Exemple #1
 def _calcTopology(self):
     self.dim = self.vertexCoords.shape[0]
     if not hasattr(self, "numberOfFaces"):
         self.numberOfFaces = self.faceVertexIDs.shape[-1]
     if not hasattr(self, "numberOfCells"):
         self.numberOfCells = self.cellFaceIDs.shape[-1]
     if not hasattr(self, "globalNumberOfCells"):
         self.globalNumberOfCells = self.numberOfCells
     if not hasattr(self, "globalNumberOfFaces"):
         self.globalNumberOfFaces = self.numberOfFaces
Exemple #2
    def _connectFaces(self, faces0, faces1):
        Merge faces on the same mesh. This is used to create periodic
        meshes. The first list of faces, `faces1`, will be the faces
        that are used to add to the matrix diagonals. The faces in
        `faces2` will not be used. They aren't deleted but their
        adjacent cells are made to point at `faces1`. The list
        `faces2` are not altered, they still remain as members of
        exterior faces.

           >>> from fipy.meshes.numMesh.grid2D import Grid2D
           >>> mesh = Grid2D(nx = 2, ny = 2, dx = 1., dy = 1.)

           >>> from fipy.tools import parallel
           >>> print parallel.procID != 0 or (mesh._getCellFaceIDs() == [[0, 1, 2, 3],
           ...                                                           [7, 8, 10, 11],
           ...                                                           [2, 3, 4, 5],
           ...                                                           [6, 7, 9, 10]]).flatten().all()

           >>> mesh._connectFaces(numerix.nonzero(mesh.getFacesLeft()), numerix.nonzero(mesh.getFacesRight()))

           >>> print parallel.procID != 0 or (mesh._getCellFaceIDs() == [[0, 1, 2, 3],
           ...                                                           [7, 6, 10, 9],
           ...                                                           [2, 3, 4, 5],
           ...                                                           [6, 7, 9, 10]]).flatten().all()


        ## check for errors

        ## check that faces are members of exterior faces
        from fipy.variables.faceVariable import FaceVariable
        faces = FaceVariable(mesh=self, value=False)
        faces[faces0] = True
        faces[faces1] = True
        assert (faces | self.getExteriorFaces() == self.getExteriorFaces()).all()

        ## following assert checks number of faces are equal, normals are opposite and areas are the same
        assert numerix.alltrue(numerix.take(self.areaProjections, faces0, axis=1) 
                               == numerix.take(-self.areaProjections, faces1, axis=1))

        ## extract the adjacent cells for both sets of faces
        faceCellIDs0 = self.faceCellIDs[0]
        faceCellIDs1 = self.faceCellIDs[1]
        ## set the new adjacent cells for `faces0`
        MA.put(faceCellIDs1, faces0, MA.take(faceCellIDs0, faces0))
        MA.put(faceCellIDs0, faces0, MA.take(faceCellIDs0, faces1))
        self.faceCellIDs[0] = faceCellIDs0
        self.faceCellIDs[1] = faceCellIDs1
        ## extract the face to cell distances for both sets of faces
        faceToCellDistances0 = self.faceToCellDistances[0]
        faceToCellDistances1 = self.faceToCellDistances[1]
        ## set the new faceToCellDistances for `faces0`
        MA.put(faceToCellDistances1, faces0, MA.take(faceToCellDistances0, faces0))
        MA.put(faceToCellDistances0, faces0, MA.take(faceToCellDistances0, faces1))
        self.faceToCellDistances[0] = faceToCellDistances0
        self.faceToCellDistances[1] = faceToCellDistances1

        ## calculate new cell distances and add them to faces0
        numerix.put(self.cellDistances, faces0, MA.take(faceToCellDistances0 + faceToCellDistances1, faces0))

        ## change the direction of the face normals for faces0
        for dim in range(self.getDim()):
            faceNormals = self.faceNormals[dim].copy()
            numerix.put(faceNormals, faces0, MA.take(faceNormals, faces1))
            self.faceNormals[dim] = faceNormals

        ## Cells that are adjacent to faces1 are changed to point at faces0
        ## get the cells adjacent to faces1
        faceCellIDs = MA.take(self.faceCellIDs[0], faces1)
        ## get all the adjacent faces for those particular cells
        cellFaceIDs = numerix.take(self.cellFaceIDs, faceCellIDs, axis=1)
        for i in range(cellFaceIDs.shape[0]):
            ## if the faces is a member of faces1 then change the face to point at
            ## faces0
            cellFaceIDs[i] = MA.where(cellFaceIDs[i] == faces1,
            ## add those faces back to the main self.cellFaceIDs
            tmp = self.cellFaceIDs[i]
            numerix.put(tmp, faceCellIDs, cellFaceIDs[i])
            self.cellFaceIDs[i] = tmp

        ## calculate new topology

        ## calculate new geometry