np.copy(tc)
    s = Saver(ukf)

    kf = KalmanFilter(dim_x=2, dim_z=1)
    kf.x = np.array([[0., 1]]).T
    kf.R = np.copy(oc)
    kf.Q = np.copy(tc)
    kf.H = np.copy(H)
    kf.F = np.copy(F)

    mu_ukf, cov_ukf = ukf.batch_filter(X_obs)
    x_ukf, _, _ = ukf.rts_smoother(mu_ukf, cov_ukf)

    mu_kf, cov_kf, _, _ = kf.batch_filter(X_obs)
    x_kf, _, _, _ = kf.rts_smoother(mu_kf, cov_kf)

    # check results of filtering are correct
    kfx = mu_kf[:, 0, 0]
    ukfx = mu_ukf[:, 0]
    kfxx = mu_kf[:, 1, 0]
    ukfxx = mu_ukf[:, 1]

    dx = kfx - ukfx
    dxx = kfxx - ukfxx

    # error in position should be smaller then error in velocity, hence
    # atol is different for the two tests.
    assert np.allclose(dx, 0, atol=1e-7)
    assert np.allclose(dxx, 0, atol=1e-6)

    # now ensure the RTS smoothers gave nearly identical results
    kfx = x_kf[:, 0, 0]
    ukfx = x_ukf[:, 0]
    kfxx = x_kf[:, 1, 0]
    ukfxx = x_ukf[:, 1]

    dx = kfx - ukfx
    dxx = kfxx - ukfxx

    assert np.allclose(dx, 0, atol=1e-7)
    assert np.allclose(dxx, 0, atol=1e-6)
    return ukf
Exemple #28
    x[1] = x[1] + x[3]*dt
    x[2] = x[2]
    x[3] = x[3] + ((0.0034 * g * np.exp(-x[1] / 22000) * x[3] ** 2) / (2 * b) - g)*dt
    return x

def h_cv(x):
    """Measurement function -
        measuring only position"""
    return np.array([x[0], x[1]])

starting_conditions = [100., 1.00e4, 0., 0., 200.]

points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(n=4, alpha=.0001, beta=2., kappa=-1)
ukf = UKF(dim_x=4, dim_z=2, fx=f_cv, hx=h_cv, dt=dt, points=points)
ukf.x = np.array([1000., 1.00e3, 0., 0.])
ukf.R = np.diag([[std_x[0]**2, std_x[0]**2]])
#ukf.H = np.array([[1]])
ukf.Q = np.diag([100., 100., 1000., 1000.])
uxs = []
trux = []
truv = []
measx = []
time = []
covarx = []
covarv = []
zs = np.arange(0, 1435 + dt, dt)

f = falling_object(starting_conditions[0:2], starting_conditions[2:4], starting_conditions[4], std_x, std_model)
t = 0
Exemple #29
def run_localization(cmds,

    points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(n=3,
    ukf = UKF(dim_x=3,
              dim_z=2 * len(landmarks),

    ukf.x = np.array([2, 6, .3])
    ukf.P = np.diag([.1, .1, .05])
    ukf.R = np.diag([sigma_range**2, sigma_bearing**2] * len(landmarks))
    ukf.Q = np.eye(3) * 0.0001

    sim_pos = ukf.x.copy()

    # plot landmarks
    if len(landmarks) > 0:
        plt.scatter(landmarks[:, 0], landmarks[:, 1], marker='s', s=60)

    track = []
    for i, u in enumerate(cmds):
        sim_pos = move(sim_pos, dt / step, u, wheelbase)

        if i % step == 0:
            ukf.predict(u=u, wheelbase=wheelbase)

            if i % ellipse_step == 0:
                plot_covariance_ellipse((ukf.x[0], ukf.x[1]),
                                        ukf.P[0:2, 0:2],

            x, y = sim_pos[0], sim_pos[1]
            z = []
            for lmark in landmarks:
                dx, dy = lmark[0] - x, lmark[1] - y
                d = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) + randn() * sigma_range
                bearing = atan2(lmark[1] - y, lmark[0] - x)
                a = (normalize_angle(bearing - sim_pos[2] +
                                     randn() * sigma_bearing))
                z.extend([d, a])
            ukf.update(z, landmarks=landmarks)

            if i % ellipse_step == 0:
                plot_covariance_ellipse((ukf.x[0], ukf.x[1]),
                                        ukf.P[0:2, 0:2],
    track = np.array(track)
    plt.plot(track[:, 0], track[:, 1], color='k', lw=2)
    plt.title("UKF Robot localization")
    return ukf
Exemple #30
    F = np.array([[1., dt, 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]])

    return np.dot(F, x)

def hx(x):
    """ returns slant range based on downrange distance and altitude"""

    return (x[0]**2 + x[2]**2)**.5

if __name__ == "__main__":

    dt = 0.05

    radarUKF = UKF(dim_x=3, dim_z=1, dt=dt, kappa=0.)
    radarUKF.Q *= Q_discrete_white_noise(3, 1, .01)
    radarUKF.R *= 10
    radarUKF.x = np.array([0., 90., 1100.])
    radarUKF.P *= 100.

    t = np.arange(0, 20 + dt, dt)
    n = len(t)
    xs = []
    rs = []
    for i in range(n):
        r = GetRadar(dt)

        radarUKF.update(r, hx, fx)
# define display window name

windowName = "Kalman Object Tracking"  # window name
windowName2 = "Hue histogram back projection"  # window name
windowNameSelection = "initial selected region"

# init kalman filter object

from filterpy.kalman import UnscentedKalmanFilter as UKF
from filterpy.kalman import MerweScaledSigmaPoints
points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(n=4, alpha=.1, beta=2., kappa=-1)
dt = 1.0
ukf = UKF(dim_x=4,
ukf.x = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0.])
ukf.Q = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]],
                 np.float32) * 0.03

kalman = cv2.KalmanFilter(4, 2)
kalman.measurementMatrix = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]], np.float32)

kalman.transitionMatrix = np.array(
    [[1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]], np.float32)

kalman.processNoiseCov = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                                   [0, 0, 0, 1]], np.float32) * 0.03
                  [0,  0, 0, 1]])
    return np.dot(F, x)

def h_cv(x):
    return np.array([x[0], x[2]])

def e(x):
    res = []
    for n in range(x.shape[0]):
    return res

dt = 1.0

ukf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(dim_x=4, dim_z=2, fx=f_cv, hx=h_cv, dt=dt, kappa=0)
ukf.x = np.array([100., 0., 0., 0.])
ukf.R = np.diag([25, 25])
ukf.Q[0:2,0:2] = Q_discrete_white_noise(2, dt, var=0.04)
ukf.Q[2:4,2:4] = Q_discrete_white_noise(2, dt, var=0.04)

ckf = CubatureKalmanFilter(dim_x=4, dim_z=2, fx=f_cv, hx=h_cv, dt=dt)
ckf.x = np.array([100., 0., 0., 0.])
ckf.R = np.diag([25, 25])
ckf.Q[0:2,0:2] = Q_discrete_white_noise(2, dt, var=0.04)
ckf.Q[2:4,2:4] = Q_discrete_white_noise(2, dt, var=0.04)

uxs = []
pxs = []
zs = []
txs = []
Exemple #33
class Model:
    SIRD model of Covid-19.

    __CONFIRMED_URL = 'https://bit.ly/35yJO0d'
    __RECOVERED_URL = 'https://bit.ly/2L6jLE9'
    __DEATHS_URL = 'https://bit.ly/2L0hzxQ'
    __POPULATION_URL = 'https://bit.ly/2WYjZCD'
    __JHU_DATA_SHIFT = 4
    __N_FILTERED = 7  # Number of state variables to filter (I, R, D, β, γ, μ and n, the population).
    __N_MEASURED = 3  # Number of measured variables (I, R and D).
    __NB_OF_STEPS = 100
    __DELTA_T = 1 / __NB_OF_STEPS
    __FIG_SIZE = (11, 13)
    __S_COLOR = '#0072bd'
    __I_COLOR = '#d95319'
    __R_COLOR = '#edb120'
    __D_COLOR = '#7e2f8e'
    __BETA_COLOR = '#77ac30'
    __GAMMA_COLOR = '#4dbeee'
    __MU_COLOR = '#a2142f'
    __DATA_ALPHA = 0.3
    __DATA = None
    __POPULATION = None

    class Use(Enum):
        WIKIPEDIA = auto()
        DATA = auto()

    def __init__(self, use=Use.DATA, country='New Zealand', max_data=0):
        Initialise our Model object.

        # Retrieve the data (if requested and needed).

        if use == Model.Use.DATA and Model.__DATA is None:
            confirmed_data, confirmed_data_start = self.__jhu_data(Model.__CONFIRMED_URL, country)
            recovered_data, recovered_data_start = self.__jhu_data(Model.__RECOVERED_URL, country)
            deaths_data, deaths_data_start = self.__jhu_data(Model.__DEATHS_URL, country)
            data_start = min(confirmed_data_start, recovered_data_start, deaths_data_start) - Model.__JHU_DATA_SHIFT

            for i in range(data_start, confirmed_data.shape[1]):
                c = confirmed_data.iloc[0][i]
                r = recovered_data.iloc[0][i]
                d = deaths_data.iloc[0][i]
                data = [c - r - d, r, d]

                if Model.__DATA is None:
                    Model.__DATA = np.array(data)
                    Model.__DATA = np.vstack((Model.__DATA, data))

        if use == Model.Use.DATA:
            self.__data = Model.__DATA
            self.__data = None

        if self.__data is not None:
            if not isinstance(max_data, int):
                sys.exit('Error: \'max_data\' must be an integer value.')

            if max_data > 0:
                self.__data = self.__data[:max_data]

        # Retrieve the population (if needed).

        if use == Model.Use.DATA and Model.__POPULATION is None:
            Model.__POPULATION = {}

            response = requests.get(Model.__POPULATION_URL)
            soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
            data = soup.select('div div div div div tbody tr')

            for i in range(len(data)):
                country_soup = BeautifulSoup(data[i].prettify(), 'html.parser')
                country_value = country_soup.select('tr td a')[0].get_text().strip()
                population_value = country_soup.select('tr td')[2].get_text().strip().replace(',', '')

                Model.__POPULATION[country_value] = int(population_value)

        if use == Model.Use.DATA:
            if country in Model.__POPULATION:
                self.__population = Model.__POPULATION[country]
                sys.exit('Error: no population data is available for {}.'.format(country))

        # Keep track of whether to use the data.

        self.__use_data = use == Model.Use.DATA

        # Declare some internal variables (that will then be initialised through our call to reset()).

        self.__beta = None
        self.__gamma = None
        self.__mu = None

        self.__ukf = None

        self.__x = None
        self.__n = None

        self.__data_s_values = None
        self.__data_i_values = None
        self.__data_r_values = None
        self.__data_d_values = None

        self.__s_values = None
        self.__i_values = None
        self.__r_values = None
        self.__d_values = None

        self.__beta_values = None
        self.__gamma_values = None
        self.__mu_values = None

