Exemple #1
    def setup(self, state, vorticity_type=None):
        """Solver for vorticity.

        :arg state: The state containing model.
        :arg vorticity_type: must be "relative", "absolute" or "potential"
        if not self._initialised:
            vorticity_types = ["relative", "absolute", "potential"]
            if vorticity_type not in vorticity_types:
                raise ValueError("vorticity type must be one of %s, not %s" % (vorticity_types, vorticity_type))
                space = state.spaces("CG")
            except AttributeError:
                dgspace = state.spaces("DG")
                cg_degree = dgspace.ufl_element().degree() + 2
                space = FunctionSpace(state.mesh, "CG", cg_degree)
            super().setup(state, space=space)
            u = state.fields("u")
            gamma = TestFunction(space)
            q = TrialFunction(space)

            if vorticity_type == "potential":
                D = state.fields("D")
                a = q*gamma*D*dx
                a = q*gamma*dx

            L = (- inner(state.perp(grad(gamma)), u))*dx
            if vorticity_type != "relative":
                f = state.fields("coriolis")
                L += gamma*f*dx

            problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.field)
            self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(problem, solver_parameters={"ksp_type": "cg"})
Exemple #2
class Gradient(DiagnosticField):

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.fname = name

    def name(self):
        return self.fname+"_gradient"

    def setup(self, state):
        if not self._initialised:
            mesh_dim = state.mesh.geometric_dimension()
                field_dim = state.fields(self.fname).ufl_shape[0]
            except IndexError:
                field_dim = 1
            shape = (mesh_dim, ) * field_dim
            space = TensorFunctionSpace(state.mesh, "CG", 1, shape=shape)
            super().setup(state, space=space)

        f = state.fields(self.fname)
        test = TestFunction(space)
        trial = TrialFunction(space)
        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        a = inner(test, trial)*dx
        L = -inner(div(test), f)*dx
        if space.extruded:
            L += dot(dot(test, n), f)*(ds_t + ds_b)
        prob = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.field)
        self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(prob)

    def compute(self, state):
        return self.field
Exemple #3
class Precipitation(DiagnosticField):
    name = "Precipitation"

    def setup(self, state):
        if not self._initialised:
            space = state.spaces("DG0", state.mesh, "DG", 0)
            super().setup(state, space=space)

            rain = state.fields('rain')
            rho = state.fields('rho')
            v = state.fields('rainfall_velocity')
            self.phi = TestFunction(space)
            flux = TrialFunction(space)
            n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
            un = 0.5 * (dot(v, n) + abs(dot(v, n)))
            self.flux = Function(space)

            a = self.phi * flux * dx
            L = self.phi * rain * un * rho
            if space.extruded:
                L = L * (ds_b + ds_t + ds_v)
                L = L * ds

            # setup solver
            problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.flux)
            self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(problem)

    def compute(self, state):
        self.field.assign(self.field + assemble(self.flux * self.phi * dx))
        return self.field
Exemple #4
    def _build_forcing_solvers(self):

        super(EadyForcing, self)._build_forcing_solvers()

        # b_forcing
        dbdy = self.state.parameters.dbdy
        Vb = self.state.spaces("HDiv_v")
        F = TrialFunction(Vb)
        gamma = TestFunction(Vb)
        self.bF = Function(Vb)
        u0, _, b0 = split(self.x0)

        a = gamma * F * dx
        L = -self.scaling * gamma * (dbdy *
                                     inner(u0, as_vector([0., 1., 0.]))) * dx

        b_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.bF)

        solver_parameters = {}
        if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
            solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = None
        self.b_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(
Exemple #5
class TrueResidualV(DiagnosticField):
    name = "TrueResidualV"

    def setup(self, state):
        super(TrueResidualV, self).setup(state)
        unew, pnew, bnew = state.xn.split()
        uold, pold, bold = state.xb.split()
        ubar = 0.5 * (unew + uold)
        H = state.parameters.H
        f = state.parameters.f
        dbdy = state.parameters.dbdy
        dt = state.timestepping.dt
        x, y, z = SpatialCoordinate(state.mesh)
        V = FunctionSpace(state.mesh, "DG", 0)

        wv = TestFunction(V)
        v = TrialFunction(V)
        vlhs = wv * v * dx
        vrhs = wv * ((unew[1] - uold[1]) / dt + ubar[0] * ubar[1].dx(0) +
                     ubar[2] * ubar[1].dx(2) + f * ubar[0] + dbdy *
                     (z - H / 2)) * dx
        self.vtres = Function(V)
        vtresproblem = LinearVariationalProblem(vlhs, vrhs, self.vtres)
        self.v_residual_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(
            vtresproblem, solver_parameters={'ksp_type': 'cg'})

    def compute(self, state):
        v_residual = self.vtres
        return self.field.interpolate(v_residual)
Exemple #6
class GeostrophicImbalance(DiagnosticField):
    name = "GeostrophicImbalance"

    def setup(self, state):
        super(GeostrophicImbalance, self).setup(state)
        u = state.fields("u")
        b = state.fields("b")
        p = state.fields("p")
        f = state.parameters.f
        Vu = u.function_space()

        v = TrialFunction(Vu)
        w = TestFunction(Vu)
        a = inner(w, v) * dx
        L = (div(w) * p + inner(w, as_vector([f * u[1], 0.0, b]))) * dx

        bcs = [DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "bottom"), DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "top")]

        self.imbalance = Function(Vu)
        imbalanceproblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a,
        self.imbalance_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(
            imbalanceproblem, solver_parameters={'ksp_type': 'cg'})

    def compute(self, state):
        f = state.parameters.f
        geostrophic_imbalance = self.imbalance[0] / f
        return self.field.interpolate(geostrophic_imbalance)
Exemple #7
    def _setup_solver(self):
        state = self.state
        H = state.parameters.H
        g = state.parameters.g
        beta = state.timestepping.dt*state.timestepping.alpha

        # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically)
        u_in, D_in = split(state.xrhs)

        W = state.W
        w, phi = TestFunctions(W)
        u, D = TrialFunctions(W)

        eqn = (
            inner(w, u) - beta*g*div(w)*D
            - inner(w, u_in)
            + phi*D + beta*H*phi*div(u)
            - phi*D_in

        aeqn = lhs(eqn)
        Leqn = rhs(eqn)

        # Place to put result of u rho solver
        self.uD = Function(W)

        # Solver for u, D
        uD_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(
            aeqn, Leqn, self.state.dy)

        self.uD_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(uD_problem,
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, state, V, kappa, mu, bcs=None):
        super(InteriorPenalty, self).__init__(state)

        dt = state.timestepping.dt
        gamma = TestFunction(V)
        phi = TrialFunction(V)
        self.phi1 = Function(V)
        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        a = inner(gamma, phi) * dx + dt * inner(grad(gamma),
                                                grad(phi) * kappa) * dx

        def get_flux_form(dS, M):

            fluxes = (-inner(2 * avg(outer(phi, n)), avg(grad(gamma) * M)) -
                      inner(avg(grad(phi) * M), 2 * avg(outer(gamma, n))) +
                      mu * inner(2 * avg(outer(phi, n)),
                                 2 * avg(outer(gamma, n) * kappa))) * dS
            return fluxes

        a += dt * get_flux_form(dS_v, kappa)
        a += dt * get_flux_form(dS_h, kappa)
        L = inner(gamma, phi) * dx
        problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a,
                                           action(L, self.phi1),
        self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(problem)
Exemple #9
    def setup(self, state):
        if not self._initialised:
            space = state.spaces("Vv")
            super().setup(state, space=space)
            rho = state.fields("rho")
            rhobar = state.fields("rhobar")
            theta = state.fields("theta")
            thetabar = state.fields("thetabar")
            pi = thermodynamics.pi(state.parameters, rho, theta)
            pibar = thermodynamics.pi(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar)

            cp = Constant(state.parameters.cp)
            n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

            F = TrialFunction(space)
            w = TestFunction(space)
            a = inner(w, F)*dx
            L = (- cp*div((theta-thetabar)*w)*pibar*dx
                 + cp*jump((theta-thetabar)*w, n)*avg(pibar)*dS_v
                 - cp*div(thetabar*w)*(pi-pibar)*dx
                 + cp*jump(thetabar*w, n)*avg(pi-pibar)*dS_v)

            bcs = [DirichletBC(space, 0.0, "bottom"),
                   DirichletBC(space, 0.0, "top")]

            imbalanceproblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.field, bcs=bcs)
            self.imbalance_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(imbalanceproblem)
Exemple #10
    def _build_forcing_solver(self, linear):
        Only put forcing terms into the u equation.

        state = self.state
        self.scaling = Constant(1.0)
        Vu = state.V[0]
        W = state.W

        self.x0 = Function(W)  # copy x to here

        u0, p0, b0 = split(self.x0)

        F = TrialFunction(Vu)
        w = TestFunction(Vu)
        self.uF = Function(Vu)

        Omega = state.Omega
        mu = state.mu

        a = inner(w, F) * dx
        L = (
            self.scaling * div(w) * p0 * dx  # pressure gradient
            + self.scaling * b0 * inner(w, state.k) * dx  # gravity term

        if not linear:
            L -= self.scaling * 0.5 * div(w) * inner(u0, u0) * dx

        if Omega is not None:
            L -= self.scaling * inner(w, cross(2 * Omega, u0)) * dx  # Coriolis term

        if mu is not None:
            self.mu_scaling = Constant(1.0)
            L -= self.mu_scaling * mu * inner(w, state.k) * inner(u0, state.k) * dx

        bcs = [DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "bottom"), DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "top")]

        u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF, bcs=bcs)

        self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(u_forcing_problem)

