Exemple #1
def heat(n, deg, time_stages, stage_type="deriv", splitting=IA):
    N = 2**n
    msh = UnitIntervalMesh(N)

    params = {
        "snes_type": "ksponly",
        "ksp_type": "preonly",
        "mat_type": "aij",
        "pc_type": "lu"

    V = FunctionSpace(msh, "CG", deg)
    x, = SpatialCoordinate(msh)

    t = Constant(0.0)
    dt = Constant(2.0 / N)

    uexact = exp(-t) * sin(pi * x)
    rhs = expand_derivatives(diff(uexact, t)) - div(grad(uexact))

    butcher_tableau = GaussLegendre(time_stages)

    u = project(uexact, V)

    v = TestFunction(V)

    F = (inner(Dt(u), v) * dx + inner(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx -
         inner(rhs, v) * dx)

    bc = DirichletBC(V, Constant(0), "on_boundary")

    stepper = TimeStepper(F,

    while (float(t) < 1.0):
        if (float(t) + float(dt) > 1.0):
            dt.assign(1.0 - float(t))
        t.assign(float(t) + float(dt))

    return errornorm(uexact, u) / norm(uexact)
def wave(n, deg, butcher_tableau, splitting=AI):
    N = 2**n
    msh = UnitIntervalMesh(N)

    params = {
        "snes_type": "ksponly",
        "ksp_type": "preonly",
        "mat_type": "aij",
        "pc_type": "lu"

    V = FunctionSpace(msh, "CG", deg)
    W = FunctionSpace(msh, "DG", deg - 1)
    Z = V * W

    x, = SpatialCoordinate(msh)

    t = Constant(0.0)
    dt = Constant(2.0 / N)

    up = project(as_vector([0, sin(pi * x)]), Z)
    u, p = split(up)

    v, w = TestFunctions(Z)

    F = (inner(Dt(u), v) * dx + inner(u.dx(0), w) * dx + inner(Dt(p), w) * dx -
         inner(p, v.dx(0)) * dx)

    E = 0.5 * (inner(u, u) * dx + inner(p, p) * dx)

    stepper = TimeStepper(F,

    energies = []

    while (float(t) < 1.0):
        if (float(t) + float(dt) > 1.0):
            dt.assign(1.0 - float(t))
        t.assign(float(t) + float(dt))

    return np.array(energies)
Exemple #3
class Forcing(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    Base class for forcing terms for Gusto.

    :arg state: x :class:`.State` object.
    :arg euler_poincare: if True then the momentum equation is in Euler
    Poincare form and we need to add 0.5*grad(u^2) to the forcing term.
    If False then this term is not added.
    :arg linear: if True then we are solving a linear equation so nonlinear
    terms (namely the Euler Poincare term) should not be added.
    :arg extra_terms: extra terms to add to the u component of the forcing
    term - these will be multiplied by the appropriate test function.
    def __init__(self,
        self.state = state
        if linear:
            self.euler_poincare = False
                'Setting euler_poincare to False because you have set linear=True'
            self.euler_poincare = euler_poincare

        # set up functions
        self.Vu = state.spaces("HDiv")
        # this is the function that the forcing term is applied to
        self.x0 = Function(state.W)
        self.test = TestFunction(self.Vu)
        self.trial = TrialFunction(self.Vu)
        # this is the function that contains the result of solving
        # <test, trial> = <test, F(x0)>, where F is the forcing term
        self.uF = Function(self.Vu)

        # find out which terms we need
        self.extruded = self.Vu.extruded
        self.coriolis = state.Omega is not None or hasattr(
            state.fields, "coriolis")
        self.sponge = state.mu is not None
        self.hydrostatic = state.hydrostatic
        self.topography = hasattr(state.fields, "topography")
        self.extra_terms = extra_terms
        self.moisture = moisture

        # some constants to use for scaling terms
        self.scaling = Constant(1.)
        self.impl = Constant(1.)


    def mass_term(self):
        return inner(self.test, self.trial) * dx

    def coriolis_term(self):
        u0 = split(self.x0)[0]
        return -inner(self.test, cross(2 * self.state.Omega, u0)) * dx

    def sponge_term(self):
        u0 = split(self.x0)[0]
        return self.state.mu * inner(self.test, self.state.k) * inner(
            u0, self.state.k) * dx

    def euler_poincare_term(self):
        u0 = split(self.x0)[0]
        return -0.5 * div(self.test) * inner(self.state.h_project(u0), u0) * dx

