Exemple #1
def create_image(img_name, data, hdf_opts={}):
    """ Create HDF and FITS versions of a given image """

    output_dir_fits = 'fits_generated'
    output_dir_hdf  = 'hdf_generated'
    idi_img = idi.IdiHdulist()
    idi_img.add_image_hdu(img_name, data=data)

    # Create all the filenames
    fits_filename = join(output_dir_fits, img_name+'.fits')
    hdf_filename = join(output_dir_hdf, img_name+'.h5')
    hdf_comp_filename = join(output_dir_hdf, img_name+'_comp.h5')
    gzip_comp_filename = join(output_dir_fits, img_name+'.fits.gz')
    fits_comp_filename = join(output_dir_fits, img_name+'.fits.fz')

    # Delete files that already exists
    file_list = [fits_filename, hdf_filename, fits_comp_filename,
                 hdf_comp_filename, gzip_comp_filename]
    for fname in file_list:
        if exists(fname):

    print("\nWriting %s to disk" % img_name)
    t1 = time.time()
    fitsio.export_fits(idi_img, fits_filename)
    t2 = time.time()
    hdfio.export_hdf(idi_img, hdf_filename)
    t3 = time.time()
    hdfio.export_hdf(idi_img, hdf_comp_filename, **hdf_opts)
    t4 = time.time()
Exemple #2
def _download_cutouts(args, url=None, filters=None, tmp_dir=None, auth=None):
    list_table, ids, batch_index = args

    session = requests.Session()
    session.auth = auth

    output_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'batch_cutout_%d.hdf' % batch_index)
    # Check if output cutout file exists, if it does, we are good
    # TODO: check that file  is ok, but it most probably is
    if os.path.isfile(output_file):
        print('Found cutout file for batch file %d, skipping download' %
        return output_file

    # Download batches for all bands
    output_paths = {}
    for filt in filters:
        print('Download filter %s for batch %d' % (filt, batch_index))
        list_table['filter'] = filt

        # Saving download file to folder
        filename = os.path.join(tmp_dir, ('batch_%s_%d') % (filt, batch_index))
        list_table.write(filename, format='ascii.tab')

        # Request download
        resp = session.post(url,
                            files={'list': open(filename, 'rb')},

        # Checking that access worked after number of retries
        assert (resp.status_code == 200)
        tar_filename = resp.headers['Content-Disposition'].split('"')[-2]

        # Proceed to download the data
        with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, tar_filename), 'wb') as f:
            for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):

        # Untar the archive and remove file
        with tarfile.TarFile(os.path.join(tmp_dir, tar_filename),
                             "r") as tarball:

        # Removing tar file after extraction
        os.remove(os.path.join(tmp_dir, tar_filename))

        # Recover path to output dir
        output_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, tar_filename.split('.tar')[0])
        output_paths[filt] = output_path

        # Transform each file into an HDFFITS format, named based on the object ids
        fnames = glob.glob(output_path + '/*.fits')
        for fname in fnames:
            indx = int(fname.split(output_path + '/')[1].split('-')[0]) - 2
            output_filename = os.path.join(output_path, '%d.hdf' % ids[indx])
            a = read_fits(fname)
            export_hdf(a, output_filename)
            # Removing converted file

    # At this stage all filters have been  downloaded for this batch, now
    # aggregating all of them into a single HDF file
    with h5py.File(output_file, mode='w') as d:
        for id in ids:
            for f in filters:
                with h5py.File(os.path.join(output_paths[f], '%d.hdf' % id),
                               mode='r+') as s:
                    d.copy(s, '%d/%s' % (id, f))

    # For good measure, remove all temporary directory
    for f in filters:

    return output_file
def load_fits(file_name):
    """ Load FITS file, create various things """

    output_dir_fits = 'fits_generated'
    output_dir_hdf  = 'hdf_generated'
    idi_img = fitsio.read_fits(file_name)

    for hdu_name in idi_img:
        hdu = idi_img[hdu_name]
        if isinstance(hdu, idi.IdiTableHdu):
            for col in hdu.colnames:
                if hdu[col].dtype.type is np.float32:
                    #print "CONVERTING %s TO INT" % col
                    hdu[col] = hdu[col].astype('int32')
                    if col == 'FLUX':
                        print "FRUX"
                        hdu[col] = hdu[col].data / 16
                    hdu[col].dtype = 'int32'
                    #print hdu[col].dtype

    img_name = os.path.split(file_name)[1]
    img_name = os.path.splitext(img_name)[0]
    name = img_name
    #idi_img.add_image_hdu(img_name, data=data)

