Exemple #1
def action_publish(model):
    clone the development "dev" version as a new model version,
     assigning a sequential version number

    if not model:
        return False, 'empty model label'

    bdir = utils.model_tree_path(model)

    if not os.path.isdir(bdir):
        LOG.error(f'Model {model} not found')
        return False, 'model not found'

    # gets version number
    v = [int(x[-6:]) for x in os.listdir(bdir) if x.startswith("ver")]

    if not v:
        max_version = 0
        max_version = max(v)

    new_dir = bdir+'/ver%0.6d' % (max_version+1)

    if os.path.isdir(new_dir):
        LOG.error(f'Versin {v} of model {model} not found')
        return False, 'version already exists'

    src_path = bdir+'/dev'
    shutil.copytree(src_path, new_dir)
    LOG.info(f'New model version created from {src_path} to {new_dir}')
    return True, 'development version published as version '+str(max_version+1)
Exemple #2
def action_list(model):
    Lists available models (if no argument is provided)
     and model versions (if "model" is provided as argument)

    # TODO: if no argument is provided, also list all models
    if not model:
        rdir = utils.model_repository_path()

        num_models = 0
        models = []
        print(' Models found in repository:')
        for x in os.listdir(rdir):
            num_models += 1
            print('\t- ', x)
        LOG.debug(f'Retrieved list of models from {rdir}')
        return True, ''

    bdir = utils.model_tree_path(model)

    num_versions = 0
    for x in os.listdir(bdir):
        if x.startswith("ver"):

            num_versions += 1
            print(model, ':', x)

    LOG.info(f'model {model} has {num_versions} published versions')
    return True, 'model '+model+' has '+str(num_versions)+' published versions'
Exemple #3
def action_export(model):
    Exports the whole model tree indicated in the argument as a single
    tarball file with the same name.

    if not model:
        return False, 'Empty model label'

    current_path = os.getcwd()
    exportfile = os.path.join(current_path, model + '.tgz')

    base_path = utils.model_tree_path(model)

    if not os.path.isdir(base_path):
        return False, 'Unable to export, endpoint directory not found'

    # change to model repository to tar the file from there

    itemend = os.listdir()

    with tarfile.open(exportfile, 'w:gz') as tar:
        for iversion in itemend:
            if not os.path.isdir(iversion):

    # return to current directory

    LOG.info(f'Model {model} exported as {model}.tgz')
    return True, f'Model {model} exported as {model}.tgz'
Exemple #4
def action_export(model):
    Exports the whole model tree indicated in the argument as a single
    tarball file with the same name.

    if not model:
        return False, 'empty model label'

    current_path = os.getcwd()
    exportfile = current_path+'/'+model+'.tgz'

    bdir = utils.model_tree_path(model)

    if not os.path.isdir(bdir):
        LOG.error('Unable to export, model directory not found')
        return False, 'endpoint directory not found'


    itemend = os.listdir()

    with tarfile.open(exportfile, 'w:gz') as tar:
        for iversion in itemend:
            if not os.path.isdir(iversion):

    LOG.info('Model exported as {}.tgz'.format(model))
    return True, 'endpoint '+model+' exported as '+model+'.tgz'
Exemple #5
def action_dir():
    Returns a JSON with the list of models and versions
    # get de model repo path
    models_path = pathlib.Path(utils.model_repository_path())

    # get directories in model repo path
    dirs = [x for x in models_path.iterdir() if x.is_dir()]

    # if dir contains dev/ -> is model (NAIVE APPROACH)
    # get last dir name [-1]: model name
    model_dirs = [d.parts[-1] for d in dirs if list(d.glob('dev'))]

    results = []
    for imodel in model_dirs:

        # versions = ['dev']
        versions = [{'text': 'dev'}]

        for iversion in os.listdir(utils.model_tree_path(imodel)):
            if iversion.startswith('ver'):
                # versions.append (iversion)
                versions.append({'text': iversion})

