def write_catalog(fname, x, y, z, w, type="DATA", format="fits", coord="PSEUDO_EQUATORIAL"): if format == "txt": np.savetxt(fname, np.transpose([x, y, z, w])) elif format == "fits": # current DM supported DM_VERSION = "2.5.0" # Extracted from written by Daniele Tavagnacco if coord == "PSEUDO_EQUATORIAL": columns = [['SOURCE_ID', -1, 'f8'], ['RA', x, 'f8'], ['DEC', y, 'f8'], ['REDSHIFT', z, 'f8'], ['WEIGHT', -1, 'f8'], ['DENSITY', w, 'f8']] elif coord == "CARTESIAN": columns = [['SOURCE_ID', -1, 'f8'], ['COMOV_X', x, 'f8'], ['COMOV_Y', y, 'f8'], ['COMOV_Z', z, 'f8'], ['WEIGHT', -1, 'f8'], ['DENSITY', w, 'f8']] header_keywords = { "TELESCOP": "EUCLID", "INSTRUME": "LE3GC-MOCKS", "FILENAME": fname, "CAT_ID": "MOCK", "COORD": coord, "ANGLE": "DEGREES" } # fname_nodir = fname[[pos for pos, char in enumerate(fname) if char == '/'][-1]+1:] # zshell = fname[fname.find('zshell'):-5] # header_keywords = {'TELESCOP' : 'EUCLID ', # 'INSTRUME' : 'LE3IDSELID', # 'FILENAME' : fname_nodir, # 'CAT_TYPE' : type, # 'CAT_NAME' : 'MOCK-LE3GC', # 'CAT_NOBJ' : x.size, # 'COORD ' : 'EQUATORIAL', # 'ANGLE ' : 'DEG ', # 'COMPLETE' : 1.0, # 'PURITY ' : 1.0, # 'SELECT ' : zshell} extension = "CATALOG" xmlKeys = { "pf": "PK_LE3_GC_WindowMultipoles", "instr": "LE3_GC_MOCKS", "id": "MOCK", "coord": coord } print("Preparing FITS structure") types = [] # keep just wanted columns ...bad but.. for c in columns: types.append((c[0], c[2])) hdr = FITSHDR() print("+ Add keywords") for k in header_keywords: hdr[k] = header_keywords[k] keep_table = {} for c in columns: # if required but not existing (-1) fill with ones if (c[1] is -1): # add tmp column with correct name and position, bu only ones print(str("+ -Col '%s' filled" % c[0])) keep_table[c[0]] = np.ones_like(columns[1][1], dtype=np.float64) else: # keep column with requested position in the input file print(str("+ -Col '%s' from '%s'" % (c[0], c[1]))) keep_table[c[0]] = c[1].astype(np.float64) fullsize = len(keep_table) * len(c[1]) * 8 / 1024 / 1024. print(str("+ ~%.2f MB in memory" % fullsize)) # now write some data print(str("+ Write FITS: %s" % fname)) fits = FITS(fname, 'rw', clobber=True) fits.write_table(data=keep_table, header=hdr, extname=extension) fits.close() print("+ Preparing XML product") with open(fname.replace(input.cat4le3_format, "xml"), "w+") as f: f.write( '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>\n''' ) if (type == "RANDOM"): f.write( '''<p1:DpdLE3gcInputRandCat xmlns:p1="">\n''' ) else: f.write( '''<p1:DpdLE3gcInputDataCat xmlns:p1="">\n''' ) f.write(''' <Header>\n''') f.write( str(''' <ProductId>%s</ProductId>\n''' % header_keywords["FILENAME"].split('.')[0])) f.write( ''' <ProductType>dpdLE3gcInputRandCat</ProductType>\n''') f.write(''' <SoftwareName>LE3_GC_test</SoftwareName>\n''') f.write(''' <SoftwareRelease>1.0</SoftwareRelease>\n''') f.write( ''' <ManualValidationStatus>UNKNOWN</ManualValidationStatus>\n''' ) f.write(''' <PipelineRun>LE3_GC_Test_Inputs</PipelineRun>\n''') f.write(''' <ExitStatusCode>OK</ExitStatusCode>\n''') f.write( str(''' <DataModelVersion>%s</DataModelVersion>\n''' % DM_VERSION)) f.write( str(''' <MinDataModelVersion>%s</MinDataModelVersion>\n''' % DM_VERSION)) f.write(''' <ScientificCustodian>LE3</ScientificCustodian>\n''') f.write(''' <AccessRights>\n''') f.write( ''' <EuclidConsortiumRead>true</EuclidConsortiumRead>\n''' ) f.write( ''' <EuclidConsortiumWrite>true</EuclidConsortiumWrite>\n''' ) f.write( ''' <ScientificGroupRead>true</ScientificGroupRead>\n''') f.write( ''' <ScientificGroupWrite>true</ScientificGroupWrite>\n''' ) f.write(''' </AccessRights>\n''') f.write(''' <Curator>\n''') f.write(''' <Name>SDC-IT</Name>\n''') f.write(''' </Curator>\n''') f.write(str(''' <Creator>%s</Creator>\n''' % xmlKeys["pf"])) f.write( ''' <CreationDate>2019-10-31T12:12:12Z</CreationDate>\n''') f.write(''' </Header>\n''') f.write(''' <Data>\n''') f.write( str(''' <Instrument>%s</Instrument>\n''' % xmlKeys["instr"])) f.write(str(''' <Catalog_ID>%s</Catalog_ID>\n''' % xmlKeys["id"])) f.write(str(''' <CoordType>%s</CoordType>\n''' % xmlKeys["coord"])) f.write(''' <Catalog format="" version="0.2">\n''') f.write(''' <DataContainer filestatus="PROPOSED">\n''') f.write(str(''' <FileName>%s.fits</FileName>\n''' % fname)) f.write(''' </DataContainer>\n''') f.write(''' </Catalog>\n''') f.write(''' </Data>\n''') if (type == "RANDOM"): f.write('''</p1:DpdLE3gcInputRandCat>\n''') else: f.write('''</p1:DpdLE3gcInputDataCat>\n''') f.close() print("files %s and %s written" % (fname, fname.replace(input.cat4le3_format, "xml"))) else: print("ERROR: unrecognized format in write_catalog") sys.exit(-1)
['cl_rand', cl_rand, 'f8']] header_keywords = {} types = [] # keep just wanted columns ...bad but.. for c in columns: types.append((c[0], c[2])) hdr = FITSHDR() print("+ Add keywords") for k in header_keywords: hdr[k] = header_keywords[k] keep_table = {} for c in columns: # keep column with requested position in the input file print(str("+ -Col '%s'" % (c[0]))) keep_table[c[0]] = c[1] #.astype(np.float64) fullsize = len(keep_table) * len(c[1]) * 8 / 1024 / 1024. print(str("+ ~%.2f MB in memory" % fullsize)) fname = input.cls_fname(zmin, zmax, run=input.pinocchio_first_run) print("## Writing FITS: %s" % fname) fitsfile = FITS(fname, 'rw') fitsfile.write_table(data=keep_table, header=hdr) fitsfile.close() print("# DONE!")