    # Create all the filenames
    fits_filename = join(output_dir_fits, img_name+'.fits')
    hdf_filename = join(output_dir_hdf, img_name+'.h5')
    hdf_comp_filename = join(output_dir_hdf, img_name+'_comp.h5')
    gzip_comp_filename = join(output_dir_fits, img_name+'.fits.gz')
    fits_comp_filename = join(output_dir_fits, img_name+'.fits.fz')

    # Delete files that already exists
    file_list = [fits_filename, hdf_filename, fits_comp_filename,
                 hdf_comp_filename, gzip_comp_filename]
    for fname in file_list:
        if exists(fname):

    print "\nWriting %s to disk" % img_name
    t1 = time.time()
    fitsio.export_fits(idi_img, fits_filename)
    t2 = time.time()
    hdfio.export_hdf(idi_img, hdf_filename)
    t3 = time.time()
    hdfio.export_hdf(idi_img, hdf_comp_filename, **hdf_opts)
    t4 = time.time()
    os.system("./fpack -table %s" % fits_filename)
    t5 = time.time()
    os.system("gzip -c %s > %s.gz" % (fits_filename, fits_filename))
    t6 = time.time()

    dd = {
        'img_name': name,
        'fits_size': getsize(fits_filename),
        'hdf_size':  getsize(hdf_filename),
        'hdf_comp_size':  getsize(hdf_comp_filename),
        'fits_comp_size': getsize(fits_filename + '.fz'),
        'gzip_comp_size': getsize(fits_filename + '.gz'),
        'fits_time': (t2 - t1),
        'hdf_time': (t3 - t2),
        'hdf_comp_time': (t4 - t3),
        'fits_comp_time': (t5 - t4),
        'gzip_comp_time': (t6 - t5),
        'comp_fact_hdf': float(getsize(fits_filename)) / getsize(hdf_comp_filename),
        'comp_fact_fits': float(getsize(fits_filename)) / getsize(fits_comp_filename),
        'comp_fact_gzip': float(getsize(fits_filename)) / getsize(gzip_comp_filename)

    rh = dd['comp_fact_gzip']
    th = dd['gzip_comp_time']

    dd["weissman_hdf"] = weissman_score(dd["comp_fact_hdf"], dd["hdf_comp_time"], rh, th)
    dd["weissman_fits"] = weissman_score(dd["comp_fact_fits"], dd["fits_comp_time"], rh, th)

    print "FITS file size:        %sB" % dd['fits_size']
    print "HDF file size:         %sB" % dd['hdf_size']
    print "FITS comp size:        %sB" % dd['fits_comp_size']
    print "HDF comp size:         %sB" % dd['hdf_comp_size']
    print "GZIP comp size:        %sB" % dd['gzip_comp_size']
    print "FITS creation time:    %2.2fs" % dd['fits_time']
    print "HDF  creation time:    %2.2fs" % dd['hdf_time']
    print "FITS comp time:        %2.2fs" % dd['fits_comp_time']
    print "HDF  comp time:        %2.2fs" % dd['hdf_comp_time']
    print "GZIP comp time:        %2.2fs" % dd['gzip_comp_time']
    print "FITS/FITS compression: %2.2fx" % dd['comp_fact_fits']
    print "HDF/FITS compression:  %2.2fx" % dd['comp_fact_hdf']
    print "GZIP/FITS compression: %2.2fx" % dd['comp_fact_gzip']
    print "FITS weissman score:   %2.2f" % dd['weissman_fits']
    print "HDF  weissman score:   %2.2f" % dd['weissman_hdf']

    return dd
def create_image(name, data, hdf_opts={}):
    """ Create HDF and FITS versions of a given image """

    output_dir_fits = 'fits_generated'
    output_dir_hdf  = 'hdf_generated'
    idi_img = idi.IdiHdulist()
    idi_img.add_image_hdu(img_name, data=data)