        Vp = state.V[1]
        p = TrialFunction(Vp)
        q = TestFunction(Vp)
        self.divu = Function(Vp)

        a = p * q * dx
        L = q * div(u0) * dx

        divergence_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.divu)

        self.divergence_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(divergence_problem)
Exemple #11
    def _setup(self, **kwargs):
        for name, field in kwargs.items():
            if name in self._fields.keys():
                if isinstance(field, firedrake.Constant):
                    self._fields[name] = firedrake.Constant(field)
                elif isinstance(field, firedrake.Function):
                    self._fields[name] = field.copy(deepcopy=True)
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Input %s field has type %s, must be Constant or Function!"
                        % (name, type(field))

        # Create symbolic representations of the flux and sources of damage
        dt = firedrake.Constant(1.0)
        flux = self.model.flux(**self.fields)

        # Create the finite element mass matrix
        D = self.fields["damage"]
        Q = D.function_space()
        φ, ψ = firedrake.TrialFunction(Q), firedrake.TestFunction(Q)
        M = φ * ψ * dx

        L1 = -dt * flux
        D1 = firedrake.Function(Q)
        D2 = firedrake.Function(Q)
        L2 = firedrake.replace(L1, {D: D1})
        L3 = firedrake.replace(L1, {D: D2})

        dD = firedrake.Function(Q)

        parameters = {
            "solver_parameters": {
                "ksp_type": "preonly",
                "pc_type": "bjacobi",
                "sub_pc_type": "ilu",

        problem1 = LinearVariationalProblem(M, L1, dD)
        problem2 = LinearVariationalProblem(M, L2, dD)
        problem3 = LinearVariationalProblem(M, L3, dD)
        solver1 = LinearVariationalSolver(problem1, **parameters)
        solver2 = LinearVariationalSolver(problem2, **parameters)
        solver3 = LinearVariationalSolver(problem3, **parameters)

        self._solvers = [solver1, solver2, solver3]
        self._stages = [D1, D2]
        self._damage_change = dD
        self._timestep = dt
Exemple #12
class CompressibleEadyForcing(CompressibleForcing):
    Forcing class for compressible Eady equations.
    def forcing_term(self):

        # L = super(EadyForcing, self).forcing_term()
        L = Forcing.forcing_term(self)
        dthetady = self.state.parameters.dthetady
        Pi0 = self.state.parameters.Pi0
        cp = self.state.parameters.cp

        _, rho0, theta0 = split(self.x0)
        Pi = thermodynamics.pi(self.state.parameters, rho0, theta0)
        Pi_0 = Constant(Pi0)

        L += self.scaling * cp * dthetady * (Pi - Pi_0) * inner(
            self.test, as_vector([0., 1., 0.])) * dx  # Eady forcing
        return L

    def _build_forcing_solvers(self):

        super(CompressibleEadyForcing, self)._build_forcing_solvers()
        # theta_forcing
        dthetady = self.state.parameters.dthetady
        Vt = self.state.spaces("HDiv_v")
        F = TrialFunction(Vt)
        gamma = TestFunction(Vt)
        self.thetaF = Function(Vt)
        u0, _, _ = split(self.x0)

        a = gamma * F * dx
        L = -self.scaling * gamma * (dthetady *
                                     inner(u0, as_vector([0., 1., 0.]))) * dx

        theta_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.thetaF)

        solver_parameters = {}
        if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
            solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = None
        self.theta_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(

    def apply(self, scaling, x_in, x_nl, x_out, **kwargs):

        Forcing.apply(self, scaling, x_in, x_nl, x_out, **kwargs)
        self.theta_forcing_solver.solve()  # places forcing in self.thetaF
        _, _, theta_out = x_out.split()
        theta_out += self.thetaF
Exemple #13
    def _build_forcing_solvers(self):
        a = self.mass_term()
        L = self.forcing_term()
        bcs = None if len(self.state.bcs) == 0 else self.state.bcs

        u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF, bcs=bcs)

        solver_parameters = {}
        if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
            solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = None
        self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(
Exemple #14
class EadyForcing(IncompressibleForcing):
    Forcing class for Eady Boussinesq equations.
    def forcing_term(self):

        L = Forcing.forcing_term(self)
        dbdy = self.state.parameters.dbdy
        H = self.state.parameters.H
        Vp = self.state.spaces("DG")
        _, _, z = SpatialCoordinate(self.state.mesh)
        eady_exp = Function(Vp).interpolate(z - H / 2.)

        L -= self.scaling * dbdy * eady_exp * inner(
            self.test, as_vector([0., 1., 0.])) * dx
        return L

    def _build_forcing_solvers(self):

        super(EadyForcing, self)._build_forcing_solvers()

        # b_forcing
        dbdy = self.state.parameters.dbdy
        Vb = self.state.spaces("HDiv_v")
        F = TrialFunction(Vb)
        gamma = TestFunction(Vb)
        self.bF = Function(Vb)
        u0, _, b0 = split(self.x0)

        a = gamma * F * dx
        L = -self.scaling * gamma * (dbdy *
                                     inner(u0, as_vector([0., 1., 0.]))) * dx

        b_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.bF)

        solver_parameters = {}
        if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
            solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = None
        self.b_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(

    def apply(self, scaling, x_in, x_nl, x_out, **kwargs):

        super(EadyForcing, self).apply(scaling, x_in, x_nl, x_out, **kwargs)
        self.b_forcing_solver.solve()  # places forcing in self.bF
        _, _, b_out = x_out.split()
        b_out += self.bF
Exemple #15
class Vorticity(DiagnosticField):
    """Base diagnostic field class for vorticity."""

    def setup(self, state, vorticity_type=None):
        """Solver for vorticity.

        :arg state: The state containing model.
        :arg vorticity_type: must be "relative", "absolute" or "potential"
        if not self._initialised:
            vorticity_types = ["relative", "absolute", "potential"]
            if vorticity_type not in vorticity_types:
                raise ValueError("vorticity type must be one of %s, not %s" % (vorticity_types, vorticity_type))
                space = state.spaces("CG")
            except AttributeError:
                dgspace = state.spaces("DG")
                cg_degree = dgspace.ufl_element().degree() + 2
                space = FunctionSpace(state.mesh, "CG", cg_degree)
            super().setup(state, space=space)
            u = state.fields("u")
            gamma = TestFunction(space)
            q = TrialFunction(space)

            if vorticity_type == "potential":
                D = state.fields("D")
                a = q*gamma*D*dx
                a = q*gamma*dx

            if state.on_sphere:
                cell_normals = CellNormal(state.mesh)
                gradperp = lambda psi: cross(cell_normals, grad(psi))
                L = (- inner(gradperp(gamma), u))*dx
                raise NotImplementedError("The vorticity diagnostics have only been implemented for 2D spherical geometries.")

            if vorticity_type != "relative":
                f = state.fields("coriolis")
                L += gamma*f*dx

            problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.field)
            self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(problem, solver_parameters={"ksp_type": "cg"})

    def compute(self, state):
        """Computes the vorticity.
        return self.field
    def _setup_solver(self):

        state = self.state
        H = state.parameters.H
        g = state.parameters.g
        beta = state.timestepping.dt*state.timestepping.alpha

        # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically)
        u_in, D_in = split(state.xrhs)

        W = state.W
        w, phi = TestFunctions(W)
        u, D = TrialFunctions(W)

        eqn = (
            inner(w, u) - beta*g*div(w)*D
            - inner(w, u_in)
            + phi*D + beta*H*phi*div(u)
            - phi*D_in

        aeqn = lhs(eqn)
        Leqn = rhs(eqn)

        # Place to put result of u rho solver
        self.uD = Function(W)

        # Solver for u, D
        uD_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(
            aeqn, Leqn, self.state.dy)

        self.uD_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(uD_problem,
Exemple #17
    def __init__(self, state, V, direction=[1,2], params=None):
        super(InteriorPenalty, self).__init__(state)

        dt = state.timestepping.dt
        kappa = params['kappa']
        mu = params['mu']
        gamma = TestFunction(V)
        phi = TrialFunction(V)
        self.phi1 = Function(V)
        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        a = inner(gamma,phi)*dx + dt*inner(grad(gamma), grad(phi)*kappa)*dx

        def get_flux_form(dS, M):

            fluxes = (-inner(2*avg(outer(phi, n)), avg(grad(gamma)*M))
                      - inner(avg(grad(phi)*M), 2*avg(outer(gamma, n)))
                      + mu*inner(2*avg(outer(phi, n)), 2*avg(outer(gamma, n)*kappa)))*dS
            return fluxes

        if 1 in direction:
            a += dt*get_flux_form(dS_v, kappa)
        if 2 in direction:
            a += dt*get_flux_form(dS_h, kappa)
        L = inner(gamma,phi)*dx
        problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, action(L,self.phi1), self.phi1)
        self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(problem)
Exemple #18
    def __init__(self, state, linear=False):
        self.state = state

        g = state.parameters.g
        f = state.f

        Vu = state.V[0]
        W = state.W

        self.x0 = Function(W)  # copy x to here

        u0, D0 = split(self.x0)
        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        un = 0.5 * (dot(u0, n) + abs(dot(u0, n)))

