def request(self, method, resource, access_token="", all_pages=False, **kw): if not access_token: raise ValueError("access_token is required") auth = "token %s" % access_token headers = kw.setdefault("headers", {}) headers["Authorization"] = auth return GitHub.request(self, method, resource, all_pages=all_pages, **kw)
def __init__(self,, *args, **kw): super(CarpentryHttpServer, self).__init__(*args, **kw) setup_logging(log_level) self.flask_app.config.from_object('carpentry.conf') self.github = GitHub(self.flask_app) self.prepare_services_integration()
def init_app(self, app): """ Initiate the extension on the application :param app: Flask Application :return: Blueprint for HookUI registered in app :rtype: Blueprint """ if not = app if not self.db: self.db = MongoEngine(app) if not self.api: self.api = GitHub(app) if not self.login_manager: self.login_manager = LoginManager(app) if not self.remote: self.remote = app.config["HOOKUI_REMOTE"] if not self.github_secret: self.github_secret = app.config["HOOKUI_GITHUB_SECRET"] if not self.hooktest_secret: self.hooktest_secret = app.config["HOOKUI_HOOKTEST_SECRET"] # Register token getter for github self.api.access_token_getter(self.github_token_getter) # Register the user loader for LoginManager self.login_manager.user_loader(self.login_manager_user_loader) self.init_blueprint() # Generate Instance models self.m_User, self.m_Repository, self.m_RepoTest, self.m_DocLogs, self.m_DocTest, self.m_DocUnitStatus = model_maker(self.db) return self.blueprint
class CarpentryHttpServer(Web): def __init__(self,, *args, **kw): super(CarpentryHttpServer, self).__init__(*args, **kw) setup_logging(log_level) self.flask_app.config.from_object('carpentry.conf') self.github = GitHub(self.flask_app) self.prepare_services_integration() def prepare_services_integration(self): self.setup_github_authentication() MODULES.clear() # self.collect_websocket_modules() self.collect_modules() def collect_websocket_modules(self): self.socket_io = SocketIO(self.flask_app) self.websockets = [] for event, handler in WEBSOCKET_HANDLERS.items(): register = self.socket_io.on(event) self.websockets.append(register(handler)) return self.websockets def setup_github_authentication(self): @self.flask_app.before_request def prepare_user(): carpentry_token = request.cookies.get('carpentry_token') g.user = User.from_carpentry_token(carpentry_token) @self.github.access_token_getter def token_getter(): user = g.user if user is not None: return user.github_access_token @self.flask_app.route('/oauth/') @self.github.authorized_handler def authorized(access_token): next_url = request.args.get('next') or conf.get_full_url('/') access_token = access_token or request.args.get('access_token') if access_token is None: logging.warning( "No access token retrieved, set the log level " "to debug and check flask-github's output. " "You likely set the wrong github client id " "and secret", access_token) return redirect(next_url) users = User.objects.filter(github_access_token=access_token) user_exists = len(users) > 0 if not user_exists: g.user = User( id=uuid.uuid1(), carpentry_token=uuid.uuid4(), github_access_token=access_token )"created new user %s", g.user) else: "User already exists with github_access_token %s %s", access_token, g.user) g.user = users[0] g.user.carpentry_token = uuid.uuid4() g.user.github_access_token = access_token logging.warning("authorized: %s - token: %s", g.user, access_token) response = redirect(next_url) response.set_cookie( 'carpentry_token', bytes(g.user.carpentry_token), ) return response @self.flask_app.route('/login', methods=["GET"]) def login(): response = self.github.authorize( scope='repo_deployment,repo,user,gist,write:repo_hook,repo:status,org:admin,admin:org_hook') return response @self.flask_app.route('/logout', methods=["GET"]) def logout(): response = redirect('/') if g.user: g.user.reset_token() response.set_cookie('carpentry_token', '', expires=0) return response
