Exemple #1
    def test_declination_sensitivity(self):

        logging.info("Testing 'standard' LLH class")

        # Test three declinations

        for j, sindec in enumerate(sindecs):

            unblind_dict = {
                "name": "tests/test_llh_standard/",
                "mh_name": "fixed_weights",
                "dataset": icecube_ps_3_year.get_seasons("IC86-2011"),
                "catalogue": ps_catalogue_name(sindec),
                "llh_dict": llh_dict,

            ub = create_unblinder(unblind_dict)
            key = [x for x in ub.res_dict.keys() if x != "TS"][0]
            res = ub.res_dict[key]

            logging.info("Best fit values {0}".format(list(res["x"])))
            logging.info("Reference best fit {0}".format(true_parameters[j]))

            for i, x in enumerate(res["x"]):
                self.assertAlmostEqual(x, true_parameters[j][i], delta=0.1)
Exemple #2
    "llh_sig_time_pdf": llh_time,
    "llh_bkg_time_pdf": {
        "time_pdf_name": "steady"

name = "analyses/benchmarks/ps_sens_7yr"

# sindecs = np.linspace(0.90, -0.90, 3)
sindecs = np.linspace(0.90, -0.90, 9)
# sindecs = np.linspace(0.5, -0.5, 3)

analyses = []

for sindec in sindecs:
    cat_path = ps_catalogue_name(sindec)

    subname = name + "/sindec=" + "{0:.2f}".format(sindec) + "/"

    scale = flux_to_k(reference_sensitivity(sindec)) * 5

    mh_dict = {
        "name": subname,
        "mh_name": "fixed_weights",
        "dataset": ps_v002_p01,
        "catalogue": cat_path,
        "inj_dict": inj_kwargs,
        "llh_dict": llh_kwargs,
        "scale": scale,
        "n_trials": 50,
        "n_steps": 10,
Exemple #3
                llh_dict = {
                    "name": "standard_overlapping",
                    "LLH Energy PDF": injection_energy,
                    "LLH Time PDF": injection_time,
                    "pull_name": pull_corrector,
                    "floor_name": floor,

                scale = flux_to_k(reference_sensitivity(sin_dec, gamma)) * 5

                mh_dict = {
                    "name": name,
                    "mh_name": "fixed_weights",
                    "datasets": [IC86_1_dict],
                    "catalogue": ps_catalogue_name(sin_dec),
                    "llh_dict": llh_dict,
                    "inj kwargs": inj_dict,
                    "n_trials": 20,
                    "n_steps": 15,
                    "scale": scale,

                pkl_file = make_analysis_pickle(mh_dict)

                # rd.submit_to_cluster(pkl_file, n_jobs=150)
                mh = MinimisationHandler.create(mh_dict)
                # mh.iterate_run(n_steps=2, n_trials=20, scale=scale)
                mh.run(10, scale=float(scale))
        "spline_path": spline_save_path
    # Outdated style, test for backwards-compatibility
        "Name": "PowerLaw",
        "Gamma": 3.0
        "Name": "Spline",
        "Spline Path": spline_save_path

true_parameters = [[1.35150508], [1.34119769], [1.35150508], [1.34119769]]

catalogue = ps_catalogue_name(-0.5)

class TestTimeIntegrated(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

    def test_declination_sensitivity(self):

        logging.info("Testing 'fixed_weight' MinimisationHandler class")

        for i, e_pdf_dict in enumerate(energy_pdfs):

            llh_dict = {
                "llh_name": "fixed_energy",
                "llh_sig_time_pdf": {
Exemple #5
    "energy_pdf_name": "power_law",
    "gamma": 2.0,

llh_time = {"time_pdf_name": "custom_source_box"}

unblind_llh = {
    "llh_name": "standard",
    "llh_sig_time_pdf": llh_time,
    "llh_bkg_time_pdf": {
        "time_pdf_name": "steady"
    "llh_energy_pdf": llh_energy,

cat_path = ps_catalogue_name(0.5)

unblind_dict = {
    "name": "tests/test_flare_search/",
    "mh_name": "flare",
    "dataset": icecube_ps_3_year.get_seasons("IC86-2011"),
    "catalogue": cat_path,
    "llh_dict": unblind_llh,

# Inspecting the neutrino lightcurve for this fixed-seed scramble confirms
# that the most significant flare is in a 14 day window. The best-fit
# parameters are shown below. As both the scrambling and fitting is
# deterministic, these values should be returned every time this test is run.

true_parameters = [
Exemple #6
                llh_dict = {
                    "name": "spatial",
                    "LLH Energy PDF": injection_energy,
                    "LLH Time PDF": injection_time,
                    "pull_name": pull_corrector,
                    "floor_name": floor

                # scale = flux_to_k(reference_sensitivity(sin_dec, gamma)) * 10

                mh_dict = {
                    "name": name,
                    "mh_name": "fixed_weights",
                    "datasets": [IC86_1_dict],
                    "catalogue": ps_catalogue_name(-0.2),
                    "llh_dict": llh_dict,
                    "inj kwargs": inj_dict,
                    "n_trials": 50,
                    "n_steps": 2,
                    "scale": 1.

                pkl_file = make_analysis_pickle(mh_dict)

                # rd.submit_to_cluster(pkl_file, n_jobs=50)
                # mh = MinimisationHandler.create(mh_dict_power_law)
                # mh.iterate_run(n_steps=2, n_trials=10)

import logging
from flarestack.data.public import icecube_ps_3_year
from flarestack.utils.prepare_catalogue import ps_catalogue_name
from flarestack.core.unblinding import create_unblinder
import unittest

llh_dict = {
    "llh_name": "spatial",
    "llh_sig_time_pdf": {"time_pdf_name": "steady"},
    "llh_bkg_time_pdf": {"time_pdf_name": "steady"},

source = ps_catalogue_name(0.0)

unblind_dict = {
    "name": "tests/test_llh_spatial/",
    "mh_name": "fixed_weights",
    "dataset": icecube_ps_3_year.get_seasons("IC86-2011"),
    "catalogue": ps_catalogue_name(0.5),
    "llh_dict": llh_dict,

true_parameters = [1.9587621795637824]

class TestSpatialLikelihood(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

    def test_spatial(self):
        logging.info("Testing 'spatial' LLH class")