Exemple #1
 def setUp(self):
     lp_filedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
     with open(lp_filedir + '/tests_launchpad.yaml', 'r') as lp_file:
         yaml = YAML()
         lp_dict = dict(yaml.load(lp_file))
         self.lp = LaunchPad.from_dict(lp_dict)
         self.db = self.lp.db
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(OptTask, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Configuration attrs
        lp = self.get("launchpad", LaunchPad.auto_load())
        if isinstance(lp, LaunchPad):
            lp = lp.to_dict()
        self.lpad = LaunchPad.from_dict(lp)
        self.opt_label = self.get("opt_label", "opt_default")
        self.c = getattr(self.lpad.db, self.opt_label)
        self.config = self.c.find_one({"doctype": "config"})
        if self.config is None:
            raise NotConfiguredError("Please use MissionControl().configure to "
                                     "configure the optimization database "
                                     "({} - {}) before running OptTask."
                                     "".format(self.lpad.db, self.opt_label))
        self.wf_creator = deserialize(self.config["wf_creator"])
        self.x_dims = self.config["dimensions"]
        self._xdim_types = self.config["dim_types"]
        self.is_discrete_all = self.config["is_discrete_all"]
        self.is_discrete_any = self.config["is_discrete_any"]
        self.wf_creator_args = self.config["wf_creator_args"] or []
        self.wf_creator_kwargs = self.config["wf_creator_kwargs"] or {}
        self.predictor = self.config["predictor"]
        self.predictor_args = self.config["predictor_args"] or []
        self.predictor_kwargs = self.config["predictor_kwargs"] or {}
        self.maximize = self.config["maximize"]
        self.n_search_pts = self.config["n_search_pts"]
        self.n_train_pts = self.config["n_train_pts"]
        self.n_bootstraps = self.config["n_bootstraps"]
        self.acq = self.config["acq"]
        self.space_file = self.config["space_file"]
        self.onehot_categorical = self.config["onehot_categorical"]
        self.duplicate_check = self.config["duplicate_check"]
        self.get_z = self.config["get_z"]
        if self.get_z:
            self.get_z = deserialize(self.config['get_z'])
            self.get_z = lambda *ars, **kws: []
        self.get_z_args = self.config["get_z_args"] or []
        self.get_z_kwargs = self.config["get_z_kwargs"] or {}
        self.z_file = self.config["z_file"]
        self.enforce_sequential = self.config["enforce_sequential"]
        self.tolerances = self.config["tolerances"]
        self.batch_size = self.config["batch_size"]
        self.timeout = self.config["timeout"]

        # Declared attrs
        self.n_objs = None
        plist = [RandomForestRegressor, GaussianProcessRegressor,
                 ExtraTreesRegressor, GradientBoostingRegressor]
        self.builtin_predictors = {p.__name__: p for p in plist}
        self._n_cats = 0
        self._encoding_info = []

        # Query formats
        self._completed = {'x': {'$exists': 1}, 'y': {'$exists': 1,
                                                      '$ne': 'reserved'},
                           'z': {'$exists': 1}}
        self._manager = {'lock': {'$exists': 1}, 'queue': {'$exists': 1}}
    def __init__(self,
        Adds workflows to a launchpad based on material inputs.
        This is primarily to be used for derivative property
        workflows but could in principles used to generate workflows
        for any workflow that can be invoked from structure data

            source (Store): store of properties
            materials (Store): Store of materials properties
            material_filter (dict): dict filter for getting items to process
                e. g. {"elasticity": None}
            wf_function (string or method): method to generate a workflow
                based on structure in document with missing property
                can be a string to be loaded or a custom method.
                Note that the builder/runner will not be serializable
                with custom methods.
            lpad (LaunchPad or dict): fireworks launchpad to use for adding
                workflows, can either be None (autoloaded), a LaunchPad
                instance, or a dict from which the LaunchPad will be invoked
            **kwargs (kwargs): kwargs for builder
        self.source = source
        self.materials = materials
        # Will this be pickled properly for multiprocessing? could just put
        # it into the processor if that's the case
        if isinstance(wf_function, six.string_types):
            self.wf_function = load_class(*wf_function.rsplit('.', 1))
            self._wf_function_string = wf_function
        elif callable(wf_function):
            self.wf_function = wf_function
            self._wf_function_string = None
            raise ValueError("wf_function must be callable or a string "
                             "corresponding to a loadable method")
        self.material_filter = material_filter
        if lpad is None:
            self.lpad = LaunchPad.auto_load()
        elif isinstance(lpad, dict):
            self.lpad = LaunchPad.from_dict(lpad)
            self.lpad = lpad