        # results.append ((imodel,versions))
        results.append({'text': imodel, 'nodes': versions})

    return True, json.dumps(results)
Exemple #6
def action_list(model):
    In no argument is provided lists all models present at the repository 
     otherwyse lists all versions for the model provided as argument

    # if no model name is provided, just list the model names
    if not model:
        rdir = utils.model_repository_path()

        num_models = 0
        LOG.info('Models found in repository:')
        for x in os.listdir(rdir):
            xpath = os.path.join(rdir, x)
            # discard if the item is not a directory
            if not os.path.isdir(xpath):
            # discard if the directory does not contain a 'dev' directory inside
            if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(xpath, 'dev')):
            num_models += 1
            LOG.info('\t' + x)
        LOG.debug(f'Retrieved list of models from {rdir}')
        return True, f'{num_models} models found'

    # if a model name is provided, list versions
    base_path = utils.model_tree_path(model)

    num_versions = 0
    for x in os.listdir(base_path):
        if x.startswith("ver"):
            num_versions += 1
            LOG.info(f'\t{model} : {x}')

    return True, f'Model {model} has {num_versions} published versions'
Exemple #7
def action_dir():
    Returns a JSON with the list of models and versions
    # get de model repo path
    models_path = pathlib.Path(utils.model_repository_path())

    # get directories in model repo path
    dirs = [x for x in models_path.iterdir() if x.is_dir()]

    # if dir contains dev/ -> is model (NAIVE APPROACH)
    # get last dir name [-1]: model name
    model_dirs = [d.parts[-1] for d in dirs if list(d.glob('dev'))]

    results = []
    for imodel in model_dirs:
        idict = {}
        idict ["modelname"] = imodel
        versions = [0]

        for iversion in os.listdir(utils.model_tree_path(imodel)):
            if iversion.startswith('ver'):

        idict ["versions"] = versions

    #print (json.dumps(results))
    return True, json.dumps(results)
Exemple #8
def action_new(model):
    Create a new model tree, using the given name.
    This creates the development version "dev",
    copying inside default child classes

    if not model:
        return False, 'empty model label'

    # importlib does not allow using 'test' and issues a misterious error when we
    # try to use this name. This is a simple workaround to prevent creating models 
    # with this name 
    if model == 'test':
        #LOG.warning(f'the name "test" is disallowed, please use any other name')
        return False, 'the name "test" is disallowed, please use any other name'

    # Model directory with /dev (default) level
    ndir = pathlib.Path(utils.model_tree_path(model)) / 'dev'

    # check if there is already a tree for this endpoint
    if ndir.exists():
        #LOG.warning(f'Endpoint {model} already exists')
        return False, f'Endpoint {model} already exists'

        LOG.debug(f'{ndir} created')
        return False, f'Unable to create path for {model} endpoint'

    # Copy classes skeletons to ndir
    wkd = pathlib.Path(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
    children_names = ['apply', 'idata', 'odata', 'learn']

    for cname in children_names:
        filename = cname + '_child.py'
        src_path = wkd / 'children' / filename
        dst_path = ndir / filename
            shutil.copy(src_path, dst_path)
            return False, f'Unable to copy {cname} file'

    LOG.debug(f'copied class skeletons from {src_path} to {dst_path}')
    # copy parameter yml file
    params_path = wkd / 'children/parameters.yaml'
    shutil.copy(params_path, ndir)

    # copy documentation yml file
    documentation_path = wkd / 'children/documentation.yaml'
    shutil.copy(documentation_path, ndir)

    LOG.info(f'New endpoint {model} created')
    #print(f'New endpoint {model} created')
    return True, 'new endpoint '+model+' created'
Exemple #9
def action_dir():
    Returns a list of models and versions
    # get de model repo path
    models_path = pathlib.Path(utils.model_repository_path())
    if models_path.is_dir() is False:
        return False, 'the model repository path does not exist. Please run "flame -c config".'