    def hydrostatic_term(self):
        u0 = split(self.x0)[0]
        return inner(u0, self.state.k) * inner(self.test, self.state.k) * dx

    def pressure_gradient_term(self):

    def forcing_term(self):
        L = self.pressure_gradient_term()
        if self.extruded:
            L += self.gravity_term()
        if self.coriolis:
            L += self.coriolis_term()
        if self.euler_poincare:
            L += self.euler_poincare_term()
        if self.topography:
            L += self.topography_term()
        if self.extra_terms is not None:
            L += inner(self.test, self.extra_terms) * dx
        # scale L
        L = self.scaling * L
        # sponge term has a separate scaling factor as it is always implicit
        if self.sponge:
            L -= self.impl * self.state.timestepping.dt * self.sponge_term()
        # hydrostatic term has no scaling factor
        if self.hydrostatic:
            L += (2 * self.impl - 1) * self.hydrostatic_term()
        return L

    def _build_forcing_solvers(self):
        a = self.mass_term()
        L = self.forcing_term()
        bcs = None if len(self.state.bcs) == 0 else self.state.bcs

        u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF, bcs=bcs)

        solver_parameters = {}
        if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
            solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = None
        self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(

    def apply(self, scaling, x_in, x_nl, x_out, **kwargs):
        Function takes x as input, computes F(x_nl) and returns
        x_out = x + scale*F(x_nl)
        as output.

        :arg x_in: :class:`.Function` object
        :arg x_nl: :class:`.Function` object
        :arg x_out: :class:`.Function` object
        :arg implicit: forcing stage for sponge and hydrostatic terms, if present
        implicit = kwargs.get("implicit")
        if implicit is not None:
        self.u_forcing_solver.solve()  # places forcing in self.uF

        uF = x_out.split()[0]

        uF += self.uF
Exemple #4
class Diffusion2D(Application):
    Application class containing the description of the diffusion problem.

    The spatial domain is a 10x10 square with
    periodic boundary conditions in each direction.

    The initial condition is a Gaussian in the centre of the domain.

    The spatial discretisation is P1 DG (piecewise linear discontinous
    elements) and uses an interior penalty method which penalises jumps
    at element interfaces.
    def __init__(self,
                 mesh: object,
                 kappa: float,
                 comm_space: MPI.Comm,
                 mu: float = 5.,

        :param mesh: spatial domain
        :param kappa: diffusion coefficient
        :param mu: penalty weighting function
        super(Diffusion2D, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Spatial domain and function space
        self.mesh = mesh
        V = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "DG", 1)
        self.function_space = V
        self.comm_space = comm_space

        # Placeholder for time step - will be updated in the update method
        self.dt = Constant(0.)

        # Things we need for the form
        gamma = TestFunction(V)
        phi = TrialFunction(V)
        self.f = Function(V)
        n = FacetNormal(mesh)

        # Set up the rhs and bilinear form of the equation
        a = (inner(gamma, phi) * dx + self.dt *
                    grad(phi) * kappa) * dx -
              inner(2 * avg(outer(phi, n)), avg(grad(gamma) * kappa)) * dS -
              inner(avg(grad(phi) * kappa), 2 * avg(outer(gamma, n))) * dS +
              mu * inner(2 * avg(outer(phi, n)),
                         2 * avg(outer(gamma, n) * kappa)) * dS))
        rhs = inner(gamma, self.f) * dx

        # Function to hold the solution
        self.soln = Function(V)

        # Setup problem and solver
        prob = LinearVariationalProblem(a, rhs, self.soln)
        self.solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(prob)

        # Set the data structure for any user-defined time point
        self.vector_template = VectorDiffusion2D(size=len(self.function_space),

        # Set initial condition:
        # Setting up a Gaussian blob in the centre of the domain.
        self.vector_t_start = VectorDiffusion2D(size=len(self.function_space),
        x = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)
        initial_tracer = exp(-((x[0] - 5)**2 + (x[1] - 5)**2))
        tmp = Function(self.function_space)

    def step(self, u_start: VectorDiffusion2D, t_start: float,
             t_stop: float) -> VectorDiffusion2D:
        Time integration routine for 2D diffusion problem:
            Backward Euler

        :param u_start: approximate solution for the input time t_start
        :param t_start: time associated with the input approximate solution u_start
        :param t_stop: time to evolve the input approximate solution to
        :return: approximate solution at input time t_stop
        # Time-step size
        self.dt.assign(t_stop - t_start)