        super().__init__(sources=[source, materials], targets=[], **kwargs)
    def __init__(self,
        Takes a propjockey collection and sets the priority
        of a fireworks in a fireworks collection from a LaunchPad

            pj_store (Store): store corresponding to propjockey collection
            lpad (LaunchPad): fireworks launchpad
            query (dict): query to filter the propjockey store
            base_priority (int): base priority to assign to fireworks
            site_penalty (int): per-site penalty to priority
            vote_weight (int): priority boost per vote
            **kwargs (kwargs): kwargs for builder
        self.pj_store = pj_store
        if isinstance(lpad, dict):
            self.lpad = LaunchPad.from_dict(lpad)
            self.lpad = lpad
        self.fws_store = MongoStore.from_collection(self.lpad.fireworks)
        self.fws_store.lu_field = "_pj_lu"
        self.incremental = incremental
        self.start_date = datetime.utcnow()
        self.query = query or {}
        self.base_priority = base_priority
        self.site_penalty = site_penalty
        self.vote_weight = vote_weight

Exemple #5
 def test_dict_from_file(self):
     lp = LaunchPad.from_file(self.LP_LOC)
     lp_dict = lp.to_dict()
     new_lp = LaunchPad.from_dict(lp_dict)
     self.assertIsInstance(new_lp, LaunchPad)
Exemple #6
from fireworks.core.firework import FireTaskBase
from fireworks.scripts.rlaunch_run import launch_multiprocess
from fireworks.utilities.fw_utilities import explicit_serialize
from fw_tutorials.firetask.addition_task import AdditionTask

from rocketsled import OptTask, MissionControl
from rocketsled.utils import ExhaustedSpaceError

__author__ = "Alexander Dunn"
__email__ = "*****@*****.**"

lp_filedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
with open(lp_filedir + '/tests_launchpad.yaml', 'r') as lp_file:
    yaml = YAML()
    lp_dict = dict(yaml.load(lp_file))
    launchpad = LaunchPad.from_dict(lp_dict)
opt_label = "test"
db_info = {"launchpad": launchpad, "opt_label": opt_label}
test_db_name = launchpad.db
common_kwargs = {"predictor": "RandomForestRegressor", "acq": None}

class BasicTestTask(FireTaskBase):
    _fw_name = "BasicTestTask"

    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        x = fw_spec['_x']
        y = np.sum(x[:-1])  # sum all except the final string element
        return FWAction(update_spec={'_y': y})
 def test_dict_from_file(self):
     lp = LaunchPad.from_file(self.LP_LOC)
     lp_dict = lp.to_dict()
     new_lp = LaunchPad.from_dict(lp_dict)
     self.assertIsInstance(new_lp, LaunchPad)
3.840198 0.000000 0.000000
1.920099 3.325710 0.000000
0.000000 -2.217138 3.135509
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Si
0.750000 0.500000 0.750000 Si"""
STRUCT = Structure.from_str(POSCAR_STR, fmt='POSCAR')
TEST_DIR = os.path.join(MODULE_DIR, 'tmp_fw_test_dir')
LPAD = LaunchPad.from_dict({
    'host': 'localhost',
    'logdir': None,
    'name': 'prlworkflows_unittest',
    'password': None,
    'port': 27017,
    'ssl_ca_file': None,
    'strm_lvl': 'DEBUG',
    'user_indices': [],
    'username': None,
    'wf_user_indices': []

