def main(): #召喚 m1 = monster.Monster(4, 1) m2 = monster.Monster(4, 5) m3 = monster.Monster(7, 5) mons = [m1, m2, m3] f1 = fish.Fish(9, 2) #魚召喚 p1 = player.Player() map1 = # map召喚 #ゲーム全体のモードのコントロール mode = 0 opening.main() while True: if mode == 0: #野 mode, id = field.main(p1, mons, f1, map1) #フィールドでの流れ elif mode == 3: #街ナカ mode = town.main(p1) #街ナカ elif mode == 10: #バトル m1 = mons[id] print("モンスター出現!! hp", m1.hp, " 攻撃力",, " 防御力", m1.df) flag = battle.battle(p1, m1) #戦闘シーン if flag == 1: #モンスターをやっつけた mons.pop(id) mode = 0 #野 elif flag == 2: #プレイヤが死んだらゲームオーバー print("game over") return elif flag == 3: #プレイヤが逃げ出した mode = 0 #野
def game_init(self, room_count): self.player = fish.Fish() self.room_count = room_count self.level_one = room.MapMaker(0, 0, self.room_count) self.enemies = [] num_eels = 0 for i in range(0, len(self.level_one.rooms)): for j in range(0, len(self.level_one.rooms[i].eels)): new_eel = eel.Eel() self.enemies.append(new_eel) self.enemies[num_eels].spawn( self.level_one.rooms[i].eels[j][0], self.level_one.rooms[i].eels[j][1], self.level_one.rooms[i].eels[j][2]) self.enemies[num_eels].room = i num_eels += 1 self.player_room = [0, 0] self.player_safe = [self.player.x, self.player.y] self.floor_tiles = [] far_left = 0 far_right = 0 far_top = 0 far_bot = 0 for curr_room in self.level_one.rooms: if curr_room.x_cord < far_left: far_left = curr_room.x_cord elif curr_room.x_cord + self.SCREEN_WIDTH > far_right: far_right = curr_room.x_cord + self.SCREEN_WIDTH if curr_room.y_cord < far_top: far_top = curr_room.y_cord elif curr_room.y_cord + self.SCREEN_HEIGHT > far_bot: far_bot = curr_room.y_cord + self.SCREEN_HEIGHT no_x_tiles = int(abs(far_left - far_right) / 640) + 2 no_y_tiles = int(math.ceil(abs(far_top - far_bot) / 640)) + 2 far_left -= 640 far_top -= 640 for x in range(0, no_x_tiles): for y in range(0, no_y_tiles): self.floor_tiles.append( [far_left + (640 * x), far_top + (640 * y)]) self.minnow_tick = 0 self.minnow_MAX = 10 self.minnow_frame = 0 self.minnow_MFRAME = 17 self.eel_sfreq = 120 self.eel_SMAX = 60 * 7 self.time_left = self.room_count * 45 self.time_left_text = self.medfont.render( "Reach the pearl before time runs out! Time left: " + str(self.time_left), False, self.YELLOW)
def sp_helper_fun(): """ Reuse the beautifully constructed core functionality in a helper function for the other sp500 functions to allow an output to a ``.csv`` or to a :class:`pandas.Series` """ ############################ # Show the progress fish to user fish.Fish() url = '' soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen(url)) #currently, all the data is stored in <table class="wikitable sortable"> table = soup.find('table', {'class': 'wikitable sortable'}) rows = [] for row in table.find_all('tr'): rows.append([val.text.encode('utf8') for val in row.find_all('td')]) dataTable = pandas.DataFrame(rows) tickers = dataTable[0] return tickers
def run(self): # попросим поймать начальную букву self.games_sounds.play_startchar(self.big_char) # обновляем крючок self.FishHook.update(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) # получаем позицию мыши self.x, self.y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # основной цикл while True: # устанавливаем флаг поимки в False self.catch = False # опрос очереди событий self.check_events() # прорисовываем море self.Sea.update() # в цикле обновляем всех рыб for j in self.fishes.__reversed__(): # рыбе передаем позицию курсора и флаг поимки, получаем False, если не поймана, или True, если поймана ret = j.update(self.x, self.y) # обновляем крючок и леску self.FishHook.update((self.x, self.y)) # обновляем дисплей pygame.display.update() # обнаруживаем пересечение объектов, если при этом стоит флаг поимки и # буква рыбы совпадает с искомой буквой, то рыба поймана, если не # совпадает - то не поймана и разворачивается fish_index = self.FishHook.rect.collidelist( list(map(lambda x: x.rect, self.fishes))) if self.catch and fish_index >= 0: if self.fishes[fish_index].get_char() == self.catch: self.u_bar.update(self.catch) self.catch = False new_char = self.u_bar.get_curchar() self.fishes[fish_index].show_fish() cached_fish = self.fishes.pop(fish_index) self.games_sounds.play_success(self.big_char) self.catch_success() self.fishes.append( fish.Fish( self.screen, self.SEA_RECT, os.path.join("data", random.choice(self.fish_pics)), self.big_char, self.u_bar, self.deck)) if new_char != self.big_char: self.big_char = new_char self.games_sounds.play_startchar(self.big_char) else: self.fishes[fish_index].set_reverse() self.catch_fail(fish_index) # вызываем смену трека self.games_sounds.play_music() # отсчитываем тики для задержки self.clock.tick(50) return
