def reduceSec(rangingList, fitNum, timeShift, channelR, channelC, order):
    startSec = int(rangingList[0][0]) + 1
    endSec = int(rangingList[-1][0])
    reduceList = []
    t = []
    r = []
    c = []
    # fitNum=5
    index = 0
    length = len(rangingList)
    for sec in range(startSec, endSec + 1):
        while rangingList[index][0] < sec:
            index += 1
        for i in range(index - fitNum, index + fitNum):
            if i >= length - 1:
            t.append(rangingList[i][0] + timeShift)
        matR = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, r, order)
        matC = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, c, order)
            fitting.polyLeastFitCal([float(sec)], matR)[0],
            fitting.polyLeastFitCal([float(sec)], matC)[0]
        del t[:]
        del r[:]
        del c[:]
    return reduceList
def BKCSmooth(parameterList, fitNum, order, smoothNum):
    length = len(parameterList)
    smoothList = []
    t = []
    R = []
    V = []
    tau = []
    K = []
    for i in range(int((length - 2 * fitNum) / smoothNum)):
        for j in range(2 * fitNum + 1):
            t.append(parameterList[i * smoothNum + j][0])
            R.append(parameterList[i * smoothNum + j][1])
            V.append(parameterList[i * smoothNum + j][2])
            tau.append(parameterList[i * smoothNum + j][3])
            K.append(parameterList[i * smoothNum + j][4])
        matR = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, R, order)
        matV = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, V, order)
        mattau = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, tau, order)
        matK = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, K, order)
        del t[:]
        del R[:]
        del V[:]
        del tau[:]
        del K[:]
        smoothT = [parameterList[i * smoothNum + fitNum][0]]
        fitR = fitting.polyLeastFitCal(smoothT, matR)
        fitV = fitting.polyLeastFitCal(smoothT, matV)
        fitTau = fitting.polyLeastFitCal(smoothT, mattau)
        fitK = fitting.polyLeastFitCal(smoothT, matK)
        smoothList.append([smoothT[0], fitR[0], fitV[0], fitTau[0], fitK[0]])
        # print smoothT[0],fitR[0],fitV[0],fitTau[0],fitK[0]
    print "parameterList have be smoothed!"
    return smoothList
def fitSmooth(rangingList, segment, order):
    t = []
    R = []
    tau = []
    T = []
    clk = []
    detSat = []
    newList = []
    length = len(rangingList)
    for i in range(int(length / segment)):
        for j in range(segment):
            t.append(rangingList[i * segment + j][0])
            R.append(rangingList[i * segment + j][1])
            # clk.append(rangingList[i * segment + j][2])
            clk.append(rangingList[i * segment + j][3])
            detSat.append(rangingList[i * segment + j][4])
        matR = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, R, order)
        # matTau = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, tau, order)
        matclk = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, clk, order)
        matD = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, detSat, order)
        # for k in range(segment):
        rangingList[i * segment +
                    int(segment / 2)][1] = fitting.polyLeastFitCal(
                        [rangingList[i * segment + int(segment / 2)][0]],
        # rangingList[i * segment + int(segment / 2)][2] = fitting.polyLeastFitCal([rangingList[i * segment + int(segment / 2)][0]], matTau)[0]
        rangingList[i * segment +
                    int(segment / 2)][3] = fitting.polyLeastFitCal(
                        [rangingList[i * segment + int(segment / 2)][0]],
        rangingList[i * segment +
                    int(segment / 2)][4] = fitting.polyLeastFitCal(
                        [rangingList[i * segment + int(segment / 2)][0]],