        F = TrialFunction(Vu)
        w = TestFunction(Vu)
        self.uF = Function(Vu)

        outward_normals = CellNormal(state.mesh)
        perp = lambda u: cross(outward_normals, u)
        a = inner(w, F) * dx
        L = (-f * inner(w, perp(u0)) + g * div(w) * D0) * dx - g * inner(
            jump(w, n), un("+") * D0("+") - un("-") * D0("-")
        ) * dS

        if not linear:
            L -= 0.5 * div(w) * inner(u0, u0) * dx

        u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF)

        self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(u_forcing_problem)
Exemple #19
class IncompressibleForcing(Forcing):
    Forcing class for incompressible Euler Boussinesq equations.
    def pressure_gradient_term(self):
        _, p0, _ = split(self.x0)
        L = div(self.test) * p0 * dx
        return L

    def gravity_term(self):
        _, _, b0 = split(self.x0)
        L = b0 * inner(self.test, self.state.k) * dx
        return L

    def _build_forcing_solvers(self):

        super(IncompressibleForcing, self)._build_forcing_solvers()
        Vp = self.state.spaces("DG")
        p = TrialFunction(Vp)
        q = TestFunction(Vp)
        self.divu = Function(Vp)

        u0, _, _ = split(self.x0)
        a = p * q * dx
        L = q * div(u0) * dx

        divergence_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.divu)

        solver_parameters = {}

        if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
            solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = None
        self.divergence_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(

    def apply(self, scaling, x_in, x_nl, x_out, **kwargs):

        super(IncompressibleForcing, self).apply(scaling, x_in, x_nl, x_out,
        if 'incompressible' in kwargs and kwargs['incompressible']:
            _, p_out, _ = x_out.split()
Exemple #20
class ShallowWaterForcing(Forcing):
    def __init__(self, state, linear=False):
        self.state = state

        g = state.parameters.g
        f = state.f

        Vu = state.V[0]
        W = state.W

        self.x0 = Function(W)  # copy x to here

        u0, D0 = split(self.x0)
        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        un = 0.5 * (dot(u0, n) + abs(dot(u0, n)))

        F = TrialFunction(Vu)
        w = TestFunction(Vu)
        self.uF = Function(Vu)

        outward_normals = CellNormal(state.mesh)
        perp = lambda u: cross(outward_normals, u)
        a = inner(w, F) * dx
        L = (-f * inner(w, perp(u0)) + g * div(w) * D0) * dx - g * inner(
            jump(w, n), un("+") * D0("+") - un("-") * D0("-")
        ) * dS

        if not linear:
            L -= 0.5 * div(w) * inner(u0, u0) * dx

        u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF)

        self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(u_forcing_problem)

    def apply(self, scaling, x_in, x_nl, x_out, **kwargs):


        self.u_forcing_solver.solve()  # places forcing in self.uF
        self.uF *= scaling

        uF, _ = x_out.split()

        uF += self.uF
Exemple #21
class InteriorPenalty(Diffusion):
    Interior penalty diffusion method

    :arg state: :class:`.State` object.
    :arg V: Function space of diffused field
    :arg direction: list containing directions in which function space
    is discontinuous: 1 corresponds to vertical, 2 to horizontal.
    :arg params: dictionary containing the interior penalty parameters
    :mu and kappa where mu is the penalty weighting function, which is
    :recommended to be proportional to 1/dx


    def __init__(self, state, V, direction=[1,2], params=None):
        super(InteriorPenalty, self).__init__(state)

        dt = state.timestepping.dt
        kappa = params['kappa']
        mu = params['mu']
        gamma = TestFunction(V)
        phi = TrialFunction(V)
        self.phi1 = Function(V)
        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        a = inner(gamma,phi)*dx + dt*inner(grad(gamma), grad(phi)*kappa)*dx

        def get_flux_form(dS, M):

            fluxes = (-inner(2*avg(outer(phi, n)), avg(grad(gamma)*M))
                      - inner(avg(grad(phi)*M), 2*avg(outer(gamma, n)))
                      + mu*inner(2*avg(outer(phi, n)), 2*avg(outer(gamma, n)*kappa)))*dS
            return fluxes

        if 1 in direction:
            a += dt*get_flux_form(dS_v, kappa)
        if 2 in direction:
            a += dt*get_flux_form(dS_h, kappa)
        L = inner(gamma,phi)*dx
        problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, action(L,self.phi1), self.phi1)
        self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(problem)

    def apply(self, x_in, x_out):
Exemple #22
class InteriorPenalty(Diffusion):
    Interior penalty diffusion method

    :arg state: :class:`.State` object.
    :arg V: Function space of diffused field
    :arg direction: list containing directions in which function space
    :arg: mu: the penalty weighting function, which is
    :recommended to be proportional to 1/dx
    :arg: kappa: strength of diffusion
    :arg: bcs: (optional) a list of boundary conditions to apply

    def __init__(self, state, V, kappa, mu, bcs=None):
        super(InteriorPenalty, self).__init__(state)

        dt = state.timestepping.dt
        gamma = TestFunction(V)
        phi = TrialFunction(V)
        self.phi1 = Function(V)
        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        a = inner(gamma, phi) * dx + dt * inner(grad(gamma),
                                                grad(phi) * kappa) * dx

        def get_flux_form(dS, M):

            fluxes = (-inner(2 * avg(outer(phi, n)), avg(grad(gamma) * M)) -
                      inner(avg(grad(phi) * M), 2 * avg(outer(gamma, n))) +
                      mu * inner(2 * avg(outer(phi, n)),
                                 2 * avg(outer(gamma, n) * kappa))) * dS
            return fluxes

        a += dt * get_flux_form(dS_v, kappa)
        a += dt * get_flux_form(dS_h, kappa)
        L = inner(gamma, phi) * dx
        problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a,
                                           action(L, self.phi1),
        self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(problem)

    def apply(self, x_in, x_out):
Exemple #23
 def solver(self):
     # setup solver using lhs and rhs defined in derived class
     problem = LinearVariationalProblem(self.lhs, self.rhs, self.dq)
     solver_name = self.field.name(
     ) + self.equation.__class__.__name__ + self.__class__.__name__
     return LinearVariationalSolver(
Exemple #24
    def _setup(self, **kwargs):
        for name, field in kwargs.items():
            if name in self.fields.keys():
                self.fields[name] = utilities.copy(field)

        # Create symbolic representations of the flux and sources of damage
        dt = firedrake.Constant(1.)
        flux = self.model.flux(**self.fields)

        # Create the finite element mass matrix
        D = self.fields.get('damage', self.fields.get('D'))
        Q = D.function_space()
        φ, ψ = firedrake.TrialFunction(Q), firedrake.TestFunction(Q)
        M = φ * ψ * dx

        L1 = -dt * flux
        D1 = firedrake.Function(Q)
        D2 = firedrake.Function(Q)
        L2 = firedrake.replace(L1, {D: D1})
        L3 = firedrake.replace(L1, {D: D2})

        dD = firedrake.Function(Q)

        parameters = {
            'solver_parameters': {
                'ksp_type': 'preonly',
                'pc_type': 'bjacobi',
                'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'

        problem1 = LinearVariationalProblem(M, L1, dD)
        problem2 = LinearVariationalProblem(M, L2, dD)
        problem3 = LinearVariationalProblem(M, L3, dD)
        solver1 = LinearVariationalSolver(problem1, **parameters)
        solver2 = LinearVariationalSolver(problem2, **parameters)
        solver3 = LinearVariationalSolver(problem3, **parameters)

        self._solvers = [solver1, solver2, solver3]
        self._stages = [D1, D2]
        self._damage_change = dD
        self._timestep = dt
Exemple #25
    def _build_forcing_solvers(self):
        a = self.mass_term()
        L = self.forcing_term()
        if self.Vu.extruded:
            bcs = [
                DirichletBC(self.Vu, 0.0, "bottom"),
                DirichletBC(self.Vu, 0.0, "top")
            bcs = None

        u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF, bcs=bcs)

        solver_parameters = {}
        if self.state.output.log_level == DEBUG:
            solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = True
        self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(
Exemple #26
    def setup(self, state):
        super(GeostrophicImbalance, self).setup(state)
        u = state.fields("u")
        b = state.fields("b")
        p = state.fields("p")
        f = state.parameters.f
        Vu = u.function_space()

        v = TrialFunction(Vu)
        w = TestFunction(Vu)
        a = inner(w, v)*dx
        L = (div(w)*p+inner(w, as_vector([f*u[1], 0.0, b])))*dx

        bcs = [DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "bottom"),
               DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "top")]

        self.imbalance = Function(Vu)
        imbalanceproblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.imbalance, bcs=bcs)
        self.imbalance_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(
            imbalanceproblem, solver_parameters={'ksp_type': 'cg'})
Exemple #27
    def _build_forcing_solver(self, linear):
        Only put forcing terms into the u equation.

        state = self.state
        self.scaling = Constant(1.0)
        Vu = state.V[0]
        W = state.W

        self.x0 = Function(W)  # copy x to here

        u0, rho0, theta0 = split(self.x0)

        F = TrialFunction(Vu)
        w = TestFunction(Vu)
        self.uF = Function(Vu)

        Omega = state.Omega
        cp = state.parameters.cp
        mu = state.mu

        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

        pi = exner(theta0, rho0, state)

        a = inner(w, F) * dx
        L = self.scaling * (
            +cp * div(theta0 * w) * pi * dx  # pressure gradient [volume]
            - cp * jump(w * theta0, n) * avg(pi) * dS_v  # pressure gradient [surface]

        if state.parameters.geopotential:
            Phi = state.Phi
            L += self.scaling * div(w) * Phi * dx  # gravity term
            g = state.parameters.g
            L -= self.scaling * g * inner(w, state.k) * dx  # gravity term

        if not linear:
            L -= self.scaling * 0.5 * div(w) * inner(u0, u0) * dx

        if Omega is not None:
            L -= self.scaling * inner(w, cross(2 * Omega, u0)) * dx  # Coriolis term

        if mu is not None:
            self.mu_scaling = Constant(1.0)
            L -= self.mu_scaling * mu * inner(w, state.k) * inner(u0, state.k) * dx

        bcs = [DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "bottom"), DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "top")]

        u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF, bcs=bcs)

        self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(u_forcing_problem)
Exemple #28
class HydrostaticImbalance(DiagnosticField):
    name = "HydrostaticImbalance"

    def setup(self, state):
        if not self._initialised:
            Vu = state.spaces("HDiv")
            space = FunctionSpace(state.mesh, Vu.ufl_element()._elements[-1])
            super().setup(state, space=space)
            rho = state.fields("rho")
            rhobar = state.fields("rhobar")
            theta = state.fields("theta")
            thetabar = state.fields("thetabar")
            exner = thermodynamics.exner_pressure(state.parameters, rho, theta)
            exnerbar = thermodynamics.exner_pressure(state.parameters, rhobar,

            cp = Constant(state.parameters.cp)
            n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

            F = TrialFunction(space)
            w = TestFunction(space)
            a = inner(w, F) * dx
            L = (-cp * div((theta - thetabar) * w) * exnerbar * dx + cp * jump(
                (theta - thetabar) * w, n) * avg(exnerbar) * dS_v -
                 cp * div(thetabar * w) * (exner - exnerbar) * dx +
                 cp * jump(thetabar * w, n) * avg(exner - exnerbar) * dS_v)

            bcs = [
                DirichletBC(space, 0.0, "bottom"),
                DirichletBC(space, 0.0, "top")

            imbalanceproblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a,
            self.imbalance_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(imbalanceproblem)

    def compute(self, state):
        return self.field[1]
Exemple #29
    def setup(self, state):
        if not self._initialised:
            mesh_dim = state.mesh.geometric_dimension()
                field_dim = state.fields(self.fname).ufl_shape[0]
            except IndexError:
                field_dim = 1
            shape = (mesh_dim, ) * field_dim
            space = TensorFunctionSpace(state.mesh, "CG", 1, shape=shape)
            super().setup(state, space=space)

        f = state.fields(self.fname)
        test = TestFunction(space)
        trial = TrialFunction(space)
        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        a = inner(test, trial)*dx
        L = -inner(div(test), f)*dx
        if space.extruded:
            L += dot(dot(test, n), f)*(ds_t + ds_b)
        prob = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.field)
        self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(prob)
Exemple #30
    def _build_forcing_solvers(self):

        super(IncompressibleForcing, self)._build_forcing_solvers()
        Vp = self.state.spaces("DG")
        p = TrialFunction(Vp)
        q = TestFunction(Vp)
        self.divu = Function(Vp)

        u0, _, _ = split(self.x0)
        a = p * q * dx
        L = q * div(u0) * dx

        divergence_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.divu)

        solver_parameters = {}
        if self.state.output.log_level == DEBUG:
            solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = True
        self.divergence_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(
Exemple #31
class LinearAdvection_V3(Advection):
    An advection scheme that uses the linearised background state
    in evaluation of the advection term for a DG space.

    :arg state: :class:`.State` object.
    :arg V:class:`.FunctionSpace` object. The DG Function space.
    :arg qbar: :class:`.Function` object. The reference function that we
    are linearising around.
    :arg options: a PETSc options dictionary

    def __init__(self, state, V, qbar, options=None):
        super(LinearAdvection_V3, self).__init__(state)

        p = TestFunction(V)
        q = TrialFunction(V)
        self.dq = Function(V)

        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

        a = p*q*dx
        L = (dot(grad(p), self.ubar)*qbar*dx -
             jump(self.ubar*p, n)*avg(qbar)*(dS_v + dS_h))

        aProblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a,L,self.dq)
        if options is None:
            options = {'ksp_type':'cg',

        self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(aProblem,

    def apply(self, x_in, x_out):
        dt = self.state.timestepping.dt
        x_out.assign(x_in + dt*self.dq)
Exemple #32
class LinearAdvection_Vt(Advection):
    An advection scheme that uses the linearised background state
    in evaluation of the advection term for the Vt temperature space.

    :arg state: :class:`.State` object.
    :arg V:class:`.FunctionSpace` object. The Function space for temperature.
    :arg qbar: :class:`.Function` object. The reference function that we
    are linearising around.
    :arg options: a PETSc options dictionary

    def __init__(self, state, V, qbar, options=None):
        super(LinearAdvection_Vt, self).__init__(state)

        p = TestFunction(V)
        q = TrialFunction(V)
        self.dq = Function(V)

        a = p*q*dx
        k = state.k             # Upward pointing unit vector
        L = -p*dot(self.ubar,k)*dot(k,grad(qbar))*dx

        aProblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a,L,self.dq)
        if options is None:
            options = {'ksp_type':'cg',

        self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(aProblem,

    def apply(self, x_in, x_out):
        dt = self.state.timestepping.dt
        x_out.assign(x_in + dt*self.dq)
Exemple #33
    def setup(self, state):
        if not self._initialised:
            space = state.spaces("DG0", state.mesh, "DG", 0)
            super().setup(state, space=space)

            rain = state.fields('rain')
            rho = state.fields('rho')
            v = state.fields('rainfall_velocity')
            self.phi = TestFunction(space)
            flux = TrialFunction(space)
            n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
            un = 0.5 * (dot(v, n) + abs(dot(v, n)))
            self.flux = Function(space)

            a = self.phi * flux * dx
            L = self.phi * rain * un * rho
            if space.extruded:
                L = L * (ds_b + ds_t + ds_v)
                L = L * ds

            # setup solver
            problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.flux)
            self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(problem)
Exemple #34
    def _build_forcing_solvers(self):

        super(CompressibleForcing, self)._build_forcing_solvers()
        # build forcing for theta equation
        if self.moisture is not None:
            _, _, theta0 = split(self.x0)
            Vt = self.state.spaces("HDiv_v")
            p = TrialFunction(Vt)
            q = TestFunction(Vt)
            self.thetaF = Function(Vt)

            a = p * q * dx
            L = self.theta_forcing()
            L = q * L * dx

            theta_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.thetaF)

            solver_parameters = {}
            if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
                solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = None
            self.theta_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(
Exemple #35
    def __init__(self, equation, alpha):

        residual = equation.residual.label_map(
            lambda t: t.has_label(linearisation),
            lambda t: Term(t.get(linearisation).form, t.labels), drop)

        dt = equation.state.dt
        W = equation.function_space
        beta = dt * alpha

        # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically)
        self.xrhs = Function(W)

        aeqn = residual.label_map(
            lambda t:
            (t.has_label(time_derivative) and t.has_label(linearisation)),
            map_if_false=lambda t: beta * t)
        Leqn = residual.label_map(
            lambda t:
            (t.has_label(time_derivative) and t.has_label(linearisation)),

        # Place to put result of solver
        self.dy = Function(W)

        # Solver
        bcs = equation.bcs['u']
        problem = LinearVariationalProblem(aeqn.form,
                                           action(Leqn.form, self.xrhs),

        self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(
Exemple #36
    def _build_forcing_solvers(self):

        super(CompressibleEadyForcing, self)._build_forcing_solvers()
        # theta_forcing
        dthetady = self.state.parameters.dthetady
        Vt = self.state.spaces("HDiv_v")
        F = TrialFunction(Vt)
        gamma = TestFunction(Vt)
        self.thetaF = Function(Vt)
        u0, _, _ = split(self.x0)

        a = gamma * F * dx
        L = -self.scaling * gamma * (dthetady *
                                     inner(u0, as_vector([0., 1., 0.]))) * dx

        theta_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.thetaF)

        solver_parameters = {}
        if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
            solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = None
        self.theta_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(
Exemple #37
    def __init__(self, state, V, direction=[], supg_params=None):
        super(SUPGAdvection, self).__init__(state)
        dt = state.timestepping.dt
        params = supg_params.copy() if supg_params else {}
        params.setdefault('a0', dt/sqrt(15.))
        params.setdefault('a1', dt/sqrt(15.))

        gamma = TestFunction(V)
        theta = TrialFunction(V)
        self.theta0 = Function(V)