    # get directories in model repo path
    dirs = [x for x in models_path.iterdir() if x.is_dir()]

    # if dir contains dev/ -> is model (NAIVE APPROACH)
    # get last dir name [-1]: model name
    model_dirs = [d.parts[-1] for d in dirs if list(d.glob('dev'))]

    label_defaults = {
        'maturity': 'dev',
        'type': 'unk',
        'subtype': 'unk',
        'endpoint': 'unk',
        'species': 'unk'
    results = []
    for imodel in model_dirs:
        idict = {}
        idict["modelname"] = imodel
        idict["version"] = 0
        idict["info"] = action_info(imodel, 0, output=None)[1]
        success, label = action_label(imodel, 0, oformat='object')
        if success:
            idict["label"] = label
            idict["label"] = label_defaults


        for iversion in os.listdir(utils.model_tree_path(imodel)):
            if iversion.startswith('ver'):
                idict = {}
                idict["modelname"] = imodel
                idict["version"] = utils.modeldir2ver(iversion)
                idict["info"] = action_info(imodel,
                success, label = action_label(imodel,
                if success:
                    idict["label"] = label
                    idict["label"] = label_defaults

    # print (results)
    return True, results
Exemple #10
def action_kill(model):
    removes the model tree described by the argument

    if not model:
        return False, 'empty model label'

    ndir = utils.model_tree_path(model)

    if not os.path.isdir(ndir):
        LOG.error(f'Model {model} not found')
        return False, 'model not found'

    shutil.rmtree(ndir, ignore_errors=True)

    LOG.info(f'Model {model} removed')
    return True, 'model '+model+' removed'
Exemple #11
def action_import(model):
    Creates a new model tree from a tarbal file with the name "model.tgz"

    if not model:
        return False, 'empty model label'

    # convert model to endpoint string
    base_model = os.path.basename(model)
    endpoint = os.path.splitext(base_model)[0]
    ext = os.path.splitext(base_model)[1]

    bdir = utils.model_tree_path(endpoint)

    if os.path.isdir(bdir):
        LOG.error(f'Endpoint already exists: {model}')
        return False, 'endpoint already exists'

    if ext != '.tgz':
        importfile = os.path.abspath(model+'.tgz')
        importfile = model

    LOG.info('importing {}'.format(importfile))

    if not os.path.isfile(importfile):
        LOG.info('importing package {} not found'.format(importfile))
        return False, 'importing package '+importfile+' not found'

    except Exception as e:
        LOG.error(f'error creating directory {bdir}: {e}')
        raise e
        # return False, 'error creating directory '+bdir

    with tarfile.open(importfile, 'r:gz') as tar:
    LOG.info('Endpoint {} imported OK'.format(endpoint))
    return True, 'endpoint '+endpoint+' imported OK'
Exemple #12
def action_import(model):
    Creates a new model tree from a tarbal file with the name "model.tgz"

    if not model:
        return False, 'Empty model label'

    # convert model to endpoint string
    base_model = os.path.basename(model)
    endpoint = os.path.splitext(base_model)[0]
    ext = os.path.splitext(base_model)[1]

    base_path = utils.model_tree_path(endpoint)

    if os.path.isdir(base_path):
        return False, f'Endpoint {endpoint} already exists'

    if ext != '.tgz':
        importfile = os.path.abspath(model + '.tgz')
        importfile = model

    LOG.info(f'Importing {importfile} ...')

    if not os.path.isfile(importfile):
        LOG.info(f'Importing package {importfile} not found')
        return False, f'Importing package {importfile} not found'

    except Exception as e:
        return False, f'error creating directory {base_path}: {e}'

    with tarfile.open(importfile, 'r:gz') as tar:

    LOG.info(f'Endpoint {endpoint} imported OK')
    return True, 'Endpoint ' + endpoint + ' imported OK'
Exemple #13
def action_kill(model):
    removes the model tree described by the argument

    if not model:
        return False, 'Empty model name'

    ndir = utils.model_tree_path(model)

    if not os.path.isdir(ndir):
        #LOG.error(f'Model {model} not found')
        return False, f'Model {model} not found'

        shutil.rmtree(ndir, ignore_errors=True)
        return False, f'Failed to remove model {model}'