def __init__(self): # базовые размеры экрана, бара и "моря" self.SCREEN_RECT = pygame.Rect((0, 0), (1024, 768)) self.BAR_RECT = pygame.Rect((0, 0), (self.SCREEN_RECT.w, 60)) self.SEA_RECT = pygame.Rect( (0, self.BAR_RECT.h), (self.SCREEN_RECT.w, self.SCREEN_RECT.h - self.BAR_RECT.h)) # инициализация pygame pygame.init() # устанавливаем заголовок pygame.display.set_caption("Весёлая рыбалка") # создаем окно self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.SCREEN_RECT.w, self.SCREEN_RECT.h), HWSURFACE | DOUBLEBUF) # массив рыб self.fishes = [] # заполняем список файлов рыб data_dir = os.listdir("data") # выбираем только файлы рыб self.fish_pics = re.findall("fish\d\d.png", ''.join(data_dir)) if len(self.fish_pics) == 0: print("Error! Fish pics not found!") sys.exit(255) # создаём колоду self.deck = deck.Deck() # создаем верхний бар self.u_bar = ubar.UBar(self.screen, self.BAR_RECT, self.deck) self.u_bar.draw() # загружаем звуки self.games_sounds = sound.Sound() # включаем музыку self.games_sounds.play_music() # буква за которой охотимся self.big_char = self.u_bar.get_curchar() # создаем море self.Sea = sea.Sea(self.screen, self.SEA_RECT) # создаем крючок и леску self.FishHook = hook.FishHook(self.screen, self.SEA_RECT) # таймер self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() # инициализируем джойстик, если есть if pygame.joystick.get_count() > 0: joy = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) joy.init() # заполняем массив рыбами передавая путь до файлов for i in range(3): self.fishes.append( fish.Fish(self.screen, self.SEA_RECT, os.path.join("data", random.choice(self.fish_pics)), self.big_char, self.u_bar, self.deck))
def main(): try: with open('pets.csv', 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) your_list = list(reader) for i in range(0, len(your_list)): if your_list[i][0] == 'Dog': d = dog.Dog(your_list[i][1], your_list[i][2], your_list[i][3],your_list[i][4]) name_list.append( elif your_list[i][0] == 'Cat': c = cat.Cat(your_list[i][1], your_list[i][2], your_list[i][3], your_list[i][4]) name_list.append( elif your_list[i][0] == 'Fish': f = fish.Fish(your_list[i][1], your_list[i][2], your_list[i][3], your_list[i][4]) name_list.append( elif your_list[i][0] == 'Bird': b = bird.Bird(your_list[i][1], your_list[i][2], your_list[i][3], your_list[i][4]) name_list.append( # Show only pets of a certain type # Based on the user input, show only the pets that are dogs/cats/fish/birds. def animal_type(enter): for i in range(0, len(your_list)): if your_list[i][0] == enter.title(): print('-', your_list[i][3]) return '' # Search for a Pet - # you will call your own binary search function to search for the first pet name that matches the user entered string. # If a pet is found in the list, then print all the details for that pet and the index in the list where it was found. # If the pet is not in the list, then print a message informing the user that the pet is not in the list. def search(enter): low = 0 high = len(your_list)-1 insertion_sort_name(your_list) while low <= high: mid = int((low + high) / 2) if ' ' + enter.title() == your_list[mid][1]: print("The index is " + str(mid) + " in the list.") return your_list[mid] elif ' ' + enter.title() < str(your_list[mid][1]): high = mid - 1 else: # enter > your_list[mid] low = mid + 1 return 'The pet is not in the list.' # Sort list based on pet name - # For all the sort options you can implement either selection sort or insertion sort on the list of pet objects. # After sorting the list, display the sorted list. def insertion_sort_name(list): keyIndex = 1 while keyIndex < len(list): insert_nameorder(list, keyIndex) keyIndex += 1 def insert_nameorder(list, keyIndex): key = list[keyIndex][1] j = keyIndex -1 while (list[j][1] >= key) and (j >= 0): list[j + 1][1] = list[j][1] j -= 1 list[j + 1][1] = key # Sort list based on pet color - After sorting the list, display the sorted list. def insertion_sort_color(list): keyIndex = 1 while keyIndex < len(list): insert_colororder(list, keyIndex) keyIndex += 1 def