        # make SUPG test function
        taus = [params["a0"], params["a1"]]
        for i in direction:
            taus[i] = 0.0
        tau = Constant(((taus[0], 0.), (0., taus[1])))

        dgamma = dot(dot(self.ubar, tau), grad(gamma))
        gammaSU = gamma + dgamma

        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        un = 0.5*(dot(self.ubar, n) + abs(dot(self.ubar, n)))

        a_mass = gammaSU*theta*dx
        arhs = a_mass - dt*gammaSU*dot(self.ubar, grad(theta))*dx

        if 1 in direction:
            arhs -= (
                dt*dot(jump(gammaSU), (un('+')*theta('+')
                                       - un('-')*theta('-')))*dS_v
                - dt*(gammaSU('+')*dot(self.ubar('+'), n('+'))*theta('+')
                      + gammaSU('-')*dot(self.ubar('-'), n('-'))*theta('-'))*dS_v
        if 2 in direction:
            arhs -= (
                dt*dot(jump(gammaSU), (un('+')*theta('+')
                                       - un('-')*theta('-')))*dS_h
                - dt*(gammaSU('+')*dot(self.ubar('+'), n('+'))*theta('+')
                      + gammaSU('-')*dot(self.ubar('-'), n('-'))*theta('-'))*dS_h

        self.theta1 = Function(V)
        self.dtheta = Function(V)
        problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a_mass, action(arhs,self.theta1), self.dtheta)
        self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(problem,
Exemple #38
    def __init__(self, state, V, qbar, options=None):
        super(LinearAdvection_Vt, self).__init__(state)

        p = TestFunction(V)
        q = TrialFunction(V)
        self.dq = Function(V)

        a = p*q*dx
        k = state.k             # Upward pointing unit vector
        L = -p*dot(self.ubar,k)*dot(k,grad(qbar))*dx

        aProblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a,L,self.dq)
        if options is None:
            options = {'ksp_type':'cg',

        self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(aProblem,
Exemple #39
    def __init__(self, state, V, continuity=False):

        super(DGAdvection, self).__init__(state)

        element = V.fiat_element
        assert element.entity_dofs() == element.entity_closure_dofs(), "Provided space is not discontinuous"
        dt = state.timestepping.dt

        if V.extruded:
            surface_measure = (dS_h + dS_v)
            surface_measure = dS

        phi = TestFunction(V)
        D = TrialFunction(V)
        self.D1 = Function(V)
        self.dD = Function(V)

        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        # ( dot(v, n) + |dot(v, n)| )/2.0
        un = 0.5*(dot(self.ubar, n) + abs(dot(self.ubar, n)))

        a_mass = inner(phi,D)*dx

        if continuity:
            a_int = -inner(grad(phi), outer(D, self.ubar))*dx
            a_int = -inner(div(outer(phi,self.ubar)),D)*dx

        a_flux = (dot(jump(phi), un('+')*D('+') - un('-')*D('-')))*surface_measure
        arhs = a_mass - dt*(a_int + a_flux)

        DGproblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a_mass, action(arhs,self.D1),
        self.DGsolver = LinearVariationalSolver(DGproblem,
                                                    'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'},
Exemple #40
    def __init__(self, state, V, qbar, options=None):
        super(LinearAdvection_V3, self).__init__(state)

        p = TestFunction(V)
        q = TrialFunction(V)
        self.dq = Function(V)

        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

        a = p*q*dx
        L = (dot(grad(p), self.ubar)*qbar*dx -
             jump(self.ubar*p, n)*avg(qbar)*(dS_v + dS_h))

        aProblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a,L,self.dq)
        if options is None:
            options = {'ksp_type':'cg',

        self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(aProblem,
Exemple #41
class DGAdvection(Advection):

    DG 3 step SSPRK advection scheme that can be applied to a scalar
    or vector field

    :arg state: :class:`.State` object.
    :arg V: function space of advected field - should be DG
    :arg continuity: optional boolean.
         If ``True``, the advection equation is of the form:
         :math: `D_t +\nabla \cdot(uD) = 0`.
         If ``False``, the advection equation is of the form:
         :math: `D_t + (u \cdot \nabla)D = 0`.

    def __init__(self, state, V, continuity=False):

        super(DGAdvection, self).__init__(state)

        element = V.fiat_element
        assert element.entity_dofs() == element.entity_closure_dofs(), "Provided space is not discontinuous"
        dt = state.timestepping.dt

        if V.extruded:
            surface_measure = (dS_h + dS_v)
            surface_measure = dS

        phi = TestFunction(V)
        D = TrialFunction(V)
        self.D1 = Function(V)
        self.dD = Function(V)

        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        # ( dot(v, n) + |dot(v, n)| )/2.0
        un = 0.5*(dot(self.ubar, n) + abs(dot(self.ubar, n)))

        a_mass = inner(phi,D)*dx

        if continuity:
            a_int = -inner(grad(phi), outer(D, self.ubar))*dx
            a_int = -inner(div(outer(phi,self.ubar)),D)*dx

        a_flux = (dot(jump(phi), un('+')*D('+') - un('-')*D('-')))*surface_measure
        arhs = a_mass - dt*(a_int + a_flux)

        DGproblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a_mass, action(arhs,self.D1),
        self.DGsolver = LinearVariationalSolver(DGproblem,
                                                    'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'},

    def apply(self, x_in, x_out):
        # SSPRK Stage 1

        # SSPRK Stage 2
        self.D1.assign(0.75*x_in + 0.25*self.dD)

        # SSPRK Stage 3

        x_out.assign((1.0/3.0)*x_in + (2.0/3.0)*self.dD)
    def _setup_solver(self):
        state = self.state      # just cutting down line length a bit
        dt = state.timestepping.dt
        beta = dt*state.timestepping.alpha
        mu = state.mu

        # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically)
        u_in, p_in, b_in = split(state.xrhs)

        # Build the reduced function space for u,p
        M = MixedFunctionSpace((state.V[0], state.V[1]))
        w, phi = TestFunctions(M)
        u, p = TrialFunctions(M)

        # Get background fields
        bbar = state.bbar

        # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta
        k = state.k             # Upward pointing unit vector
        b = -dot(k,u)*dot(k,grad(bbar))*beta + b_in

        # vertical projection
        def V(u):
            return k*inner(u,k)

        eqn = (
            inner(w, (u - u_in))*dx
            - beta*div(w)*p*dx
            - beta*inner(w,k)*b*dx
            + phi*div(u)*dx

        if mu is not None:
            eqn += dt*mu*inner(w,k)*inner(u,k)*dx
        aeqn = lhs(eqn)
        Leqn = rhs(eqn)

        # Place to put result of u p solver
        self.up = Function(M)

        # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh)
        dim = M.sub(0).ufl_element().value_shape()[0]
        bc = ("0.0",)*dim
        bcs = [DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "bottom"),
               DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "top")]

        # preconditioner equation
        L = self.L
        Ap = (
            inner(w,u) + L*L*div(w)*div(u) +

        # Solver for u, p
        up_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(
            aeqn, Leqn, self.up, bcs=bcs, aP=Ap)

        nullspace = MixedVectorSpaceBasis(M,

        self.up_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(up_problem,

        # Reconstruction of b
        b = TrialFunction(state.V[2])
        gamma = TestFunction(state.V[2])

        u, p = self.up.split()
        self.b = Function(state.V[2])

        b_eqn = gamma*(b - b_in +

        b_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(b_eqn),
        self.b_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(b_problem)
class IncompressibleSolver(TimesteppingSolver):
    """Timestepping linear solver object for the incompressible
    Boussinesq equations with prognostic variables u, p, b.

    This solver follows the following strategy:
    (1) Analytically eliminate b (introduces error near topography)
    (2) Solve resulting system for (u,p) using a block Hdiv preconditioner
    (3) Reconstruct b

    This currently requires a (parallel) direct solver so is probably
    a bit memory-hungry, we'll improve this with a hybridised solver

    :arg state: a :class:`.State` object containing everything else.
    :arg L: the width of the domain, used in the preconditioner.
    :arg params: Solver parameters.

    def __init__(self, state, L, params=None):

        self.state = state

        if params is None:
            self.params = {'ksp_type':'gmres',
                           'fieldsplit_0_pc_factor_mat_solver_package': 'mumps',
                           'fieldsplit_0_pc_factor_mat_solver_package': 'mumps',
            self.params = params

        self.L = L

        # setup the solver

    def _setup_solver(self):
        state = self.state      # just cutting down line length a bit
        dt = state.timestepping.dt
        beta = dt*state.timestepping.alpha
        mu = state.mu

        # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically)
        u_in, p_in, b_in = split(state.xrhs)

        # Build the reduced function space for u,p
        M = MixedFunctionSpace((state.V[0], state.V[1]))
        w, phi = TestFunctions(M)
        u, p = TrialFunctions(M)

        # Get background fields
        bbar = state.bbar

        # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta
        k = state.k             # Upward pointing unit vector
        b = -dot(k,u)*dot(k,grad(bbar))*beta + b_in

        # vertical projection
        def V(u):
            return k*inner(u,k)

        eqn = (
            inner(w, (u - u_in))*dx
            - beta*div(w)*p*dx
            - beta*inner(w,k)*b*dx
            + phi*div(u)*dx

        if mu is not None:
            eqn += dt*mu*inner(w,k)*inner(u,k)*dx
        aeqn = lhs(eqn)
        Leqn = rhs(eqn)

        # Place to put result of u p solver
        self.up = Function(M)

        # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh)
        dim = M.sub(0).ufl_element().value_shape()[0]
        bc = ("0.0",)*dim
        bcs = [DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "bottom"),
               DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "top")]

        # preconditioner equation
        L = self.L
        Ap = (
            inner(w,u) + L*L*div(w)*div(u) +

        # Solver for u, p
        up_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(
            aeqn, Leqn, self.up, bcs=bcs, aP=Ap)

        nullspace = MixedVectorSpaceBasis(M,

        self.up_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(up_problem,

        # Reconstruction of b
        b = TrialFunction(state.V[2])
        gamma = TestFunction(state.V[2])

        u, p = self.up.split()
        self.b = Function(state.V[2])

        b_eqn = gamma*(b - b_in +

        b_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(b_eqn),
        self.b_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(b_problem)

    def solve(self):
        Apply the solver with rhs state.xrhs and result state.dy.


