Exemple #1
def test_get_confs():
    """Get confs from firewalls
    Check for ip addr show
    Ignore the iptables confs: the current state on the hosts (or emulator) is not known
    d = dict((h, [ip_addr]) for ip_addr, h in addrmap.iteritems())
    sx = SSHConnector(targets=d)
    confs = sx.get_confs()
    assert isinstance(confs, dict)
    for hostname in d:
        assert hostname in confs, "%s missing from the results" % hostname

    for h, conf in confs.iteritems():
#        assert isinstance(conf, dict), "%s's conf is not a dict: %s" \
#            % (h, repr(conf))
        assert 'iptables' in conf
        assert 'ip_a_s' in conf
        assert 'nat' in conf['iptables']
        assert 'filter' in conf['iptables']
        assert 'lo' in conf['ip_a_s']

    for h in ('InternalFW', 'Server001', 'BorderFW', 'Smeagol'):
        assert 'eth0' in confs[h]['ip_a_s'], h + " has no eth0"

    assert 'eth1' in confs['BorderFW']['ip_a_s']
    assert 'eth1' in confs['InternalFW']['ip_a_s']
    assert 'eth2' in confs['BorderFW']['ip_a_s']
Exemple #2
def test_get_confs():
    """Get confs from firewalls
    Check for ip addr show
    Ignore the iptables confs: the current state on the hosts (or emulator) is not known
    d = dict((h, [ip_addr]) for ip_addr, h in addrmap.iteritems())
    sx = SSHConnector(targets=d)
    confs = sx.get_confs()
    assert isinstance(confs, dict)
    for hostname in d:
        assert hostname in confs, "%s missing from the results" % hostname

    for h, conf in confs.iteritems():
#        assert isinstance(conf, dict), "%s's conf is not a dict: %s" \
#            % (h, repr(conf))
        assert 'iptables' in conf
        assert 'ip_a_s' in conf
        assert 'nat' in conf['iptables']
        assert 'filter' in conf['iptables']
        assert 'lo' in conf['ip_a_s']

    for h in ('InternalFW', 'Server001', 'BorderFW', 'Smeagol'):
        assert 'eth0' in confs[h]['ip_a_s'], h + " has no eth0"

    assert 'eth1' in confs['BorderFW']['ip_a_s']
    assert 'eth1' in confs['InternalFW']['ip_a_s']
    assert 'eth2' in confs['BorderFW']['ip_a_s']
Exemple #3
def test_get_conf_BorderFW():
    d = {'BorderFW': ['']}
    for x in xrange(20):
        deb(show("%d run" % x))
        sx = SSHConnector(d)
        confs = sx.get_confs()
        assert isinstance(confs, dict)
        assert 'BorderFW' in confs, "BorderFW missing from the results"
        assert 'iptables' in confs['BorderFW']
        deb(show("Completed run %d" % x))
Exemple #4
def test_get_conf_BorderFW():
    d = {'BorderFW': ['']}
    for x in xrange(20):
        deb(show("%d run" % x))
        sx = SSHConnector(d)
        confs = sx.get_confs()
        assert isinstance(confs, dict)
        assert 'BorderFW' in confs, "BorderFW missing from the results"
        assert 'iptables' in confs['BorderFW']
        deb(show("Completed run %d" % x))
Exemple #5
def test_deliver_apply_and_get_confs():
    """Remote conf delivery, apply and get it back

    d = dict((h, [ip_addr]) for ip_addr, h in addrmap.iteritems())
    # confs =  {hostname: {iface: [rules, ] }, ... }
    confs = dict(
        (h, ['# this is an iptables conf test',
                '# for %s' % h,
                '-A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT',
            ] ) for h in d

    # deliver
    sx = SSHConnector(d)
    status = sx.deliver_confs(confs)
    assert status == {'InternalFW': 'ok', 'Server001': 'ok', 'BorderFW': 'ok',
        'localhost': 'ok', 'Smeagol': 'ok'}, repr(status)

    # apply

    # get and compare
    log.debug("Getting confs...")
    rconfs = sx.get_confs()

    for h, conf in confs.iteritems():
        assert h in rconfs, "%s missing from received confs" % h
        r = rconfs[h]
        assert 'iptables' in r
        assert 'ip_a_s' in r
        assert 'nat' in r['iptables']
        assert 'filter' in r['iptables']
#        assert r['iptables']['nat'] == [], repr(r)
    #FIXME: re-enable this
    #assert r['iptables']['filter'] == ['-A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT'], "Rconf: %s" % repr(r)
        assert 'lo' in r['ip_a_s']
Exemple #6
def test_deliver_apply_and_get_confs():
    """Remote conf delivery, apply and get it back

    d = dict((h, [ip_addr]) for ip_addr, h in addrmap.iteritems())
    # confs =  {hostname: {iface: [rules, ] }, ... }
    confs = dict(
        (h, ['# this is an iptables conf test',
                '# for %s' % h,
                '-A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT',
            ] ) for h in d

    # deliver
    sx = SSHConnector(d)
    status = sx.deliver_confs(confs)
    assert status == {'InternalFW': 'ok', 'Server001': 'ok', 'BorderFW': 'ok',
        'localhost': 'ok', 'Smeagol': 'ok'}, repr(status)

    # apply

    # get and compare
    log.debug("Getting confs...")
    rconfs = sx.get_confs()

    for h, conf in confs.iteritems():
        assert h in rconfs, "%s missing from received confs" % h
        r = rconfs[h]
        assert 'iptables' in r
        assert 'ip_a_s' in r
        assert 'nat' in r['iptables']
        assert 'filter' in r['iptables']
#        assert r['iptables']['nat'] == [], repr(r)
    #FIXME: re-enable this
    #assert r['iptables']['filter'] == ['-A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT'], "Rconf: %s" % repr(r)
        assert 'lo' in r['ip_a_s']