    LOG.info(f'Model {model} removed')
    #print(f'Model {model} removed')
    return True, f'Model {model} removed'
Exemple #14
def action_publish(model):
    clone the development "dev" version as a new model version,
     assigning a sequential version number

    if not model:
        return False, 'Empty model label'

    base_path = utils.model_tree_path(model)

    if not os.path.isdir(base_path):
        #LOG.error(f'Model {model} not found')
        return False, f'Model {model} not found'

    # gets version number
    v = [int(x[-6:]) for x in os.listdir(base_path) if x.startswith("ver")]

    if not v:
        max_version = 0
        max_version = max(v)

    new_path = os.path.join(base_path, f'ver{max_version+1:06}')

    if os.path.isdir(new_path):
        #LOG.error(f'Versin {v} of model {model} not found')
        return False, f'Version {max_version+1} of model {model} already exists'

    src_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'dev')

        shutil.copytree(src_path, new_path)
        return False, f'Unable to copy contents of dev version for model {model}'

    LOG.info(f'New model version created from {src_path} to {new_path}')
    return True, f'New model version created from {src_path} to {new_path}'
Exemple #15
def action_refresh(model=None, version=None):
    Rebuild one or many models making use of existing parameter files and
    locally stored training series. 

    import flame.context as context
    from flame.parameters import Parameters
    import logging

    # list endpoints relevant for the arguments
    if model is not None:
        model_list = [model]
        model_root = pathlib.Path(utils.model_repository_path())
        model_list = [x.stem for x in model_root.iterdir() if x.is_dir()]

    # list versions relevant for the arguments
    task_list = []
    for imodel in model_list:
        if version is not None:
            task_list.append((imodel, version))
            model_root = pathlib.Path(utils.model_tree_path(imodel))
            itask_list = [(imodel, utils.modeldir2ver(x.stem))
                          for x in model_root.iterdir() if x.is_dir()]
            task_list += itask_list  # use "+=" and not "append" to merge the new list with the old one

    # analize task_list and add at the end ensemble models
    # this is needed to have low models refreshed BEFORE refreshing the high models
    # eliminating the need to refresh them recursively
    LOG.info("Analyzing and sorting models...")

    # make sure the lower models are in task_list and, if not, force the inclussion
    for itask in task_list:
        param = Parameters()
        success, results = param.loadYaml(itask[0], itask[1])

        if not success:

        if param.getVal('input_type') == 'model_ensemble':
            ens_nams = param.getVal('ensemble_names')
            ens_vers = param.getVal('ensemble_versions')
            for i in range(len(ens_nams)):
                iver = 0
                inam = ens_nams[i]
                if (i < len(ens_vers)):
                    iver = ens_vers[i]
                if ((inam, iver)) not in task_list:
                    task_list.append((inam, iver))

    # create separate lists for regular and ensemble models
    # and add ensemble models at the end
    # this needs to be carried out after the previos step because
    # some of the lower level models could be an ensemble model
    # itself
    mol_list = []
    ens_list = []
    for itask in task_list:
        param = Parameters()
        success, results = param.loadYaml(itask[0], itask[1])

        if not success:

        if param.getVal('input_type') == 'model_ensemble':

    task_list = mol_list + ens_list

    # show all models before stating
        "Starting model refreshing task for the following models and versions")
    for itask in task_list:
        LOG.info(f'   model: {itask[0]}   version: {itask[1]}')

    LOG.info("This can take some time, please be patient...")

    # now send the build command for each task
    for itask in task_list:

        if itask[1] != 0:
            # move version to /dev for building
            original_path = utils.model_path(itask[0], itask[1])  # veri
            destinat_path = utils.model_path(itask[0], 0)  # dev
            security_path = destinat_path + '_security'  # dev_sec
            shutil.move(destinat_path, security_path)  # dev --> dev_sec
            shutil.move(original_path, destinat_path)  # veri --> dev

            f'   refreshing model: {itask[0]}   version: {itask[1]} ({task_list.index(itask)+1} of {len(task_list)})...'

