def AdvectionDiffusionGLS(
    V: fd.FunctionSpace,
    theta: fd.Function,
    phi: fd.Function,
    PeInv: float = 1e-4,
    phi_t: fd.Function = None,
    PeInv_ct = fd.Constant(PeInv)
    rho = fd.TestFunction(V)
    F = (inner(theta, grad(phi)) * rho +
         PeInv_ct * inner(grad(phi), grad(rho))) * dx

    if phi_t:
        F += phi_t * rho * dx

    h = fd.CellDiameter(V.ufl_domain())
    R_U = dot(theta, grad(phi)) - PeInv_ct * div(grad(phi))

    if phi_t:
        R_U += phi_t

    beta_gls = 0.9
    tau_gls = beta_gls * ((4.0 * dot(theta, theta) / h**2) + 9.0 *
                          (4.0 * PeInv_ct / h**2)**2)**(-0.5)

    theta_U = dot(theta, grad(rho)) - PeInv_ct * div(grad(rho))
    F += tau_gls * inner(R_U, theta_U) * dx()

    return F
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, V: fd.FunctionSpace, solver_parameters=None) -> None:
        """Reinitialization solver. Returns the level set
        to a signed distance function

            V (fd.FunctionSpace): Function space of the level set
        self.V = V
        self.mesh = V.ufl_domain()
        self.DG0 = fd.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "DG", 0)
        self.phi = fd.Function(V)

        rho, sigma = fd.TrialFunction(V), fd.TestFunction(V)
        a = rho * sigma * dx
        self.phi_int = fd.Function(V)
        self.A_proj = fd.assemble(a)

        self.solver_parameters = {
            "ksp_type": "preonly",
            "pc_type": "lu",
            "pc_factor_mat_solver_type": "mumps",
        if solver_parameters: