def keys(self, *args, **kwds):
        """Returns an iterator over FIDs, optionally
        filtered by a test for spatial intersection with the provided
        ``bbox``, a (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) tuple or a geometry

        Positional arguments ``stop`` or ``start, stop[, step]`` allows
        iteration to skip over items or stop at a specific item.
        if self.closed:
            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed collection")
        elif self.mode != 'r':
            raise IOError("collection not open for reading")
        if args:
            s = slice(*args)
            start = s.start
            stop = s.stop
            step = s.step
            start = stop = step = None
        bbox = kwds.get('bbox')
        mask = kwds.get('mask')
        if bbox and mask:
            raise ValueError("mask and bbox can not be set together")
        self.iterator = KeysIterator(self, start, stop, step, bbox, mask)
        return self.iterator
Exemple #2
    def keys(self, *args, **kwds):
        """Returns an iterator over FIDs, optionally
        filtered by a test for spatial intersection with the provided
        ``bbox``, a (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) tuple or a geometry
        ``mask``. An attribute filter can be set using an SQL ``where``
        clause, which uses the `OGR SQL dialect

        Positional arguments ``stop`` or ``start, stop[, step]`` allows
        iteration to skip over items or stop at a specific item.
        if self.closed:
            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed collection")
        elif self.mode != 'r':
            raise IOError("collection not open for reading")
        if args:
            s = slice(*args)
            start = s.start
            stop = s.stop
            step = s.step
            start = stop = step = None
        bbox = kwds.get('bbox')
        mask = kwds.get('mask')
        if bbox and mask:
            raise ValueError("mask and bbox can not be set together")
        where = kwds.get('where')
        self.iterator = KeysIterator(self, start, stop, step, bbox, mask,
        return self.iterator