        # rangingList[i * segment + int(segment / 2)][4] =rangingList[i*segment+int(segment/2)][1]
        del t[:]
        del R[:]
        del clk[:]
        del detSat[:]
        newList.append(rangingList[i * segment + int(segment / 2)])
    reamin = length - int(length / segment) * segment
    # if reamin>0:
    #     for ii in range(int(length/segment)*segment,length):
    #         t.append(rangingList[ii][0])
    #         R.append(rangingList[ii][1])
    #         clk.append(rangingList[i * segment + j][3])
    #     matR=fitting.polyLeastFit(t,R,order)
    #     matclk = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, clk, order)
    #     rangingList[jj][1]=fitting.polyLeastFitCal([rangingList[jj][0]],matR)[0]
    #     rangingList[i * segment + int(segment / 2)][3] = \
    #     fitting.polyLeastFitCal([rangingList[i * segment + int(segment / 2)][0]], matclk)[0]
    #     newList.append(rangingList[int(length/segment)*segment+int(reamin/2)])
    return newList
def filterbyfit(rangingList, segment, order, windows, channel):
    t = []
    R = []
    filterList = []
    count = 0
    fitCount = int(segment / 2)
    length = len(rangingList)
    for i in range(length):
        if i < segment:
            for j in range(segment):
                index = i + j
            mat = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, R, order)
            del t[:]
            del R[:]
            det = rangingList[i][channel] - fitting.polyLeastFitCal(
                [rangingList[i][0]], mat)[0]
            if abs(det) < windows:
                count += 1
        elif i < length - segment:
            if fitCount == int(segment / 2):
                mat = fitsegment(rangingList, i, segment, channel, order)
            fitCount -= 1
            if fitCount == 0:
                fitCount = int(segment / 2)
            det = rangingList[i][channel] - fitting.polyLeastFitCal(
                [rangingList[i][0]], mat)[0]
            if abs(det) < windows:
                count += 1
            for j in range(segment):
                index = i + j - segment
            mat = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, R, order)
            del t[:]
            del R[:]
            det = rangingList[i][channel] - fitting.polyLeastFitCal(
                [rangingList[i][0]], mat)[0]
            if abs(det) < windows:
                # residualList.append([rangingList[i][0], det])
                count += 1
    print 'fit filtered! %s points moved !' % (count)
    return filterList
def fitfilter(matchList, segment, order, groSatShift, windows):
    t = []
    R = []
    filterList = []
    count = 0
    c = 299792458.0
    length = len(matchList)
    for i in range(int(length / segment)):
        for j in range(segment):
            index = i * segment + j
            t.append((matchList[index][1] + matchList[index][2]) /
                     (2 * 1000000000000.0) + groSatShift)
            R.append((matchList[index][1] + matchList[index][3] -
                      matchList[index][0] - matchList[index][2]) * c /
                     (2 * 1000000000000.0))
        mat = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, R, order)
        for k in range(segment):
            det = R[k] - fitting.polyLeastFitCal([t[k]], mat)[0]
            if abs(det) < windows:
                filterList.append(matchList[i * segment + k])
                count += 1
        del t[:]
        del R[:]
    reamin = length - int(length / segment) * segment
    print 'fit filtered! %s points moved out!' % (count + reamin)
    return filterList
def fitEvaluate(fitList, timeCoin1, timeCoin2, threshold, order):
    feedBack = False
    timeList = []
    delayList = []
    for item in fitList:
    mat = fitting.polyLeastFit(timeList, delayList, order)
    timeFit = fitting.polyLeastFitCal([timeCoin2], mat)
    det = timeCoin1 - timeCoin2 - timeFit[0]
    if abs(det) < threshold:
        feedBack = True
        # print 'this coincidence is ok,',det
    # else:
    #     print 'this coincidence out of threshold'
    return feedBack
Exemple #7
def leastsqToSec(timeList, tau, order):
    X = []
    Y = []
    R = []
    Sec = int(timeList[0][0] / tau)
    count = 0