        # dissable LOG output

        command_build = {
            'endpoint': itask[0],
            'infile': None,
            'param_file': None,
            'incremental': False

        success, results = context.build_cmd(command_build)

        # enable LOG output

        if itask[1] != 0:
            shutil.move(destinat_path, original_path)  # dev --> veri
            shutil.move(security_path, destinat_path)  # dev_sec --> dev

        if not success:

    LOG.info("Model refreshing task finished")

    return True, 'OK'
Exemple #16
def action_import(model):
    Creates a new model tree from a tarbal file with the name "model.tgz"

    if not model:
        return False, 'Empty model label'

    # convert model to endpoint string
    base_model = os.path.basename(model)
    endpoint = os.path.splitext(base_model)[0]
    ext = os.path.splitext(base_model)[1]

    base_path = utils.model_tree_path(endpoint)

    if os.path.isdir(base_path):
        return False, f'Endpoint {endpoint} already exists'

    if ext != '.tgz':
        importfile = os.path.abspath(model + '.tgz')
        importfile = model

    LOG.info(f'Importing {importfile} ...')

    if not os.path.isfile(importfile):
        LOG.info(f'Importing package {importfile} not found')
        return False, f'Importing package {importfile} not found'

    except Exception as e:
        return False, f'Error creating directory {base_path}: {e}'

    with tarfile.open(importfile, 'r:gz') as tar:

    # get libraries

    message = f'Endpoint {endpoint} imported OK'
    compatible = True
    for x in os.listdir(base_path):
        model_path = os.path.join(base_path, x)
        model_pkl = os.path.join(model_path, 'estimator.pkl')
            with open(model_pkl, "rb") as input_file:
                dict_estimator = pickle.load(input_file)
        except FileNotFoundError:

        # check if the libraries used to build this model are similar to current libraries
        if 'libraries' in dict_estimator:
            # print (dict_estimator['libraries'])
            success, results = utils.compatible_modules(
            if not success:
                message = f"WARNING: Incompatible libraries detected, {results}. Use at your own risk"
                return False, message

        'Libraries used to generate the imported model are compatible with local libraries'
    return True, message
Exemple #17
def action_refresh(model=None, version=None, GUI=False):
    Rebuild one or many models making use of existing parameter files and
    locally stored training series. 

    import flame.context as context
    from flame.parameters import Parameters
    # from flame.documentation import Documentation
    import logging

    if GUI:
        token_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'refreshing_' + model)
        # update token file with content 'working'
        with open(token_file, 'w') as f:
            f.write('Analyzing and sorting models...')

    # list endpoints relevant for the arguments
    if model is not None:
        model_list = [model]
        model_root = pathlib.Path(utils.model_repository_path())
        model_list = [x.stem for x in model_root.iterdir() if x.is_dir()]

    # list versions relevant for the arguments
    task_list = []
    for imodel in model_list:

        if version is not None:
            task_list.append((imodel, version))
            model_root = pathlib.Path(utils.model_tree_path(imodel))
            itask_list = [(imodel, utils.modeldir2ver(x.stem))
                          for x in model_root.iterdir() if x.is_dir()]
            task_list += itask_list  # use "+=" and not "append" to merge the new list with the old one

    # analize task_list and add at the end ensemble models
    # this is needed to have low models refreshed BEFORE refreshing the high models
    # eliminating the need to refresh them recursively
    LOG.info("Analyzing and sorting models...")