        # Get data from VectorDiffusion2D object u_start
        # and copy to Firedrake Function object tmp
        tmp = Function(self.function_space)
        for i in range(len(u_start.values)):
            tmp.dat.data[i] = u_start.values[i]

        # Take Backward Euler step

        # Copy data from Firedrake Function object to VectorDiffusion2D object
        ret = VectorDiffusion2D(size=len(self.function_space),

        return ret
Exemple #5
class CompressibleForcing(Forcing):
    Forcing class for compressible Euler equations.

    def __init__(self, state, linear=False):
        self.state = state


    def _build_forcing_solver(self, linear):
        Only put forcing terms into the u equation.

        state = self.state
        self.scaling = Constant(1.0)
        Vu = state.V[0]
        W = state.W

        self.x0 = Function(W)  # copy x to here

        u0, rho0, theta0 = split(self.x0)

        F = TrialFunction(Vu)
        w = TestFunction(Vu)
        self.uF = Function(Vu)

        Omega = state.Omega
        cp = state.parameters.cp
        mu = state.mu

        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

        pi = exner(theta0, rho0, state)

        a = inner(w, F) * dx
        L = self.scaling * (
            +cp * div(theta0 * w) * pi * dx  # pressure gradient [volume]
            - cp * jump(w * theta0, n) * avg(pi) * dS_v  # pressure gradient [surface]

        if state.parameters.geopotential:
            Phi = state.Phi
            L += self.scaling * div(w) * Phi * dx  # gravity term
            g = state.parameters.g
            L -= self.scaling * g * inner(w, state.k) * dx  # gravity term

        if not linear:
            L -= self.scaling * 0.5 * div(w) * inner(u0, u0) * dx

        if Omega is not None:
            L -= self.scaling * inner(w, cross(2 * Omega, u0)) * dx  # Coriolis term

        if mu is not None:
            self.mu_scaling = Constant(1.0)
            L -= self.mu_scaling * mu * inner(w, state.k) * inner(u0, state.k) * dx

        bcs = [DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "bottom"), DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "top")]

        u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF, bcs=bcs)

        self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(u_forcing_problem)

    def apply(self, scaling, x_in, x_nl, x_out, **kwargs):

        if "mu_alpha" in kwargs and kwargs["mu_alpha"] is not None:
        self.u_forcing_solver.solve()  # places forcing in self.uF

        u_out, _, _ = x_out.split()

        u_out += self.uF
Exemple #6
class IncompressibleForcing(Forcing):
    Forcing class for incompressible Euler Boussinesq equations.

    def __init__(self, state, linear=False):
        self.state = state


    def _build_forcing_solver(self, linear):
        Only put forcing terms into the u equation.

        state = self.state
        self.scaling = Constant(1.0)
        Vu = state.V[0]
        W = state.W

        self.x0 = Function(W)  # copy x to here

        u0, p0, b0 = split(self.x0)

        F = TrialFunction(Vu)
        w = TestFunction(Vu)
        self.uF = Function(Vu)

        Omega = state.Omega
        mu = state.mu

        a = inner(w, F) * dx
        L = (
            self.scaling * div(w) * p0 * dx  # pressure gradient
            + self.scaling * b0 * inner(w, state.k) * dx  # gravity term

        if not linear:
            L -= self.scaling * 0.5 * div(w) * inner(u0, u0) * dx

        if Omega is not None:
            L -= self.scaling * inner(w, cross(2 * Omega, u0)) * dx  # Coriolis term

        if mu is not None:
            self.mu_scaling = Constant(1.0)
            L -= self.mu_scaling * mu * inner(w, state.k) * inner(u0, state.k) * dx

        bcs = [DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "bottom"), DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "top")]

        u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF, bcs=bcs)

        self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(u_forcing_problem)

        Vp = state.V[1]
        p = TrialFunction(Vp)
        q = TestFunction(Vp)
        self.divu = Function(Vp)

        a = p * q * dx
        L = q * div(u0) * dx

        divergence_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.divu)

        self.divergence_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(divergence_problem)

    def apply(self, scaling, x_in, x_nl, x_out, **kwargs):

        if "mu_alpha" in kwargs and kwargs["mu_alpha"] is not None:
        self.u_forcing_solver.solve()  # places forcing in self.uF

        u_out, p_out, _ = x_out.split()

        u_out += self.uF

        if "incompressible" in kwargs and kwargs["incompressible"]:
Exemple #7
def solver_CG(mesh, el, space, deg, T, dt=0.001, warm_up=False):
    """Solve the scalar wave equation on a unit square/cube using a
    CG FEM formulation with several different element types.

