class VirtualNetwork(Schema): networkResourceId = fields.String( required=True, description='Identifier of the virtualised network resource.') networkResourceName = fields.String( required=True, description='Name of the virtualised network resource.') subnet = fields.String( required=True, many=True, description='Only present if the network provides layer 3 ' 'connectivity.') networkPort = fields.Nested( VirtualNetworkPort, required=True, many=True, description='Element providing information of an instantiated virtual ' 'network port.') bandwidth = fields.Number( required=True, description='Minimum network bandwidth (in Mbps).') networkType = fields.Str( required=True, description='The type of network that maps to the virtualised ' 'network. This list is extensible. Examples are: "local", ' '"vlan", "vxlan", "gre", "l3-vpn", etc. The cardinality ' 'can be "0" to cover the case where this attribute is not ' 'required to create the virtualised network.') segmentType = fields.Str( required=True, description='The isolated segment for the virtualised network. For ' 'instance, for a "vlan" networkType, it corresponds to ' 'the vlan identifier; and for a "gre" networkType, this ' 'corresponds to a gre key. The cardinality can be "0" to ' 'allow for flat networks without any specific ' 'segmentation.') networkQoS = fields.Nested( NetworkQoS, many=True, required=True, description='Element providing information about Quality of Service ' 'attributes that the network shall support. The ' 'cardinality can be "0" to allow for networks without any ' 'specified QoS requirements.') isShared = fields.Bool( required=True, description='It defines whether the virtualised network is shared ' 'among consumers.') sharingCriteria = fields.Str( required=True, description='Only present for shared networks. Indicate the sharing ' 'criteria for this network. This criteria might be a list ' 'of authorized consumers.') zoneId = fields.String( required=True, description='If present, it identifies the Resource Zone where the ' 'virtual network resources have been allocated.') operationalState = fields.String( required=True, description='The operational state of the virtualised network.')
class OrbitSchema(Schema): """ "orbitCategory": "airportRide", "eventRef": "testeventref1", "userTicketPairs": { }, "chatroomRef": "testchatroomref1", "costEstimate": 987654321, "status": 1 TODO: implement """ orbitCategory = fields.String() chatroomRef = fields.String() costEstimate = fields.Number() status = fields.Number()
class VirtualCompute(Schema): """Attributes for the VirtualCompute information element.""" computeId = fields.Str( required=True, description='Identifier of the virtualised compute resource.') computeName = fields.Str( required=True, description='Name of the virtualised compute resource.') flavourId = fields.Str( required=True, description='Identifier of the given compute flavour used to ' 'instantiate this virtual compute.') accelerationCapability = fields.List( fields.String(), required=True, description='Selected acceleration capabilities (e.g. crypto, GPU) ' 'from the set of capabilities offered by the compute node ' 'acceleration resources. The cardinality can be 0, if no ' 'particular acceleration capability is provided.') virtualCpu = fields.Nested( VirtualCpu, required=True, description='The virtual CPU(s) of the virtualised compute.') virtualMemory = fields.Nested( VirtualMemory, required=True, description='The virtual memory of the compute.') virtualNetworkInterface = fields.Nested( VirtualNetworkInterface, required=True, many=True, description='Element with information of the instantiated virtual ' 'network interfaces of the compute resource.') virtualDisks = fields.Str( VirtualStorage, required=True, many=True, description='Element with information of the virtualised storage ' 'resources (volumes, ephemeral that are attached to the ' 'compute resource.)') vcImageId = fields.Str( required=True, description='Identifier of the virtualisation container software ' 'image (e.g. virtual machine image). Cardinality can be 0 ' 'if an "empty" virtualisation container is allocated.') zoneId = fields.Str( required=True, description='If present, it identifies the Resource Zone where the ' 'virtual compute resources have been allocated.') hostId = fields.Str( required=True, description='Identifier of the host the virtualised compute resource ' 'is allocated on.') operationalState = fields.Str( required=True, description='Operational state of the compute resource.')
class Query(Schema): color = fields.String(required=True, validate=OneOf(["white", "blue", "red"])) def swag_validation_function(self, data, main_def): self.load(data) def swag_validation_error_handler(self, err, data, main_def): abort(400, err) swag_in = "query"
class Body(Schema): color = fields.List(fields.String(), required=True, validate=Length(max=5), example=["white", "blue", "red"]) def swag_validation_function(self, data, main_def): self.load(data) def swag_validation_error_handler(self, err, data, main_def): abort(400, err)
class AvailableGradingSchema(Schema): id = fields.Integer(required=True) due_date = fields.Date(required=True) type_of_day = fields.String(required=True) tile_name = fields.String(required=True) time_interval = fields.Nested(TimeIntervalSchema, required=True)
class TimeIntervalSchema(Schema): time_description = fields.String(required=True) start = fields.Time(required=True) end = fields.Time(required=True)