Exemple #1
    def _getNearestCellID(self, points):
        Test cases

           >>> from fipy import *
           >>> m0 = Grid2D(dx=(.1, 1., 10.), dy=(.1, 1., 10.))
           >>> m1 = Grid2D(nx=2, ny=2, dx=5., dy=5.)
           >>> print m0._getNearestCellID(m1.getCellCenters().getGlobalValue())
           [4 5 7 8]
        if self.globalNumberOfCells == 0:
            return numerix.arange(0)
        points = numerix.resize(points, (self.globalNumberOfCells, len(points), len(points[0]))).swapaxes(0,1)

        centers = self.getCellCenters().getGlobalValue()[...,numerix.newaxis]
            tmp = centers - points
        except TypeError:
            tmp = centers - PhysicalField(points)

        return numerix.argmin(numerix.dot(tmp, tmp, axis = 0), axis=0)
Exemple #2
    def _calcDistanceFunction(self, extensionVariable = None, narrowBandWidth = None, deleteIslands = False):

        if narrowBandWidth == None:
            narrowBandWidth = self.narrowBandWidth

        ## calculate interface values

        cellToCellIDs = self.mesh._getCellToCellIDs()

        if deleteIslands:
            adjVals = numerix.take(self.value, cellToCellIDs)
            adjInterfaceValues = MA.masked_array(adjVals, mask = (adjVals * self.value) > 0)
            masksum = numerix.sum(numerix.logical_not(MA.getmask(adjInterfaceValues)), 0)
            tmp = MA.logical_and(masksum == 4, self.value > 0)
            self.value = MA.where(tmp, -1, self.value)

        adjVals = numerix.take(self.value, cellToCellIDs)
        adjInterfaceValues = MA.masked_array(adjVals, mask = (adjVals * self.value) > 0)
        dAP = self.mesh._getCellToCellDistances()
        distances = abs(self.value * dAP / (self.value - adjInterfaceValues))
        indices = MA.argsort(distances, 0)
        sign = (self.value > 0) * 2 - 1

        s = distances[indices[0], numerix.arange(indices.shape[1])]

        if self.mesh.getDim() == 2:

            t = distances[indices[1], numerix.arange(indices.shape[1])]
            u = distances[indices[2], numerix.arange(indices.shape[1])]

            if indices.shape[1] > 0:
                ns = self.cellNormals[..., indices[0], numerix.arange(indices.shape[1])]
                nt = self.cellNormals[..., indices[1], numerix.arange(indices.shape[1])]
                ns = MA.zeros(self.cellNormals.shape[:-1] + (0,))
                nt = MA.zeros(self.cellNormals.shape[:-1] + (0,))

            signedDistance = MA.where(MA.getmask(s),
                                               sign * s,
                                               MA.where(abs(numerix.dot(ns,nt)) < 0.9,
                                                        sign * s * t / MA.sqrt(s**2 + t**2),
                                                                 sign * s,
                                                                 sign * s * u / MA.sqrt(s**2 + u**2)
            signedDistance = MA.where(MA.getmask(s),
                                      sign * s)

        self.value = signedDistance

        ## calculate interface flag
        masksum = numerix.sum(numerix.logical_not(MA.getmask(distances)), 0)
        interfaceFlag = (masksum > 0).astype('l')

        ## spread the extensionVariable to the whole interface
        flag = True
        if extensionVariable is None:
            extensionVariable = numerix.zeros(self.mesh.getNumberOfCells(), 'd')
            flag = False
        ext = numerix.zeros(self.mesh.getNumberOfCells(), 'd')

        positiveInterfaceFlag = numerix.where(self.value > 0, interfaceFlag, 0)
        negativeInterfaceIDs = numerix.nonzero(numerix.where(self.value < 0, interfaceFlag, 0))[0]

        for id in negativeInterfaceIDs:
            tmp, extensionVariable[...,id] = self._calcTrialValue(id, positiveInterfaceFlag, extensionVariable)

        if flag:
            self.value = self.tmpValue.copy()