    mesh: Firedrake.mesh
        A utility mesh from the Firedrake package
    el: string
        The type of element either "tria" or "quad".
        `tria` in 3d implies tetrahedra and
        `quad` in 3d implies hexahedral elements.
    space: string
        The space of the FEM. Available options are:
            "CG": Continuous Galerkin Finite Elements,
            "KMV": Kong-Mulder-Veldhuzien higher-order mass lumped elements
            "S" (for Serendipity) (NB: quad/hexs only)
            "spectral": spectral elements using GLL quad
                        points (NB: quads/hexs only)
    deg: int
        The spatial polynomial degree.
    T: float
        The simulation duration in simulation seconds.
    dt: float, optional
        Simulation timestep
    warm_up: boolean, optional
        Warm up symbolics by running one timestep and shutting down.

    u_n: Firedrake.Function
        The solution at time `T`


    sd = mesh.geometric_dimension()

    V = _build_space(mesh, el, space, deg)

    quad_rule1, quad_rule2 = _build_quad_rule(el, V, space)

    params = _select_params(space)

    # DEBUG
    # outfile = fd.File(os.getcwd() + "/results/simple_shots.pvd")

    tot_dof = COMM_WORLD.allreduce(V.dof_dset.total_size, op=MPI.SUM)
    # if COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
    #    print("------------------------------------------")
    #    print("The problem has " + str(tot_dof) + " degrees of freedom.")
    #    print("------------------------------------------")

    nt = int(T / dt)  # number of timesteps

    u = fd.TrialFunction(V)
    v = fd.TestFunction(V)

    u_np1 = fd.Function(V)  # n+1
    u_n = fd.Function(V)  # n
    u_nm1 = fd.Function(V)  # n-1

    # constant speed
    c = Constant(1.5)

    m = (
        (1.0 / (c * c))
        * (u - 2.0 * u_n + u_nm1)
        / Constant(dt * dt)
        * v
        * dx(rule=quad_rule1)
    )  # mass-like matrix

    a = dot(grad(u_n), grad(v)) * dx(rule=quad_rule2)  # stiffness matrix

    # injection of source into mesh
    ricker = Constant(0.0)
    source = Constant([0.5] * sd)
    coords = fd.SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
    F = m + a - delta_expr(source, *coords) * ricker * v * dx(rule=quad_rule2)

    a, r = fd.lhs(F), fd.rhs(F)
    A, R = fd.assemble(a), fd.assemble(r)
    solver = fd.LinearSolver(A, solver_parameters=params, options_prefix="")

    # timestepping loop
    results = []

    t = 0.0
    for step in range(nt):

        with PETSc.Log.Stage("{el}{deg}".format(el=el, deg=deg)):
            ricker.assign(RickerWavelet(t, freq=6))

            R = fd.assemble(r, tensor=R)

            solver.solve(u_np1, R)

            snes = _get_time("SNESSolve")
            ksp = _get_time("KSPSolve")
            pcsetup = _get_time("PCSetUp")
            pcapply = _get_time("PCApply")
            jac = _get_time("SNESJacobianEval")
            residual = _get_time("SNESFunctionEval")
            sparsity = _get_time("CreateSparsity")

                [tot_dof, snes, ksp, pcsetup, pcapply, jac, residual, sparsity]

        if warm_up:
            # Warm up symbolics/disk cache
            solver.solve(u_np1, R)
            sys.exit("Warming up...")


        t = step * float(dt)

        # if step % 10 == 0:
        #    outfile.write(u_n)
        #    print("Time is " + str(t), flush=True)

    results = np.asarray(results)
    if mesh.comm.rank == 0:
        with open(
                el=el, deg=deg, space=space
        ) as f:
                fmt=["%d"] + ["%e"] * 7,

    return u_n
class DiagnosticEquations(object):
    An object setting up diagnostic equations and solvers for
    the stochastic Camassa-Holm equation.