    # def residuals(p):
    #     k, b = p
    #     return Y - (k * X + b)

    for item in timeList:
        if int(item[0] / tau) == Sec:
            X.append(item[0] / tau)
            count += 1
            if count >= 2:
                # r = optimize.leastsq(residuals, [1.0, 0.0])
                # k, p = r[0]
                # s = [Sec, (k * (Sec) + p)/1000000000000]
                print count
                mat = fitting.polyLeastFit(X, Y, order)
                y = fitting.polyLeastFitCal([Sec + 0.5], mat)
                averY = sum(Y) / len(Y)
                if y[0] > 3 * averY:
                    s = [Sec + 0.5, averY / 1000000000000]
                    print averY / 1000000000000, '0'
                    s = [Sec + 0.5, y[0] / 1000000000000]
                    print y[0] / 1000000000000, '1'
                #print s,k
                s = [Sec + 0.5, item[1] / 1000000000000]
                print item[1] / 1000000000000, '2'
            del X[:]
            del Y[:]
            X.append(item[0] / tau)
            Sec = int(item[0] / tau)
            count = 1
    print 'data reduced by leastsq to second/%s.' % tau
    filter.dotFilter(R, 1, 0.000000005, 3)
    return R
def rangefilter(rangingList, segment, order, windows, channel):
    t = []
    R = []
    filterList = []
    residualList = []
    count = 0
    length = len(rangingList)
    for i in range(length):
        if i < segment:
            for j in range(segment):
                index = i + j
            mat = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, R, order)
            del t[:]
            del R[:]
            det = rangingList[i][channel] - fitting.polyLeastFitCal(
                [rangingList[i][0]], mat)[0]
            if abs(det) < windows:
                residualList.append([rangingList[i][0], det])
                # print rangingList[i][0], det
                # rangingList[i ][1] = fitting.polyLeastFitCal([rangingList[i][0]], mat)[0]
                # filterList.append(rangingList[i])
                # residualList.append([rangingList[i][0], 0])
                count += 1
        elif i < length - segment:
            for j in range(segment):
                index = i + j - segment / 2

            mat = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, R, order)
            del t[:]
            del R[:]
            det = rangingList[i][channel] - fitting.polyLeastFitCal(
                [rangingList[i][0]], mat)[0]
            if abs(det) < windows:
                residualList.append([rangingList[i][0], det])
                # print rangingList[i][0], det
                # rangingList[i ][channel] = fitting.polyLeastFitCal([rangingList[i][0]], mat)[0]
                # filterList.append(rangingList[i])
                # residualList.append([rangingList[i][0], 0])
                count += 1
            for j in range(segment):
                index = i + j - segment

            mat = fitting.polyLeastFit(t, R, order)
            del t[:]
            del R[:]
            det = rangingList[i][channel] - fitting.polyLeastFitCal(
                [rangingList[i][0]], mat)[0]
            if abs(det) < windows:
                residualList.append([rangingList[i][0], det])
                # print rangingList[i][0], det
                # rangingList[i][channel] = fitting.polyLeastFitCal([rangingList[i][0]], mat)[0]
                # filterList.append(rangingList[i])
                # residualList.append([rangingList[i][0], 0])
                count += 1
    print 'fit filtered! %s points moved !' % (count)
    return filterList, residualList
def asynLaserRanging(matchList, groSatShift):
    length = len(matchList)
    rangingList = []
    tempR = []
    iterNum = 1
    c = 299792458.0
    smoothNum = 20
    for i in range(length):
        # matchList,每行数据的顺序是:地面发射时间TE1、星上接收时间TM2、星上发射时间TM1、地面接收时间TE2
        # t=(matchList[i][1]+matchList[i][2])/(2*1000000000000.0)+groSatShift
        # R=(matchList[i][1]+matchList[i][3]-matchList[i][0]-matchList[i][2])*c/(2*1000000000000.0)
        # tau=(matchList[i][3]-matchList[i][0]-(matchList[i][1]-matchList[i][2]))
        # T=matchList[i][3]-matchList[i][0]
        # clk=(matchList[i][1]-matchList[i][0]-(matchList[i][3]-matchList[i][2]))/2+groSatShift*1000000000000

        # t = (matchList[i][5] + matchList[i][6]) / (2 * 1000000000000.0)
        # R=(matchList[i][5]+matchList[i][7]-matchList[i][4]-matchList[i][6])*c/(2*1000000000000.0)
        # tau=(matchList[i][7]-matchList[i][4]-(matchList[i][5]-matchList[i][6]))
        # T=matchList[i][7]-matchList[i][4]
        # clk = (matchList[i][5] - matchList[i][4] - (matchList[i][7] - matchList[i][6])) / 2 + groSatShift * 1000000000000

