Exemple #1
def get_local_plugins(config_finder, cli_config=None, isolated=False):
    """Get local plugins lists from config files.

    :param flake8.options.config.ConfigFileFinder config_finder:
        The config file finder to use.
    :param str cli_config:
        Value of --config when specified at the command-line. Overrides
        all other config files.
    :param bool isolated:
        Determines if we should parse configuration files at all or not.
        If running in isolated mode, we ignore all configuration files
        LocalPlugins namedtuple containing two lists of plugin strings,
        one for extension (checker) plugins and one for report plugins.
    local_plugins = LocalPlugins(extension=[], report=[], paths=[])
    if isolated:
        LOG.debug('Refusing to look for local plugins in configuration'
                  'files due to user-requested isolation')
        return local_plugins

    if cli_config:
        LOG.debug('Reading local plugins only from "%s" specified via '
                  '--config by the user', cli_config)
        config = config_finder.cli_config(cli_config)
        config_files = [cli_config]
        config, config_files = config_finder.local_configs_with_files()

    base_dirs = {os.path.dirname(cf) for cf in config_files}

    section = '%s:local-plugins' % config_finder.program_name
    for plugin_type in ['extension', 'report']:
        if config.has_option(section, plugin_type):
            local_plugins_string = config.get(section, plugin_type).strip()
            plugin_type_list = getattr(local_plugins, plugin_type)
    if config.has_option(section, 'paths'):
        raw_paths = utils.parse_comma_separated_list(
            config.get(section, 'paths').strip()
        norm_paths = []
        for base_dir in base_dirs:
                path for path in
                utils.normalize_paths(raw_paths, parent=base_dir)
                if os.path.exists(path)
    return local_plugins
Exemple #2
def get_local_plugins(config_finder):
    """Get local plugins lists from config files.

    :param flake8.options.config.ConfigFileFinder config_finder:
        The config file finder to use.
        LocalPlugins namedtuple containing two lists of plugin strings,
        one for extension (checker) plugins and one for report plugins.
    local_plugins = LocalPlugins(extension=[], report=[], paths=[])
    if config_finder.ignore_config_files:
            "Refusing to look for local plugins in configuration"
            "files due to user-requested isolation"
        return local_plugins

    if config_finder.config_file:
            'Reading local plugins only from "%s" specified via '
            "--config by the user",
        config = config_finder.cli_config(config_finder.config_file)
        config_files = [config_finder.config_file]
        config, config_files = config_finder.local_configs_with_files()

    base_dirs = {os.path.dirname(cf) for cf in config_files}

    section = f"{config_finder.program_name}:local-plugins"
    for plugin_type in ["extension", "report"]:
        if config.has_option(section, plugin_type):
            local_plugins_string = config.get(section, plugin_type).strip()
            plugin_type_list = getattr(local_plugins, plugin_type)
                    local_plugins_string, regexp=utils.LOCAL_PLUGIN_LIST_RE
    if config.has_option(section, "paths"):
        raw_paths = utils.parse_comma_separated_list(
            config.get(section, "paths").strip()
        norm_paths: List[str] = []
        for base_dir in base_dirs:
                for path in utils.normalize_paths(raw_paths, parent=base_dir)
                if os.path.exists(path)
    return local_plugins
Exemple #3
def get_local_plugins(config_finder, cli_config=None, isolated=False):
    """Get local plugins lists from config files.

    :param flake8.options.config.ConfigFileFinder config_finder:
        The config file finder to use.
    :param str cli_config:
        Value of --config when specified at the command-line. Overrides
        all other config files.
    :param bool isolated:
        Determines if we should parse configuration files at all or not.
        If running in isolated mode, we ignore all configuration files
        LocalPlugins namedtuple containing two lists of plugin strings,
        one for extension (checker) plugins and one for report plugins.
    local_plugins = LocalPlugins(extension=[], report=[], paths=[])
    if isolated:
        LOG.debug("Refusing to look for local plugins in configuration"
                  "files due to user-requested isolation")
        return local_plugins

    if cli_config:
            'Reading local plugins only from "%s" specified via '
            "--config by the user",
        config = config_finder.cli_config(cli_config)
        config_files = [cli_config]
        config, config_files = config_finder.local_configs_with_files()

    base_dirs = {os.path.dirname(cf) for cf in config_files}

    section = "%s:local-plugins" % config_finder.program_name
    for plugin_type in ["extension", "report"]:
        if config.has_option(section, plugin_type):
            local_plugins_string = config.get(section, plugin_type).strip()
            plugin_type_list = getattr(local_plugins, plugin_type)
                    local_plugins_string, regexp=utils.LOCAL_PLUGIN_LIST_RE))
    if config.has_option(section, "paths"):
        raw_paths = utils.parse_comma_separated_list(
            config.get(section, "paths").strip())
        norm_paths = []  # type: List[str]
        for base_dir in base_dirs:
                for path in utils.normalize_paths(raw_paths, parent=base_dir)
                if os.path.exists(path))
    return local_plugins
Exemple #4
    def is_inline_ignored(self, error):
        # type: (Error) -> bool
        """Determine if an comment has been added to ignore this line."""
        physical_line = error.physical_line
        # TODO(sigmavirus24): Determine how to handle stdin with linecache
        if self.options.disable_noqa:
            return False