    :arg diagnostic_variables: a DiagnosticVariables object.
    :arg prognostic_variables: a PrognosticVariables object.
    :arg outputting: an Outputting object.
    :arg simulation_parameters: a dictionary storing the simulation parameters.
    def __init__(self, diagnostic_variables, prognostic_variables, outputting,

        self.diagnostic_variables = diagnostic_variables
        self.prognostic_variables = prognostic_variables
        self.outputting = outputting
        self.simulation_parameters = simulation_parameters
        Dt = Constant(simulation_parameters['dt'][-1])
        Ld = simulation_parameters['Ld'][-1]
        u = self.prognostic_variables.u
        Xi = self.prognostic_variables.dXi
        Vu = u.function_space()
        vector_u = True if Vu.ufl_element() == VectorElement else False
        ones = Function(
            VectorFunctionSpace(self.prognostic_variables.mesh, "CG",
        self.to_update_constants = False
        self.interpolators = []
        self.projectors = []
        self.solvers = []

        mesh = u.function_space().mesh()
        x, = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
        alphasq = simulation_parameters['alphasq'][-1]
        periodic = simulation_parameters['periodic'][-1]

        # do peakon data checks here
        true_peakon_data = simulation_parameters['true_peakon_data'][-1]
        if true_peakon_data is not None:
            self.true_peakon_file = Dataset(
                'results/' + true_peakon_data + '/data.nc', 'r')
            # check length of file is correct
            ndump = simulation_parameters['ndump'][-1]
            tmax = simulation_parameters['tmax'][-1]
            dt = simulation_parameters['dt'][-1]
            if len(self.true_peakon_file['time'][:]) != int(tmax /
                                                            (ndump * dt)) + 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    'If reading in true peakon data, the dump frequency must be the same as that used for the true peakon data.'
                    ' Length of true peakon data as %i, but proposed length is %i'
                    % (len(self.true_peakon_file['time'][:]),
                       int(tmax / (ndump * dt)) + 1))
            if self.true_peakon_file['p'][:].shape != (int(tmax /
                                                           (ndump * dt)) +
                                                       1, ):
                raise ValueError(
                    'True peakon data shape %i must be the same shape as proposed data %i'
                    % ((int(tmax / (ndump * dt)) + 1, ),

        # do peakon data checks here
        true_mean_peakon_data = simulation_parameters['true_mean_peakon_data'][
        if true_mean_peakon_data is not None:
            self.true_mean_peakon_file = Dataset(
                'results/' + true_mean_peakon_data + '/data.nc', 'r')
            # check length of file is correct
            ndump = simulation_parameters['ndump'][-1]
            tmax = simulation_parameters['tmax'][-1]
            dt = simulation_parameters['dt'][-1]
            if len(self.true_mean_peakon_file['time'][:]) != int(tmax /
                                                                 (ndump * dt)):
                raise ValueError(
                    'If reading in true peakon data, the dump frequency must be the same as that used for the true peakon data.'
            if self.true_mean_peakon_file['p'][:].shape != (int(
                    tmax / (ndump * dt)), ):
                raise ValueError(
                    'True peakon data must have same shape as proposed data!')

        for key, value in self.diagnostic_variables.fields.items():

            if key == 'uscalar':
                uscalar = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['uscalar']
                u_interpolator = Interpolator(dot(ones, u), uscalar)

            elif key == 'Euscalar':
                Eu = self.prognostic_variables.Eu
                Euscalar = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['Euscalar']
                Eu_interpolator = Interpolator(dot(ones, Eu), Euscalar)

            elif key == 'Xiscalar':
                Xi = self.prognostic_variables.dXi
                Xiscalar = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['Xiscalar']
                Xi_interpolator = Interpolator(dot(ones, Xi), Xiscalar)

            elif key == 'du':
                if type(u.function_space().ufl_element()) == VectorElement:
                    u_to_project = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['uscalar']
                    u_to_project = u
                du = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['du']
                du_projector = Projector(u_to_project.dx(0), du)

            elif key == 'jump_du':
                du = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['du']
                jump_du = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['jump_du']
                V = jump_du.function_space()
                jtrial = TrialFunction(V)
                psi = TestFunction(V)
                Lj = psi('+') * abs(jump(du)) * dS
                aj = psi('+') * jtrial('+') * dS
                jprob = LinearVariationalProblem(aj, Lj, jump_du)
                jsolver = LinearVariationalSolver(jprob)

            elif key == 'du_smooth':
                du = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['du']
                du_smooth = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['du_smooth']
                projector = Projector(du, du_smooth)

            elif key == 'u2_flux':
                gamma = simulation_parameters['gamma'][-1]
                u2_flux = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['u2_flux']
                xis = self.prognostic_variables.pure_xi_list
                xis_x = []
                xis_xxx = []
                CG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
                psi = TestFunction(CG1)
                for xi in xis:
                for xi_x in xis_x:
                    xi_xxx = Function(CG1)
                    form = (psi * xi_xxx + psi.dx(0) * xi_x.dx(0)) * dx
                    prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(form, xi_xxx)
                    solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(prob)