        ## evaluate the trialIDs
        adjInterfaceFlag = numerix.take(interfaceFlag, cellToCellIDs)
        hasAdjInterface = (numerix.sum(MA.filled(adjInterfaceFlag, 0), 0) > 0).astype('l')

        trialFlag = numerix.logical_and(numerix.logical_not(interfaceFlag), hasAdjInterface).astype('l')

        trialIDs = list(numerix.nonzero(trialFlag)[0])
        evaluatedFlag = interfaceFlag

        for id in trialIDs:
            self.value[...,id], extensionVariable[id] = self._calcTrialValue(id, evaluatedFlag, extensionVariable)

        while len(trialIDs):

            id = trialIDs[numerix.argmin(abs(numerix.take(self.value, trialIDs)))]

            if abs(self.value[...,id]) > narrowBandWidth / 2:

            evaluatedFlag[...,id] = 1

            for adjID in MA.filled(cellToCellIDs[...,id], -1):
                if adjID != -1:
                    if not evaluatedFlag[...,adjID]:
                        self.value[...,adjID], extensionVariable[...,adjID] = self._calcTrialValue(adjID, evaluatedFlag, extensionVariable)
                        if adjID not in trialIDs:

        self.value = numerix.array(self.value)
Exemple #3
    def _getAddedMeshValues(self, other, resolution=1e-2):
        """Calculate the parameters to define a concatenation of `other` with `self`
          - `other`: The :class:`~fipy.meshes.numMesh.Mesh` to concatenate with `self`
          - `resolution`: How close vertices have to be (relative to the smallest 
            cell-to-cell distance in either mesh) to be considered the same

          A `dict` with 3 elements: the new mesh vertexCoords, faceVertexIDs, and cellFaceIDs.
        selfc = self._getConcatenableMesh()
        other = other._getConcatenableMesh()

        selfNumFaces = selfc.faceVertexIDs.shape[-1]
        selfNumVertices = selfc.vertexCoords.shape[-1]
        otherNumFaces = other.faceVertexIDs.shape[-1]
        otherNumVertices = other.vertexCoords.shape[-1]
        ## check dimensions
        if(selfc.vertexCoords.shape[0] != other.vertexCoords.shape[0]):
            raise MeshAdditionError, "Dimensions do not match"
        ## compute vertex correlates

        ## only try to match exterior (X) vertices
        self_Xvertices = numerix.unique(selfc._getFaceVertexIDs().filled()[..., selfc.getExteriorFaces().getValue()].flatten())
        other_Xvertices = numerix.unique(other._getFaceVertexIDs().filled()[..., other.getExteriorFaces().getValue()].flatten())

        self_XvertexCoords = selfc.vertexCoords[..., self_Xvertices]
        other_XvertexCoords = other.vertexCoords[..., other_Xvertices]
        # lifted from Mesh._getNearestCellID()
        other_vertexCoordMap = numerix.resize(other_XvertexCoords, 
        tmp = self_XvertexCoords[..., numerix.newaxis] - other_vertexCoordMap
        closest = numerix.argmin(numerix.dot(tmp, tmp), axis=0)
        # just because they're closest, doesn't mean they're close
        tmp = self_XvertexCoords[..., closest] - other_XvertexCoords
        distance = numerix.sqrtDot(tmp, tmp)
        # only want vertex pairs that are 100x closer than the smallest 
        # cell-to-cell distance
        close = distance < resolution * min(selfc._getCellToCellDistances().min(), 
        vertexCorrelates = numerix.array((self_Xvertices[closest[close]],
        # warn if meshes don't touch, but allow it
        if (selfc._getNumberOfVertices() > 0 
            and other._getNumberOfVertices() > 0 
            and vertexCorrelates.shape[-1] == 0):
            import warnings
            warnings.warn("Vertices are not aligned", UserWarning, stacklevel=4)

        ## compute face correlates

        # ensure that both sets of faceVertexIDs have the same maximum number of (masked) elements
        self_faceVertexIDs = selfc.faceVertexIDs
        other_faceVertexIDs = other.faceVertexIDs

        diff = self_faceVertexIDs.shape[0] - other_faceVertexIDs.shape[0]
        if diff > 0:
            other_faceVertexIDs = numerix.append(other_faceVertexIDs, 
                                                 -1 * numerix.ones((diff,) 
                                                                   + other_faceVertexIDs.shape[1:]),
            other_faceVertexIDs = MA.masked_values(other_faceVertexIDs, -1)
        elif diff < 0:
            self_faceVertexIDs = numerix.append(self_faceVertexIDs, 
                                                -1 * numerix.ones((-diff,) 
                                                                  + self_faceVertexIDs.shape[1:]),
            self_faceVertexIDs = MA.masked_values(self_faceVertexIDs, -1)

        # want self's Faces for which all faceVertexIDs are in vertexCorrelates
        self_matchingFaces = numerix.in1d(self_faceVertexIDs, 