        u1, p1 = self.up.split()
        u, p, b = self.state.dy.split()

Exemple #44
    def __init__(self, equation, alpha):

        self.field_name = equation.field_name
        implicit_terms = ["incompressibility", "sponge"]
        dt = equation.state.dt

        W = equation.function_space
        self.x0 = Function(W)
        self.xF = Function(W)

        # set up boundary conditions on the u subspace of W
        bcs = [
            DirichletBC(W.sub(0), bc.function_arg, bc.sub_domain)
            for bc in equation.bcs['u']

        # drop terms relating to transport and diffusion
        residual = equation.residual.label_map(
            lambda t: any(t.has_label(transport, diffusion, return_tuple=True)
                          ), drop)

        # the lhs of both of the explicit and implicit solvers is just
        # the time derivative form
        trials = TrialFunctions(W)
        a = residual.label_map(lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative),

        # the explicit forms are multiplied by (1-alpha) and moved to the rhs
        L_explicit = -(1 - alpha) * dt * residual.label_map(
            lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative) or t.get(name) in
            implicit_terms or t.get(name) == "hydrostatic_form", drop,

        # the implicit forms are multiplied by alpha and moved to the rhs
        L_implicit = -alpha * dt * residual.label_map(
            lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative) or t.get(name) in
            implicit_terms or t.get(name) == "hydrostatic_form", drop,

        # now add the terms that are always fully implicit
        if any(t.get(name) in implicit_terms for t in residual):
            L_implicit -= dt * residual.label_map(
                lambda t: t.get(name) in implicit_terms,
                replace_subject(self.x0), drop)

        # the hydrostatic equations require some additional forms:
        if any([t.has_label(hydrostatic) for t in residual]):

            L_explicit += residual.label_map(
                lambda t: t.get(name) == "hydrostatic_form",
                replace_subject(self.x0), drop)

            L_implicit -= residual.label_map(
                lambda t: t.get(name) == "hydrostatic_form",
                replace_subject(self.x0), drop)

        # now we can set up the explicit and implicit problems
        explicit_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a.form,

        implicit_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a.form,

        solver_parameters = {}
        if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
            solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = None

        self.solvers = {}
        self.solvers["explicit"] = LinearVariationalSolver(
        self.solvers["implicit"] = LinearVariationalSolver(
def compressible_hydrostatic_balance(state, theta0, rho0, pi0=None,
                                     top=False, pi_boundary=Constant(1.0),
    Compute a hydrostatically balanced density given a potential temperature

    :arg state: The :class:`State` object.
    :arg theta0: :class:`.Function`containing the potential temperature.
    :arg rho0: :class:`.Function` to write the initial density into.
    :arg top: If True, set a boundary condition at the top. Otherwise, set
    it at the bottom.
    :arg pi_boundary: a field or expression to use as boundary data for pi on
    the top or bottom as specified.

    # Calculate hydrostatic Pi
    W = MixedFunctionSpace((state.Vv,state.V[1]))
    v, pi = TrialFunctions(W)
    dv, dpi = TestFunctions(W)

    n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

    cp = state.parameters.cp

    alhs = (
        (cp*inner(v,dv) - cp*div(dv*theta0)*pi)*dx
        + dpi*div(theta0*v)*dx

    if top:
        bmeasure = ds_t
        bstring = "bottom"
        bmeasure = ds_b
        bstring = "top"

    arhs = -cp*inner(dv,n)*theta0*pi_boundary*bmeasure
    if state.parameters.geopotential:
        Phi = state.Phi
        arhs += div(dv)*Phi*dx - inner(dv,n)*Phi*bmeasure
        g = state.parameters.g
        arhs -= g*inner(dv,state.k)*dx

    if(state.mesh.geometric_dimension() == 2):
        bcs = [DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Expression(("0.", "0.")), bstring)]
    elif(state.mesh.geometric_dimension() == 3):
        bcs = [DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Expression(("0.", "0.", "0.")), bstring)]
    w = Function(W)
    PiProblem = LinearVariationalProblem(alhs, arhs, w, bcs=bcs)

    if(params is None):
        params = {'pc_type': 'fieldsplit',
                  'pc_fieldsplit_type': 'schur',
                  'ksp_type': 'gmres',
                  'ksp_monitor_true_residual': True,
                  'ksp_max_it': 100,
                  'ksp_gmres_restart': 50,
                  'pc_fieldsplit_schur_fact_type': 'FULL',
                  'pc_fieldsplit_schur_precondition': 'selfp',
                  'fieldsplit_0_ksp_type': 'richardson',
                  'fieldsplit_0_ksp_max_it': 5,
                  'fieldsplit_0_pc_type': 'gamg',
                  'fieldsplit_1_pc_gamg_sym_graph': True,
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_type': 'chebyshev',
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues': True,
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues_random': True,
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_max_it': 5,
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_pc_type': 'bjacobi',
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_sub_pc_type': 'ilu'}

    PiSolver = LinearVariationalSolver(PiProblem,

    v, Pi = w.split()
    if pi0 is not None:

    kappa = state.parameters.kappa
    R_d = state.parameters.R_d
    p_0 = state.parameters.p_0

    if solve_for_rho:
        w1 = Function(W)
        v, rho = w1.split()
        v, rho = split(w1)
        dv, dpi = TestFunctions(W)
        pi = ((R_d/p_0)*rho*theta0)**(kappa/(1.-kappa))
        F = (
            (cp*inner(v,dv) - cp*div(dv*theta0)*pi)*dx
            + dpi*div(theta0*v)*dx
            + cp*inner(dv,n)*theta0*pi_boundary*bmeasure
        if state.parameters.geopotential:
            F += - div(dv)*Phi*dx + inner(dv,n)*Phi*bmeasure
            F += g*inner(dv,state.k)*dx
        rhoproblem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, w1, bcs=bcs)
        rhosolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(rhoproblem, solver_parameters=params)
        v, rho_ = w1.split()
Exemple #46
class SUPGAdvection(Advection):
    An SUPG advection scheme that can apply DG upwinding (in the direction
    specified by the direction arg) if the function space is only
    partially continuous.

    :arg state: :class:`.State` object.
    :arg V:class:`.FunctionSpace` object. The advected field function space.
    :arg direction: list containing the directions in which the function
    space is discontinuous. 1 corresponds to the vertical direction, 2 to
    the horizontal direction
    :arg supg_params: dictionary containing SUPG parameters tau for each
    direction. If not supplied tau is set to dt/sqrt(15.)
    def __init__(self, state, V, direction=[], supg_params=None):
        super(SUPGAdvection, self).__init__(state)
        dt = state.timestepping.dt
        params = supg_params.copy() if supg_params else {}
        params.setdefault('a0', dt/sqrt(15.))
        params.setdefault('a1', dt/sqrt(15.))

        gamma = TestFunction(V)
        theta = TrialFunction(V)
        self.theta0 = Function(V)

        # make SUPG test function
        taus = [params["a0"], params["a1"]]
        for i in direction:
            taus[i] = 0.0
        tau = Constant(((taus[0], 0.), (0., taus[1])))

        dgamma = dot(dot(self.ubar, tau), grad(gamma))
        gammaSU = gamma + dgamma

        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        un = 0.5*(dot(self.ubar, n) + abs(dot(self.ubar, n)))

        a_mass = gammaSU*theta*dx
        arhs = a_mass - dt*gammaSU*dot(self.ubar, grad(theta))*dx

        if 1 in direction:
            arhs -= (
                dt*dot(jump(gammaSU), (un('+')*theta('+')
                                       - un('-')*theta('-')))*dS_v
                - dt*(gammaSU('+')*dot(self.ubar('+'), n('+'))*theta('+')
                      + gammaSU('-')*dot(self.ubar('-'), n('-'))*theta('-'))*dS_v
        if 2 in direction:
            arhs -= (
                dt*dot(jump(gammaSU), (un('+')*theta('+')
                                       - un('-')*theta('-')))*dS_h
                - dt*(gammaSU('+')*dot(self.ubar('+'), n('+'))*theta('+')
                      + gammaSU('-')*dot(self.ubar('-'), n('-'))*theta('-'))*dS_h

        self.theta1 = Function(V)
        self.dtheta = Function(V)
        problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a_mass, action(arhs,self.theta1), self.dtheta)
        self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(problem,

    def apply(self, x_in, x_out):

        # SSPRK Stage 1

        # SSPRK Stage 2
        self.theta1.assign(0.75*x_in + 0.25*self.dtheta)

        # SSPRK Stage 3

        x_out.assign((1.0/3.0)*x_in + (2.0/3.0)*self.dtheta)
Exemple #47
class CompressibleForcing(Forcing):
    Forcing class for compressible Euler equations.

    def __init__(self, state, linear=False):
        self.state = state


    def _build_forcing_solver(self, linear):
        Only put forcing terms into the u equation.

        state = self.state
        self.scaling = Constant(1.0)
        Vu = state.V[0]
        W = state.W

        self.x0 = Function(W)  # copy x to here

        u0, rho0, theta0 = split(self.x0)

        F = TrialFunction(Vu)
        w = TestFunction(Vu)
        self.uF = Function(Vu)