                flux_expr = 0.0 * x
                for xi, xi_x, xi_xxx in zip(xis, xis_x, xis_xxx):
                    flux_expr += (6 * u.dx(0) * xi + 12 * u * xi_x + gamma *
                                  xi_xxx) * (6 * u.dx(0) * xi + 24 * u * xi_x +
                                             gamma * xi_xxx)
                projector = Projector(flux_expr, u2_flux)

            elif key == 'a':
                # find  6 * u_x * Xi + gamma * Xi_xxx
                mesh = u.function_space().mesh()
                gamma = simulation_parameters['gamma'][-1]
                a_flux = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['a']
                xis = self.prognostic_variables.pure_xis
                xis_x = []
                xis_xxx = []
                CG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
                psi = TestFunction(CG1)
                for xi in xis:
                for xi_x in xis_x:
                    xi_xxx = Function(CG1)
                    form = (psi * xi_xxx + psi.dx(0) * xi_x.dx(0)) * dx
                    prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(form, xi_xxx)
                    solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(prob)

                x, = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
                a_expr = 0.0 * x
                for xi, xi_x, xi_xxx in zip(xis, xis_x, xis_xxx):
                    a_expr += 6 * u.dx(0) * xi + gamma * xi_xxx
                projector = Projector(a_expr, a_flux)

            elif key == 'b':
                # find 12 * u * Xi_x
                mesh = u.function_space().mesh()
                gamma = simulation_parameters['gamma'][-1]
                b_flux = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['b']
                xis = self.prognostic_variables.pure_xis

                x, = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
                b_expr = 0.0 * x
                for xi, xi_x, xi_xxx in zip(xis, xis_x, xis_xxx):
                    b_expr += 12 * u * xi.dx(0)
                projector = Projector(b_expr, b_flux)

            elif key == 'kdv_1':
                # find the first part of the kdv form
                u0 = prognostic_variables.u0
                uh = (u + u0) / 2
                us = Dt * uh + sqrt(Dt) * Xi
                psi = TestFunction(Vu)
                du_1 = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['kdv_1']

                eqn = psi * du_1 * dx - 6 * psi.dx(0) * uh * us * dx
                prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(eqn, du_1)
                solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(prob)

            elif key == 'kdv_2':
                # find the second part of the kdv form
                u0 = prognostic_variables.u0
                uh = (u + u0) / 2
                us = Dt * uh + sqrt(Dt) * Xi
                psi = TestFunction(Vu)
                du_2 = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['kdv_2']

                eqn = psi * du_2 * dx + 6 * psi * uh * us.dx(0) * dx
                prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(eqn, du_2)
                solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(prob)

            elif key == 'kdv_3':
                # find the third part of the kdv form
                u0 = prognostic_variables.u0
                uh = (u + u0) / 2
                us = Dt * uh + sqrt(Dt) * Xi
                du_3 = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['kdv_3']
                gamma = simulation_parameters['gamma'][-1]

                phi = TestFunction(Vu)
                F = Function(Vu)

                eqn = (phi * F * dx + phi.dx(0) * us.dx(0) * dx)
                prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(eqn, F)
                solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(prob)

                self.projectors.append(Projector(-gamma * F.dx(0), du_3))

                # nu = TestFunction(Vu)
                # back_eqn = nu * du_3 * dx - gamma * nu.dx(0) * F * dx
                # back_prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(back_eqn, du_3)
                # back_solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(back_prob)
                # self.solvers.append(solver)

            elif key == 'm':

                m = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['m']
                phi = TestFunction(Vu)
                eqn = phi * m * dx - phi * u * dx - alphasq * phi.dx(0) * u.dx(
                    0) * dx
                prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(eqn, m)
                solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(prob)

            elif key == 'u_xx':

                u_xx = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['u_xx']
                phi = TestFunction(Vu)
                eqn = phi * u_xx * dx + phi.dx(0) * u_xx.dx(0) * dx
                prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(eqn, u_xx)
                solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(prob)

            elif key == 'u_sde':
                self.to_update_constants = True
                self.Ld = Ld
                self.alphasq = alphasq
                self.p = Constant(1.0 * 0.5 * (1 + exp(-Ld / sqrt(alphasq))) /
                                  (1 - exp(-Ld / sqrt(alphasq))))
                self.q = Constant(Ld / 2)