"""Split a full name after a slash to display only the projet name.""" return full_name.split('/')[1] @app.template_filter('text_color') def text_color(color): """Return 'black' if the color is light, else 'white'.""" red, green, blue = [ int(value, base=16) for value in (color[:2], color[2:4], color[4:])] if red * .2989 + green * .5870 + blue * 0.1140 > 128: return 'black' else: return 'white' github = GitHub(app) github.session = CacheControl(requests.session(), cache_etags=False) cache = {'users': {}, 'repos': {}} def date_from_iso(iso_date): if len(iso_date) > 10: localzone = pytz.timezone(app.config['TIMEZONE']) utczone = pytz.timezone('Etc/UTC') absolutedate = utczone.localize( datetime.strptime(iso_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')) localdate = absolutedate.astimezone(localzone) return return date(*[int(value) for value in iso_date[:10].split('-')])
from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(os.environ['APP_SETTINGS']) # set-up github oauth - if os.environ.has_key('GITHUB_CLIENT_ID') and\ os.environ.has_key('GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET'): # set app configuration variables to environment variables app.config['GITHUB_CLIENT_ID'] = os.environ['GITHUB_CLIENT_ID'] app.config['GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET'] = os.environ['GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET'] else: # set to None if they're not available app.config['GITHUB_CLIENT_ID'] = None app.config['GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET'] = None github = GitHub(app) from database_setup import Base, User, Provider, Course from datetime import datetime from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session if True: #os.environ['APP_SETTINGS'] == "config.DevelopmentConfig": engine = create_engine(os.environ['DATABASE_URL']) Base.metadata.bind = engine DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine)) db_session = DBSession() else: app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = os.environ['DATABASE_URL']
from bson.objectid import ObjectId logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO) app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='../templates', static_folder='../static') api = restful.Api(app) app.config['MONGO_URI'] = os.getenv('MONGO_URI', 'mongodb://localhost:27017') mongo = PyMongo(app) app.config['GITHUB_CLIENT_ID'] = os.getenv('GITHUB_CLIENT_ID') app.config['GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET'] = os.getenv('GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET') github_oauth = GitHub(app) @app.before_request def before_request(): g.user = None if 'user_id' in session: user = mongo.db.users.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(session['user_id'])}) g.user = user @github_oauth.access_token_getter def token_getter(): user = g.user if user is not None: user = user['github_access_token']
class HookUI(object): ROUTES = [ ('/', "r_index", ["GET"]), ('/login', "r_login", ["GET"]), ('/logout', "r_logout", ["GET"]), ('/api/github/callback', "r_github_oauth", ["GET"]), ('/api/github/payload', "r_github_payload", ["GET", "POST"]), ("/api/hooktest", "r_api_hooktest_endpoint", ["POST"]), ('/repo/<owner>/<repository>', "r_repository", ["GET", "POST"]), ('/repo/<owner>/<repository>/<uuid>', "r_repository_test", ["GET"]), ("/api/rest/v1.0/user/repositories", "r_api_user_repositories", ["GET", "POST"]), ("/api/rest/v1.0/user/repositories/<owner>/<repository>", "r_api_user_repository_switch", ["PUT"]), ('/api/rest/v1.0/code/<owner>/<repository>/status.svg', "r_repo_badge_status", ["GET"]), ('/api/rest/v1.0/code/<owner>/<repository>/cts.svg', "r_repo_cts_status", ["GET"]), ('/api/rest/v1.0/code/<owner>/<repository>/coverage.svg', "r_repo_badge_coverage", ["GET"]), ('/api/rest/v1.0/code/<owner>/<repository>/test', "r_api_test_generate_route", ["GET"]), ('/api/rest/v1.0/code/<owner>/<repository>', "r_api_repo_history", ["GET", "DELETE"]), ('/api/rest/v1.0/code/<owner>/<repository>/reset/<uuid>', "r_api_repo_test_reset", ["GET"]), ('/api/rest/v1.0/code/<owner>/<repository>/unit', "r_api_repo_unit_history", ["GET"]), ("/favicon.ico", "r_favicon", ["GET"]), ("/favicon/<icon>", "r_favicon_specific", ["GET"]) ] FILTERS = [ "f_nice_ref", "f_nice_branch", 'f_slugify', 'f_checked', 'f_btn', 'f_format_log', 'f_tei', 'f_epidoc', 'f_success_class', "f_success_class_table", "f_ctsized" ] VERBOSE = re.compile("(>>>>>>[^>]+)") PR_FINDER = re.compile("pull\/([0-9]+)\/head") def __init__(self, prefix="", mongo=None, github=None, login=None, remote=None, github_secret=None, hooktest_secret=None, static_folder=None, template_folder=None, app=None, name=None ): """ Initiate the class :param prefix: Prefix on which to install the extension :param mongo: Mongo Database to use :type mongo: MongoEngine :param github: GitHub extension for doing requests :type github: GitHub :param login: Login extension :type login: LoginManager :param static_folder: New static folder :param template_folder: New template folder :param app: Application on which to register :param name: Name to use for the blueprint """ self.