        if physical_line is None:
            physical_line = linecache.getline(error.filename,
        noqa_match = defaults.NOQA_INLINE_REGEXP.search(physical_line)
        if noqa_match is None:
            LOG.debug('%r is not inline ignored', error)
            return False

        codes_str = noqa_match.groupdict()['codes']
        if codes_str is None:
            LOG.debug('%r is ignored by a blanket ``# noqa``', error)
            return True

        codes = set(utils.parse_comma_separated_list(codes_str))
        if error.code in codes or error.code.startswith(tuple(codes)):
            LOG.debug('%r is ignored specifically inline with ``# noqa: %s``',
                      error, codes_str)
            return True

        LOG.debug('%r is not ignored inline with ``# noqa: %s``',
                  error, codes_str)
        return False
Exemple #5
    def is_inline_ignored(self, error):
        # type: (Error) -> bool
        """Determine if an comment has been added to ignore this line."""
        physical_line = error.physical_line
        # TODO(sigmavirus24): Determine how to handle stdin with linecache
        if self.options.disable_noqa:
            return False

        if physical_line is None:
            physical_line = linecache.getline(error.filename,
        noqa_match = defaults.NOQA_INLINE_REGEXP.search(physical_line)
        if noqa_match is None:
            LOG.debug('%r is not inline ignored', error)
            return False

        codes_str = noqa_match.groupdict()['codes']
        if codes_str is None:
            LOG.debug('%r is ignored by a blanket ``# noqa``', error)
            return True

        codes = set(utils.parse_comma_separated_list(codes_str))
        if error.code in codes or error.code.startswith(tuple(codes)):
            LOG.debug('%r is ignored specifically inline with ``# noqa: %s``',
                      error, codes_str)
            return True

        LOG.debug('%r is not ignored inline with ``# noqa: %s``', error,
        return False
Exemple #6
 def normalize(self, value):
     """Normalize the value based on the option configuration."""
     if self.normalize_paths:
         # Decide whether to parse a list of paths or a single path
         normalize = utils.normalize_path
         if self.comma_separated_list:
             normalize = utils.normalize_paths
         return normalize(value)
     elif self.comma_separated_list:
         return utils.parse_comma_separated_list(value)
     return value
Exemple #7
 def normalize(self, value):
     """Normalize the value based on the option configuration."""
     if self.normalize_paths:
         # Decide whether to parse a list of paths or a single path
         normalize = utils.normalize_path
         if self.comma_separated_list:
             normalize = utils.normalize_paths
         return normalize(value)
     elif self.comma_separated_list:
         return utils.parse_comma_separated_list(value)
     return value
    def normalize(self, value: Any, *normalize_args: str) -> Any:
        """Normalize the value based on the option configuration."""
        if self.comma_separated_list and isinstance(value, str):
            value = utils.parse_comma_separated_list(value)

        if self.normalize_paths:
            if isinstance(value, list):
                value = utils.normalize_paths(value, *normalize_args)
                value = utils.normalize_path(value, *normalize_args)

        return value
Exemple #9
def _flake8_normalize(value, *args, **kwargs):
    comma_separated_list = kwargs.pop("comma_separated_list", False)
    normalize_paths = kwargs.pop("normalize_paths", False)
    if kwargs:
        raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword args: {}".format(kwargs))

    if comma_separated_list and isinstance(value, utils.string_types):
        value = utils.parse_comma_separated_list(value)

    if normalize_paths:
        if isinstance(value, list):
            value = utils.normalize_paths(value, *args)
            value = utils.normalize_path(value, *args)

    return value
Exemple #10
    def populate_style_guides_with(self, options):
        """Generate style guides from the per-file-ignores option.