    # make sure the lower models are in task_list and, if not, force the inclussion
    for itask in task_list:
        param = Parameters()
        success, results = param.loadYaml(itask[0], itask[1])

        if not success:

        if param.getVal('input_type') == 'model_ensemble':
            ens_nams = param.getVal('ensemble_names')
            ens_vers = param.getVal('ensemble_versions')
            for i in range(len(ens_nams)):
                iver = 0
                inam = ens_nams[i]
                if (i < len(ens_vers)):
                    iver = ens_vers[i]
                if ((inam, iver)) not in task_list:
                    task_list.append((inam, iver))

    # create separate lists for regular and ensemble models
    # and add ensemble models at the end
    # this needs to be carried out after the previos step because
    # some of the lower level models could be an ensemble model
    # itself
    mol_list = []
    ens_list = []
    for itask in task_list:
        param = Parameters()
        success, results = param.loadYaml(itask[0], itask[1])

        if not success:

        if param.getVal('input_type') == 'model_ensemble':

    task_list = mol_list + ens_list

    # show all models before stating
        "Starting model refreshing task for the following models and versions")
    for itask in task_list:
        LOG.info(f'   model: {itask[0]}   version: {itask[1]}')

    LOG.info("This can take some time, please be patient...")

    source_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    children_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, 'children')
    master_parameters = os.path.join(children_dir, 'parameters.yaml')
    master_documentation = os.path.join(children_dir, 'documentation.yaml')

    # now send the build command for each task
    for itask in task_list:

        destinat_path = utils.model_path(itask[0], 0)  # dev

        if itask[1] != 0:
            # move version to /dev for building
            original_path = utils.model_path(itask[0], itask[1])  # veri
            security_path = destinat_path + '_security'  # dev_sec
            shutil.move(destinat_path, security_path)  # dev --> dev_sec
            shutil.move(original_path, destinat_path)  # veri --> dev

            f'   refreshing model: {itask[0]}   version: {itask[1]} ({task_list.index(itask)+1} of {len(task_list)})...'
        if GUI:
            with open(token_file, 'w') as f:
                    f'model: {itask[0]} version: {itask[1]} ({task_list.index(itask)+1} of {len(task_list)})'

        # dissable LOG output

        # update parameters
        dump_parameters = os.path.join(destinat_path, 'parameters_dump.yaml')
        success, param = action_parameters(itask[0], 0, oformat='bin')
        if success:
            param_yaml = param.dumpYAML()
            with open(dump_parameters, 'w') as f:
                for line in param_yaml:
                    f.write(line + '\n')
                '   ERROR: unable to merge parameters for model: {itask[0]}   version: {itask[1]}'
            dump_parameters = None

        original_parameters = os.path.join(destinat_path, 'parameters.yaml')
        shutil.copy(master_parameters, original_parameters)

        #update documentation
        dump_documentation = os.path.join(destinat_path,
        success, documentation = action_documentation(itask[0],

        original_documentation = os.path.join(destinat_path,
        shutil.copy(master_documentation, original_documentation)

        if success:
            documentation_yaml = documentation.dumpYAML()
            with open(dump_documentation, 'w') as f:
                for line in documentation_yaml:
                    line = line.encode("ascii", "ignore")
                    line = line.decode("ascii", "ignore")
                    f.write(line + '\n')
            s2, documentation = action_documentation(itask[0],
            s3, r3 = documentation.delta(itask[0], 0, dump_documentation)
                '   ERROR: unable to merge documentation for model: {itask[0]}   version: {itask[1]}'

        # rebuild the model
        command_build = {
            'endpoint': itask[0],
            'infile': None,
            'param_file': dump_parameters,
            'incremental': False

        success, results = context.build_cmd(command_build)

        # enable LOG output

        if itask[1] != 0:
            shutil.move(destinat_path, original_path)  # dev --> veri
            shutil.move(security_path, destinat_path)  # dev_sec --> dev

        if not success:

    LOG.info("Model refreshing task finished")

    if GUI:
        # update token file with status 'ready'
        with open(token_file, 'w') as f:

    return True, 'OK'
Exemple #18
def action_export(model, version=0):
    Exports the whole model tree indicated in the argument as a single
    tarball file with the same name.

    confidential_files = [
        'confidential_model.yaml', 'confidential_preprocess.yaml',
        'parameters.yaml', 'documentation.yaml'
    if not model:
        return False, 'Empty model label'

    current_path = os.getcwd()

    base_path = utils.model_tree_path(model)
    if not os.path.isdir(base_path):
        return False, 'Unable to export, endpoint directory not found'