__g = None = app = name self.blueprint = None self.db = mongo self.api = github self.login_manager = login self.remote = remote self.github_secret = github_secret self.hooktest_secret = hooktest_secret self.prefix = prefix self.objects_per_page = 20 self.static_folder = static_folder if not self.static_folder: self.static_folder = resource_filename("Hook", "data/static") self.template_folder = template_folder if not self.template_folder: self.template_folder = resource_filename("Hook", "data/templates") self.m_User, self.m_Repository, self.m_RepoTest, self.m_DocLogs, self.m_DocTest, self.m_DocUnitStatus = None, None, None, None, None, None if is None: = __name__ if self.init_app(app=app) def before_request(self): """ Before request function for the Blueprint """ if 'user_id' in self.session: g.user = self.m_User.objects.get(uuid=self.session['user_id']) def init_app(self, app): """ Initiate the extension on the application :param app: Flask Application :return: Blueprint for HookUI registered in app :rtype: Blueprint """ if not = app if not self.db: self.db = MongoEngine(app) if not self.api: self.api = GitHub(app) if not self.login_manager: self.login_manager = LoginManager(app) if not self.remote: self.remote = app.config["HOOKUI_REMOTE"] if not self.github_secret: self.github_secret = app.config["HOOKUI_GITHUB_SECRET"] if not self.hooktest_secret: self.hooktest_secret = app.config["HOOKUI_HOOKTEST_SECRET"] # Register token getter for github self.api.access_token_getter(self.github_token_getter) # Register the user loader for LoginManager self.login_manager.user_loader(self.login_manager_user_loader) self.init_blueprint() # Generate Instance models self.m_User, self.m_Repository, self.m_RepoTest, self.m_DocLogs, self.m_DocTest, self.m_DocUnitStatus = model_maker(self.db) return self.blueprint def init_blueprint(self): """ Properly generates the blueprint, registering routes and filters and connecting the app and the blueprint """ self.blueprint = Blueprint(,, url_prefix=self.prefix, template_folder=self.template_folder, static_folder=self.static_folder, static_url_path='/static/{0}'.format( ) # Register routes for url, name, methods in HookUI.ROUTES: self.blueprint.add_url_rule( url, view_func=getattr(self, name), endpoint=name[2:], methods=methods ) # Register for _filter in HookUI.FILTERS:[ _filter.replace("f_", "") ] = getattr(self.__class__, _filter) # Register the before request self.blueprint.before_request(self.before_request) def login_manager_user_loader(self, user_id): """ Load a user :param user_id: User id :return: User or None """ if hasattr(g, "user"): return g.user return None def github_token_getter(self): """ Get the github token :return: User github access token or None """ if hasattr(g, "user"): if g.user is not None: return g.user.github_access_token def r_login(self): """ Route for login """ return self.login(self.url_for(".index")) def r_logout(self): """ Route for logout """ return self.logout(self.url_for(".index")) def r_github_oauth(self, *args, **kwargs): """ GitHub oauth route """ def func(access_token): next_uri = request.args.get('next') or self.url_for('.index') return self.authorize(access_token, request, success=next_uri, error=self.url_for(".index")) authorize = self.api.authorized_handler(func) return authorize(*args, **kwargs) def r_github_payload(self): """ GitHub payload route """ return self.handle_payload( request, request.headers ) def r_index(self): """ Index route """ return render_template("index.html") def r_repository(self, owner, repository): """ Route for the repository test history, statistics and settings :param owner: Name of the owner :param repository: Name of the repository """ kwargs = self.read_repo(owner, repository, request) return render_template( 'repo.html', **kwargs ) def r_repository_test(self, owner, repository, uuid): """ Route for a test report :param owner: Name of the owner :param repository: Name of the repository :param uuid: UUID of the test """ kwargs, status, header = self.repo_report(owner, repository, uuid) if status == 200: return render_template("report.html", **kwargs) else: return kwargs, status, header def r_api_hooktest_endpoint(self): """ Route HookTest endpoint """ return "", self.handle_hooktest_log(request), {} def r_api_user_repositories(self): """ Route fetching user repositories """ return self.fetch(request.method) def r_api_user_repository_switch(self, owner, repository): """ Route for toggling github webhook :param owner: Name of the user :param repository: Name of the repository """ return, repository, self.url_for(".github_payload", _external=True)) def r_repo_badge_status(self, owner, repository): """ Get a Badge for a repo :param owner: Name of the user :param repository: Name of the repository """ response, status, header = self.status_badge(owner, repository, branch=request.args.get("branch"), uuid=request.args.get("uuid")) if response: return render_template(response), status, header else: return "", status, {} def r_repo_cts_status(self, owner, repository): """ Get a Badge for a repo :param owner: Name of the user :param repository: Name of the repository """ response, kwargs, status, header = self.cts_badge(owner, repository, branch=request.args.get("branch"), uuid=request.args.get("uuid")) if response: return render_template(response, **kwargs), status, header else: return "", status, {} def r_repo_badge_coverage(self, owner, repository): """ Get a Badge for a repo :param owner: Name of the user :param repository: Name of the repository """ response, kwargs, status, header = self.coverage_badge(owner, repository, branch=request.args.get("branch"), uuid=request.args.get("uuid")) if response: return render_template(response, **kwargs), status, header else: return "", status, {} def r_api_test_generate_route(self, owner, repository): """ Generate a test on the machine :param owner: Name of the user :param repository: Name of the repository """ return self.generate( owner, repository, callback_url=self.url_for(".api_hooktest_endpoint", _external=True), check_user=True ) def r_api_repo_history(self, owner, repository): """ Return json history of previous tests :param owner: Name of the user :param repository: Name of the repository """ if request.method == "DELETE": return self.cancel(owner, repository, uuid=request.args.get("uuid")) elif request.args.get("uuid"): return self.repo_report( owner, repository, uuid=request.args.get("uuid"), json=True ) else: return self.history(owner, repository) def r_api_repo_unit_history(self, owner, repository): """ Return json representation of one unit test :param owner: Name of the user :param repository: Name of the repository """ return jsonify(self.repo_report_unit( owner, repository, uuid=request.args.get("uuid"), unit=request.args.get("unit", "all") )) def r_api_repo_test_reset(self, owner, repository, uuid): """ Reset a test :param owner: Name of the user :param repository: Name of the repository :param uuid: Identifier of the test :return: Json message """ status, message = self.repo_test_reset(owner, repository, uuid, force=request.args.get("force", False)) return jsonify(status=status, message=message) def r_favicon(self): return self.r_favicon_specific() def r_favicon_specific(self, icon="favicon.ico"): return send_from_directory(resource_filename("Hook", "data/static/favicon"), icon, mimetype='image/') @staticmethod def f_nice_ref(branch, commit): """ Transform a git formatted reference into something more human readable or returns part of commit sha :param branch: Github Reference :param commit: Commit SHA :return: Human readable reference """ if HookUI.PR_FINDER.match(branch): return "PR #{0}".format(branch.strip("pull/").strip("/head")) return commit[0:8] @staticmethod def f_nice_branch(branch): """ Transform a git formatted reference into something more human readable :param branch: Github Reference :return: Human readable branch name """ if HookUI.PR_FINDER.match(branch): return "PR #{0}".format(branch.strip("pull/").strip("/head")) else: return branch.split("/")[-1] @staticmethod def f_slugify(string): """ Slugify filter :return: Slugified string """ if not string: return "" return slugify(string) @staticmethod def f_checked(boolean): """ Check a checkbox if boolean is true :param boolean: Boolean :return: "checked" if boolean is True """ if