                u_sde = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['u_sde']
                if periodic:
                    expr = conditional(
                        x < self.q - Ld / 2,
                        self.p * ((exp(-(x - self.q + Ld) / sqrt(alphasq)) +
                                   exp(-Ld / sqrt(alphasq)) * exp(
                                       (x - self.q + Ld) / sqrt(alphasq))) /
                                  (1 - exp(-Ld / sqrt(alphasq)))),
                            x < self.q + Ld / 2,
                            self.p * ((exp(-sqrt((self.q - x)**2 / alphasq)) +
                                       exp(-Ld / sqrt(alphasq)) *
                                       exp(sqrt((self.q - x)**2 / alphasq))) /
                                      (1 - exp(-Ld / sqrt(alphasq)))),
                            self.p *
                            ((exp(-(self.q + Ld - x) / sqrt(alphasq)) +
                              exp(-Ld / sqrt(alphasq) * exp(
                                  (self.q + Ld - x) / sqrt(alphasq)))) /
                             (1 - exp(-Ld / sqrt(alphasq))))))
                    expr = conditional(
                        x < self.q - Ld / 2,
                        self.p * exp(-(x - self.q + Ld) / sqrt(alphasq)),
                            x < self.q + Ld / 2,
                            self.p * exp(-sqrt((self.q - x)**2 / alphasq)),
                            self.p * exp(-(self.q + Ld - x) / sqrt(alphasq))))

                self.interpolators.append(Interpolator(expr, u_sde))

            elif key == 'u_sde_weak':
                u_sde = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['u_sde']
                u_sde_weak = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['u_sde_weak']
                psi = TestFunction(Vu)

                eqn = psi * u_sde_weak * dx - psi * (u - u_sde) * dx
                prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(eqn, u_sde_weak)
                solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(prob)

            elif key == 'u_sde_mean':
                self.to_update_constants = True
                self.p = Constant(1.0)
                self.q = Constant(Ld / 2)

                if periodic:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        'u_sde_mean not yet implemented for periodic peakon')

                u_sde = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['u_sde_mean']
                expr = conditional(
                    x < self.q - Ld / 2,
                    self.p * exp(-(x - self.q + Ld) / sqrt(alphasq)),
                        x < self.q + Ld / 2,
                        self.p * exp(-sqrt((self.q - x)**2 / alphasq)),
                        self.p * exp(-(self.q + Ld - x) / sqrt(alphasq))))
                self.interpolators.append(Interpolator(expr, u_sde))

            elif key == 'u_sde_weak_mean':
                u_sde = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['u_sde_mean']
                u_sde_weak = self.diagnostic_variables.fields[
                psi = TestFunction(Vu)

                eqn = psi * u_sde_weak * dx - psi * (u - u_sde) * dx
                prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(eqn, u_sde_weak)
                solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(prob)

            elif key == 'pure_xi':
                pure_xi = 0.0 * x
                for xi in self.prognostic_variables.pure_xi_list:
                    if vector_u:
                        pure_xi += dot(ones, xi)
                        pure_xi += xi
                Xiscalar = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['pure_xi']
                Xi_interpolator = Interpolator(pure_xi, Xiscalar)

            elif key == 'pure_xi_x':
                pure_xi_x = 0.0 * x
                for xix in self.prognostic_variables.pure_xi_x_list:
                    if vector_u:
                        pure_xi_x += dot(ones, xix)
                        pure_xi_x += xix
                Xiscalar = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['pure_xi_x']
                Xi_interpolator = Interpolator(pure_xi_x, Xiscalar)

            elif key == 'pure_xi_xx':
                pure_xi_xx = 0.0 * x
                for xixx in self.prognostic_variables.pure_xi_xx_list:
                    if vector_u:
                        pure_xi_xx += dot(ones, xixx)
                        pure_xi_xx += xixx
                Xiscalar = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['pure_xi_xx']
                Xi_interpolator = Interpolator(pure_xi_xx, Xiscalar)

            elif key == 'pure_xi_xxx':
                pure_xi_xxx = 0.0 * x
                for xixxx in self.prognostic_variables.pure_xi_xxx_list:
                    if vector_u:
                        pure_xi_xxx += dot(ones, xixxx)
                        pure_xi_xxx += xixxx
                Xiscalar = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['pure_xi_xxx']
                Xi_interpolator = Interpolator(pure_xi_xxx, Xiscalar)