        # Initialise (i.e. reset) our SIRD model.


    def __jhu_data(url, country):
        data = pd.read_csv(url)
        data = data[(data['Country/Region'] == country) & data['Province/State'].isnull()]

        if data.shape[0] == 0:
            sys.exit('Error: no Covid-19 data is available for {}.'.format(country))

        data = data.drop(data.columns[list(range(Model.__JHU_DATA_SHIFT))], axis=1)  # Skip non-data columns.
        start = None

        for i in range(data.shape[1]):
            if data.iloc[0][i] != 0:
                start = Model.__JHU_DATA_SHIFT + i


        return data, start

    def __data_x(self, day, index):
        Return the I/R/D value for the given day.

        return self.__data[day][index] if self.__use_data else math.nan

    def __data_s(self, day):
        Return the S value for the given day.

        if self.__use_data:
            return self.__population - self.__data_i(day) - self.__data_r(day) - self.__data_d(day)
            return math.nan

    def __data_i(self, day):
        Return the I value for the given day.

        return self.__data_x(day, 0)

    def __data_r(self, day):
        Return the R value for the given day.

        return self.__data_x(day, 1)

    def __data_d(self, day):
        Return the D value for the given day.

        return self.__data_x(day, 2)

    def __data_available(self, day):
        Return whether some data is available for the given day.

        return day <= self.__data.shape[0] - 1 if self.__use_data else False

    def __s_value(self):
        Return the S value based on the values of I, R, D and N.

        return self.__n - self.__x.sum()

    def __i_value(self):
        Return the I value.

        return self.__x[0]

    def __r_value(self):
        Return the R value.

        return self.__x[1]

    def __d_value(self):
        Return the D value.

        return self.__x[2]

    def __f(x, dt, **kwargs):
        State function.

        The ODE system to solve is:
          dI/dt = βIS/N - γI - μI
          dR/dt = γI
          dD/dt = μI

        model_self = kwargs.get('model_self')
        with_ukf = kwargs.get('with_ukf', True)

        if with_ukf:
            s = x[6] - x[:3].sum()
            beta = x[3]
            gamma = x[4]
            mu = x[5]
            n = x[6]
            s = model_self.__n - x.sum()
            beta = model_self.__beta
            gamma = model_self.__gamma
            mu = model_self.__mu
            n = model_self.__n

        a = np.array([[1 + dt * (beta * s / n - gamma - mu), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [dt * gamma, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [dt * mu, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])

        if with_ukf:
            return a @ x
            return a[:3, :3] @ x

    def __h(x):
        Measurement function.

        return x[:Model.__N_MEASURED]

    def reset(self):
        Reset our SIRD model.

        # Reset β, γ and μ to the values mentioned on Wikipedia (see https://bit.ly/2VMvb6h).

        self.__beta = 0.4
        self.__gamma = 0.035
        self.__mu = 0.005

        # Reset I, R and D to the data at day 0 or the values mentioned on Wikipedia (see https://bit.ly/2VMvb6h).

        if self.__use_data:
            self.__x = np.array([self.__data_i(0), self.__data_r(0), self.__data_d(0)])
            self.__n = self.__population
            self.__x = np.array([3, 0, 0])
            self.__n = 1000

        # Reset our Unscented Kalman filter (if required). Note tat we use a dt value of 1 (day) and not the value of
        # Model.__DELTA_T.

        if self.__use_data:
            points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(Model.__N_FILTERED,
                                            1e-3,  # Alpha value (usually a small positive value like 1e-3).
                                            2,  # Beta value (a value of 2 is optimal for a Gaussian distribution).
                                            0,  # Kappa value (usually, either 0 or 3-n).

            self.__ukf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(Model.__N_FILTERED, Model.__N_MEASURED, 1, self.__h, Model.__f, points)

            self.__ukf.x = np.array([self.__data_i(0), self.__data_r(0), self.__data_d(0),
                                     self.__beta, self.__gamma, self.__mu, self.__n])

        # Reset our data (if requested).

        if self.__use_data:
            self.__data_s_values = np.array([self.__data_s(0)])
            self.__data_i_values = np.array([self.__data_i(0)])
            self.__data_r_values = np.array([self.__data_r(0)])
            self.__data_d_values = np.array([self.__data_d(0)])

        # Reset our predicted/estimated values.

        self.__s_values = np.array([self.__s_value()])
        self.__i_values = np.array([self.__i_value()])
        self.__r_values = np.array([self.__r_value()])
        self.__d_values = np.array([self.__d_value()])

        # Reset our estimated SIRD model parameters.

        self.__beta_values = np.array([self.__beta])
        self.__gamma_values = np.array([self.__gamma])
        self.__mu_values = np.array([self.__mu])

    def run(self, batch_filter=True, nb_of_days=100):
        Run our SIRD model for the given number of days, taking advantage of the data (if requested) to estimate the
        values of β, γ and μ.

        # Make sure that we were given a valid number of days.

        if not isinstance(nb_of_days, int) or nb_of_days <= 0:
            sys.exit('Error: \'nb_of_days\' must be an integer value greater than zero.')

        # Run our SIRD simulation, which involves computing our predicted/estimated state by computing our SIRD model /
        # Unscented Kalman filter in batch filter mode, if required.

        if self.__use_data and batch_filter:
            mu, cov = self.__ukf.batch_filter(self.__data)
            batch_filter_x, _, _ = self.__ukf.rts_smoother(mu, cov)

            # Override the first value of S, I, R and D.

            x = batch_filter_x[0][:3]

            self.__s_values = np.array([self.__n - x.sum()])
            self.__i_values = np.array([x[0]])
            self.__r_values = np.array([x[1]])
            self.__d_values = np.array([x[2]])

        for i in range(1, nb_of_days + 1):
            # Compute our predicted/estimated state by computing our SIRD model / Unscented Kalman filter for one day.

            if self.__use_data and self.__data_available(i):
                if batch_filter:
                    self.__x = batch_filter_x[i][:3]
                    self.__beta = batch_filter_x[i][3]
                    self.__gamma = batch_filter_x[i][4]
                    self.__mu = batch_filter_x[i][5]
                    self.__ukf.update(np.array([self.__data_i(i), self.__data_r(i), self.__data_d(i)]))

                    self.__x = self.__ukf.x[:3]
                    self.__beta = self.__ukf.x[3]
                    self.__gamma = self.__ukf.x[4]
                    self.__mu = self.__ukf.x[5]
                for j in range(1, Model.__NB_OF_STEPS + 1):
                    self.__x = Model.__f(self.__x, Model.__DELTA_T, model_self=self, with_ukf=False)

            # Keep track of our data (if requested).

            if self.__use_data:
                if self.__data_available(i):
                    self.__data_s_values = np.append(self.__data_s_values, self.__data_s(i))
                    self.__data_i_values = np.append(self.__data_i_values, self.__data_i(i))
                    self.__data_r_values = np.append(self.__data_r_values, self.__data_r(i))
                    self.__data_d_values = np.append(self.__data_d_values, self.__data_d(i))
                    self.__data_s_values = np.append(self.__data_s_values, math.nan)
                    self.__data_i_values = np.append(self.__data_i_values, math.nan)
                    self.__data_r_values = np.append(self.__data_r_values, math.nan)
                    self.__data_d_values = np.append(self.__data_d_values, math.nan)

            # Keep track of our predicted/estimated values.

            self.__s_values = np.append(self.__s_values, self.__s_value())
            self.__i_values = np.append(self.__i_values, self.__i_value())
            self.__r_values = np.append(self.__r_values, self.__r_value())
            self.__d_values = np.append(self.__d_values, self.__d_value())

            # Keep track of our estimated SIRD model parameters.

            self.__beta_values = np.append(self.__beta_values, self.__beta)
            self.__gamma_values = np.append(self.__gamma_values, self.__gamma)
            self.__mu_values = np.append(self.__mu_values, self.__mu)

    def plot(self, figure=None, two_axes=False):
        Plot the results using five subplots for 1) S, 2) I and R, 3) D, 4) β, and 5) γ and μ. In each subplot, we plot
        the data (if requested) as bars and the computed value as a line.

        days = range(self.__s_values.size)
        nrows = 5 if self.__use_data else 3
        ncols = 1

        if figure is None:
            show_figure = True
            figure, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=Model.__FIG_SIZE)

            show_figure = False
            axes = figure.subplots(nrows, ncols)

        figure.canvas.set_window_title('SIRD model fitted to data' if self.__use_data else 'Wikipedia SIRD model')

        # First subplot: S.

        axis1 = axes[0]
        axis1.plot(days, self.__s_values, Model.__S_COLOR, label='S')
        if self.__use_data:
            axis2 = axis1.twinx() if two_axes else axis1
            axis2.bar(days, self.__data_s_values, color=Model.__S_COLOR, alpha=Model.__DATA_ALPHA)
            data_s_range = self.__population - min(self.__data_s_values)
            data_block = 10 ** (math.floor(math.log10(data_s_range)) - 1)
            s_values_shift = data_block * math.ceil(data_s_range / data_block)
            axis2.set_ylim(min(min(self.__s_values), self.__population - s_values_shift), self.__population)

        # Second subplot: I and R.

        axis1 = axes[1]
        axis1.plot(days, self.__i_values, Model.__I_COLOR, label='I')
        axis1.plot(days, self.__r_values, Model.__R_COLOR, label='R')
        if self.__use_data:
            axis2 = axis1.twinx() if two_axes else axis1
            axis2.bar(days, self.__data_i_values, color=Model.__I_COLOR, alpha=Model.__DATA_ALPHA)
            axis2.bar(days, self.__data_r_values, color=Model.__R_COLOR, alpha=Model.__DATA_ALPHA)

        # Third subplot: D.

        axis1 = axes[2]
        axis1.plot(days, self.__d_values, Model.__D_COLOR, label='D')
        if self.__use_data:
            axis2 = axis1.twinx() if two_axes else axis1
            axis2.bar(days, self.__data_d_values, color=Model.__D_COLOR, alpha=Model.__DATA_ALPHA)

        # Fourth subplot: β.

        if self.__use_data:
            axis1 = axes[3]
            axis1.plot(days, self.__beta_values, Model.__BETA_COLOR, label='β')

        # Fourth subplot: γ and μ.

        if self.__use_data:
            axis1 = axes[4]
            axis1.plot(days, self.__gamma_values, Model.__GAMMA_COLOR, label='γ')
            axis1.plot(days, self.__mu_values, Model.__MU_COLOR, label='μ')

        plt.xlabel('time (day)')

        if show_figure:

    def movie(self, filename, batch_filter=True, nb_of_days=100):
        Generate, if using the data, a movie showing the evolution of our SIRD model throughout time.

        if self.__use_data:
            data_size = Model.__DATA.shape[0]
            figure = plt.figure(figsize=Model.__FIG_SIZE)
            backend = matplotlib.get_backend()
            writer = manimation.writers['ffmpeg']()


            with writer.saving(figure, filename, 96):
                for i in range(1, data_size + 1):
                    print('Processing frame #', i, '/', data_size, '...', sep='')

                    self.__data = Model.__DATA[:i]

                    self.run(batch_filter=batch_filter, nb_of_days=nb_of_days)


                print('All done!')