boolean: return " checked " return "" @staticmethod def f_btn(boolean): """ Return btn bs3 class depending on status :param boolean: Boolean :return: "btn-success" and "btn-danger" depending on boolean """ if boolean: return "btn-success" return "btn-danger" @staticmethod def f_format_log(string): """ Format log string output from HookTest :param string: Log :return: Formatted log """ if not string: return "" else: if string.startswith(">>> "): string = Markup("<u>{0}</u>".format(string.strip(">>> "))) elif string.startswith(">>>> "): string = Markup("<b>{0}</b>".format(string.strip(">>>> "))) elif string.startswith(">>>>> "): string = Markup("<i>{0}</i>".format(string.strip(">>>>> "))) elif HookUI.VERBOSE.findall(string): string = Markup("</li><li>".join(["<span class='verbose'>{0}</span>".format(found.strip(">>>>>> ")) for found in HookUI.VERBOSE.findall(string)])) elif string.startswith("[success]"): string = Markup("<span class='success'>{0}</span>".format(string.strip("[success]"))) elif string.startswith("[failure]"): string = Markup("<span class='failure'>{0}</span>".format(string.strip("[failure]"))) return string @staticmethod def f_tei(string): """ Check if value is "tei" :param string: String to check against "tei" :return: Checked class """ if string == "tei": return "checked" return "" @staticmethod def f_epidoc(string): """ Check if value is "epidoc" :param string: String to check against "epidoc" :return: Checked class """ if string == "epidoc": return "checked" return "" @staticmethod def f_success_class(status): """ Return success or failed depending on boolean :param status: Status :return: Success or fail """ string = "" if status is True: string = "success" elif status is False: string = "failed" return string @staticmethod def f_success_class_table(status): """ Return success or failed depending on boolean :param status: Status :return: Success or fail """ string = "" if status is True: string = "success" elif status is False: string = "danger" return string @staticmethod def f_ctsized(cts_tuple): """ Join a tuple of text :param cts_tuple: Tuple representing the number of texts cts compliant and the total number of text :type cts_tuple: (int, int) :return: Stringified tuple """ return "{0}/{1}".format(*cts_tuple) """ CONTROLLER FUNCTIONS """ def repo_test_reset(self, owner, repository, uuid, force=False): """ Reset a repository :param owner: Name of the user :param repository: Name of the repository :param uuid: Identifier of the test :param force: Force reset :return: Status of success, Message """ repository = self.m_Repository.objects.get_or_404(owner__iexact=owner, name__iexact=repository) if hasattr(g, "user") and not repository.isWritable(g.user): return False, "You don't have any rights on this repository" test = self.m_RepoTest.objects.get_or_404(repository=repository, uuid=uuid) status, message = False, "Test already runnning" if test.reset(force=force): test.reload() status, message = self.dispatch( test, callback_url=self.url_for(".api_hooktest_endpoint", _external=True) ) if status: self.comment(test) return status, message def read_repo(self, owner, repository, request): """ Read the repository tests :param owner: Name of the owner of the repository :param repository: Name of the repository :param request: Request information :return: Repository informations with a list of tests (completed and running separated) """ page = request.args.get("page", 1, type=int) # # repository = self.m_Repository.objects.get_or_404(owner__iexact=owner, name__iexact=repository) if request.method == "POST" and hasattr(g, "user") and g.user in repository.authors: repository.config(request.form) pagination = self.m_RepoTest.objects( repository=repository ).only( "uuid", "sha", "branch", "branch_slug", "status", "user", "gravatar", "coverage", "cts_metadata", "texts", "run_at" ).paginate(page=page, per_page=self.objects_per_page) done = [test for test in pagination.items if test.finished] running = [test for test in pagination.items if test.finished == False] for r in running: if > 0: r.percent = int(r.tested / * 100) else: r.percent = 0 return { "repository": repository, "tests": done, "running": running, "pagination": pagination } def repo_report(self, owner, repository, uuid, json=False): """ Generate data for repository report :param owner: Name of the owner of the repository :param repository: Name of the repository :param uuid: Unique Identifier of the test :param json: Format in JSON :return: Response containing the Report """ repository = self.m_Repository.objects.get_or_404(owner__iexact=owner, name__iexact=repository) test = self.m_RepoTest\ .objects(repository=repository, uuid=uuid)\ .exclude("units.text_logs")\ .first() if json is True: return jsonify(units=test.units_status()) else: return { "repository": repository, "test": test }, 200, {} def repo_report_unit(self, owner, repository, uuid, unit): """ Generate data for repository report for a single unit :param owner: Name of the owner of the repository :param repository: Name of the repository :param uuid: Unique Identifier of the test :param unit: Identifier of the Unit :return: Report for a specific unit """ repository = self.m_Repository.objects.get_or_404(owner__iexact=owner, name__iexact=repository) if unit == "all": test = self.m_RepoTest.objects.get_or_404(repository=repository, uuid=uuid) report =, repository, repo_test=test) else: test = self.m_RepoTest.objects( repository=repository, uuid=uuid ).first().units.filter( path=unit ).first() if test is None: return "", 404 report = return report def generate_informations(self, repository): """ Generate informations for a user generated build :param repository: Repository for which a test should be run :type repository: Repository :return: Reference, Creator identifier, Commit Sha, URL on Github for the repository, GitHub UUID """ status = self.api.get( "repos/{owner}/{name}/commits".format(owner=repository.owner,, params={"sha": "master", "per_page": "1"} ) if len(status) == 0: return "error", "No commits available", 404 sha = status[0]["sha"] ref = "refs/heads/master" if "author" in status[0]: creator = status[0]["author"]["login"] else: creator = status[0]["commit"]["author"]["name"] guid = str(uuid4()) url = status[0]["html_url"] return ref, creator, sha, url, guid def generate( self, username, reponame, callback_url=None, ref=None, creator=None, sha=None, url=None, uuid=None, check_branch=True, check_user=True ): """ Generate a test on the machine :param username: Name of the user :type username: str :param reponame: Name of the repository :type reponame: str :param callback_url: URL to send log to :param ref: branch to be tested :type ref: str :param creator: Person responsible for starting the test :param sha: SHA of the commit :param url: URL of the resource :param uuid: UUID to use :param check_branch: If set to True, should check against repo.master_pr """ repo = self.m_Repository.objects.get_or_404(owner__iexact=username, name__iexact=reponame) if check_user: if hasattr(g, "user") and not repo.isWritable(g.user): resp = jsonify(status="error", message="You are not an owner of the repository", uuid=None) return resp if check_branch is True and repo.master_pr is True and \ HookUI.PR_FINDER.match(ref) is None and ref.endswith("master") is False: return json.dumps({"message": "Test ignored because this is not a pull request nor a push to master", "status": "ignore"}), 200 if creator is None: # sha and url should be None informations = self.generate_informations(repo) if len(informations) == 3: return informations else: ref, creator, sha, url, uuid = informations running_test = self.m_RepoTest.objects(branch=ref, user=creator, sha=sha, repository=repo, link=url, status__in=["queued", "downloading", "downloading", "pending"]) if len(running_test) > 0: return json.dumps({"message": "Test already running", "status": "error"}), 200 avatar = "{0}".format(creator) test = self.m_RepoTest.Get_or_Create( uuid=uuid, repository=repo, branch=ref, user=creator, gravatar=avatar, sha=sha, link=url ) status, message = self.dispatch(test, callback_url) self.comment(test) return jsonify(status=status, message=message, uuid=uuid) def dispatch(self, test, callback_url): """ Dispatch a test to the redis queue :param test: The test to be sent :param callback_url: URL to send log to """ params = { "repository": test.repository.full_name, "ping": callback_url, "verbose": test.verbose, "console": False, "uuid" : test.uuid, "scheme": test.scheme, "branch": test.branch } params = bytes(json.dumps(params), encoding="utf-8") response = requests.put(self.remote, data=params, headers={'content-type': 'application/json', "HookTest-Secure-X" : self.make_hooktest_signature(params)}) infos = response.json() if infos["status"] == "queued": test.update(hash=infos["job_id"], status="queued") return "success", "Test launched" else: return infos["status"], "Error while dispatching test" def handle_hooktest_log(self, request): """ Handle data received from Redis server commands :param request: request object :return: Status Code """ if not or not request.headers.get("HookTest-UUID"): return 404 elif self.check_hooktest_signature(, request.headers.get("HookTest-Secure-X")) is False: return 401 # Now we get the repo uuid = request.headers.get("HookTest-UUID") test = self.m_RepoTest.objects(uuid=uuid).exclude("units.logs").exclude("units.text_logs").first() if not test: return 404 data = json.loads('utf-8')) # If the test just started if "status" in data: test.update(status=data["status"]) if "message" in data: test.update(error_message=data["message"]) if "files" in data and "inventories" in data and "texts" in data: test.update( texts=data["texts"], cts_metadata=data["inventories"] ) else: # If we have units, we have single logs to save update = {} if "units" in data: _units = [] for unit in data["units"]: _units.append(self.m_DocTest( at=unit["at"], path=unit["name"], status=unit["status"], coverage=unit["coverage"] )) for text in unit["logs"]: _units[-1].text_logs.append(self.m_DocLogs(text=text)) for test_name, test_status in unit["units"].items(): _units[-1].logs.append(self.m_DocUnitStatus( title=test_name, status=test_status )) update["push_all__units"] = _units if "coverage" in data: update["coverage"] = data["coverage"] update["status"] = data["status"] if len(update) > 0: test.update(**update) if "status" in data and data["status"] in ["success", "error", "failed"]: test.reload() self.comment(test) return 200 def make_hooktest_signature(self, body): """ Check the signature sent by a request with the body :param body: Raw body of the request :return: Signature for HookTest """ return '{0}'.format( bytes(self.hooktest_secret, encoding="utf-8"), body, hashlib.sha1 ).hexdigest() ) def check_hooktest_signature(self, body, hook_signature): """ Check the signature sent by a request with the body :param body: Raw body of the request :param hook_signature: Signature sent by github :return: Equality indicator """ if self.make_hooktest_signature(body) == hook_signature: return True else: return False def check_github_signature(self, body, hub_signature): """ Check the signature sent by a request with the body :param body: Raw body of the request :param hub_signature: Signature sent by github :return: Equality Indicator """ signature = 'sha1={0}'.format(, encoding="utf-8"), body, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()) if signature == hub_signature: return True else: return False def handle_payload(self, request, headers): """ Handle a payload call from Github :param request: Request sent by github :param headers: Header of the GitHub Request :param callback_url: URL to use as a callback for HOOK :return: Response """ status, message, code = "error", "Webhook query is not handled", 200 creator, sha, ref, url, do = None, None, None, None, None signature = headers.get("X-Hub-Signature") if not self.check_github_signature(, signature): response = jsonify( status="error", message="Signature check did not pass" ) response.status_code = 300 return response payload = request.get_json(force=True) event = headers.get("X-GitHub-Event") username, repository = tuple(payload["repository"]["full_name"].split("/")) if event in ["push", "pull_request"]: if event == "push": creator = payload["head_commit"]["committer"]["username"] sha = payload["head_commit"]["id"] url = payload["compare"] ref = payload["ref"] do = True elif event == "pull_request" and payload["action"] in ["reopened", "opened", "synchronize"]: creator = payload["pull_request"]["user"]["login"] url = payload["pull_request"]["html_url"] sha = payload["pull_request"]["head"]["sha"] ref = "pull/{0}/head".format(payload["number"]) do = True if do: response = self.generate( username, repository, callback_url=self.url_for(".api_hooktest_endpoint", _external=True), creator=creator, sha=sha, url=url, ref=ref, uuid=str(uuid4()) ) return response response = jsonify(status=status, message=message) response.status_code = code return response def cancel(self, owner, repository, uuid=None): """ Cancel a