        Omega = state.Omega
        cp = state.parameters.cp
        mu = state.mu

        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

        pi = exner(theta0, rho0, state)

        a = inner(w, F) * dx
        L = self.scaling * (
            +cp * div(theta0 * w) * pi * dx  # pressure gradient [volume]
            - cp * jump(w * theta0, n) * avg(pi) * dS_v  # pressure gradient [surface]

        if state.parameters.geopotential:
            Phi = state.Phi
            L += self.scaling * div(w) * Phi * dx  # gravity term
            g = state.parameters.g
            L -= self.scaling * g * inner(w, state.k) * dx  # gravity term

        if not linear:
            L -= self.scaling * 0.5 * div(w) * inner(u0, u0) * dx

        if Omega is not None:
            L -= self.scaling * inner(w, cross(2 * Omega, u0)) * dx  # Coriolis term

        if mu is not None:
            self.mu_scaling = Constant(1.0)
            L -= self.mu_scaling * mu * inner(w, state.k) * inner(u0, state.k) * dx

        bcs = [DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "bottom"), DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "top")]

        u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF, bcs=bcs)

        self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(u_forcing_problem)

    def apply(self, scaling, x_in, x_nl, x_out, **kwargs):

        if "mu_alpha" in kwargs and kwargs["mu_alpha"] is not None:
        self.u_forcing_solver.solve()  # places forcing in self.uF

        u_out, _, _ = x_out.split()

        u_out += self.uF
Exemple #48
class IncompressibleForcing(Forcing):
    Forcing class for incompressible Euler Boussinesq equations.

    def __init__(self, state, linear=False):
        self.state = state


    def _build_forcing_solver(self, linear):
        Only put forcing terms into the u equation.

        state = self.state
        self.scaling = Constant(1.0)
        Vu = state.V[0]
        W = state.W

        self.x0 = Function(W)  # copy x to here

        u0, p0, b0 = split(self.x0)

        F = TrialFunction(Vu)
        w = TestFunction(Vu)
        self.uF = Function(Vu)

        Omega = state.Omega
        mu = state.mu

        a = inner(w, F) * dx
        L = (
            self.scaling * div(w) * p0 * dx  # pressure gradient
            + self.scaling * b0 * inner(w, state.k) * dx  # gravity term

        if not linear:
            L -= self.scaling * 0.5 * div(w) * inner(u0, u0) * dx

        if Omega is not None:
            L -= self.scaling * inner(w, cross(2 * Omega, u0)) * dx  # Coriolis term

        if mu is not None:
            self.mu_scaling = Constant(1.0)
            L -= self.mu_scaling * mu * inner(w, state.k) * inner(u0, state.k) * dx

        bcs = [DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "bottom"), DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "top")]

        u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF, bcs=bcs)

        self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(u_forcing_problem)

        Vp = state.V[1]
        p = TrialFunction(Vp)
        q = TestFunction(Vp)
        self.divu = Function(Vp)

        a = p * q * dx
        L = q * div(u0) * dx

        divergence_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.divu)

        self.divergence_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(divergence_problem)

    def apply(self, scaling, x_in, x_nl, x_out, **kwargs):

        if "mu_alpha" in kwargs and kwargs["mu_alpha"] is not None:
        self.u_forcing_solver.solve()  # places forcing in self.uF

        u_out, p_out, _ = x_out.split()

        u_out += self.uF

        if "incompressible" in kwargs and kwargs["incompressible"]:
Exemple #49
class CompressibleForcing(Forcing):
    Forcing class for compressible Euler equations.
    def pressure_gradient_term(self):

        u0, rho0, theta0 = split(self.x0)
        cp = self.state.parameters.cp
        n = FacetNormal(self.state.mesh)
        Vtheta = self.state.spaces("HDiv_v")

        # introduce new theta so it can be changed by moisture
        theta = theta0

        # add effect of density of water upon theta
        if self.moisture is not None:
            water_t = Function(Vtheta).assign(0.0)
            for water in self.moisture:
                water_t += self.state.fields(water)
            theta = theta / (1 + water_t)

        pi = thermodynamics.pi(self.state.parameters, rho0, theta0)

        L = (+cp * div(theta * self.test) * pi * dx -
             cp * jump(self.test * theta, n) * avg(pi) * dS_v)
        return L

    def gravity_term(self):

        g = self.state.parameters.g
        L = -g * inner(self.test, self.state.k) * dx

        return L

    def theta_forcing(self):

        cv = self.state.parameters.cv
        cp = self.state.parameters.cp
        c_vv = self.state.parameters.c_vv
        c_pv = self.state.parameters.c_pv
        c_pl = self.state.parameters.c_pl
        R_d = self.state.parameters.R_d
        R_v = self.state.parameters.R_v

        u0, _, theta0 = split(self.x0)
        water_v = self.state.fields('water_v')
        water_c = self.state.fields('water_c')

        c_vml = cv + water_v * c_vv + water_c * c_pl
        c_pml = cp + water_v * c_pv + water_c * c_pl
        R_m = R_d + water_v * R_v

        L = -theta0 * (R_m / c_vml - (R_d * c_pml) / (cp * c_vml)) * div(u0)

        return self.scaling * L

    def _build_forcing_solvers(self):

        super(CompressibleForcing, self)._build_forcing_solvers()
        # build forcing for theta equation
        if self.moisture is not None:
            _, _, theta0 = split(self.x0)
            Vt = self.state.spaces("HDiv_v")
            p = TrialFunction(Vt)
            q = TestFunction(Vt)
            self.thetaF = Function(Vt)

            a = p * q * dx
            L = self.theta_forcing()
            L = q * L * dx

            theta_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.thetaF)

            solver_parameters = {}
            if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
                solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = None
            self.theta_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(

    def apply(self, scaling, x_in, x_nl, x_out, **kwargs):

        super(CompressibleForcing, self).apply(scaling, x_in, x_nl, x_out,
        if self.moisture is not None:
            _, _, theta_out = x_out.split()
            theta_out += self.thetaF
Exemple #50
class Forcing(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    Base class for forcing terms for Gusto.

    :arg state: x :class:`.State` object.
    :arg euler_poincare: if True then the momentum equation is in Euler
    Poincare form and we need to add 0.5*grad(u^2) to the forcing term.
    If False then this term is not added.
    :arg linear: if True then we are solving a linear equation so nonlinear
    terms (namely the Euler Poincare term) should not be added.
    :arg extra_terms: extra terms to add to the u component of the forcing
    term - these will be multiplied by the appropriate test function.
    def __init__(self,
        self.state = state
        if linear:
            self.euler_poincare = False
                'Setting euler_poincare to False because you have set linear=True'
            self.euler_poincare = euler_poincare

        # set up functions
        self.Vu = state.spaces("HDiv")
        # this is the function that the forcing term is applied to
        self.x0 = Function(state.W)
        self.test = TestFunction(self.Vu)
        self.trial = TrialFunction(self.Vu)
        # this is the function that contains the result of solving
        # <test, trial> = <test, F(x0)>, where F is the forcing term
        self.uF = Function(self.Vu)

        # find out which terms we need
        self.extruded = self.Vu.extruded
        self.coriolis = state.Omega is not None or hasattr(
            state.fields, "coriolis")
        self.sponge = state.mu is not None
        self.hydrostatic = state.hydrostatic
        self.topography = hasattr(state.fields, "topography")
        self.extra_terms = extra_terms
        self.moisture = moisture

        # some constants to use for scaling terms
        self.scaling = Constant(1.)
        self.impl = Constant(1.)


    def mass_term(self):
        return inner(self.test, self.trial) * dx

    def coriolis_term(self):
        u0 = split(self.x0)[0]
        return -inner(self.test, cross(2 * self.state.Omega, u0)) * dx

    def sponge_term(self):
        u0 = split(self.x0)[0]
        return self.state.mu * inner(self.test, self.state.k) * inner(
            u0, self.state.k) * dx

    def euler_poincare_term(self):
        u0 = split(self.x0)[0]
        return -0.5 * div(self.test) * inner(self.state.h_project(u0), u0) * dx

    def hydrostatic_term(self):
        u0 = split(self.x0)[0]
        return inner(u0, self.state.k) * inner(self.test, self.state.k) * dx

    def pressure_gradient_term(self):

    def forcing_term(self):
        L = self.pressure_gradient_term()
        if self.extruded:
            L += self.gravity_term()
        if self.coriolis:
            L += self.coriolis_term()
        if self.euler_poincare:
            L += self.euler_poincare_term()
        if self.topography:
            L += self.topography_term()
        if self.extra_terms is not None:
            L += inner(self.test, self.extra_terms) * dx
        # scale L
        L = self.scaling * L
        # sponge term has a separate scaling factor as it is always implicit
        if self.sponge:
            L -= self.impl * self.state.timestepping.dt * self.sponge_term()
        # hydrostatic term has no scaling factor
        if self.hydrostatic:
            L += (2 * self.impl - 1) * self.hydrostatic_term()
        return L

    def _build_forcing_solvers(self):
        a = self.mass_term()
        L = self.forcing_term()
        bcs = None if len(self.state.bcs) == 0 else self.state.bcs

        u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF, bcs=bcs)

        solver_parameters = {}
        if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
            solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = None
        self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(

    def apply(self, scaling, x_in, x_nl, x_out, **kwargs):
        Function takes x as input, computes F(x_nl) and returns
        x_out = x + scale*F(x_nl)
        as output.

        :arg x_in: :class:`.Function` object
        :arg x_nl: :class:`.Function` object
        :arg x_out: :class:`.Function` object
        :arg implicit: forcing stage for sponge and hydrostatic terms, if present
        implicit = kwargs.get("implicit")
        if implicit is not None:
        self.u_forcing_solver.solve()  # places forcing in self.uF

        uF = x_out.split()[0]

        uF += self.uF
class CompressibleSolver(TimesteppingSolver):
    Timestepping linear solver object for the compressible equations
    in theta-pi formulation with prognostic variables u,rho,theta.

