Exemple #1
def test_get_site_returns_none_when_page_not_routable(
    root_page, django_assert_num_queries
    Site.objects.all().delete()  # ensures pages are not routable
    page = IndustryPageFactory(parent=root_page, slug='industry')
    result = page.get_site()
    assert result is None
Exemple #2
def test_get_site_creates_routing_settings_if_none_exist(
    root_page, django_assert_num_queries
    page = IndustryPageFactory(parent=root_page, slug='industry')
    site = Site.objects.create(hostname='example.gov', root_page=page)

    # running this first so that the query doesn't count toward
    # the total query count (the value is usually cached)

    with django_assert_num_queries(2):
        # 1 query to get the site, 1 to create routing settings
        result_site = page.get_site()

        # Check the correct site was returned
        assert result_site == site

        # This attribute is set to reference the newly created object,
        # so this shouldn't result in another query