    # change to model repository to tar the file from there

    confidential = False

    # single version export
    if version != 0:
        compressedname = f'{model}_v{version:06d}.tgz'
        compressedfile = os.path.join(current_path, compressedname)
        iversion = f'ver{version:06d}'

        if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(iversion, 'confidential_model.yaml'))):
            confidential = True
            with tarfile.open(compressedfile, 'w:gz') as tar:
                for ifile in confidential_files:
                    ipath = os.path.join(iversion, ifile)
                    if os.path.isfile(ipath):
            with tarfile.open(compressedfile, 'w:gz') as tar:
        compressedname = model + '.tgz'
        compressedfile = os.path.join(current_path, compressedname)
        itemend = os.listdir()

        # t1 = time.time()

        with tarfile.open(compressedfile, 'w:gz') as tar:
            for iversion in itemend:
                if not os.path.isdir(iversion):

    # print (time.time()-t1)

    # touch a file o indicate that the compressed file is ready
    file = open(os.path.join(current_path, model + '.completed'), 'w')

    # return to current directory

    message = ''
    if confidential:
        message = f'Model {model} version {version} was exported in CONFIDENTIAL mode as {compressedname}'
        if version != 0:
            message = f'Model {model} version {version} was exported as {compressedname}'
            message = f'All the versions for model {model} were exported as {compressedname}'

    return True, message
Exemple #19
def action_import(model):
    Creates a new model tree from a tarbal file with the name "model.tgz"
    import re

    if not model:
        return False, 'Empty model label'

    # convert model to endpoint string
    base_model = os.path.basename(model)
    endpoint = os.path.splitext(base_model)[0]

    # find version in case of single version exports
    version = None
    if re.match("_v[0-9]{6}", endpoint[-8:]):
        version = int(endpoint[-6:])
        endpoint = endpoint[:-8]

    ext = os.path.splitext(base_model)[1]
    base_path = utils.model_tree_path(endpoint)

    # safety checks
    if os.path.isdir(base_path):
        return False, f'Endpoint {endpoint} already exists'

    if ext != '.tgz':
        importfile = os.path.abspath(model + '.tgz')
        importfile = model

    LOG.info(f'Importing {importfile} ...')

    if not os.path.isfile(importfile):
        LOG.info(f'Importing package {importfile} not found')
        return False, f'Importing package {importfile} not found'

    confidential = False

    # create directory
    except Exception as e:
        return False, f'Error creating directory {base_path}: {e}'

    # unpack tar.gz. This is done for any kind of export file
    with tarfile.open(importfile, 'r:gz') as tar:

    # when importing a single version we need to clone the last folder to 'dev'
    inner_dirs = os.listdir(base_path)
    if not 'dev' in inner_dirs and version is not None:

        # assign single version using file name
        version_dir = f'ver{version:06d}'

        # as a fallback assign the last internal folder
        if not os.path.isdir(version_dir):
            version_dir = inner_dirs[-1]

        version_path = os.path.join(base_path, version_dir)
        confidential_model = os.path.join(version_path,

        # check if it is a confidential model
        if (os.path.isfile(confidential_model)):

            confidential = True

            flame_source = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
            children_source = os.path.join(flame_source, 'children')
            children_names = [
                'apply', 'idata', 'odata', 'learn', 'slearn', 'sapply'

            for cname in children_names:
                cpath = os.path.join(children_source, cname + '_child.py')
                shutil.copy(cpath, version_path)
                LOG.info(f'Adding local children: {cpath} ...')