    # Create all the filenames
    fits_filename = join(output_dir_fits, img_name+'.fits')
    hdf_filename = join(output_dir_hdf, img_name+'.h5')
    hdf_comp_filename = join(output_dir_hdf, img_name+'_comp.h5')
    gzip_comp_filename = join(output_dir_fits, img_name+'.fits.gz')
    fits_comp_filename = join(output_dir_fits, img_name+'.fits.fz')

    # Delete files that already exists
    file_list = [fits_filename, hdf_filename, fits_comp_filename,
                 hdf_comp_filename, gzip_comp_filename]
    for fname in file_list:
        if exists(fname):

    print "\nWriting %s to disk" % img_name
    t1 = time.time()
    fitsio.export_fits(idi_img, fits_filename)
    t2 = time.time()
    hdfio.export_hdf(idi_img, hdf_filename)
    t3 = time.time()
    hdfio.export_hdf(idi_img, hdf_comp_filename, **hdf_opts)
    t4 = time.time()
    os.system("./fpack -table %s" % fits_filename)
    t5 = time.time()
    os.system("gzip -c %s > %s.gz" % (fits_filename, fits_filename))
    t6 = time.time()

    dd = {
        'img_name': name,
        'fits_size': getsize(fits_filename),
        'hdf_size':  getsize(hdf_filename),
        'hdf_comp_size':  getsize(hdf_comp_filename),
        'fits_comp_size': getsize(fits_filename + '.fz'),
        'gzip_comp_size': getsize(fits_filename + '.gz'),
        'fits_time': (t2 - t1),
        'hdf_time': (t3 - t2),
        'hdf_comp_time': (t4 - t3),
        'fits_comp_time': (t5 - t4),
        'gzip_comp_time': (t6 - t5),
        'comp_fact_hdf': float(getsize(fits_filename)) / getsize(hdf_comp_filename),
        'comp_fact_fits': float(getsize(fits_filename)) / getsize(fits_comp_filename),
        'comp_fact_gzip': float(getsize(fits_filename)) / getsize(gzip_comp_filename)

    rh = dd['comp_fact_gzip']
    th = dd['gzip_comp_time']

    dd["weissman_hdf"] = weissman_score(dd["comp_fact_hdf"], dd["hdf_comp_time"], rh, th)
    dd["weissman_fits"] = weissman_score(dd["comp_fact_fits"], dd["fits_comp_time"], rh, th)

    print "FITS file size:        %sB" % dd['fits_size']
    print "HDF file size:         %sB" % dd['hdf_size']
    print "FITS comp size:        %sB" % dd['fits_comp_size']
    print "HDF comp size:         %sB" % dd['hdf_comp_size']
    print "GZIP comp size:        %sB" % dd['gzip_comp_size']
    print "FITS creation time:    %2.2fs" % dd['fits_time']
    print "HDF  creation time:    %2.2fs" % dd['hdf_time']
    print "FITS comp time:        %2.2fs" % dd['fits_comp_time']
    print "HDF  comp time:        %2.2fs" % dd['hdf_comp_time']
    print "GZIP comp time:        %2.2fs" % dd['gzip_comp_time']
    print "FITS/FITS compression: %2.2fx" % dd['comp_fact_fits']
    print "HDF/FITS compression:  %2.2fx" % dd['comp_fact_hdf']
    print "GZIP/FITS compression: %2.2fx" % dd['comp_fact_gzip']
    print "FITS weissman score:   %2.2f" % dd['weissman_fits']
    print "HDF  weissman score:   %2.2f" % dd['weissman_hdf']

    return dd
Exemple #5
from fits2hdf.io import fitsio, hdfio
import pylab as plt
import os
import glob

fits_file = 'test/fits/LWA1-2014-02-23T11H06M51.fitsidi'

print "Reading %s" % fits_file
fits_a = fitsio.read_fits(fits_file)
print fits_a

if os.path.exists("test.hdf"):

print "Writing %s copy" % fits_file

hdfio.export_hdf(fits_a, "test.hdf")