    def s(self, day=-1):
        Return all the S values (if day=-1) or its value for a given day.

        if day == -1:
            return self.__s_values
            return self.__s_values[day]

    def i(self, day=-1):
        Return all the I values (if day=-1) or its value for a given day.

        if day == -1:
            return self.__i_values
            return self.__i_values[day]

    def r(self, day=-1):
        Return all the R values (if day=-1) or its value for a given day.

        if day == -1:
            return self.__r_values
            return self.__r_values[day]

    def d(self, day=-1):
        Return all the D values (if day=-1) or its value for a given day.

        if day == -1:
            return self.__d_values
            return self.__d_values[day]
class Follower(BehaviorBase):
    def __init__(self, g, zeta,
                 leader, trajectory_delay=2.0,
                 orig_leader=None, orig_leader_delay=None,
                 noise_sigma=0.0, log_file=None,
                 visibility_fov=config.FOV_ANGLE, visibility_radius=None,

        Construct a follower Behavior.

        leader is the Bot to be followed
        g > 0 is a tuning parameter
        zeta in (0, 1) is a damping coefficient
        trajectory_delay is the time interval between leader and follower
        super(Follower, self).__init__()

        assert(isinstance(leader, Bot))
        assert(isinstance(orig_leader, Bot))

        self.radius = config.BOT_RADIUS
        self.leader = leader
        self.orig_leader = orig_leader
        self.trajectory_delay = trajectory_delay

        assert g > 0, "Follower: g parameter must be positive"
        self.g = g
        assert 0 < zeta < 1, "Follower: zeta parameter must be in (0, 1)"
        self.zeta = zeta

        # leader_positions stores config.POSITIONS_BUFFER_SIZE tuples;
        # tuple's first field is time, second is the
        # corresponding position of the leader
        self.leader_positions = RingBuffer(config.POSITIONS_BUFFER_SIZE)
        self.noisy_leader_positions = RingBuffer(config.POSITIONS_BUFFER_SIZE)

        self.leader_is_visible = False

        # precise_orig_leader_states stores the first leader's precise state;
        # used to calculate "real" errors (as opposed to calculations
        # w.r.t. the approximation curve)
        self.precise_orig_leader_states = []
        # precise_leader_states is used for the same purpose, but with the bot's own leader
        self.precise_leader_states = []

        self.update_delta_t = update_delta_t
        needed_buffer_size = config.SAMPLE_COUNT // 2 + self.trajectory_delay / self.update_delta_t
        if needed_buffer_size > config.POSITIONS_BUFFER_SIZE:
            sys.stderr.write("leader_positions buffer is too small for update_delta_t = {}".format(self.update_delta_t) +
                             " (current = {}, required = {})".format(config.POSITIONS_BUFFER_SIZE, needed_buffer_size))
            raise RuntimeError, "leader_positions buffer is too small"
        self.last_update_time = 0.0

        self.noise_sigma = noise_sigma

        self.log_file = log_file

        self.visibility_fov = visibility_fov
        if visibility_radius is None:
            visibility_radius = 2.0 * trajectory_delay * config.BOT_VEL_CAP
        self.visibility_radius = visibility_radius

        self.id = id;

        if orig_leader_delay is None:
            orig_leader_delay = trajectory_delay
        self.orig_leader_delay = orig_leader_delay

        if self.log_file is not None:
            log_dict = {"id": self.id,
                         "g": self.g,
                         "zeta": self.zeta,
                         "noise_sigma": self.noise_sigma,
                         "reference_points_cnt": config.SAMPLE_COUNT,
                         "trajectory_delay": trajectory_delay}
            print >> self.log_file, log_dict

        q = 0.01   # std of process
        r = 0.05   # std of measurement

        self.delta_time = dt
        if not config.DISABLE_UKF:
            points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(n=6, alpha=.1, beta=2., kappa=-3)
            self.ukf = UKF(dim_x=6, dim_z=2, fx=f, hx=h, dt=dt, points=points)

            self.ukf_x_initialized = 0
            #self.ukf.x = np.array([0, 0, 1, pi/4, 0, 0])
            self.ukf.R = np.diag([r, r]);
            self.ukf.Q = np.diag([0, 0, 0, 0, q, q])

    def point_in_fov(self, p):
        if length(p - self.pos) > self.visibility_radius:
            return False
        d = p - self.pos
        ang = atan2(cross(self.real_dir, d), dot(self.real_dir, d))
        return -0.5 * self.visibility_fov < ang < 0.5 * self.visibility_fov

    def point_is_visible(self, p, obstacles):
        if not self.point_in_fov(p):
            return False
            ray = Ray(self.pos, p - self.pos)
        except NormalizationError:
            ray = Ray(self.pos, Vector(1.0, 0.0))
        i = first_intersection(ray, obstacles)
        return (i is None) or (length(i - self.pos) > length(p - self.pos))

    def store_leaders_state(self, engine, obstacles):
        if self.point_is_visible(self.leader.real.pos, obstacles):
            self.leader_is_visible = True

            noisy_pos = self.leader.real.pos
            noisy_pos += Vector(gauss(0.0, self.noise_sigma),
                                gauss(0.0, self.noise_sigma))
            if config.DISABLE_UKF:
                filtered_pos = noisy_pos
                if (self.ukf_x_initialized == 0):
                    self.ukf_x1 = noisy_pos
                    self.ukf_x_initialized += 1
                    filtered_pos = noisy_pos
                    self.ukf.x = np.array([noisy_pos.x, noisy_pos.y,
                                           0, pi/2, 0, 0])
                #elif (self.ukf_x_initialized == 1):
                #    self.ukf_x2 = noisy_pos
                #    self.ukf_x_initialized += 1
                #    self.ukf.x = np.array([noisy_pos.x, noisy_pos.y,
                #                           length((noisy_pos - self.ukf_x1) / self.delta_time),
                #                           atan2(noisy_pos.y - self.ukf_x1.y,
                #                                 noisy_pos.x - self.ukf_x1.x),
                #                           0, 0])
                #    filtered_pos = noisy_pos
                else: # UKF is initialized
                    filtered_pos = Point(self.ukf.x[0], self.ukf.x[1])
            self.leader_noisy_pos = noisy_pos
            self.noisy_leader_positions.append(TimedPosition(engine.time, noisy_pos))
            self.leader_positions.append(TimedPosition(engine.time, filtered_pos))
            self.last_update_time = engine.time
            self.leader_is_visible = False
            if not config.DISABLE_UKF:
                #TODO: do magic with UKF?

        orig_leader_theta = atan2(self.orig_leader.real.dir.y,
        leader_theta = atan2(self.leader.real.dir.y,

    def polyfit_trajectory(self, pos_data, t):
        x_pos = np.array([el.pos.x for el in pos_data])
        y_pos = np.array([el.pos.y for el in pos_data])
        times = np.array([el.time   for el in pos_data])

        # needed for trajectory rendering
        self.t_st = times[0]
        self.t_fn = max(times[-1], t)

        # calculate quadratic approximation of the reference trajectory
        x_poly = np.polyfit(times, x_pos, deg=2)
        y_poly = np.polyfit(times, y_pos, deg=2)
        known = Trajectory.from_poly(x_poly, y_poly)
        return known, x_pos[-1], y_pos[-1], times[-1]

    def extend_trajectory(self, known, last_x, last_y, last_t):
        # now adding a circle to the end of known trajectory
        # k is signed curvature of the trajectry at t_fn
            k = known.curvature(last_t)
        except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError):
            k = config.MIN_CIRCLE_CURVATURE
        if abs(k) < config.MIN_CIRCLE_CURVATURE:
            k = copysign(config.MIN_CIRCLE_CURVATURE, k)

        if abs(k) > config.MAX_CURVATURE:
            k = copysign(config.MAX_CURVATURE, k)

        radius = abs(1.0/k)
        # trajectory direction at time t_fn
            d = normalize(Vector(known.dx(last_t), known.dy(last_t)))
        except NormalizationError:
            d = self.real_dir

        r = Vector(-d.y, d.x) / k
        center = Point(last_x, last_y) + r
        phase = atan2(-r.y, -r.x)
        #freq = known.dx(last_t) / r.y
        freq = k
        self.x_approx = lambda time: known.x(time) if time < last_t else \
                                     center.x + radius * cos(freq * (time - last_t) + phase)
        self.y_approx = lambda time: known.y(time) if time < last_t else \
                                     center.y + radius * sin(freq * (time - last_t) + phase)
        dx = lambda time: known.dx(time) if time < last_t else \
                          -radius * freq * sin(freq * (time - last_t) + phase)
        dy = lambda time: known.dy(time) if time < last_t else \
                          radius * freq * cos(freq * (time - last_t) + phase)
        ddx = lambda time: known.ddx(time) if time < last_t else \
                          -radius * freq * freq * cos(freq * (time - last_t) + phase)
        ddy = lambda time: known.ddy(time) if time < last_t else \
                          -radius * freq * freq * sin(freq * (time - last_t) + phase)
        # FIXME: don't use division by y if y == 0
            if isnan(self.x_approx(last_t + 1)):
                return known
        except Exception:
            return known
        return Trajectory(x=self.x_approx, y=self.y_approx,
                          dx=dx, dy=dy, ddx=ddx, ddy=ddy)

    def generate_trajectory(self, leader_positions, t):
        arr = get_interval(self.leader_positions, t, config.SAMPLE_COUNT)
        self.traj_interval = arr
        if len(arr) == 0:
            return None
        known, last_x, last_y, last_t = self.polyfit_trajectory(arr, t)
        if config.DISABLE_CIRCLES:
            return known
            return self.extend_trajectory(known, last_x, last_y, last_t)

    def calc_desired_velocity(self, bots, obstacles, targets, engine):
        # update trajectory
        if engine.time - self.last_update_time > self.update_delta_t:
            self.store_leaders_state(engine, obstacles)

        # reduce random movements at the start
        # TODO: this causes oscillations that smash bots into each other.
        # Change to something smoother. PID control?
        #if self.leader_is_visible and length(self.pos - self.leader_noisy_pos) < MIN_DISTANCE_TO_LEADER:
        #    return Instr(0.0, 0.0)

        t = engine.time - self.trajectory_delay
        self.trajectory = self.generate_trajectory(self.leader_positions, t)
        if self.trajectory is None:
            return Instr(0.0, 0.0)

        dx = self.trajectory.dx
        dy = self.trajectory.dy
        ddx = self.trajectory.ddx
        ddy = self.trajectory.ddy

        # calculate the feed-forward velocities
        v_fun = lambda time: sqrt(dx(time)**2 + dy(time)**2)
        #omega_fun = lambda time: (dx(time) * 2 * y_poly[0] - dy(time) * 2 * x_poly[0]) / (dx(time)**2 + dy(time)**2)
        omega_fun = lambda time: (dx(time) * ddy(time) - dy(time) * ddx(time)) / (dx(time)**2 + dy(time)**2)
        v_ff = v_fun(t)
        omega_ff = omega_fun(t)