        # want other's Faces for which all faceVertexIDs are in vertexCorrelates
        other_matchingFaces = numerix.in1d(other_faceVertexIDs, 
        # map other's Vertex IDs to new Vertex IDs, 
        # accounting for overlaps with self's Vertex IDs
        vertex_map = numerix.empty(otherNumVertices, dtype=int)
        verticesToAdd = numerix.delete(numerix.arange(otherNumVertices), vertexCorrelates[1])
        vertex_map[verticesToAdd] = numerix.arange(otherNumVertices - len(vertexCorrelates[1])) + selfNumVertices
        vertex_map[vertexCorrelates[1]] = vertexCorrelates[0]

        # calculate hashes of faceVertexIDs for comparing Faces
        if self_matchingFaces.shape[-1] == 0:
            self_faceHash = numerix.empty(self_matchingFaces.shape[:-1] + (0,), dtype="str")
            # sort each of self's Face's vertexIDs for canonical comparison
            self_faceHash = numerix.sort(self_faceVertexIDs[..., self_matchingFaces], axis=0)
            # then hash the Faces for comparison (NumPy set operations are only for 1D arrays)
            self_faceHash = numerix.apply_along_axis(str, axis=0, arr=self_faceHash)
        face_sort = numerix.argsort(self_faceHash)
        self_faceHash = self_faceHash[face_sort]
        self_matchingFaces = self_matchingFaces[face_sort]

        if other_matchingFaces.shape[-1] == 0:
            other_faceHash = numerix.empty(other_matchingFaces.shape[:-1] + (0,), dtype="str")
            # convert each of other's Face's vertexIDs to new IDs
            other_faceHash = vertex_map[other_faceVertexIDs[..., other_matchingFaces]]
            # sort each of other's Face's vertexIDs for canonical comparison
            other_faceHash = numerix.sort(other_faceHash, axis=0)
            # then hash the Faces for comparison (NumPy set operations are only for 1D arrays)
            other_faceHash = numerix.apply_along_axis(str, axis=0, arr=other_faceHash)

        face_sort = numerix.argsort(other_faceHash)
        other_faceHash = other_faceHash[face_sort]
        other_matchingFaces = other_matchingFaces[face_sort]

        self_matchingFaces = self_matchingFaces[numerix.in1d(self_faceHash, 
        other_matchingFaces = other_matchingFaces[numerix.in1d(other_faceHash, 
        faceCorrelates = numerix.array((self_matchingFaces,

        # warn if meshes don't touch, but allow it
        if (selfc._getNumberOfFaces() > 0 
            and other._getNumberOfFaces() > 0 
            and faceCorrelates.shape[-1] == 0):
            import warnings
            warnings.warn("Faces are not aligned", UserWarning, stacklevel=4)

        # map other's Face IDs to new Face IDs, 
        # accounting for overlaps with self's Face IDs
        face_map = numerix.empty(otherNumFaces, dtype=int)
        facesToAdd = numerix.delete(numerix.arange(otherNumFaces), faceCorrelates[1])
        face_map[facesToAdd] = numerix.arange(otherNumFaces - len(faceCorrelates[1])) + selfNumFaces
        face_map[faceCorrelates[1]] = faceCorrelates[0]
        other_faceVertexIDs = vertex_map[other.faceVertexIDs[..., facesToAdd]]
        # ensure that both sets of cellFaceIDs have the same maximum number of (masked) elements
        self_cellFaceIDs = selfc.cellFaceIDs
        other_cellFaceIDs = face_map[other.cellFaceIDs]
        diff = self_cellFaceIDs.shape[0] - other_cellFaceIDs.shape[0]
        if diff > 0:
            other_cellFaceIDs = numerix.append(other_cellFaceIDs, 
                                               -1 * numerix.ones((diff,) 
                                                                 + other_cellFaceIDs.shape[1:]),
            other_cellFaceIDs = MA.masked_values(other_cellFaceIDs, -1)
        elif diff < 0:
            self_cellFaceIDs = numerix.append(self_cellFaceIDs, 
                                              -1 * numerix.ones((-diff,) 
                                                                + self_cellFaceIDs.shape[1:]),
            self_cellFaceIDs = MA.masked_values(self_cellFaceIDs, -1)

        # concatenate everything and return
        return {
            'vertexCoords': numerix.concatenate((selfc.vertexCoords, 
                                                 other.vertexCoords[..., verticesToAdd]), axis=1), 
            'faceVertexIDs': numerix.concatenate((self_faceVertexIDs, 
                                                  other_faceVertexIDs), axis=1), 
            'cellFaceIDs': MA.concatenate((self_cellFaceIDs, 
                                           other_cellFaceIDs), axis=1)