Exemple #1
 def test_config_obj_comma_fix(self):
     self.assertEquals(fut.config_obj_comma_fix('hello'), 'hello')
     self.assertEquals(fut.config_obj_comma_fix(['a', 'b', 'c']), 'a, b, c')
         fut.config_obj_comma_fix(['x = a + sum(3', 4, 'f4)']),
         'x = a + sum(3, 4, f4)')
Exemple #2
    def _parse_config(self):
        """ ROBDOC : CJ added a vague description below, but could be sure...
        ##Parses the class config attribute?!
        main_section_found = False
        ftype_in_config = False
        docstring = []
        config_obj = ConfigObj(self.config_only)
        ##if not config_obj:
        ##raise dfb.FilterError, 'Missing configuration'
        ### If input is a file, this will write out to the file, formatted
        ##lines = config_obj.write()
        self._filter_dict_dict = {}
        ##if self.__class__.keys:
        ##msg = 'Before parse_config, self.__class__.keys = %s'
        ##raise dfb.FilterAttributeError, msg % self.__class__.keys
        for section in config_obj.sections:
            if section == '--main--':
                main_section_found = True
                # Default values may be present or not
                keys_with_vals = []
                live_updates = []
                for name, value in config_obj[section].iteritems():
                    ##                    print '**9810** [%s] %s = %s' % (section, name, value)
                    if name == 'ftype':
                        self.ftype = value
                        ftype_in_config = True
                    elif name.startswith('descr'):  # description
                        # Build up multiline docstring
                        # ConfigObj puts strings with commas into a list
                    elif name.startswith('key'):  # "key = ..." or "keys = ..."
                        key_list = value
                            # Note: += doesn't raise the TypeError exception
                            keys_with_vals = keys_with_vals + key_list
                        except TypeError:
                            keys_with_vals = keys_with_vals + [key_list]
                    elif name == 'dynamic':
                        self.dynamic = fut.convert_config_str(value)
                    elif name.startswith('update_live'):  # e.g. update_live_27
                        update_list = value
                            # Note: += doesn't raise the TypeError exception
                            live_updates = live_updates + update_list
                        except TypeError:
                            live_updates = live_updates + [update_list]
                        msg = 'Unknown [--main--] parameter "%s" in config'
                        raise dfb.PipelineConfigError, msg % name
                # This is where the class attribute "keys" is defined, just
                # like the line "keys = [..]" in the filter definitions.
                ##print '**10025** Setting %s class attr keys from config=%s' % (
                ##self.__class__.__name__, keys_with_vals)
                ##if self.ftype == 'read_and_align':
##                self.__class__.keys = keys_with_vals
                self._config_keys = keys_with_vals
                self._live_updates = live_updates
                ##if self.__class__.keys:
                ##self._extract_defaults_from_keys()  # Into self._keys()
            ##elif section == '--defaults--':
            ##print '**10300** Reached section --defaults--'
                if section not in self._ordered_filter_list:
                self._update_filter_dict(section, config_obj[section])
        if not main_section_found:
            msg = '[--main--] section missing from class %s'
            raise dfb.PipelineConfigError, msg % self.__class__.__name__
        if not ftype_in_config:
            msg = 'ftype missing from [--main--] section in class %s'
            raise dfb.PipelineConfigError, msg % self.__class__.__name__
        # Append description to any docstring. Must have one or the other.
        if self.__doc__:
            docstring = [self.__doc__, '', ''] + docstring
        self.__doc__ = '\n'.join(docstring)
        if not self.__doc__:
            msg = '__doc__/description missing from [--main--] section ' + \
                  'in class %s'
            raise dfb.PipelineConfigError, msg % self.__class__.__name__
 def test_config_obj_comma_fix(self):
     self.assertEquals(fut.config_obj_comma_fix('hello'), 'hello')
     self.assertEquals(fut.config_obj_comma_fix(['a','b','c']), 'a, b, c')
     self.assertEquals(fut.config_obj_comma_fix(['x = a + sum(3', 4, 'f4)']),
                                                'x = a + sum(3, 4, f4)')
    def _parse_config(self):
        """ ROBDOC : CJ added a vague description below, but could be sure...
        ##Parses the class config attribute?!
        main_section_found = False
        ftype_in_config = False
        docstring = []
        config_obj = ConfigObj(self.config_only)
        ##if not config_obj:
            ##raise dfb.FilterError, 'Missing configuration'
            ### If input is a file, this will write out to the file, formatted
            ##lines = config_obj.write()
        self._filter_dict_dict = {}
        ##if self.__class__.keys:
            ##msg = 'Before parse_config, self.__class__.keys = %s'
            ##raise dfb.FilterAttributeError, msg % self.__class__.keys
        for section in config_obj.sections:
            if section == '--main--':
                main_section_found = True
                # Default values may be present or not
                keys_with_vals = []
                live_updates = []
                for name, value in config_obj[section].iteritems():
##                    print '**9810** [%s] %s = %s' % (section, name, value)
                    if name == 'ftype':
                        self.ftype = value
                        ftype_in_config = True
                    elif name.startswith('descr'):  # description
                        # Build up multiline docstring
                        # ConfigObj puts strings with commas into a list
                    elif name.startswith('key'):  # "key = ..." or "keys = ..."
                        key_list = value
                            # Note: += doesn't raise the TypeError exception
                            keys_with_vals = keys_with_vals + key_list
                        except TypeError:
                            keys_with_vals = keys_with_vals + [key_list]
                    elif name == 'dynamic':
                        self.dynamic = fut.convert_config_str(value)
                    elif name.startswith('update_live'):  # e.g. update_live_27
                        update_list = value
                            # Note: += doesn't raise the TypeError exception
                            live_updates = live_updates + update_list
                        except TypeError:
                            live_updates = live_updates + [update_list]
                        msg = 'Unknown [--main--] parameter "%s" in config'
                        raise dfb.PipelineConfigError, msg % name
                # This is where the class attribute "keys" is defined, just
                # like the line "keys = [..]" in the filter definitions.
                ##print '**10025** Setting %s class attr keys from config=%s' % (
                    ##self.__class__.__name__, keys_with_vals)
                ##if self.ftype == 'read_and_align':
##                self.__class__.keys = keys_with_vals
                self._config_keys = keys_with_vals
                self._live_updates = live_updates
                ##if self.__class__.keys:
                    ##self._extract_defaults_from_keys()  # Into self._keys()                            
            ##elif section == '--defaults--':
                ##print '**10300** Reached section --defaults--'
                if section not in self._ordered_filter_list:
                self._update_filter_dict(section, config_obj[section])
        if not main_section_found:
            msg = '[--main--] section missing from class %s' 
            raise dfb.PipelineConfigError, msg % self.__class__.__name__
        if not ftype_in_config:
            msg = 'ftype missing from [--main--] section in class %s'
            raise dfb.PipelineConfigError, msg % self.__class__.__name__ 
        # Append description to any docstring. Must have one or the other.
        if self.__doc__:
            docstring = [self.__doc__, '', ''] + docstring
        self.__doc__ = '\n'.join(docstring)
        if not self.__doc__:
            msg = '__doc__/description missing from [--main--] section ' + \
                  'in class %s'
            raise dfb.PipelineConfigError, msg % self.__class__.__name__