            elif key == 'pure_xi_xxxx':
                pure_xi_xxxx = 0.0 * x
                for xixxxx in self.prognostic_variables.pure_xi_xx_list:
                    if vector_u:
                        pure_xi_xxxx += dot(ones, xixxxx)
                        pure_xi_xxxx += xixxxx
                Xiscalar = self.diagnostic_variables.fields['pure_xi_xxxx']
                Xi_interpolator = Interpolator(pure_xi_xxxx, Xiscalar)

                raise NotImplementedError('Diagnostic %s not yet implemented' %

    def update_constants(self):
        Update p and q constants from true peakon data.
        self.p.assign(self.true_peakon_file['p'][self.outputting.t_idx] * 0.5 *
                      (1 + exp(-self.Ld / sqrt(self.alphasq))) /
                      (1 - exp(-self.Ld / sqrt(self.alphasq))))

    def solve(self):
        Do interpolations, projections and solves.

        if self.to_update_constants:
        for interpolator in self.interpolators:
        for projector in self.projectors:
        for solver in self.solvers:
Exemple #9
class TimeMixin:
    Class to extend Problems as a mixin.
    This mixin extends the problem to allow time stepping by adding the dT/dt
    To use, define a new class with this in the inheritance chain.
       class NewProblem(TimeMixin, Problem):

        T (firedrake.Function):
            The trial function for the problem.
        v (firedrake.Function):
            The test function for the problem.
        a (firedrake.Function):
            The section containing the combination of terms involving both T
            and v.
        T_ (firedrake.Function):
            A function used to hold the previous value for T.
        C (firedrake.Function):
            A function used to hold the heat capacity of the mesh.
        _delT (firedrake.Function):
            A function used as a placeholder for the time derivative.
        max_t (float):
            The time to iterate up to.
        dt (float):
            The size of each time step.
        _dt_invc (firedrake.Constant):
            Utility function to pass time step information to firedrake.
        steps (int):
            Number of iterations.
        steady_state (bool):
            Toggle whether solving steady state (dT/dt = 0) or time dependent

    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, no-member

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialiser for TimeMixin.

        Add M/dt to a and L.
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)



        self.max_t = 1e-9
        self.dt = 1e-10
        self._dt_invc = Constant(0)
        self.steps = self.max_t / self.dt

        self.steady_state = True

        self.a += self._M()

    def set_method(self, method='BackwardEuler', **kwargs):
        Replace T with the correct substitution for the method, then replace
        the delT placeholder with the simple finite difference approximation:
        dT/dt ~ (T - T_)/delta_t

            method (str, optional):
                The method to use. Defaults to 'BackwardEuler'.
        T = self.T
        iter_method = IterationMethod(self)
        substitution = iter_method.get_substitution(method, **kwargs)
        self._update_func('T', substitution)
        self.T = T

        delT = (self.T - self.T_) * self._dt_invc
        self._update_func('_delT', delT)

    def remove_timescale(self):
        Set 1/dt to 0 so that the M terms vanish.
        self.steady_state = True

    def set_timescale(self, max_t=None, dt=None, steps=None):
        Set the time stepping variables (max_t, dt, and number of steps).
        This method is designed to be given 2 variables and calculate the
        third. If 3 variables are given it will check that they are consistent.

            max_t (float, optional):
                The time to iterate until. Defaults to None.
            dt (float, optional):
                The increase in time for each iteration. Defaults to None.
            steps (int, optional):
                The number of steps to take. Defaults to None.

            ValueError: If less than 2 variables are provided.
            ValueError: If 3 values are provided which are inconsistent.
            RuntimeWarning: If steps is not an int.
        num_var_none = 0
        if max_t is None:
            num_var_none += 1
        if dt is None:
            num_var_none += 1
        if steps is None:
            num_var_none += 1
        if num_var_none > 1:
            raise ValueError('Must specify at least 2 of max_t, dt, and steps')

        if num_var_none == 0:
            calc_steps = int(max_t / dt)
            if calc_steps != max_t / dt:
                calc_steps += 1

            if steps != calc_steps:
                raise ValueError('Conflicting arguments. Try specifying only 2'
                                 ' of max_t, dt, and steps.')

        if max_t is None:
            max_t = dt * steps
        if dt is None:
            dt = max_t / steps
        if steps is None:
            steps = max_t / dt

        if steps != int(steps):
            steps = int(steps + 1)
            LOGGER.warning("steps is not an integer, rounding up.")

        self.max_t = max_t
        self.dt = dt
        self._dt_invc.assign(1 / dt)
        self.steps = steps
        self.steady_state = False

    def _M(self):
        Create the mass matrix section.

            Function: The complete mass matrix section using delT.
        return self.C * self._delT * self.v * dx