        # x_r, y_r and theta_r denote the reference robot's state
        r = State(x=self.trajectory.x(t),
        self.target_point = Point(r.x, r.y)

        if isnan(v_ff):
            v_ff = 0.0
        if isnan(omega_ff):
            omega_ff = 0.0

        # cur is the current state
        cur = State(x=self.pos.x,
                    theta=atan2(self.real_dir.y, self.real_dir.x))

        # error in the global (fixed) reference frame
        delta = State(x=r.x - cur.x,
                      y=r.y - cur.y,
                      theta=normalize_angle(r.theta - cur.theta))

        # translate error into the follower's reference frame
        e = State(x= cos(cur.theta) * delta.x + sin(cur.theta) * delta.y,
                  y=-sin(cur.theta) * delta.x + cos(cur.theta) * delta.y,

        # calculate gains k_x, k_y, k_theta
        # these are just parameters, not a state in any sense!
        omega_n = sqrt(omega_ff**2 + self.g * v_ff**2)
        k_x = 2 * self.zeta * omega_n
        k_y = self.g
        k_theta = 2 * self.zeta * omega_n

        # calculate control velocities
        v = v_ff * cos(e.theta) + k_x * e.x
        se = sin(e.theta) / e.theta if e.theta != 0 else 1.0
        omega = omega_ff + k_y * v_ff * se * e.y + k_theta * e.theta

        if config.DISABLE_FEEDBACK:
            v = v_ff
            omega = omega_ff

        real_e = State(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            orig_t = engine.time - self.orig_leader_delay
            orig_leader_state = lerp_precise_states(orig_t, self.precise_orig_leader_states)
            real_e = State(x=orig_leader_state.x - cur.x,
                               y=orig_leader_state.y - cur.y,
                               theta=normalize_angle(orig_leader_state.theta - cur.theta))
        except LerpError:
            # not enough data is yet available to calculate error

            leader_t = engine.time - self.trajectory_delay
            leader_state = lerp_precise_states(leader_t, self.precise_leader_states)
            approx_e = State(x=leader_state.x - cur.x,
                             y=leader_state.y - cur.y,
                             theta=normalize_angle(leader_state.theta - cur.theta))
        except LerpError:
            # same as above

        if self.log_file is not None:
            log_dict = {"id": self.id,
                         "time": engine.time,
                         "delta_time": engine.time_since_last_bot_update,
                         "x": cur.x,
                         "y": cur.y,
                         "theta": cur.theta,
                         "v": v,
                         "omega": omega,
                         "v_ff": v_ff,
                         "omega_ff": omega_ff,
                         "e_x": e.x,
                         "e_y": e.y,
                         "e_theta": e.theta,
                         "real_e_x": real_e.x,
                         "real_e_y": real_e.y,
                         "real_e_theta": real_e.theta,
                         "approx_e_x": approx_e.x,
                         "approx_e_y": approx_e.y,
                         "approx_e_theta": approx_e.theta,
                         "leader_is_visible": self.leader_is_visible
            print >> self.log_file, log_dict

        return Instr(v,  omega)

    def draw(self, screen, field):
        if config.DISPLAYED_POINTS_COUNT > 0:
            if k == 0:
                k = 1
            for index, (time, point) in enumerate(self.leader_positions):
                if index % k == 0:
                    draw_circle(screen, field, config.TRAJECTORY_POINTS_COLOR, point, 0.03, 1)
            for index, (time, point) in enumerate(self.noisy_leader_positions):
                if index % k == 0:
                    draw_circle(screen, field, config.NOISY_TRAJECTORY_POINTS_COLOR, point, 0.03, 1)

        if config.DISPLAYED_USED_POINTS_COUNT > 0:
            k = len(self.traj_interval) / config.DISPLAYED_USED_POINTS_COUNT
            if k == 0:
                k = 1
            for index, (time, point) in enumerate(self.traj_interval):
                if index % k == 0:
                    draw_circle(screen, field, config.USED_TRAJECTORY_POINTS_COLOR, point, 0.03, 1)

        if config.DRAW_DELAYED_LEADER_POS:
                orig_leader_dir = Vector(cos(self.orig_leader_theta),
                draw_directed_circle(screen, field, (0, 255, 0),
                                     self.orig_leader_pos, 0.2,
                                     orig_leader_dir, 1)
            except AttributeError:

        if config.DRAW_SENSOR_RANGE:
            ang = atan2(self.real_dir.y, self.real_dir.x)
            draw_arc(screen, field, config.SENSOR_COLOR, self.pos, self.visibility_radius,
                                    ang - 0.5 * self.visibility_fov,
                                    ang + 0.5 * self.visibility_fov,
            draw_line(screen, field, config.SENSOR_COLOR,
                      self.pos + rotate(self.real_dir * self.visibility_radius,
                                        0.5 * self.visibility_fov),
            draw_line(screen, field, config.SENSOR_COLOR,
                      self.pos + rotate(self.real_dir * self.visibility_radius,
                                        -0.5 * self.visibility_fov),

            if config.DRAW_VISIBILITY and self.leader_is_visible:
                draw_circle(screen, field, config.config.VISIBILITY_COLOR, self.leader.real.pos,
                            0.5 * config.BOT_RADIUS)
        except AttributeError:

            if config.DRAW_REFERENCE_POS:
                draw_circle(screen, field, config.TARGET_POINT_COLOR, self.target_point, 0.2)

            if config.DRAW_APPROX_TRAJECTORY and self.trajectory is not None:
                #if len(self.traj_interval) > 1:
                #    p2 = Point(self.traj_interval[0].pos.x,
                #               self.traj_interval[0].pos.y)
                #    for t, p in self.traj_interval:
                #        draw_line(screen, field, config.APPROX_TRAJECTORY_COLOR, p, p2)
                #        p2 = p

                step = (self.t_fn - self.t_st) / config.TRAJECTORY_SEGMENT_COUNT
                for t in (self.t_st + k * step for k in xrange(config.TRAJECTORY_SEGMENT_COUNT)):
                    p = Point(self.trajectory.x(t),
                    p2 = Point(self.trajectory.x(t + step),
                               self.trajectory.y(t + step))
                    draw_line(screen, field, config.APPROX_TRAJECTORY_COLOR, p, p2)

                p_st = Point(self.trajectory.x(self.t_st), self.trajectory.y(self.t_st))
                p_fn = Point(self.trajectory.x(self.t_fn), self.trajectory.y(self.t_fn))

                step = 0.5 / config.TRAJECTORY_SEGMENT_COUNT
                p = p_fn
                p2 = p
                t = self.t_fn
                it = 0
                while it < config.TRAJECTORY_SEGMENT_COUNT and min(dist(p, p_fn), dist(p, p_st)) < 1.0:
                    it += 1
                    t += step
                    p2 = p
                    p = Point(self.trajectory.x(t), self.trajectory.y(t))
                    draw_line(screen, field, config.APPROX_TRAJECTORY_COLOR, p, p2)

        except AttributeError as e: # approximation hasn't been calculated yet
Exemple #35
def test_rts():
    def fx(x, dt):
        A = np.eye(3) + dt * np.array([[0, 1, 0],
                                       [0, 0, 0],
                                       [0, 0, 0]])
        f = np.dot(A, x)
        return f

    def hx(x):
        return [np.sqrt(x[0]**2 + x[2]**2)]

    dt = 0.05

    sp = JulierSigmaPoints(n=3, kappa=1.)
    kf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(3, 1, dt, fx=fx, hx=hx, points=sp)

    kf.Q *= 0.01
    kf.R = 10
    kf.x = np.array([0., 90., 1100.])
    kf.P *= 100.
    radar = RadarSim(dt)

    t = np.arange(0, 20 + dt, dt)

    n = len(t)

    xs = np.zeros((n, 3))

    rs = []
    for i in range(len(t)):
        r = radar.get_range()

        xs[i, :] = kf.x

    kf.x = np.array([0., 90., 1100.])
    kf.P = np.eye(3) * 100
    M, P = kf.batch_filter(rs)
    assert np.array_equal(M, xs), "Batch filter generated different output"

    Qs = [kf.Q] * len(t)
    M2, P2, K = kf.rts_smoother(Xs=M, Ps=P, Qs=Qs)

    if DO_PLOT:
        print(xs[:, 0].shape)
        plt.plot(t, xs[:, 0])
        plt.plot(t, M2[:, 0], c='g')
        plt.plot(t, xs[:, 1])
        plt.plot(t, M2[:, 1], c='g')
        plt.plot(t, xs[:, 2])
        plt.plot(t, M2[:, 2], c='g')
    Qd = calc_Qd(rhat, xhat)


    T_k0 = S.dot(np.linalg.inv(Q_r))

    Q_x -= T_k0.dot(Q_r.dot(T_k0.T))  # noise decorrelation

    return Q_x, Q_r, T_k0

x_points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(MARGIN_DIM, alpha=.001, beta=2., kappa=0)
for i in range(N):
    ukf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(MARGIN_DIM, PARTICLE_DIM, dt, x_measurement,
                                x_x_noiseless, x_points)
    # x estimate
    ukf.x = xhat0.reshape(MARGIN_DIM)
    ukf.x_prior = ukf.x
    # covariance of estimate
    ukf.P_prior = P0_x
    # get around needing to call predict() before update() (not applicable here)
    ukf.sigmas_f = ukf.points_fn.sigma_points(ukf.x, ukf.P_prior)


    Q_m, R_m, _ = calc_marginalized_Q_R_T(particles[:, i:i + 1], xhat0)
    ukf.Q = Q_m
    ukf.R = R_m

Exemple #37
def test_fixed_lag():
    def fx(x, dt):
        A = np.eye(3) + dt * np.array ([[0, 1, 0],
                                        [0, 0, 0],
                                        [0, 0, 0]])
        f = np.dot(A, x)
        return f

    def hx(x):
        return np.sqrt (x[0]**2 + x[2]**2)

    dt = 0.05

    kf = UKF(3, 1, dt, fx=fx, hx=hx, kappa=0.)

    kf.Q *= 0.01
    kf.R = 10
    kf.x = np.array([0., 90., 1100.])
    kf.P *= 1.
    radar = RadarSim(dt)

    t = np.arange(0,20+dt, dt)

    n = len(t)

    xs = np.zeros((n,3))

    rs = []
    #xs = []

    M = []
    P = []
    N =10
    flxs = []
    for i in range(len(t)):
        r = radar.get_range()
        #r = GetRadar(dt)

        xs[i,:] = kf.x
        #print(i, np.asarray(flxs)[:,0])
        if i == 20 and len(M) >= N:
                M2, P2, K = kf.rts_smoother(Xs=np.asarray(M)[-N:], Ps=np.asarray(P)[-N:])
                flxs[-N:] = M2
                #flxs[-N:] = [20]*N
                print('except', i)
            #P[-N:] = P2

    kf.x = np.array([0., 90., 1100.])
    kf.P = np.eye(3)*100
    M, P = kf.batch_filter(rs)

