Exemple #1
"""Basic FISSA usage.

This file explains step-by-step how to use the FISSA toolbox.

See Basic usage.ipynb and Basic usage.html for a move verbose version.
# FISSA toolbox import
import fissa

# data location
rois = 'exampleData/20150429.zip'
images = 'exampleData/20150529'

# extraction location
folder = 'fissa_example'
# make sure you use a different folder for each experiment!

# experiment definition
experiment = fissa.Experiment(images, rois, folder)

# do separation

# (optional) export to matlab
Exemple #2
def generate_masks(network_input: np.array, file_mask: str,
                   list_thred_ratio: list, dir_save: str, Exp_ID: str):
    '''Generate temporal masks showing active neurons for each SNR frame in "network_input".
        It calculates the traces of each GT neuron in "file_mask", 
        and uses FISSA to decontaminate the traces. 
        Then it normalizes the decontaminated traces to SNR traces. 
        For each "thred_ratio" in "list_thred_ratio", when the SNR is larger than "thred_ratio", 
        the neuron is considered active at this frame.
        For each frame, it addes all the active neurons to generate the binary temporal masks,
        and save the temporal masks in "dir_save". 

        network_input (3D numpy.ndarray of float32, shape = (T,Lx,Ly)): the SNR video obtained after pre-processing.
        file_mask (str): The file path to store the GT masks.
            The GT masks are stored in a ".mat" file, and dataset "FinalMasks" is the GT masks
            (shape = (Ly0,Lx0,n) when saved in MATLAB).
        list_thred_ratio (list of float): A list of SNR threshold used to determine when neurons are active.
        dir_save (str): The folder to save the temporal masks of active neurons 
            and the raw and unmixed traces in hard drive.
        Exp_ID (str): The filer name of the SNR video. 

        No output variable, but the temporal masks is saved in "dir_save" as a "(Exp_ID).h5" file.
            The saved ".h5" file has a dataset "temporal_masks", 
            which stores the temporal masks of active neurons (dtype = 'bool', shape = (T,Lx,Ly))
        In addition, the raw and unmixed traces before and after FISSA are saved in the same folder
            but a different sub-folder in another "(Exp_ID).h5" file. The ".h5" file has two datasets, 
            "raw_traces" and "unmixed_traces" saving the traces before and after FISSA, respectively. 
    try:  # If the ".mat" file is saved in '-v7.3' format
        mat = h5py.File(file_mask, 'r')
        rois = np.array(mat['FinalMasks']).astype('bool')
    except OSError:  # If the ".mat" file is not saved in '-v7.3' format
        mat = loadmat(file_mask)
        rois = np.array(mat["FinalMasks"]).transpose([2, 1, 0]).astype('bool')
    (nframesf, rowspad, colspad) = network_input.shape
    (ncells, rows, cols) = rois.shape
    # The lateral shape of "network_input" can be larger than that of "rois" due to padding in pre-processing
    # This step crop "network_input" to match the shape of "rois"
    network_input = network_input[:, :rows, :cols]

    # Use FISSA to calculate the decontaminated traces of neural activities.
    folder_FISSA = os.path.join(dir_save, 'FISSA')
    start = time.time()
    experiment = fissa.Experiment([network_input], [rois.tolist()],
    prep = time.time()

    experiment.separate(redo_prep=False, redo_sep=True)
    finish = time.time()
    del network_input
    print('FISSA time: {} s'.format(finish - start))
    print('    Preparation time: {} s'.format(prep - start))
    print('    Separation time: {} s'.format(finish - prep))

    # %% Extract raw and unmixed traces from the output of FISSA
    raw_traces = np.vstack([experiment.raw[x][0][0] for x in range(ncells)])
    unmixed_traces = np.vstack(
        [experiment.result[x][0][0] for x in range(ncells)])
    del experiment