insert_colororder(list, keyIndex): key = list[keyIndex][4] j = keyIndex - 1 while (list[j][4] >= key) and (j >= 0): list[j + 1][4] = list[j][4] j -= 1 list[j + 1][4] = key print('Your Pet Finder menu: ') print('===========================') enter1 = 0 while enter1 != 6: print('1. Display the names of all the pets.') print('2. Certain types of pets.') print('3. Search for a Pet.') print('4. Sort list based on pet name.') print('5. Sort list based on pet color.') print('6. Exit the program.') enter1 = float(input('Enter your choice: ')) if enter1 == 1: # Print only the names of all the pets print('Here are the names of pets:') print(name_list) print('') elif enter1 == 2: enter2 = input('What kind of pet would you like to see (dog/cat/fish/bird): ') print(animal_type(enter2)) elif enter1 == 3: enter3 = input('Search pet name: ') print(search(enter3)) print('') elif enter1 == 4: insertion_sort_name(your_list) print('Sorted list: ', your_list) print('') elif enter1 == 5: insertion_sort_color(your_list) print('Sorted list: ', your_list) print('') elif enter1 == 6: exit() else: print('Invalid value.') except IOError: print('An error occurred trying to read') print('Non-numeric data is allowed.') print('Your Pet Finder menu: ') print('===========================') print('1. Display the names of all the pets.') print('2. Certain types of pets.') print('3. Search for a Pet.') print('4. Sort list based on pet name.') print('5. Sort list based on pet color.') print('6. Exit the program.') enter1 = float(input('Enter your choice: ')) except ValueError: print('Non-numeric data is allowed.') print('Your Pet Finder menu: ') print('===========================') print('1. Display the names of all the pets.') print('2. Certain types of pets.') print('3. Search for a Pet.') print('4. Sort list based on pet name.') print('5. Sort list based on pet color.') print('6. Exit the program.') enter1 = float(input('Enter your choice: ')) except Exception as err: print(err) print('Non-numeric data is allowed.') print('Your Pet Finder menu: ') print('===========================') print('1. Display the names of all the pets.') print('2. Certain types of pets.') print('3. Search for a Pet.') print('4. Sort list based on pet name.') print('5. Sort list based on pet color.') print('6. Exit the program.') enter1 = float(input('Enter your choice: '))
def create_Fish(name, age, height, weight, type_of_fins, type_of_water): """Tworzy obiekt klasy Fish""" return fish.Fish(name, age, height, weight, type_of_fins, type_of_water)
def adj_close(interface_filename='get_stocks_for_tsr.xlsx', assumptions_first_row=4, ticker_first_row=8, assumptions_columns='B:C', ticker_columns='C'): """ Given a Vaulation Date, Lookback Period and a list of tickers, this function will output a matrix of adjusted daily close stock price data for each ticker provided, as well as the annualised volatility of the log returns of each ticker. All user inputs are entered via the interface file default interface_filename: get_stock_data.xlsx sheet name: Assumptions | A | B | C | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | | | | 2 | | | | 3 | | | | 4 | | Valuation Date | MM/DD/YYYY | 5 | | Lookback Period (years) | 3 | 6 | | | | 7 | | | Tickers | ---------------- 8 | | 1 | A | 9 | | 2 | AA | 10 | | 3 | AAPL | : : : :ARGS: interface_filename: :meth:`str` The name of the excel interface file. The default name is <get_stock_data.xlsx> assumptions_first_row :meth: `int` The first row in the excel interface of input data. Do not change from the default value unless the interface file has been modified ticker_first_row :meth: `int` The first row in the excel interface of ticker data. Do not change from the default value unless the interface file has been modified assumptions_columns :meth:`str` A string showing the columns within the excel interface file holding the general assumptions. Do not change from the default value unless the interface file has been modified ticker_columns :meth:`str` A string showing the column within the excel interface file holding the tickers. Do not change from the default value unless the interface file has been modified :RETURNS: The function will add 3 new sheets to the existing interface file 1. Adj Close data: Adjusted close daily stock price data over the specified period for all tickers 2. Volatility: The volatility of every ticker 