    Qs = [kf.Q]*len(t)
    M2, P2, K = kf.rts_smoother(Xs=M, Ps=P, Qs=Qs)

    flxs = np.asarray(flxs)

    plt.plot(t, xs[:,0])
    plt.plot(t, flxs[:,0], c='r')
    plt.plot(t, M2[:,0], c='g')
    plt.plot(t, xs[:,1])
    plt.plot(t, flxs[:,1], c='r')
    plt.plot(t, M2[:,1], c='g')

    plt.plot(t, xs[:,2])
    plt.plot(t, flxs[:,2], c='r')
    plt.plot(t, M2[:,2], c='g')
Exemple #38
def two_radar():

    # code is not complete - I was using to test RTS smoother. very similar
    # to two_radary.py in book.

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    from numpy import array
    from numpy.linalg import norm
    from numpy.random import randn
    from math import atan2

    from filterpy.common import Q_discrete_white_noise

    class RadarStation(object):

        def __init__(self, pos, range_std, bearing_std):
            self.pos = asarray(pos)

            self.range_std = range_std
            self.bearing_std = bearing_std

        def reading_of(self, ac_pos):
            """ Returns range and bearing to aircraft as tuple. bearing is in

            diff = np.subtract(self.pos, ac_pos)
            rng = norm(diff)
            brg = atan2(diff[1], diff[0])
            return rng, brg

        def noisy_reading(self, ac_pos):
            rng, brg = self.reading_of(ac_pos)
            rng += randn() * self.range_std
            brg += randn() * self.bearing_std
            return rng, brg

    class ACSim(object):

        def __init__(self, pos, vel, vel_std):
            self.pos = asarray(pos, dtype=float)
            self.vel = asarray(vel, dtype=float)
            self.vel_std = vel_std

        def update(self):
            vel = self.vel + (randn() * self.vel_std)
            self.pos += vel

            return self.pos

    dt = 1.

    def hx(x):
        r1, b1 = hx.R1.reading_of((x[0], x[2]))
        r2, b2 = hx.R2.reading_of((x[0], x[2]))

        return array([r1, b1, r2, b2])

    def fx(x, dt):
        x_est = x.copy()
        x_est[0] += x[1]*dt
        x_est[2] += x[3]*dt
        return x_est

    vx, vy = 0.1, 0.1

    f = UnscentedKalmanFilter(dim_x=4, dim_z=4, dt=dt, hx=hx, fx=fx, kappa=0)
    aircraft = ACSim((100, 100), (vx*dt, vy*dt), 0.00000002)

    range_std = 0.001  # 1 meter
    bearing_std = 1./1000 # 1mrad

    R1 = RadarStation((0, 0), range_std, bearing_std)
    R2 = RadarStation((200, 0), range_std, bearing_std)

    hx.R1 = R1
    hx.R2 = R2

    f.x = array([100, vx, 100, vy])

    f.R = np.diag([range_std**2, bearing_std**2, range_std**2, bearing_std**2])
    q = Q_discrete_white_noise(2, var=0.0002, dt=dt)
    f.Q[0:2, 0:2] = q
    f.Q[2:4, 2:4] = q
    f.P = np.diag([.1, 0.01, .1, 0.01])

    track = []
    zs = []

    for i in range(int(300/dt)):
        pos = aircraft.update()

        r1, b1 = R1.noisy_reading(pos)
        r2, b2 = R2.noisy_reading(pos)

        z = np.array([r1, b1, r2, b2])

    zs = asarray(zs)

    xs, Ps, Pxz, pM, pP = f.batch_filter(zs)
    ms, _, _ = f.rts_smoother(xs, Ps)

    track = asarray(track)
    time = np.arange(0, len(xs) * dt, dt)

    plt.plot(time, track[:, 0])
    plt.plot(time, xs[:, 0])
    plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
    plt.ylabel('x position (m)')

    plt.plot(time, track[:, 1])
    plt.plot(time, xs[:, 2])
    plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
    plt.ylabel('y position (m)')

    plt.plot(time, xs[:, 1])
    plt.plot(time, ms[:, 1])
    plt.ylim([0, 0.2])
    plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
    plt.ylabel('x velocity (m/s)')

    plt.plot(time, xs[:, 3])
    plt.plot(time, ms[:, 3])
    plt.ylabel('y velocity (m/s)')
    plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
Exemple #39
def test_circle():
    from filterpy.kalman import KalmanFilter
    from math import radians
    def hx(x):
        radius = x[0]
        angle = x[1]
        x = cos(radians(angle)) * radius
        y = sin(radians(angle)) * radius
        return np.array([x, y])

    def fx(x, dt):
        return np.array([x[0], x[1]+x[2], x[2]])

    std_noise = .1

    f = UKF(dim_x=3, dim_z=2, dt=.01, hx=hx, fx=fx, kappa=0)
    f.x = np.array([50., 90., 0])
    f.P *= 100
    f.R = np.eye(2)*(std_noise**2)
    f.Q = np.eye(3)*.001

    kf = KalmanFilter(dim_x=6, dim_z=2)
    kf.x = np.array([50., 0., 0, 0, .0, 0.])

    F = np.array([[1., 1., .5, 0., 0., 0.],
                  [0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
                  [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
                  [0., 0., 0., 1., 1., .5],
                  [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1.],
                  [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.]])

    kf.F = F
    kf.P*= 100
    kf.H = np.array([[1,0,0,0,0,0],

    kf.R = f.R
    kf.Q[0:3, 0:3] = Q_discrete_white_noise(3, 1., .00001)
    kf.Q[3:6, 3:6] = Q_discrete_white_noise(3, 1., .00001)

    measurements = []
    results = []

    zs = []
    kfxs = []
    for t in range (0,12000):
        a = t / 30 + 90
        x = cos(radians(a)) * 50.+ randn() * std_noise
        y = sin(radians(a)) * 50. + randn() * std_noise
        # create measurement = t plus white noise
        z = np.array([x,y])



        # save data
        results.append (hx(f.x))

    results = np.asarray(results)
    zs = np.asarray(zs)
    kfxs = np.asarray(kfxs)

    if DO_PLOT:
        plt.plot(zs[:,0], zs[:,1], c='r', label='z')
        plt.plot(results[:,0], results[:,1], c='k', label='UKF')
        plt.plot(kfxs[:,0], kfxs[:,3], c='g', label='KF')
Exemple #40
def main():

    # Create a random points to interpolate into a path
    x = np.arange(0, 30, 1)  # x coord
    x = np.append(x, x[::-1])
    y = np.ones(len(x))
    # designing course
    # TODO: function to create courses
    y = [x * 2 for x in x[:15]]
    y.extend([x * 3 for x in x[15:30]])
    y.extend([x * 1.2 for x in x[30:55]])
    y.extend([x % 5 for x in x[55:60]])
    y[-5:] = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -2]

    # prepare map for func
    map_ = np.vstack((x, y))

    # draw map,landmarks & get trajectory
    path = make_map(map_, landmarks=5, random_seed=42)
    lmark_pos = np.array(make_map.landmarks)

    # round path for controller
    x_path = [round(x, 4) for x in path[0][:]]
    y_path = [round(y, 4) for y in path[1][:]]

    # state and PID object
    state = State(x=x_path[0], y=y_path[0], yaw=np.radians(90.0), v=0.0)
    pd = PID(Kp=0.5, Ki=0.1, Kd=-0.15)

    target_speed = 30.0 / 3.6  # km/h - > [m/s]

    # Lists to store
    x = [state.x]
    y = [state.y]
    yaw = [state.yaw]
    v = [state.v]
    t = [0.0]
    lat_error = [0.0]

    # Setup Initial values
    target_index, _ = calc_target_index(state, x_path, y_path)
    last_index = len(x_path) - 1
    max_sim_time = 50.0
    dt = 0.1
    time = 0.0
    show_animation = True

    # setup UKF
    points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(n=3,

    sigma_range = 0.3
    sigma_bearing = 0.1

    ukf = UKF(dim_x=3,
              dim_z=2 * len(lmark_pos),

    ukf.x = np.array([2, 6, .3])
    ukf.P = np.diag([.1, .1, .05])
    ukf.R = np.diag([sigma_range**2, sigma_bearing**2] * 5)  # 5 landmarks

    ukf.Q = np.eye(3) * 0.0001

    while time <= max_sim_time and last_index > target_index:
        #TODO: make stanley model work with ukf
        ukf.predict(u=u, wheelbase=wheelbase)
        if time % 10 == 0:
            plot_covariance_ellipse((ukf.x[0], ukf.x[1]),
                                    ukf.P[0:2, 0:2],

        # set up controls
        ai = pd.pid_control(target_speed, state.v, lat_error[-1], time)
        di, target_index = stanley(state, x_path, y_path, target_index)
        state.update(ai, di)

        time += dt

        # store data for plotting

        # speed up time if oscilaltions
        if stanley.lat_error > abs(1.5):
            time += 1

        if show_animation:
            simple_animation(path, [x, y], lmark_pos, time, max_sim_time)

    assert last_index >= target_index, "Cannot reach goal"

    if show_animation:
        #plt.plot(path[0][:],path[1][:], ".r", label = 'course')

        _, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, sharex='row')
        ax1.plot(t, [iv * 3.6 for iv in v], "-r")
        ax2.plot(t, lat_error, label='lateral error to next [m]')
        ax2.set_ylabel("Lateral Error")
Exemple #41
def h_cv(x):
    return np.array([x[0], x[2]])

def e(x):
    res = []
    for n in range(x.shape[0]):
        res.append(np.sqrt(x[n][0]**2 + x[n][2]**2))
    return res

dt = 1.0

ukf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(dim_x=4, dim_z=2, fx=f_cv, hx=h_cv, dt=dt, kappa=0)
ukf.x = np.array([100., 0., 0., 0.])
ukf.R = np.diag([25, 25])
ukf.Q[0:2, 0:2] = Q_discrete_white_noise(2, dt, var=0.04)
ukf.Q[2:4, 2:4] = Q_discrete_white_noise(2, dt, var=0.04)

ckf = CubatureKalmanFilter(dim_x=4, dim_z=2, fx=f_cv, hx=h_cv, dt=dt)
ckf.x = np.array([100., 0., 0., 0.])
ckf.R = np.diag([25, 25])
ckf.Q[0:2, 0:2] = Q_discrete_white_noise(2, dt, var=0.04)
ckf.Q[2:4, 2:4] = Q_discrete_white_noise(2, dt, var=0.04)

uxs = []
pxs = []
zs = []
txs = []
def hx(x):
    return (x[0]**2 + x[2]**2)**.5

def fx(x, dt):
    result = x.copy()
    result[0] += x[1]*dt
    return result

f = UKF(3, 1, dt= dt, hx=hx, fx=fx, kappa=1)
radar = RadarSim(dt, pos=-1000., vel=100., alt=1000.)