            # open confidential_model.yaml
            with open(confidential_model, 'r') as fc:
                cmodel = yaml.safe_load(fc)

            # create model-results.pkl
            model_building_info = [('nobj', '', cmodel['nobj'])]
            model_building_info += [('nvarx', '', cmodel['nvarx'])]
            model_building_info += [('model', '', cmodel['model'])]

            model_type_info = [('quantitative', '', cmodel['quantitative'])]
            model_type_info += [('conformal', '', cmodel['conformal'])]
            model_type_info += [('conformal_confidence', '',
            model_type_info += [('ensemble', '', False)]
            model_type_info += [('ensemble_names', '', [])]
            model_type_info += [('ensemble_versions', '', [])]
            model_type_info += [('confidential', '', True)]
            model_type_info += [('secret', '', True)]

            if cmodel['quantitative']:
                model_validation_info = [('R2', '', cmodel['R2'])]
                model_validation_info += [('Q2', '', cmodel['Q2'])]
                model_validation_info += [('SDEC', '', cmodel['SDEC'])]
                model_validation_info += [('SDEP', '', cmodel['SDEP'])]
                model_validation_info += [('scoringP', '', cmodel['scoringP'])]
                model_validation_info += [('scoringR', '', cmodel['scoringR'])]
                model_validation_info = [('MCC_f', '', cmodel['MCC_f'])]
                model_validation_info += [('MCC', '', cmodel['MCC'])]
                model_validation_info += [('Sensitivity_f', '',
                model_validation_info += [('Sensitivity', '',
                model_validation_info += [('Specificity_f', '',
                model_validation_info += [('Specificity', '',
                model_validation_info += [('FP_f', '', cmodel['FP_f'])]
                model_validation_info += [('FP', '', cmodel['FP'])]
                model_validation_info += [('FN_f', '', cmodel['FN_f'])]
                model_validation_info += [('FN', '', cmodel['FN'])]
                model_validation_info += [('TP_f', '', cmodel['TP_f'])]
                model_validation_info += [('TP', '', cmodel['TP'])]
                model_validation_info += [('TN_f', '', cmodel['TN_f'])]
                model_validation_info += [('TN', '', cmodel['TN'])]

            conveyor = Conveyor()
            conveyor.addMeta('modelID', cmodel['modelID'])
            conveyor.addMeta('endpoint', endpoint)
            conveyor.addMeta('version', version)
            conveyor.addMeta('quantitative', True)
            conveyor.addMeta('secret', True)

            conveyor.addVal(model_building_info, 'model_build_info',
                            'model building information', 'method', 'single',
                            'Information about the model building')
            conveyor.addVal(model_validation_info, 'model_valid_info',
                            'model validation information', 'method', 'single',
                            'Information about the model validation')
            conveyor.addVal(model_type_info, 'model_type_info',
                            'model type information', 'method', 'single',
                            'Information about the model type')

            results_file_name = os.path.join(version_path, 'model-results.pkl')
            with open(results_file_name, 'wb') as handle:

            meta_file_name = os.path.join(version_path, 'model-meta.pkl')
            with open(meta_file_name, 'wb') as handle:
                pickle.dump(cmodel['modelID'], handle)
                pickle.dump(None, handle)
                pickle.dump(None, handle)
                pickle.dump(model_building_info, handle)
                pickle.dump(model_validation_info, handle)
                pickle.dump(model_type_info, handle)

        # clone the version in dev
        shutil.copytree(version_path, os.path.join(base_path, 'dev'))
        LOG.info(f'Cloning version {version} to version 0 ...')

    if confidential:
            f'Import of CONFIDENTIAL model {model} version {version} was successfull'
        return True, 'OK'

    # get libraries
    message = f'Endpoint {endpoint} imported OK'
    for x in os.listdir(base_path):
        model_path = os.path.join(base_path, x)
        model_pkl = os.path.join(model_path, 'estimator.pkl')
        dict_estimator = {}
        if os.path.isfile(model_pkl):
            with open(model_pkl, "rb") as input_file:
                    dict_estimator = pickle.load(input_file)
                except Exception as e:
                    return False, f'Incompatible libraries found!. Import aborted with message "{str(e)}"'

        # check if the libraries used to build this model are similar to current libraries
        if 'libraries' in dict_estimator:
            # print (dict_estimator['libraries'])
            success, results = utils.compatible_modules(
            if not success:
                message = f"WARNING: Incompatible libraries detected, {results}. Use at your own risk"
                return False, message

        'Libraries used to generate the imported model are compatible with local libraries'
    return True, message