3. No Data: A list of tickers that do not have any stock price history over specified period .. warning:: Requires Internet Connectivity Because the function calls the `Yahoo! API <>`_ internet connectivity is required for the function to work """ ############################ # Show the progress fish to user fish.Fish() ############################ #read general assumptions from the interfacefile assumptions = pandas.read_excel(interface_filename, 'Assumptions', skiprows=assumptions_first_row - 2, index_col=0, parse_cols=assumption_columns) val_date = assumptions.ix['Valuation Date', 0] val_date = pandas.Timestamp(val_date) #cast date to Pandas timestamp lookback_period = assumptions.ix['Lookback Period (years)', 0] lookback_date = val_date - datetime.timedelta(days=365.25 * lookback_period) lookback_date = pandas.Timestamp( lookback_date) #cast date to Pandas timestamp for consistency ############################ #get list of tickers from the interface file ticker_data = pandas.read_excel(filename, 'Assumptions', skiprows=ticker_first_row - 2, parse_cols=ticker_columns) ticker_data = ticker_data[ticker_data.Tickers.notnull( )] # remove rows that do not contain tickers ############################ # Download adjusted stock price data directly from Yahoo! API stock_dict = {} no_data = [] for ticker in ticker_data.Tickers: # make sure the selected ticker has stock data over the specified period, if not display a message and exclude the ticker try: stock_dict[ticker] = ticker, "yahoo", lookback_date, val_date)['Adj Close'] except IOError: print "Ticker %s has no data between %s and %s" % ( ticker, lookback_date, val_date) no_data.append(ticker) stock_data = pandas.DataFrame(stock_dict) no_data = pandas.DataFrame({'Ticker': no_data}) ############################ # Get volatilities log_returns = stock_data.apply(numpy.log).diff( ) #calculate log returns of daily adjustced close prices sigma = log_returns.apply(numpy.std) * numpy.sqrt(252) sigma = pandas.DataFrame({'Volatility': sigma}) ############## # Export to excel book = openpyxl.load_workbook(interface_filename) # open excel workbook needed_worksheets = [] # Remove old data from previous runs for sheets in book.worksheets: if sheets.title != 'Adj Close data' and sheets.title != 'Volatility' and sheets.title != 'No Data': needed_worksheets.append(sheets) book.worksheets = needed_worksheets writer = pandas.ExcelWriter(interface_filename) = book # Give ExcelWriter needed worksheets stock_data.to_excel( writer, 'Adj Close data') # add new worksheets with current data sigma.to_excel(writer, 'Volatility') no_data.to_excel(writer, 'No Data')
import fish fish_sample = fish.Fish('silver', 'silver fish', 'Pacific', 70) fish_sample.data_output()
def main(): list = [] with open('pets.csv', 'r', newline='') as mycsvfile: thedatareader = csv.reader(mycsvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar=',') for row in thedatareader: if 'Dog' == row[0]: writedog = dog.Dog(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4]) list.append(writedog) if 'Cat' == row[0]: writecat = cat.Cat(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4]) list.append(writecat) if 'Fish' == row[0]: writefish = fish.Fish(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4]) list.append(writefish) if 'Bird' == row[0]: writebird = bird.Bird(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4]) list.append(writebird) option = 0 #this displays the menu until the user chooses to exit while option != 6: print("1. Print only the names of all the pets") print("2. Show only pets of a certain type") print("3. Search for a pet") print("4. Sort the list based on the pet name") print("5. Sort list based on pet color") print("6. Exit the program") option = float(input("Pick your option from 1-6: ")) while option < 1 or option > 6: option = float( input( "That was an incorrect option. Pick a valid option from 1-6: " )) if option == 1: print(printnames(list)) elif option == 2: petlist = [] showpets(list, petlist) for item in petlist: print(item) elif option == 3: print(searchpets(list)) elif option == 4: newlist = list sortname(list, newlist) for item in newlist: print(item) elif option == 5: newlist = list sortcolor(list, newlist) for item in newlist: print(item) else: exit(0)
def setUp(self): print('setUp') self.fish_1 = fish.Fish('Jake') self.fish_2 = fish.Fish('Vanessa')