f.x = array([0, 90, 1005])
f.R = 0.1
f.Q *= 0.002

xs = []
track = []

for i in range(int(20/dt)):
    z = radar.get_range()
    track.append((radar.pos, radar.vel, radar.alt))
class StateEstimation(object):
    Class that estimates the state of the drone using an Unscented Kalman Filter
    (UKF) applied to raw sensor data.
    # TODO: Make a reference to the UKF math document that is being written up,
    #       once it is in a complete enough state and can be placed in a shared
    #       location.
    def __init__(self, ir_throttled=False, imu_throttled=False, optical_flow_throttled=False):
        # self.ready_to_filter is False until we get initial measurements in
        # order to be able to initialize the filter's state vector x and
        # covariance matrix P.
        self.ready_to_filter = False
        self.printed_filter_start_notice = False
        self.got_ir = False
        self.got_optical_flow = False
        self.ir_topic_str = '/pidrone/infrared'
        self.imu_topic_str = '/pidrone/imu'
        self.optical_flow_topic_str = '/pidrone/picamera/twist'
        throttle_suffix = '_throttle'
        if ir_throttled:
            self.ir_topic_str += throttle_suffix
        if imu_throttled:
            self.imu_topic_str += throttle_suffix
        if optical_flow_throttled:
            self.optical_flow_topic_str += throttle_suffix
        self.in_callback = False

        # The last time that we received an input and formed a prediction with
        # the state transition function
        self.last_state_transition_time = None
        # Time in seconds between consecutive state transitions, dictated by
        # when the inputs come in
        self.dt = None
        # Initialize the last control input as 0 m/s^2 along each axis
        self.last_control_input = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    def initialize_ros(self):
        Initialize ROS-related objects, e.g., the node, subscribers, etc.
        self.node_name = 'state_estimator_ukf_test_2'
        print 'Initializing {} node...'.format(self.node_name)
        # Subscribe to topics to which the drone publishes in order to get raw
        # data from sensors, which we can then filter
        rospy.Subscriber(self.imu_topic_str, Imu, self.imu_data_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber(self.ir_topic_str, Range, self.ir_data_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber(self.optical_flow_topic_str, TwistStamped,
        # Create the publisher to publish state estimates
        self.state_pub = rospy.Publisher('/pidrone/state', State, queue_size=1,
    def initialize_ukf(self):
        Initialize the parameters of the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) that is
        used to estimate the state of the drone.
        # Number of state variables being tracked
        self.state_vector_dim = 6
        # The state vector consists of the following column vector.
        # Note that FilterPy initializes the state vector with zeros.
        # [[x],
        #  [y],
        #  [z],
        #  [x_vel],
        #  [y_vel],
        #  [z_vel]]
        # Number of measurement variables that the drone receives
        self.measurement_vector_dim = 3
        # The measurement variables consist of the following vector:
        # [[slant_range],
        #  [x_vel],
        #  [y_vel]]
        # Function to generate sigma points for the UKF
        # TODO: Modify these sigma point parameters appropriately. Currently
        #       just guesses
        sigma_points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(n=self.state_vector_dim,
        # Create the UKF object
        # Note that dt will get updated dynamically as sensor data comes in,
        # as will the measurement function, since measurements come in at
        # distinct rates. Setting compute_log_likelihood=False saves some
        # computation.
        self.ukf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(dim_x=self.state_vector_dim,

    def initialize_ukf_matrices(self):
        Initialize the covariance matrices of the UKF
        # Initialize state covariance matrix P:
        # TODO: Tune these initial values appropriately. Currently these are
        #       just guesses
        self.ukf.P = np.diag([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2])
        # Initialize the process noise covariance matrix Q:
        # TODO: Tune appropriately. Currently just a guess
        self.ukf.Q = np.diag([0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])*0.005
        # Initialize the measurement covariance matrix R
        # IR slant range variance (m^2), determined experimentally in a static
        # setup with mean range around 0.335 m:
        self.measurement_cov_ir = np.array([2.2221e-05])
        self.measurement_cov_optical_flow = np.diag([0.01, 0.01])
    def update_input_time(self, msg):
        Update the time at which we have received the most recent input, based
        on the timestamp in the header of a ROS message
        msg : a ROS message that includes a header with a timestamp that
              indicates the time at which the respective input was originally
        self.last_time_secs = msg.header.stamp.secs
        self.last_time_nsecs = msg.header.stamp.nsecs
        new_time = self.last_time_secs + self.last_time_nsecs*1e-9
        # Compute the time interval since the last state transition / input
        self.dt = new_time - self.last_state_transition_time
        # Set the current time at which we just received an input
        # to be the last input time
        self.last_state_transition_time = new_time
    def initialize_input_time(self, msg):
        Initialize the input time (self.last_state_transition_time) based on the
        timestamp in the header of a ROS message. This is called before we start
        filtering in order to attain an initial time value, which enables us to
        then compute a time interval self.dt by calling self.update_input_time()
        msg : a ROS message that includes a header with a timestamp
        self.last_time_secs = msg.header.stamp.secs
        self.last_time_nsecs = msg.header.stamp.nsecs
        self.last_state_transition_time = (self.last_time_secs +
    def ukf_predict(self):
        Compute the prior for the UKF based on the current state, a control
        input, and a time step.
        self.ukf.predict(dt=self.dt, u=self.last_control_input)
    def print_notice_if_first(self):
        if not self.printed_filter_start_notice:
            print 'Starting filter'
            self.printed_filter_start_notice = True
    def imu_data_callback(self, data):
        Handle the receipt of an Imu message. Only take the linear acceleration
        along the z-axis.
        This method PREDICTS with a control input.
        if self.in_callback:
        self.in_callback = True
        self.last_control_input = np.array([data.linear_acceleration.x,
        # self.last_control_input = np.array([0.0,
        #                                     0.0,
        #                                     data.linear_acceleration.z])
        if self.ready_to_filter:
            # Wait to predict until we get an initial IR measurement to
            # initialize our state vector
        self.in_callback = False
    def ir_data_callback(self, data):
        Handle the receipt of a Range message from the IR sensor.
        This method PREDICTS with the most recent control input and UPDATES.
        if self.in_callback:
        self.in_callback = True
        if self.ready_to_filter:
            # Now that a prediction has been formed to bring the current prior
            # state estimate to the same point in time as the measurement,
            # perform a measurement update with the slant range reading
            measurement_z = np.array([data.range])
            # Got a raw slant range reading, so update the initial state
            # vector of the UKF
            self.ukf.x[2] = data.range
            self.ukf.x[5] = 0.0 # initialize velocity as 0 m/s
            # Update the state covariance matrix to reflect estimated
            # measurement error. Variance of the measurement -> variance of
            # the corresponding state variable
            self.ukf.P[2, 2] = self.measurement_cov_ir[0]
            self.got_ir = True
        self.in_callback = False
    def optical_flow_data_callback(self, data):
        Handle the receipt of a TwistStamped message from optical flow.
        The message parts that we will be using:
            - x velocity (m/s)
            - y velocity (m/s)
        This method PREDICTS with the most recent control input and UPDATES.
        if self.in_callback:
        self.in_callback = True
        if self.ready_to_filter:
            # Now that a prediction has been formed to bring the current prior
            # state estimate to the same point in time as the measurement,
            # perform a measurement update with x velocity, y velocity, and yaw
            # velocity data in the TwistStamped message
            # TODO: Verify the units of these velocities that are being
            #       published
            measurement_z = np.array([data.twist.linear.x,  # x velocity
                                      data.twist.linear.y]) # y velocity
            # Ensure that we are using subtraction to compute the residual
            #self.ukf.residual_z = np.subtract
            # Update the initial state vector of the UKF
            self.ukf.x[3] = data.twist.linear.x # x velocity
            self.ukf.x[4] = data.twist.linear.y # y velocity
            # Update the state covariance matrix to reflect estimated
            # measurement error. Variance of the measurement -> variance of
            # the corresponding state variable
            self.ukf.P[3, 3] = self.measurement_cov_optical_flow[0, 0]
            self.ukf.P[4, 4] = self.measurement_cov_optical_flow[1, 1]
            self.got_optical_flow = True
        self.in_callback = False
    def check_if_ready_to_filter(self):
        self.ready_to_filter = (self.got_ir and self.got_optical_flow)
    def publish_current_state(self):
        Publish the current state estimate and covariance from the UKF. This is
        a State message containing:
            - Header
            - PoseWithCovariance
            - TwistWithCovariance
        Note that a lot of these ROS message fields will be left empty, as the
        1D UKF does not track information on the entire state space of the
        state_msg = State()
        state_msg.header.stamp.secs = self.last_time_secs
        state_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = self.last_time_nsecs
        state_msg.header.frame_id = 'global'
        # Get the current state estimate from self.ukf.x, and fill the rest of
        # the message with NaN
        state_msg.pose_with_covariance.pose.position.x = self.ukf.x[0]
        state_msg.pose_with_covariance.pose.position.y = self.ukf.x[1]
        state_msg.pose_with_covariance.pose.position.z = self.ukf.x[2]
        # TODO: Leave commented if JS interface Top View animation is desired
        # state_msg.pose_with_covariance.pose.orientation.x = np.nan
        # state_msg.pose_with_covariance.pose.orientation.y = np.nan
        # state_msg.pose_with_covariance.pose.orientation.z = np.nan
        # state_msg.pose_with_covariance.pose.orientation.w = np.nan
        # TODO: Leave following line if JS interface Top View animation is desired
        state_msg.pose_with_covariance.pose.orientation.w = 1
        state_msg.twist_with_covariance.twist.linear.x = self.ukf.x[3]
        state_msg.twist_with_covariance.twist.linear.y = self.ukf.x[4]
        state_msg.twist_with_covariance.twist.linear.z = self.ukf.x[5]
        state_msg.twist_with_covariance.twist.angular.x = np.nan
        state_msg.twist_with_covariance.twist.angular.y = np.nan
        state_msg.twist_with_covariance.twist.angular.z = np.nan
        # Prepare covariance matrices
        # TODO: Finish populating these matrices, if deemed necessary
        # 36-element array, in a row-major order, according to ROS msg docs
        pose_cov_mat = np.full((36,), np.nan)
        twist_cov_mat = np.full((36,), np.nan)
        pose_cov_mat[14] = self.ukf.P[2, 2] # z variance
        twist_cov_mat[14] = self.ukf.P[5, 5] # z velocity variance
        # Add covariances to message
        state_msg.pose_with_covariance.covariance = pose_cov_mat
        state_msg.twist_with_covariance.covariance = twist_cov_mat

    def state_transition_function(self, x, dt, u):
        The state transition function to compute the prior in the prediction
        step, propagating the state to the next time step.
        x : current state. A NumPy array
        dt : time step. A float
        u : control input. A NumPy array
        dt2 = dt**2.0
        return x + np.array([x[3]*dt + 0.5*u[0]*dt2,
                             x[4]*dt + 0.5*u[1]*dt2,
                             x[5]*dt + 0.5*u[2]*dt2,
    def measurement_function(self, x):
        Transform the state x into measurement space. In this simple model, we
        assume that the range measurement corresponds exactly to position along
        the z-axis, as we are assuming there is no pitch and roll.
        x : current state. A NumPy array
    def measurement_function_ir(self, x):
        return np.array([x[2]])
    def measurement_function_optical_flow(self, x):
        return np.array([x[3], x[4]])
Exemple #44
def test_circle():
    from filterpy.kalman import KalmanFilter
    from math import radians

    def hx(x):
        radius = x[0]
        angle = x[1]
        x = cos(radians(angle)) * radius
        y = sin(radians(angle)) * radius
        return np.array([x, y])

    def fx(x, dt):
        return np.array([x[0], x[1] + x[2], x[2]])

    std_noise = .1

    sp = JulierSigmaPoints(n=3, kappa=0.)
    f = UnscentedKalmanFilter(dim_x=3, dim_z=2, dt=.01,
                              hx=hx, fx=fx, points=sp)
    f.x = np.array([50., 90., 0])
    f.P *= 100
    f.R = np.eye(2)*(std_noise**2)
    f.Q = np.eye(3)*.001
    f.Q[0, 0] = 0
    f.Q[2, 2] = 0

    kf = KalmanFilter(dim_x=6, dim_z=2)
    kf.x = np.array([50., 0., 0, 0, .0, 0.])