    fits_b = hdfio.read_hdf("test.hdf")
    print fits_b
    print "ERROR: can't read %s" % fits_file
    ##print fits_a
    #print fits_b

def load_fits(file_name):
    """ Load FITS file, create various things """

    output_dir_fits = 'fits_generated'
    output_dir_hdf  = 'hdf_generated'

    idi_img = fitsio.read_fits(file_name)

    for hdu_name in idi_img:
        hdu = idi_img[hdu_name]
        if isinstance(hdu, idi.IdiTableHdu):
            for col in hdu.colnames:
                if hdu[col].dtype.type is np.float32:
                    #print "CONVERTING %s TO INT" % col
                    hdu[col] = hdu[col].astype('int32')
                    if col == 'FLUX':
                        hdu[col] = hdu[col].data / 16
                    hdu[col].dtype = 'int32'
                    #print hdu[col].dtype

    img_name = os.path.split(file_name)[1]
    img_name = os.path.splitext(img_name)[0]
    name = img_name
    #idi_img.add_image_hdu(img_name, data=data)

    # Create all the filenames
    fits_filename = join(output_dir_fits, img_name+'.fits')
    hdf_filename = join(output_dir_hdf, img_name+'.h5')
    hdf_comp_filename = join(output_dir_hdf, img_name+'_comp.h5')
    gzip_comp_filename = join(output_dir_fits, img_name+'.fits.gz')
    fits_comp_filename = join(output_dir_fits, img_name+'.fits.fz')

    # Delete files that already exists
    file_list = [fits_filename, hdf_filename, fits_comp_filename,
                 hdf_comp_filename, gzip_comp_filename]
    for fname in file_list:
        if exists(fname):

    print("\nWriting {} to \n{}\n{}".format(img_name,fits_filename,hdf_filename))
    t1 = time.time()
    fitsio.export_fits(idi_img, fits_filename)
    t2 = time.time()

    hdfio.export_hdf(idi_img, hdf_filename)
    t3 = time.time()

    hdfio.export_hdf(idi_img, hdf_comp_filename, **hdf_opts)
    t4 = time.time()

    t5 = time.time()

    t6 = time.time()

    dd = {
        'img_name': name,
        'fits_size': getsize(fits_filename),
        'hdf_size':  getsize(hdf_filename),
        'hdf_comp_size':  getsize(hdf_comp_filename),
        'fits_comp_size': getsize(fits_filename + '.fz'),
        'gzip_comp_size': getsize(fits_filename + '.gz'),
        'fits_time': (t2 - t1),
        'hdf_time': (t3 - t2),
        'hdf_comp_time': (t4 - t3),
        'fits_comp_time': (t5 - t4),
        'gzip_comp_time': (t6 - t5),
        'comp_fact_hdf': float(getsize(fits_filename)) / getsize(hdf_comp_filename),
        'comp_fact_fits': float(getsize(fits_filename)) / getsize(fits_comp_filename),
        'comp_fact_gzip': float(getsize(fits_filename)) / getsize(gzip_comp_filename)

    rh = dd['comp_fact_gzip']
    th = dd['gzip_comp_time']

    dd["weissman_hdf"] = weissman_score(dd["comp_fact_hdf"], dd["hdf_comp_time"], rh, th)
    dd["weissman_fits"] = weissman_score(dd["comp_fact_fits"], dd["fits_comp_time"], rh, th)

    print("FITS file size:        %sB" % dd['fits_size'])
    print("HDF file size:         %sB" % dd['hdf_size'])
    print("FITS comp size:        %sB" % dd['fits_comp_size'])
    print("HDF comp size:         %sB" % dd['hdf_comp_size'])
    print("GZIP comp size:        %sB" % dd['gzip_comp_size'])
    print("FITS creation time:    %2.2fs" % dd['fits_time'])
    print("HDF  creation time:    %2.2fs" % dd['hdf_time'])
    print("FITS comp time:        %2.2fs" % dd['fits_comp_time'])
    print("HDF  comp time:        %2.2fs" % dd['hdf_comp_time'])
    print("GZIP comp time:        %2.2fs" % dd['gzip_comp_time'])
    print("FITS/FITS compression: %2.2fx" % dd['comp_fact_fits'])
    print("HDF/FITS compression:  %2.2fx" % dd['comp_fact_hdf'])
    print("GZIP/FITS compression: %2.2fx" % dd['comp_fact_gzip'])
    print("FITS weissman score:   %2.2f" % dd['weissman_fits'])
    print("HDF  weissman score:   %2.2f" % dd['weissman_hdf'])