# TODO: enable debug mode by having a launchpad that does not reset
# Can this be done by still having other tests pass?
# Should we only run one test?
# Stop on failure?
def lpad():
    """A LaunchPad object for test instances to use. Always gives a clean (reset) LaunchPad. """
    LPAD.reset(None, require_password=False, max_reset_wo_password=5)
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(OptTask, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Configuration attrs
        lp = self.get("launchpad", LaunchPad.auto_load())
        if isinstance(lp, LaunchPad):
            lp = lp.to_dict()
        self.lpad = LaunchPad.from_dict(lp)
        self.opt_label = self.get("opt_label", "opt_default")
        self.c = getattr(self.lpad.db, self.opt_label)
        self.config = self.c.find_one({"doctype": "config"})
        if self.config is None:
            raise NotConfiguredError(
                "Please use MissionControl().configure to "
                "configure the optimization database "
                "({} - {}) before running OptTask."
                "".format(self.lpad.db, self.opt_label))
        self.wf_creator = deserialize(self.config["wf_creator"])
        self.x_dims = self.config["dimensions"]
        self._xdim_types = self.config["dim_types"]
        self.is_discrete_all = self.config["is_discrete_all"]
        self.is_discrete_any = self.config["is_discrete_any"]
        self.wf_creator_args = self.config["wf_creator_args"] or []
        self.wf_creator_kwargs = self.config["wf_creator_kwargs"] or {}
        self.predictor = self.config["predictor"]
        self.predictor_args = self.config["predictor_args"] or []
        self.predictor_kwargs = self.config["predictor_kwargs"] or {}
        self.maximize = self.config["maximize"]
        self.n_search_pts = self.config["n_search_pts"]
        self.n_train_pts = self.config["n_train_pts"]
        self.n_bootstraps = self.config["n_bootstraps"]
        self.acq = self.config["acq"]
        self.space_file = self.config["space_file"]
        self.onehot_categorical = self.config["onehot_categorical"]
        self.duplicate_check = self.config["duplicate_check"]
        self.get_z = self.config["get_z"]
        if self.get_z:
            self.get_z = deserialize(self.config["get_z"])
            self.get_z = lambda *ars, **kws: []
        self.get_z_args = self.config["get_z_args"] or []
        self.get_z_kwargs = self.config["get_z_kwargs"] or {}
        self.z_file = self.config["z_file"]
        self.enforce_sequential = self.config["enforce_sequential"]
        self.tolerances = self.config["tolerances"]
        self.batch_size = self.config["batch_size"]
        self.timeout = self.config["timeout"]

        # Declared attrs
        self.n_objs = None
        self.builtin_predictors = {p.__name__: p for p in BUILTIN_PREDICTORS}
        self._n_cats = 0
        self._encoding_info = []

        # Query formats
        self._completed = {
            "x": {
                "$exists": 1
            "y": {
                "$exists": 1,
                "$ne": "reserved"
            "z": {
                "$exists": 1
        self._manager = {"lock": {"$exists": 1}, "queue": {"$exists": 1}}
Exemple #10
from fireworks.core.firework import FireTaskBase
from fireworks.scripts.rlaunch_run import launch_multiprocess
from fireworks.utilities.fw_utilities import explicit_serialize
from fw_tutorials.firetask.addition_task import AdditionTask

from rocketsled import OptTask, MissionControl
from rocketsled.utils import ExhaustedSpaceError

__author__ = "Alexander Dunn"
__email__ = "*****@*****.**"

lp_filedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
with open(lp_filedir + '/tests_launchpad.yaml', 'r') as lp_file:
    yaml = YAML()
    lp_dict = dict(yaml.load(lp_file))
    launchpad = LaunchPad.from_dict(lp_dict)
opt_label = "test"
db_info = {"launchpad": launchpad, "opt_label": opt_label}
test_db_name = launchpad.db
common_kwargs = {"predictor": "RandomForestRegressor", "acq": None}

class BasicTestTask(FireTaskBase):
    _fw_name = "BasicTestTask"

    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        x = fw_spec['_x']
        y = np.sum(x[:-1])  # sum all except the final string element
        return FWAction(update_spec={'_y': y})