    F = np.array([[1., 1., .5, 0., 0., 0.],
                  [0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
                  [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
                  [0., 0., 0., 1., 1., .5],
                  [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1.],
                  [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.]])

    kf.F = F
    kf.P *= 100
    kf.H = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                     [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]])

    kf.R = f.R
    kf.Q[0:3, 0:3] = Q_discrete_white_noise(3, 1., .00001)
    kf.Q[3:6, 3:6] = Q_discrete_white_noise(3, 1., .00001)

    results = []

    zs = []
    kfxs = []
    for t in range(12000):
        a = t / 30 + 90
        x = cos(radians(a)) * 50. + randn() * std_noise
        y = sin(radians(a)) * 50. + randn() * std_noise
        # create measurement = t plus white noise
        z = np.array([x, y])



        # save data

    results = np.asarray(results)
    zs = np.asarray(zs)
    kfxs = np.asarray(kfxs)

    if DO_PLOT:
        plt.plot(zs[:, 0], zs[:, 1], c='r', label='z')
        plt.plot(results[:, 0], results[:, 1], c='k', label='UKF')
        plt.plot(kfxs[:, 0], kfxs[:, 3], c='g', label='KF')
Exemple #45
    def __init__(self, dim, limit, dim_z=2, fx=None, W=None, obs_noise_func=None, 
                    collision_func=None, sampling_period=0.5, kappa=1):
        dim : dimension of state 
            ***Assuming dim==3: (x,y,theta), dim==4: (x,y,xdot,ydot), dim==5: (x,y,theta,v,w)
        limit : An array of two vectors. limit[0] = minimum values for the state, 
                                            limit[1] = maximum value for the state
        dim_z : dimension of observation,
        fx : x_tp1 = fx(x_t, dt), state dynamic function
        W : state noise matrix
        obs_noise_func : observation noise matrix function of z
        collision_func : collision checking function
        n : the number of sigma points
        self.dim = dim
        self.limit = limit
        self.W = W if W is not None else np.zeros((self.dim, self.dim))
        self.obs_noise_func = obs_noise_func
        self.collision_func = collision_func

        def hx(y, agent_state, measure_func=util.relative_measure):
            r_pred, alpha_pred, _ = measure_func(y, agent_state)
            return np.array([r_pred, alpha_pred])

        def x_mean_fn_(sigmas, Wm):
            if dim == 3:
                x = np.zeros(dim)
                sum_sin, sum_cos = 0., 0.
                for i in range(len(sigmas)):
                    s = sigmas[i]
                    x[0] += s[0] * Wm[i]
                    x[1] += s[1] * Wm[i]
                    sum_sin += np.sin(s[2])*Wm[i]
                    sum_cos += np.cos(s[2])*Wm[i]
                x[2] = np.arctan2(sum_sin, sum_cos)
                return x
            elif dim == 5:
                x = np.zeros(dim)
                sum_sin, sum_cos = 0., 0.
                for i in range(len(sigmas)):
                    s = sigmas[i]
                    x[0] += s[0] * Wm[i]
                    x[1] += s[1] * Wm[i]
                    x[3] += s[3] * Wm[i]
                    x[4] += s[4] * Wm[i]
                    sum_sin += np.sin(s[2])*Wm[i]
                    sum_cos += np.cos(s[2])*Wm[i]
                x[2] = np.arctan2(sum_sin, sum_cos)
                return x
                return None

        def z_mean_fn_(sigmas, Wm):
            x = np.zeros(dim_z)
            sum_sin, sum_cos = 0., 0.
            for i in range(len(sigmas)):
                s = sigmas[i]
                x[0] += s[0] * Wm[i]
                sum_sin += np.sin(s[1])*Wm[i]
                sum_cos += np.cos(s[1])*Wm[i]
            x[1] = np.arctan2(sum_sin, sum_cos)
            return x

        def residual_x_(x, xp):
            x : state, [x, y, theta]
            xp : predicted state
            if dim == 3 or dim == 5:
                r_x = x - xp 
                r_x[2] = util.wrap_around(r_x[2])
                return r_x 
                return None

        def residual_z_(z, zp):
            z : observation, [r, alpha]
            zp : predicted observation
            r_z = z - zp
            r_z[1] = util.wrap_around(r_z[1])
            return r_z

        sigmas = JulierSigmaPoints(n=dim, kappa=kappa)

        self.ukf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(dim, dim_z, sampling_period, fx=fx, hx=hx, 
                                            points=sigmas, x_mean_fn=x_mean_fn_, z_mean_fn=z_mean_fn_, 
                                            residual_x=residual_x_, residual_z=residual_z_)
def hx(x):
    """ returns slant range based on downrange distance and altitude"""

    return (x[0]**2 + x[2]**2)**.5

from filterpy.kalman.sigma_points import JulierSigmaPoints as sigmapoints

if __name__ == "__main__":

    dt = 0.05

    points = sigmapoints(n=3, kappa = 0);

    radarUKF = UKF(dim_x=3, dim_z=1, dt=dt, hx = hx, fx = fx, points = points);
    radarUKF.Q *= Q_discrete_white_noise(3, 1, .01)
    radarUKF.R *= 10
    radarUKF.x = np.array([0., 90., 1100.])
    radarUKF.P *= 100.

    t = np.arange(0, 20+dt, dt)
    n = len(t)
    xs = []
    rs = []
    for i in range(n):
        r = GetRadar(dt)
        #rs = r;
from filterpy.common import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

p = (-10, -10)  

def hx(x):
    dx = x[0] - hx.p[0]
    dy = x[1] - hx.p[1]    
    return np.array([atan2(dy,dx), (dx**2 + dy**2)**.5])
def fx(x,dt):
    return x

kf = UKF(2, 2, dt=0.1, hx=hx, fx=fx, kappa=2.)

kf.x = np.array([100, 100.])
kf.P *= 40
hx.p = kf.x - np.array([50,50])

d = ((kf.x[0] - hx.p[0])**2 + (kf.x[1] - hx.p[1])**2)**.5

       kf.x, cov=kf.P, axis_equal=True, 
       facecolor='y', edgecolor=None, alpha=0.6)
plt.scatter([100], [100], c='y', label='Initial')

kf.R[0,0] = radians (1)**2
kf.R[1,1] = 2.**2
class RearEndKalman:
    def __init__(self, trueTrajectory, dt=.1, noise = 0.):
        from filterpy.kalman import UnscentedKalmanFilter as UKF  
        from filterpy.kalman import MerweScaledSigmaPoints as SigmaPoints
        self.dt = dt
        sigmas = SigmaPoints(3, alpha=.1, beta=2., kappa=0.)
        self.KF = UKF(dim_x=3, dim_z=2, fx=f_kal_a, hx=h_kal,
                  dt=dt, points=sigmas)
        self.KF.Q = np.diag([1., 0.5, 0.2])
        self.KF.R = np.diag([2., 1.12])*noise + np.diag([.05, .05])
        self.first = True
    def predict(self, vData, predictTimes):
        nobs = vData.shape[0]        
        vcurrentState = vData.iloc[nobs-1].copy()
        # first check if vehicle has already stopped, don't need KF then     
        if np.mean(vData['speed'].iloc[nobs-2:nobs]) <= 0:
            returnedStates = vData[vData['time']<0] # empty
            for time in predictTimes:
                vNextState = vcurrentState.copy()
                vNextState.time = time
                vNextState.y = -8.25
                returnedStates = returnedStates.append(vNextState)
            return returnedStates
#        # train KF
#        self.KF.x[0] = vData.iloc[0].x
#        self.KF.x[1] = vData.iloc[0].speed
#        self.KF.predict()
#        for time in np.arange(1,nobs-1):
#            vState = vData.iloc[time]
#            self.KF.update(np.array([vState.x,vState.speed]))
#            self.KF.predict()
#        self.KF.update(np.array([vData.iloc[nobs-1].x,vData.iloc[nobs-1].speed]))
        vState = vData.iloc[nobs-1]
        if self.first:
            self.KF.x[0] = vState.x
            self.KF.x[1] = vState.speed
            self.first = False
            if vState.speed < 0:
                self.KF.update(np.array([vState.x, 0.]))
        # now you can predict
        # return a dataframe of answers
        vcurrentState = vData.iloc[vData.shape[0]-1].copy()
        vcurrentState.x = self.KF.x[0]
        vcurrentState.speed = self.KF.x[1]
        returnedStates = vData[vData['time']<0] # empty
        for time in predictTimes:
            vNextState = movePhysics(vcurrentState, self.KF.x[2]/self.dt, time)
            returnedStates = returnedStates.append(vNextState)
        return returnedStates
Exemple #49
class InMagPredictor:
    stateNum = 10  # x, y, z, q0, q1, q2, q3, wx, wy, wz
    measureNum = SLAVES * 3 + 2  # sensor*3 + IMU
    points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(n=stateNum, alpha=0.3, beta=2., kappa=3 - stateNum)
    dt = 0.03  # 时间间隔[s]
    t0 = datetime.datetime.now()  # 初始化时间戳

    def __init__(self, sensor_std, state0, state):
        :param sensor_std:【float】sensor噪声标准差 [mG]
        :param state0:【np.array】初始值 (stateNum,)
        :param state: 【np.array】真实值 (stateNum,)
        # self.mp = MahonyPredictor()

        self.ukf = UKF(dim_x=self.stateNum, dim_z=self.measureNum, dt=self.dt, points=self.points, fx=self.f, hx=h)
        self.ukf.x = state0.copy()  # 初始值
        q0i, q1i, q2i, q3i = state0[3: 7]
        q0, q1, q2, q3 = state[3: 7]