    This solver follows the following strategy:
    (1) Analytically eliminate theta (introduces error near topography)
    (2) Solve resulting system for (u,rho) using a Schur preconditioner
    (3) Reconstruct theta

    :arg state: a :class:`.State` object containing everything else.

    def __init__(self, state, params=None):

        self.state = state

        if params is None:
            self.params = {'pc_type': 'fieldsplit',
                           'pc_fieldsplit_type': 'schur',
                           'ksp_type': 'gmres',
                           'ksp_max_it': 100,
                           'ksp_gmres_restart': 50,
                           'pc_fieldsplit_schur_fact_type': 'FULL',
                           'pc_fieldsplit_schur_precondition': 'selfp',
                           'fieldsplit_0_ksp_type': 'preonly',
                           'fieldsplit_0_pc_type': 'bjacobi',
                           'fieldsplit_0_sub_pc_type': 'ilu',
                           'fieldsplit_1_ksp_type': 'preonly',
                           'fieldsplit_1_pc_type': 'gamg',
                           'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_type': 'chebyshev',
                           'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues': True,
                           'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues_random': True,
                           'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_max_it': 1,
                           'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_pc_type': 'bjacobi',
                           'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_sub_pc_type': 'ilu'}
            self.params = params

        # setup the solver

    def _setup_solver(self):
        state = self.state      # just cutting down line length a bit
        dt = state.timestepping.dt
        beta = dt*state.timestepping.alpha
        cp = state.parameters.cp
        mu = state.mu

        # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically)
        u_in, rho_in, theta_in = split(state.xrhs)

        # Build the reduced function space for u,rho
        M = MixedFunctionSpace((state.V[0], state.V[1]))
        w, phi = TestFunctions(M)
        u, rho = TrialFunctions(M)

        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

        # Get background fields
        thetabar = state.thetabar
        rhobar = state.rhobar
        pibar = exner(thetabar, rhobar, state)
        pibar_rho = exner_rho(thetabar, rhobar, state)
        pibar_theta = exner_theta(thetabar, rhobar, state)

        # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta
        k = state.k             # Upward pointing unit vector
        theta = -dot(k,u)*dot(k,grad(thetabar))*beta + theta_in

        # Only include theta' (rather than pi') in the vertical
        # component of the gradient

        # the pi prime term (here, bars are for mean and no bars are
        # for linear perturbations)

        pi = pibar_theta*theta + pibar_rho*rho

        # vertical projection
        def V(u):
            return k*inner(u,k)

        eqn = (
            inner(w, (u - u_in))*dx
            - beta*cp*div(theta*V(w))*pibar*dx
            # following does nothing but is preserved in the comments
            # to remind us why (because V(w) is purely vertical.
            # + beta*cp*jump(theta*V(w),n)*avg(pibar)*dS_v
            - beta*cp*div(thetabar*w)*pi*dx
            + beta*cp*jump(thetabar*w,n)*avg(pi)*dS_v
            + (phi*(rho - rho_in) - beta*inner(grad(phi), u)*rhobar)*dx
            + beta*jump(phi*u, n)*avg(rhobar)*(dS_v + dS_h)

        if mu is not None:
            eqn += dt*mu*inner(w,k)*inner(u,k)*dx
        aeqn = lhs(eqn)
        Leqn = rhs(eqn)

        # Place to put result of u rho solver
        self.urho = Function(M)

        # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh)
        dim = M.sub(0).ufl_element().value_shape()[0]
        bc = ("0.0",)*dim
        bcs = [DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "bottom"),
               DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "top")]

        # Solver for u, rho
        urho_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(
            aeqn, Leqn, self.urho, bcs=bcs)

        self.urho_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(urho_problem,

        # Reconstruction of theta
        theta = TrialFunction(state.V[2])
        gamma = TestFunction(state.V[2])

        u, rho = self.urho.split()
        self.theta = Function(state.V[2])

        theta_eqn = gamma*(theta - theta_in +

        theta_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(theta_eqn),
        self.theta_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(theta_problem,

    def solve(self):
        Apply the solver with rhs state.xrhs and result state.dy.


        u1, rho1 = self.urho.split()
        u, rho, theta = self.state.dy.split()

    def _setup_solver(self):
        state = self.state      # just cutting down line length a bit
        dt = state.timestepping.dt
        beta = dt*state.timestepping.alpha
        cp = state.parameters.cp
        mu = state.mu

        # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically)
        u_in, rho_in, theta_in = split(state.xrhs)

        # Build the reduced function space for u,rho
        M = MixedFunctionSpace((state.V[0], state.V[1]))
        w, phi = TestFunctions(M)
        u, rho = TrialFunctions(M)

        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

        # Get background fields
        thetabar = state.thetabar
        rhobar = state.rhobar
        pibar = exner(thetabar, rhobar, state)
        pibar_rho = exner_rho(thetabar, rhobar, state)
        pibar_theta = exner_theta(thetabar, rhobar, state)

        # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta
        k = state.k             # Upward pointing unit vector
        theta = -dot(k,u)*dot(k,grad(thetabar))*beta + theta_in

        # Only include theta' (rather than pi') in the vertical
        # component of the gradient

        # the pi prime term (here, bars are for mean and no bars are
        # for linear perturbations)

        pi = pibar_theta*theta + pibar_rho*rho

        # vertical projection
        def V(u):
            return k*inner(u,k)

        eqn = (
            inner(w, (u - u_in))*dx
            - beta*cp*div(theta*V(w))*pibar*dx
            # following does nothing but is preserved in the comments
            # to remind us why (because V(w) is purely vertical.
            # + beta*cp*jump(theta*V(w),n)*avg(pibar)*dS_v
            - beta*cp*div(thetabar*w)*pi*dx
            + beta*cp*jump(thetabar*w,n)*avg(pi)*dS_v
            + (phi*(rho - rho_in) - beta*inner(grad(phi), u)*rhobar)*dx
            + beta*jump(phi*u, n)*avg(rhobar)*(dS_v + dS_h)

        if mu is not None:
            eqn += dt*mu*inner(w,k)*inner(u,k)*dx
        aeqn = lhs(eqn)
        Leqn = rhs(eqn)

        # Place to put result of u rho solver
        self.urho = Function(M)

        # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh)
        dim = M.sub(0).ufl_element().value_shape()[0]
        bc = ("0.0",)*dim
        bcs = [DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "bottom"),
               DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "top")]

        # Solver for u, rho
        urho_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(
            aeqn, Leqn, self.urho, bcs=bcs)

        self.urho_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(urho_problem,

        # Reconstruction of theta
        theta = TrialFunction(state.V[2])
        gamma = TestFunction(state.V[2])

        u, rho = self.urho.split()
        self.theta = Function(state.V[2])

        theta_eqn = gamma*(theta - theta_in +

        theta_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(theta_eqn),
        self.theta_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(theta_problem,
Exemple #53
    def __init__(self, state, V):
        super(EulerPoincareForm, self).__init__(state)

        dt = state.timestepping.dt
        w = TestFunction(V)
        u = TrialFunction(V)
        self.u0 = Function(V)
        ustar = 0.5*(self.u0 + u)
        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        Upwind = 0.5*(sign(dot(self.ubar, n))+1)

        if state.mesh.geometric_dimension() == 3:

            if V.extruded:
                surface_measure = (dS_h + dS_v)
                surface_measure = dS

            # <w,curl(u) cross ubar + grad( u.ubar)>
            # =<curl(u),ubar cross w> - <div(w), u.ubar>
            # =<u,curl(ubar cross w)> -
            #      <<u_upwind, [[n cross(ubar cross w)cross]]>>

            both = lambda u: 2*avg(u)

            Eqn = (
                inner(w, u-self.u0)*dx
                + dt*inner(ustar, curl(cross(self.ubar, w)))*dx
                - dt*inner(both(Upwind*ustar),
                           both(cross(n, cross(self.ubar, w))))*surface_measure
                - dt*div(w)*inner(ustar, self.ubar)*dx

        # define surface measure and terms involving perp differently
        # for slice (i.e. if V.extruded is True) and shallow water
        # (V.extruded is False)
            if V.extruded:
                surface_measure = (dS_h + dS_v)
                perp = lambda u: as_vector([-u[1], u[0]])
                perp_u_upwind = Upwind('+')*perp(ustar('+')) + Upwind('-')*perp(ustar('-'))
                surface_measure = dS
                outward_normals = CellNormal(state.mesh)
                perp = lambda u: cross(outward_normals, u)
                perp_u_upwind = Upwind('+')*cross(outward_normals('+'),ustar('+')) + Upwind('-')*cross(outward_normals('-'),ustar('-'))

            Eqn = (
                (inner(w, u-self.u0)
                 - dt*inner(w, div(perp(ustar))*perp(self.ubar))
                 - dt*div(w)*inner(ustar, self.ubar))*dx
                - dt*inner(jump(inner(w, perp(self.ubar)), n),
                + dt*jump(inner(w,
                                perp(self.ubar))*perp(ustar), n)*surface_measure

        a = lhs(Eqn)
        L = rhs(Eqn)
        self.u1 = Function(V)
        uproblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.u1)
        self.usolver = LinearVariationalSolver(uproblem,