def validate_job_settings(self, job, *, _must_have_filepath=False):
        """Ensure that the job uses format=OPEN_EXR."""
        from flamenco import exceptions

        job_id_str = job.get('_id', '')
        if job_id_str:
            job_id_str = f'{job_id_str} '
        if job['settings'].get('cycles_num_chunks'):
            # End of January 2019 we changed how progressive rendering works.
            # Users no longer provide the number of chunks, but the maximum
            # number of samples per render task.
            raise exceptions.JobSettingError(
                f'Job {job_id_str}was created using outdated Blender Cloud add-on, please upgrade.'


        render_format = job['settings']['format']
        if render_format.upper() not in {'OPEN_EXR', 'EXR'}:
            raise exceptions.JobSettingError(
                f'Job {job_id_str}must use format="OPEN_EXR", not {render_format!r}'

        # This is quite a limitation, but makes our code to predict the
        # filename that Blender will use a lot simpler.
        render_output = job['settings']['render_output']
        if not render_output.endswith('######') or render_output.endswith(
            raise exceptions.JobSettingError(
                'Setting "render_output" must end in exactly 6 "#" marks.')
    def validate_job_settings(self, job: dict, *, _must_have_filepath=False):

        # For compilation we really need to have the filepath setting.
        # Missing it is only valid when status='waiting-for-files'.
        if 'filepath' in job['settings']:
            filepath = job['settings']['filepath']
            if not isinstance(filepath, str):
                raise exceptions.JobSettingError(
                    f'filepath should be a string, not {filepath!r}')
            if not filepath.lower().endswith('.blend'):
                raise exceptions.JobSettingError(
                    f'filepath should end in .blend, but is {filepath!r}')
        elif job['status'] != 'waiting-for-files' or _must_have_filepath:
            raise exceptions.JobSettingError("missing setting 'filepath'")
Exemple #3
    def validate_job_settings(self, job):
        """Raises an exception if required settings are missing.

        :raises: flamenco.exceptions.JobSettingError
        from pillarsdk import Resource

        job_settings = job['settings']
        if isinstance(job_settings, Resource):
            job_settings = job_settings.to_dict()

        missing = [
            key for key in self.REQUIRED_SETTINGS if key not in job_settings

        if not missing:

        from flamenco import exceptions
        job_id = job.get('_id', '')
        if job_id:
            job_id = ' ' + job_id
        if len(missing) == 1:
            setting = 'setting'
            setting = 'settings'

        raise exceptions.JobSettingError('Job%s is missing required %s: %s' %
                                         (job_id, setting, ', '.join(missing)))
    def validate_job_settings(self, job: dict):
        """Raises an exception if required settings are missing.

        :raises: flamenco.exceptions.JobSettingError

        if not isinstance(job, dict):
            raise TypeError('job should be a dict, not %s' % type(job))

        job_settings = job['settings']

        missing = [
            key for key in self.REQUIRED_SETTINGS if key not in job_settings

        if not missing:

        from flamenco import exceptions
        job_id = job.get('_id') or ''
        if job_id:
            job_id = ' %s' % job_id
        if len(missing) == 1:
            setting = 'setting'
            setting = 'settings'

        raise exceptions.JobSettingError('Job%s is missing required %s: %s' %
                                         (job_id, setting, ', '.join(missing)))
    def validate_job_settings(self, job: dict, *, _must_have_filepath=False):

        if not isinstance(job, dict):
            raise TypeError('job should be a dict, not %s' % type(job))

        fps = job['settings'].get('fps')
        if fps is not None and not isinstance(fps, (int, float)):
            raise exceptions.JobSettingError(
                f'Job {job["_id"]} has non-numerical "fps" setting {fps!r}')

        rna_overrides = job['settings'].get('rna_overrides') or []
        if not all(isinstance(override, str) for override in rna_overrides):
            raise exceptions.JobSettingError(
                f'Job {job["_id"]} has non-string element in '
                f'"rna_overrides" setting {rna_overrides!r}')
Exemple #6
    def validate_job_settings(self, job):

        if hasattr(job, 'to_dict'):
            job = job.to_dict()

        img_or_vid = job['settings']['images_or_video']
        if img_or_vid != 'video':
            raise exceptions.JobSettingError(
                f'Job {job["_id"]} is rendering {img_or_vid}, but job type requires video'

        extract_audio = job['settings']['extract_audio']
        if not isinstance(extract_audio, bool):
            raise exceptions.JobSettingError(
                f'Job {job["_id"]} setting "extract_audio" is {extract_audio!r},'
                f' expected a boolean')
Exemple #7
    def validate_job_settings(self, job):
        """Ensure that the job uses format=EXR."""

        from flamenco import exceptions

        render_format = job['settings']['format']
        if render_format.upper() != 'EXR':
            raise exceptions.JobSettingError(
                'Job %s must use format="EXR", not %r' %
                (job['_id'], render_format))

        # This is quite a limitation, but makes our code to predict the
        # filename that Blender will use a lot simpler.
        render_output = job['settings']['render_output']
        if not render_output.endswith('######') or render_output.endswith(
            raise exceptions.JobSettingError(
                'Setting "render_output" must end in exactly 6 "#" marks.')
    def validate_job_settings(self, job):

        if hasattr(job, 'to_dict'):
            job = job.to_dict()

        filepath = job['settings']['filepath']
        if not filepath.lower().endswith('.blend'):
            raise exceptions.JobSettingError(
                f'filepath should end in .blend, but is {filepath!r}')

        fps = job['settings'].get('fps')
        if fps is not None and not isinstance(fps, (int, float)):
            raise exceptions.JobSettingError(
                f'Job {job["_id"]} has non-numerical "fps" setting {fps!r}')

        rna_overrides = job['settings'].get('rna_overrides') or []
        if not all(isinstance(override, str) for override in rna_overrides):
            raise exceptions.JobSettingError(
                f'Job {job["_id"]} has non-string element in '
                f'"rna_overrides" setting {rna_overrides!r}')