        for i in range(6):
            self.ukf.R[i, i] = sensor_std
        for i in range(7, self.measureNum):
            self.ukf.R[i, i] = 5

        self.ukf.P = np.eye(self.stateNum) * 0.01
        for i in range(3):
            self.ukf.P[i, i] = 1.5 * (state0[i] - state[i]) ** 2  # 位置初始值的误差
        # self.ukf.P[3: 7, 3: 7] = 1.5 * np.array([   # 姿态四元数初始值的误差
        #     [(q0i - q0) ** 2,         (q0i - q0) * (q1i - q1), (q0i - q0) * (q2i - q2), (q0i - q0) * (q3i - q3)],
        #     [(q0i - q0) * (q1i - q1), (q1i - q1) ** 2,         0,                       0],
        #     [(q0i - q0) * (q2i - q2), 0,                       (q2i - q2) ** 2,         0],
        #     [(q0i - q0) * (q3i - q3), 0,                       0,                       (q3i - q3) ** 2]
        #                                         ])
        self.ukf.P += np.eye(self.stateNum) * 0.001

        self.ukf.Q = np.eye(self.stateNum) * 0.05 * self.dt  # 将速度作为过程噪声来源,Qi = [v*dt]
        # for i in range(3, self.stateNum):
        #     self.ukf.Q[i, i] = 0.0001
        Qqii, Qqij = 0.01, 0.001
        self.ukf.Q[3: 7, 3: 7] = np.array([   # 精细化定义姿态(四元数)的过程误差
            [Qqii, Qqij, Qqij, Qqij],
            [Qqij, Qqii, 0,     0],
            [Qqij, 0,    Qqii,  0],
            [Qqij, 0,    0,     Qqij]
        for i in range(7, self.stateNum):
            self.ukf.Q[i, i] = 0.001  # 角速度的过程误差

    def f(self, x, dt):
        wx, wy, wz = self.ukf.x[-3:]
        A = np.eye(self.stateNum)
        A[3:7, 3:7] = np.eye(4) + 0.5 * dt * np.array([[0, -wx, -wy, -wz],
                                                       [wx, 0, wz, -wy],
                                                       [wy, -wz, 0, wx],
                                                       [wz, wy, -wx, 0]])
        return np.hstack(np.dot(A, x.reshape(self.stateNum, 1)))

    def h0(self, state):
        :param state: 胶囊的位姿状态
        :return: 预估量的四元数
        H = np.zeros((7, 4))
        for i in range(3):
            H[i + 4, i] = 0
        return np.dot(state, H)

    def run(self, z, printBool):
        pos = np.round(self.ukf.x[:3], 3)
        em = q2R(self.ukf.x[3: 7])[:, -1]
        timeCost = (datetime.datetime.now() - self.t0).total_seconds()
        if printBool:
            print(r'pos={}m, em={}, w={}, timeCost={:.3f}s'.format(pos, np.round(em, 3),
                                                                   np.round(self.ukf.x[-3:], 3), timeCost))
        self.t0 = datetime.datetime.now()

        # 使用IMU的数据更新滤波器
        # for i in range(20):
        #     self.mp.IMUupdate(z[6: 9], z[-3:])
        #     emq = q2R(self.mp.q)[-1]
        # print(r'IMU update: pos={}m, em={}, w={}'.format(pos, np.round(emq, 3), np.round(z[6: 9], 3)))
        # self.ukf.x[3: 7] = self.mp.q
        # self.ukf.x[7:] = z[6: 9]

        # 使用磁传感器的数据更新滤波器

    def generate_data(self, state, sensor_std, printBool):
        :param state: 【np.array】模拟的胶囊状态 (m,)
        :param sensor_std:【float】磁传感器的噪声标准差 [mG]
        :param printBool: 【bool】是否打印输出
        :return: 【np.array】模拟的B值 + 加速度计的数值, (num_data, )
        Bmid = h(state)[:-2]  # 模拟B值数据的中间值
        Bsim = np.zeros(SLAVES * 3)
        for j in range(SLAVES * 3):
            Bsim[j] = np.random.normal(Bmid[j], sensor_std, 1)

        R = q2R(state[3: 7])
        accSim = R[:, -1]
        if printBool:
            print('Bmid={}'.format(np.round(Bmid, 0)))
            print('Bsim={}'.format(np.round(Bsim, 0)))
            print('truth: pos={}m, e_moment={}\n'.format(state[:3], np.round(accSim, 3)))
        return np.concatenate((Bsim, accSim))

    def sim(self, states, sensor_std, plotType, plotBool, printBool, maxIter=20):
        :param states: 【list】模拟的真实状态,可以有多个不同的状态
        :param sensor_std: 【float】sensor的噪声标准差[mG]
        :param plotType: 【tuple】描绘位置的分量 'xy' or 'yz'
        :param plotBool: 【bool】是否绘图
        :param printBool: 【bool】是否打印输出
        :param maxIter: 【int】最大迭代次数
        :return: 【tuple】 位置[x, y, z]和姿态ez的误差百分比
        # self.ukf.x = state0.copy()  # 初始值
        state = states[0]  # 真实值
        # simData = self.generate_data(state, sensor_std, printBool)
        simData = generate_data(self.measureNum, state, sensor_std, printBool)

        err_pos, err_em = (0, 0)
        for i in range(maxIter):
            if plotBool:
                plotP(self, state, i, plotType)
                if i == maxIter - 1:
            self.run(simData, printBool)

            posTruth, emTruth = state[:3], q2R(state[3: 7])[:, -1]
            pos, em = self.ukf.x[:3], q2R(self.ukf.x[3: 7])[:, -1]
            err_pos = np.linalg.norm(pos - posTruth) / np.linalg.norm(posTruth)
            err_em = np.linalg.norm(em - emTruth)     # 方向矢量本身是归一化的
        print('err_pos={:.0%}, err_em={:.0%}'.format(err_pos, err_em))
        return (err_pos, err_em)
Exemple #50
    g = -9.81
    x[0] = x[0] + x[1] * dt
    x[1] = x[1] + g * dt
    return x

def h_cv(x):
    """Measurement function -
        measuring only position"""
    return np.array([x[0]])

starting_conditions = [1e5, 0., 2000]

points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(n=2, alpha=.1, beta=2., kappa=0)
ukf = UKF(dim_x=2, dim_z=1, fx=f_cv, hx=h_cv, dt=dt, points=points)
ukf.x = np.array([1.001e5, 0.])
ukf.R = np.array([[1e3]])
#ukf.H = np.array([[1]])
ukf.Q[0:2, 0:2] = Q_discrete_white_noise(2, dt=dt, var=0.5)
uxs = []
trux = []
truv = []
measx = []
zs = np.arange(0, 465 + dt, dt)
time = []
t = 0

f = falling_object(starting_conditions[0], starting_conditions[1],
                   starting_conditions[2], std_x)
    def __init__(self, g, zeta,
                 leader, trajectory_delay=2.0,
                 orig_leader=None, orig_leader_delay=None,
                 noise_sigma=0.0, log_file=None,
                 visibility_fov=config.FOV_ANGLE, visibility_radius=None,

        Construct a follower Behavior.

        leader is the Bot to be followed
        g > 0 is a tuning parameter
        zeta in (0, 1) is a damping coefficient
        trajectory_delay is the time interval between leader and follower
        super(Follower, self).__init__()

        assert(isinstance(leader, Bot))
        assert(isinstance(orig_leader, Bot))

        self.radius = config.BOT_RADIUS
        self.leader = leader
        self.orig_leader = orig_leader
        self.trajectory_delay = trajectory_delay

        assert g > 0, "Follower: g parameter must be positive"
        self.g = g
        assert 0 < zeta < 1, "Follower: zeta parameter must be in (0, 1)"
        self.zeta = zeta

        # leader_positions stores config.POSITIONS_BUFFER_SIZE tuples;
        # tuple's first field is time, second is the
        # corresponding position of the leader
        self.leader_positions = RingBuffer(config.POSITIONS_BUFFER_SIZE)
        self.noisy_leader_positions = RingBuffer(config.POSITIONS_BUFFER_SIZE)

        self.leader_is_visible = False

        # precise_orig_leader_states stores the first leader's precise state;
        # used to calculate "real" errors (as opposed to calculations
        # w.r.t. the approximation curve)
        self.precise_orig_leader_states = []
        # precise_leader_states is used for the same purpose, but with the bot's own leader
        self.precise_leader_states = []

        self.update_delta_t = update_delta_t
        needed_buffer_size = config.SAMPLE_COUNT // 2 + self.trajectory_delay / self.update_delta_t
        if needed_buffer_size > config.POSITIONS_BUFFER_SIZE:
            sys.stderr.write("leader_positions buffer is too small for update_delta_t = {}".format(self.update_delta_t) +
                             " (current = {}, required = {})".format(config.POSITIONS_BUFFER_SIZE, needed_buffer_size))
            raise RuntimeError, "leader_positions buffer is too small"
        self.last_update_time = 0.0

        self.noise_sigma = noise_sigma

        self.log_file = log_file

        self.visibility_fov = visibility_fov
        if visibility_radius is None:
            visibility_radius = 2.0 * trajectory_delay * config.BOT_VEL_CAP
        self.visibility_radius = visibility_radius

        self.id = id;

        if orig_leader_delay is None:
            orig_leader_delay = trajectory_delay
        self.orig_leader_delay = orig_leader_delay

        if self.log_file is not None:
            log_dict = {"id": self.id,
                         "g": self.g,
                         "zeta": self.zeta,
                         "noise_sigma": self.noise_sigma,
                         "reference_points_cnt": config.SAMPLE_COUNT,
                         "trajectory_delay": trajectory_delay}
            print >> self.log_file, log_dict

        q = 0.01   # std of process
        r = 0.05   # std of measurement

        self.delta_time = dt
        if not config.DISABLE_UKF:
            points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(n=6, alpha=.1, beta=2., kappa=-3)
            self.ukf = UKF(dim_x=6, dim_z=2, fx=f, hx=h, dt=dt, points=points)

            self.ukf_x_initialized = 0
            #self.ukf.x = np.array([0, 0, 1, pi/4, 0, 0])
            self.ukf.R = np.diag([r, r]);
            self.ukf.Q = np.diag([0, 0, 0, 0, q, q])
Exemple #52
pf = ParticleFilter(STATE_DIM, N, pdf_x0, noisyUpdate, measurement_pdf,

particles_thetas = []
particles_omegas = []
particles_times = []
particles_s = []

points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(STATE_DIM, alpha=.1, beta=2., kappa=-1)

def measurement(xhat):
    return [xhat[THETA]]

ukf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(STATE_DIM, 1, dt, measurement, noiselessUpdate,

ukf.x = xhat0
ukf.P = P0
ukf.R = R


NUM = 1

def drawEllipse(cov, ax, avg, K=3):
    angles = np.linspace(0, math.pi * 2, 100)
    w, v = np.linalg.eig(np.linalg.inv(cov))
    lambda1 = w[0]
    lambda2 = w[1]