    return dd
def create_image(name, data, hdf_opts={}):
    """ Create HDF and FITS versions of a given image """

    output_dir_fits = 'fits_generated'
    output_dir_hdf  = 'hdf_generated'

    idi_img = idi.IdiHdulist()
    idi_img.add_image_hdu(img_name, data=data)

    # Create all the filenames
    fits_filename = join(output_dir_fits, img_name+'.fits')
    hdf_filename = join(output_dir_hdf, img_name+'.h5')
    hdf_comp_filename = join(output_dir_hdf, img_name+'_comp.h5')
    gzip_comp_filename = join(output_dir_fits, img_name+'.fits.gz')
    fits_comp_filename = join(output_dir_fits, img_name+'.fits.fz')

    # Delete files that already exists
    file_list = [fits_filename, hdf_filename, fits_comp_filename,
                 hdf_comp_filename, gzip_comp_filename]
    for fname in file_list:
        if exists(fname):

    print("\nWriting {} to \n{}\n{}".format(img_name,fits_filename,hdf_filename))
    t1 = time.time()
    fitsio.export_fits(idi_img, fits_filename)
    assert exists(fits_filename)
    t2 = time.time()

    hdfio.export_hdf(idi_img, hdf_filename)
    t3 = time.time()

    hdfio.export_hdf(idi_img, hdf_comp_filename, **hdf_opts)
    t4 = time.time()

    t5 = time.time()

    t6 = time.time()

    dd = {
        'img_name': name,
        'fits_size': getsize(fits_filename),
        'hdf_size':  getsize(hdf_filename),
        'hdf_comp_size':  getsize(hdf_comp_filename),
        'fits_comp_size': getsize(fits_filename + '.fz'),
        'gzip_comp_size': getsize(fits_filename + '.gz'),
        'fits_time': (t2 - t1),
        'hdf_time': (t3 - t2),
        'hdf_comp_time': (t4 - t3),
        'fits_comp_time': (t5 - t4),
        'gzip_comp_time': (t6 - t5),
        'comp_fact_hdf': float(getsize(fits_filename)) / getsize(hdf_comp_filename),
        'comp_fact_fits': float(getsize(fits_filename)) / getsize(fits_comp_filename),
        'comp_fact_gzip': float(getsize(fits_filename)) / getsize(gzip_comp_filename)

    rh = dd['comp_fact_gzip']
    th = dd['gzip_comp_time']

    dd["weissman_hdf"] = weissman_score(dd["comp_fact_hdf"], dd["hdf_comp_time"], rh, th)
    dd["weissman_fits"] = weissman_score(dd["comp_fact_fits"], dd["fits_comp_time"], rh, th)

    print("FITS file size:        %sB" % dd['fits_size'])
    print("HDF file size:         %sB" % dd['hdf_size'])
    print("FITS comp size:        %sB" % dd['fits_comp_size'])
    print("HDF comp size:         %sB" % dd['hdf_comp_size'])
    print("GZIP comp size:        %sB" % dd['gzip_comp_size'])
    print("FITS creation time:    %2.2fs" % dd['fits_time'])
    print("HDF  creation time:    %2.2fs" % dd['hdf_time'])
    print("FITS comp time:        %2.2fs" % dd['fits_comp_time'])
    print("HDF  comp time:        %2.2fs" % dd['hdf_comp_time'])
    print("GZIP comp time:        %2.2fs" % dd['gzip_comp_time'])
    print("FITS/FITS compression: %2.2fx" % dd['comp_fact_fits'])
    print("HDF/FITS compression:  %2.2fx" % dd['comp_fact_hdf'])
    print("GZIP/FITS compression: %2.2fx" % dd['comp_fact_gzip'])
    print("FITS weissman score:   %2.2f" % dd['weissman_fits'])
    print("HDF  weissman score:   %2.2f" % dd['weissman_hdf'])

    return dd