        :param options:
            The original options parsed from the CLI and config file.
        :type options:
            A copy of the default style guide with overridden values.
        for value in options.per_file_ignores:
            filename, violations_str = value.split(":")
            violations = utils.parse_comma_separated_list(violations_str)
            yield self.default_style_guide.copy(filename=filename,
Exemple #11
def _flake8_normalize(value, *args, **kwargs):
    # type: (str, *str, **bool) -> Union[str, List[str]]
    comma_separated_list = kwargs.pop("comma_separated_list", False)
    normalize_paths = kwargs.pop("normalize_paths", False)
    if kwargs:
        raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword args: {}".format(kwargs))

    ret = value  # type: Union[str, List[str]]
    if comma_separated_list and isinstance(ret, utils.string_types):
        ret = utils.parse_comma_separated_list(value)

    if normalize_paths:
        if isinstance(ret, utils.string_types):
            ret = utils.normalize_path(ret, *args)
            ret = utils.normalize_paths(ret, *args)

    return ret
def _flake8_normalize(value: str, *args: str,
                      **kwargs: bool) -> Union[str, List[str]]:
    comma_separated_list = kwargs.pop("comma_separated_list", False)
    normalize_paths = kwargs.pop("normalize_paths", False)
    if kwargs:
        raise TypeError(f"Unexpected keyword args: {kwargs}")

    ret: Union[str, List[str]] = value
    if comma_separated_list and isinstance(ret, str):
        ret = utils.parse_comma_separated_list(value)

    if normalize_paths:
        if isinstance(ret, str):
            ret = utils.normalize_path(ret, *args)
            ret = utils.normalize_paths(ret, *args)

    return ret
Exemple #13
def get_local_plugins(config_finder, cli_config=None, isolated=False):
    """Get local plugins lists from config files.

    :param flake8.options.config.ConfigFileFinder config_finder:
        The config file finder to use.
    :param str cli_config:
        Value of --config when specified at the command-line. Overrides
        all other config files.
    :param bool isolated:
        Determines if we should parse configuration files at all or not.
        If running in isolated mode, we ignore all configuration files
        LocalPlugins namedtuple containing two lists of plugin strings,
        one for extension (checker) plugins and one for report plugins.
    local_plugins = LocalPlugins(extension=[], report=[])
    if isolated:
        LOG.debug('Refusing to look for local plugins in configuration'
                  'files due to user-requested isolation')
        return local_plugins

    if cli_config:
            'Reading local plugins only from "%s" specified via '
            '--config by the user', cli_config)
        config = config_finder.cli_config(cli_config)
        config = config_finder.local_configs()

    section = '%s:local-plugins' % config_finder.program_name
    for plugin_type in ['extension', 'report']:
        if config.has_option(section, plugin_type):
            local_plugins_string = config.get(section, plugin_type).strip()
            plugin_type_list = getattr(local_plugins, plugin_type)
    return local_plugins
Exemple #14
    def is_inline_ignored(self, disable_noqa):
        # type: (bool) -> bool
        """Determine if a comment has been added to ignore this line.

        :param bool disable_noqa:
            Whether or not users have provided ``--disable-noqa``.
            True if error is ignored in-line, False otherwise.
        physical_line = self.physical_line
        # TODO(sigmavirus24): Determine how to handle stdin with linecache
        if disable_noqa:
            return False

        if physical_line is None:
            physical_line = linecache.getline(self.filename, self.line_number)
        noqa_match = find_noqa(physical_line)
        if noqa_match is None:
            LOG.debug("%r is not inline ignored", self)
            return False

        codes_str = noqa_match.groupdict()["codes"]
        if codes_str is None:
            LOG.debug("%r is ignored by a blanket ``# noqa``", self)
            return True

        codes = set(utils.parse_comma_separated_list(codes_str))
        if self.code in codes or self.code.startswith(tuple(codes)):
                "%r is ignored specifically inline with ``# noqa: %s``",
            return True

            "%r is not ignored inline with ``# noqa: %s``", self, codes_str
        return False
    def is_inline_ignored(self, disable_noqa):
        # type: (Violation) -> bool
        """Determine if a comment has been added to ignore this line.

        :param bool disable_noqa:
            Whether or not users have provided ``--disable-noqa``.
            True if error is ignored in-line, False otherwise.
        physical_line = self.physical_line
        # TODO(sigmavirus24): Determine how to handle stdin with linecache
        if disable_noqa:
            return False

        if physical_line is None:
            physical_line = linecache.getline(self.filename, self.line_number)
        noqa_match = find_noqa(physical_line)
        if noqa_match is None:
            LOG.debug("%r is not inline ignored", self)
            return False

        codes_str = noqa_match.groupdict()["codes"]
        if codes_str is None:
            LOG.debug("%r is ignored by a blanket ``# noqa``", self)
            return True

        codes = set(utils.parse_comma_separated_list(codes_str))
        if self.code in codes or self.code.startswith(tuple(codes)):
                "%r is ignored specifically inline with ``# noqa: %s``",
            return True

            "%r is not ignored inline with ``# noqa: %s``", self, codes_str
        return False
Exemple #16
def test_parse_comma_separated_list(value, expected):
    """Verify that similar inputs produce identical outputs."""
    assert utils.parse_comma_separated_list(value) == expected
Exemple #17
def test_parse_comma_separated_list(value, expected):
    """Verify that similar inputs produce identical outputs."""
    assert utils.parse_comma_separated_list(value) == expected