        # 公式来源:Degnan
        #t = (matchList[i][3] + matchList[i][0]) / (2 * 1000000000000.0)
        t = (matchList[i][7] + matchList[i][4]) / (2 * 1000000000000.0)
        R = (matchList[i][5] + matchList[i][7] - matchList[i][4] -
             matchList[i][6]) * c / (2 * 1000000000000.0)
        # R = (matchList[i][1] + matchList[i][3] - matchList[i][0] - matchList[i][2]) * c / (2 * 1000000000000.0)
        tau = (matchList[i][7] - matchList[i][4] -
               (matchList[i][5] - matchList[i][6]))
        # T=matchList[i][3]-matchList[i][0]
        clk = (matchList[i][1] + matchList[i][2] -
               (matchList[i][0] +
                matchList[i][3])) / 2 + groSatShift * 1000000000000
        # detSat=matchList[i][5]-matchList[i][6]
        detSat = matchList[i][1] - matchList[i][2]  #被动式
        rangingList.append([t, R, tau, clk, detSat])
        # rangingList.append([t,R,tau,T,R,clk])
        #print (matchList[i][4]+matchList[i][7])-(matchList[i][5]+matchList[i][6])
    #TODO  数点合成一个点,平滑滤波,但是需注意数据不能缺失大段,否则会引入误差,待改善

    rangingList = fitSmooth(rangingList, 100, 2)
    # rangingList=reducebyfactor(rangingList,10)
    rangingList, residualList = rangefilter(rangingList, 30, 4, 0.2)

    length = len(rangingList)
    tx = []
    ry = []
    for j in range(iterNum):
        for i in range(length):
            #TODO 平滑速度
            if i <= smoothNum:
                detR = (rangingList[i][1] - rangingList[i + 1][1]) / (
                    rangingList[i + 1][0] - rangingList[i][0])
            elif i < length - smoothNum:
                for index in range(i - smoothNum, i + smoothNum):
                mat = fitting.polyLeastFit(tx, ry, 5)
                tR = []
                detRList = []
                # for k in range(i-smoothNum/2,i+smoothNum):
                #     tR.append(rangingList[k][0])
                #     detRList.append((fitting.polyLeastFitCal([rangingList[k-1][0]],mat)[0]-fitting.polyLeastFitCal([rangingList[k+1][0]],mat)[0])/(rangingList[k+1][0]-rangingList[k-1][0]))
                # matV=fitting.polyLeastFit(tR,detRList,2)
                detR = (
                    fitting.polyLeastFitCal([rangingList[i - 1][0]], mat)[0] -
                    fitting.polyLeastFitCal([rangingList[i + 1][0]], mat)[0]
                ) / (rangingList[i + 1][0] - rangingList[i - 1][0])
                # detRV=fitting.polyLeastFitCal([rangingList[i][0]],matV)[0]
                # print detR,detRV,detR-detRV
                del tx[:]
                del ry[:]
                del tR[:]
                del detRList[:]
                detR = (rangingList[i - 1][1] - rangingList[i][1]) / (
                    rangingList[i][0] - rangingList[i - 1][0])
            # Tau=rangingList[i][2]/(2+detR/(c-detR))/1000000000000.0
            # tempR.append(rangingList[i][4]-detR*(rangingList[i][3]/1000000000000.0-Tau)/2.0)
            Tau = rangingList[i][2] / (2 + 2 * detR / c)
            # Tba=rangingList[i][3]-Tau*detR/c
            # Tba = rangingList[i][3] - rangingList[i][4] * detR / (2*c)
            # print detR,Tau*detR/c,rangingList[i][4] * detR / (2*c)
            if j == iterNum - 1:
                rangingList[i][2] = Tau
                # rangingList[i][3]=Tba
                rangingList[i] = (
                    rangingList[i] +
                    [detR, Tau * detR / c, rangingList[i][4] * detR / (2 * c)])
            # print '%s\t%s\t%s'%(j,rangingList[i][0],detR)
        # for i in range(length):
        #     rangingList[i][1]=tempR[i]
        # del tempR[:]
    print 'iterate %s times, asyn laser ranging is finished!' % iterNum
    rangingList, residualList = rangefilter(rangingList, 30, 4, 0.15)
    # rangingList = fitSmooth(rangingList, 10, 3)
    # rangingList = rangefilter(rangingList, 30, 5, 0.08)

    return rangingList, residualList