    # Save the raw and unmixed traces into a ".h5" file under folder "dir_trace".
    dir_trace = os.path.join(dir_save, "traces")
    if not os.path.exists(dir_trace):
    f = h5py.File(os.path.join(dir_trace, Exp_ID + ".h5"), "w")
    f.create_dataset("raw_traces", data=raw_traces)
    f.create_dataset("unmixed_traces", data=unmixed_traces)

    # Calculate median and median-based std to normalize each trace into SNR trace
    # The median-based std is from the raw trace, because FISSA unmixing can change the noise property.
    med_raw = np.quantile(raw_traces, np.array([0.5, 0.25]), axis=1)
    med_unmix = np.quantile(unmixed_traces, np.array([0.5, 0.25]), axis=1)
    mu_unmix = med_unmix[0]
    sigma_raw = (med_raw[0] - med_raw[1]) / (math.sqrt(2) *

    # %% Threshold the SNR trace by each number in "list_thred_ratio" to produce temporal masks
    for thred_ratio in list_thred_ratio:
        start_mask = time.time()
        # Threshold the SNR traces by each number in "list_thred_ratio"
        thred = np.expand_dims(mu_unmix + thred_ratio * sigma_raw, axis=1)
        active = (unmixed_traces > thred).astype('bool')

        # %% Generate temporal masks by summing the binary masks of active neurons
        # The shape of "temporal_masks" matches "network_input", and can be larger than "rois"
        temporal_masks = np.zeros((nframesf, rowspad, colspad), dtype='uint8')
        for t in range(nframesf):
            active_neurons = active[:, t]
            temporal_masks[t, :rows, :cols] = rois[active_neurons, :, :].sum(
                axis=0) > 0
        end_mask = time.time()
        print('Mask creation: {} s'.format(end_mask - start_mask))

        # Save temporal masks in "dir_save" in a ".h5" file
        dir_temporal_masks = os.path.join(
            dir_save, "temporal_masks({})".format(thred_ratio))
        if not os.path.exists(dir_temporal_masks):
        f = h5py.File(os.path.join(dir_temporal_masks, Exp_ID + ".h5"), "w")
        f.create_dataset("temporal_masks", data=temporal_masks)
        end_saving = time.time()
        print('Mask saving: {} s'.format(end_saving - end_mask))
Exemple #3
Basic FISSA usage example.

This file contains a step-by-step example workflow for using the FISSA toolbox.

An example notebook is provided here:

import fissa

# Define the data to extract
rois = 'exampleData/20150429.zip'
images = 'exampleData/20150529'

# Define the name of the experiment extraction location
output_dir = 'fissa_example'
# Make sure you use a different output path for each experiment you run.

# Instantiate a fissa experiment object
experiment = fissa.Experiment(images, rois, output_dir)

# Run the FISSA separation algorithm

# Export to a .mat file which can be opened with MATLAB (optional)
Exemple #4
 - outdir : directory to save the Fissa output into

 $ python runFISSA.py FISSAtest/ FISSAtest/rois.zip FISSAtest/out/


import os
import sys
import fissa
# from runFISSA import runFISSA

# tifdir   = '/Volumes/thefarm2/live/CrazyEights/AD_2PCa/Data/20181016/Processed/20181016_09_49_06/FISSAtest/'
# roizip   = '/Volumes/thefarm2/live/CrazyEights/AD_2PCa/Data/20181016/Processed/20181016_09_49_06/FISSAtest/rois.zip'
# outdir   = '/Volumes/thefarm2/live/CrazyEights/AD_2PCa/Data/20181016/Processed/20181016_09_49_06/FISSAtest/out'

tiffile = [sys.argv[1]]
roizip = sys.argv[2]
outdir = sys.argv[3]

# generate an experiment object
experiment = fissa.Experiment(tiffile, roizip, outdir)
# separate neuropil
experiment.separate(redo_sep=True, redo_prep=True)
# calculate df/f0
experiment.calc_deltaf(freq=10, across_trials=False)
# save to matlab