def desample(x, y, num): import fitting as my_fits ddy = np.abs(np.gradient(np.gradient(y))) f_arr = cdf(x, ddy) f_arr = f_arr * (x[-1] - x[0]) + x[0] f = my_fits.piecewise(f_arr, x) new_x = f(np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], num)) new_y = my_fits.piecewise(x, y)(new_x) return new_x, new_y
def gaussian_cdf_space(mu, sig, num, sig_lim=5): import fitting as my_fits x = np.linspace(mu - sig_lim * sig, mu + sig_lim * sig, 300) cdf = gaussian_cdf(x, mu, sig) fit = my_fits.piecewise(cdf, x) temp = np.linspace(0, 1, num + 1) #splitting into equal area sections y = (temp[1:] + temp[:-1]) / 2 #making point the center of each section arr = fit(y) #plt.plot(x,gaussian(x,mu,sig)) #plt.scatter(arr,gaussian(arr,mu,sig)) return arr
def shadeStats(age, y, stat, upperLim): if upperLim: plt.fill_between(age,y, where= (age >= stat[2]) & (age <= stat[3]),\ color='.3', label=r'1$\sigma$ lower lim: %.3g Myr' % stat[2]) plt.fill_between(age,y, where= (age >= stat[1]) & (age <= stat[2]),\ color='.6',alpha=1, label=r'2$\sigma$ lower lim: %.3g Myr' % stat[1]) plt.fill_between(age,y, where= (age >= stat[0]) & (age <= stat[1]),\ color='.9',alpha=1,label=r'3$\sigma$ lower lim: %.3g Myr' % stat[0]) return age2 = np.linspace(stat[0], stat[-1], 500) interp = my_fits.piecewise(age, y) y2 = interp(age2) plt.vlines(x=stat[2],ymin= 0,ymax= interp(stat[2]), \ label='BAFFLES median age: %.3g Myr' % stat[2] ,color = 'orange') plt.fill_between(age2,y2, where= (age2 >= stat[1]) & (age2 <= stat[3]),color='.3', \ label='68%% CI: %.2g - %.2g' % (stat[1],stat[-2])) plt.fill_between(age2,y2, where= (age2 >= stat[0]) & (age2 <= stat[-1]),color='.6',\ alpha=0.5, label='95%% CI: %.2g - %.2g' % (stat[0],stat[-1]))
def robs_fomalhaut(): import astropy from scipy.signal import savgol_filter t ='data','Fom-age-pdf.fits')) data = t[0].data x = np.linspace(np.min(data)-10,np.max(data)+10,1000) cdf = np.array([(data < n).sum() for n in x],dtype='float')/len(x) cdf /= cdf[-1] smoothed = savgol_filter(cdf, 51, 3) pdf = np.gradient(smoothed) pdf = savgol_filter(pdf,101,3) prob.normalize(x,pdf) #plt.plot(x,pdf,label='PDF') #plt.hist(data,bins=100,density=True) pdf[0:2],pdf[-2:] = [0,0],[0,0] return my_fits.piecewise(x,pdf)
def combined_validation_subplots(): const = utils.init_constants(METAL) #Omitting each cluster name = join('plots', METAL + '_combined_validation_subplots.pdf') pp = PdfPages(name) baf_default = baffles.age_estimator(METAL) fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(14, 15)) cmap ='RdYlBu_r') norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=const.BV_RANGE[0], vmax=const.BV_RANGE[1]) sc = plt.scatter([], [], c=[], norm=norm, cmap=cmap) fig.tight_layout(pad=.4, w_pad=1, h_pad=2) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.06) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.06) fig.subplots_adjust(top=.95) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.9) #cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7]) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.92, 0.25, 0.02, 0.5]) fig.colorbar(sc, cax=cbar_ax) for index, i in enumerate([1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8]): #[0,4,5,6,7,8] for submission 2! print(const.CLUSTER_NAMES[i]) baf = baffles.age_estimator(METAL, default_grids=False) baf.make_grids(bv_m, fits, omit_cluster=i) p_val = baf.posterior_product(bv_m[i][0], bv_m[i][1]) pl = ax[int(index / 2), index % 2] pl.plot(const.AGE, p_val.array, linewidth=2, linestyle='--', label='Posterior with removal') pl.set_title(const.CLUSTER_NAMES[i], size=my_plot.TITLE_SIZE) bv_arr = bv_m[i][0] p = baf_default.posterior_product(bv_m[i][0], bv_m[i][1], upperLim_arr=None, showStars=True) #print(p.stars_posteriors) age, y = const.AGE, p.array givenAge = const.CLUSTER_AGES[i] for star, post in enumerate(p.stars_posteriors): color = cmap(norm(bv_arr[star])) prob.scale_to_height(post, np.max(y)) pl.plot(const.AGE, post, alpha=1, linewidth=1, color=color, zorder=0) if (givenAge): print('Isochronal age exists within %f %% CI' % prob.get_percentile(age, y, givenAge)) pl.axvline(x=givenAge, color='r', label='Isochronal age: %d Myr' % givenAge) #if (givenErr): # if (type(givenErr) == float or type(givenErr) == int): # givenErr = [-1*givenErr,givenErr] # pl.axvspan(givenAge+givenErr[0], givenAge+givenErr[1], alpha=0.2, color='r',zorder=0) #if (mamajekAge): # plt.axvline(x=mamajekAge,color='C2',label='MH08 age: %d' % mamajekAge) pl.plot(age, y, color='C0', linewidth=2) stat = p.stats age2 = np.linspace(stat[0], stat[-1], 500) interp = my_fits.piecewise(age, y) y2 = interp(age2) pl.vlines(x=stat[2],ymin= 0,ymax= interp(stat[2]), \ label='BAFFLES median age: %.3g Myr' % stat[2] ,color = 'orange') pl.fill_between(age2,y2, where= (age2 >= stat[1]) & (age2 <= stat[3]),color='.3', \ label='68%% CI: %.2g - %.2g' % (stat[1],stat[-2])) pl.fill_between(age2,y2, where= (age2 >= stat[0]) & (age2 <= stat[-1]),color='.6',\ alpha=0.5, label='95%% CI: %.2g - %.2g' % (stat[0],stat[-1])) pl.set_ylim([0, np.max(y) * 1.5]) r = my_plot.getAgeRange(p.stats, p.stars_posteriors, givenAge) pl.set_xlim(r) pl.legend() pl.minorticks_on() pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', right=True, top=True) # Set common labels fig.text(0.5, 0.02, 'Age (Myr)', size=my_plot.AXIS_LABEL_SIZE, ha='center', va='center') fig.text(0.01, 0.5, 'Probability Density (Myr^-1)', size=my_plot.AXIS_LABEL_SIZE, ha='center', va='center', rotation='vertical') fig.text(0.99, 0.5, 'B-V', size=my_plot.AXIS_LABEL_SIZE, ha='center', va='center', rotation='vertical') pp.savefig() plt.close() printName(name) pp.close()
def get_percentile(age, y, givenAge): import fitting as my_fits c = cdf(age, y) fit = my_fits.piecewise(age, c) return np.abs(fit(givenAge) - .5) * 2 * 100
def stats(age, y, upperLim=False): import fitting as my_fits c = cdf(age, y) probs = UL_PROBS if upperLim else GAUSS_PROBS fit = my_fits.piecewise(c, age) return fit(probs)
def undo_picklable(fits): const = utils.init_constants('lithium') for c,i in [(c,i) for c in range(len(fits)) for i in range(2)]: if type(fits[c][i]) != type(np.poly1d([1])): fits[c][i] = my_fits.piecewise(const.BV,fits[c][i]) return fits