test :param owner: :param repository: :param uuid: :return: """ if uuid is None: return "Unknown test", 404, {} repo = self.m_Repository.objects.get_or_404(owner__iexact=owner, name__iexact=repository) if hasattr(g, "user") and not repo.isWritable(g.user): resp = jsonify(cancelled=False, message="You are not an owner of the repository", uuid=None) return resp test = self.m_RepoTest.objects.get_or_404(repository=repo, uuid__iexact=uuid) test.update(status="error") response = requests.delete("{0}/{1}".format(self.remote, uuid)) return jsonify(cancelled=True) def link(self, owner, repository, callback_url): """ Set Github to start or stop pinging the current repository :param owner: :param repository: :param callback_url: URL for callback :return: json """ response = False if hasattr(g, "user") and g.user: repository = self.m_Repository.objects( authors__in=[g.user], owner__iexact=owner, name__iexact=repository ) if len(repository) > 0: repository = repository.first() tested = not repository.tested repository.update(tested=tested) repository.reload() response = self.__make_link(repository, callback_url) return jsonify(status=response) def __make_link(self, repository, callback_url): """ Create or delete hooks on GitHub API :param repository: Repository to add or delete the hook from :type repository: Hook.models.github.Repository :returns: Active status """ uri = "repos/{owner}/{repo}/hooks".format(owner=repository.owner, if repository.tested is True: # Create hooks hook_data = { "name": "web", "active": True, "events": [ "push", "pull_request" ], "config": { "url": callback_url, "content_type": "json", "secret": self.github_secret } } service =, data=hook_data) if "id" in service: repository.update(hook_id=service["id"]) else: if repository.hook_id is None: hooks = self.api.get(uri) hooks = [service for service in hooks if service["config"]["url"] == callback_url] if len(hooks) == 0: uuid = None else: uuid = hooks[0]["id"] else: uuid = repository.hook_id if uuid is not None: self.api.delete("repos/{owner}/{repo}/hooks/{id}".format(owner=repository.owner,, id=uuid)) return repository.tested def svg_header(self): """ SVG headers with cache informations :return: HTTP Headers """ return { "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Last-Modified": datetime.utcnow().ctime(), 'Content-Type': 'image/svg+xml; charset=utf-8' } def cts_badge(self, username, reponame, branch=None, uuid=None): """ :param username: :param reponame: :param branch: :param uuid: :return: :return: (Template, Kwargs, Status Code, Headers) """ repo = self.repo( owner=username, name=reponame, branch=branch, uuid=uuid, finished=True ) if not repo: return None, None, 404, {} cts, total = repo.ctsized() template = "svg/cts.xml" return template, {"cts": cts, "total": total}, 200, self.svg_header() def status_badge(self, username, reponame, branch=None, uuid=None): """ Create a status badge :param username: :param reponame: :param branch: :param uuid: :return: (Template, Headers, Status Code) """ repo = self.repo( owner=username, name=reponame, branch=branch, uuid=uuid ) if not repo: return None, 404, {} else: template = "svg/build.{0}.xml".format(repo.status) return template, 200, self.svg_header() def coverage_badge(self, username, reponame, branch=None, uuid=None): """ Create a status badge :param username: :param reponame: :param branch: :param uuid: :return: (Template, Kwargs, Status Code, Headers) """ repo = self.repo( owner=username, name=reponame, branch=branch, uuid=uuid ) if not repo or not repo.coverage: return "svg/build.coverage.unknown.xml", {}, 200, self.svg_header() score = math.floor(repo.coverage * 100) / 100 if repo.coverage > 90: template = "svg/build.coverage.success.xml" elif repo.coverage > 75: template = "svg/build.coverage.acceptable.xml" else: template = "svg/build.coverage.failure.xml" return template, {"score": score}, 200, self.svg_header() def repo(self, owner, name, branch=None, uuid=None, finished=False): """ Helper to find a repository :param owner: :param name: :param branch: :param uuid: :return: """ repo = self.m_Repository.objects.get_or_404(owner__iexact=owner, name__iexact=name) test_args = { "repository": repo } if branch: test_args["branch__iexact"] = branch if uuid: test_args["uuid__iexact"] = uuid if finished: test_args["status__in"] = ["failed", "success"] test = self.m_RepoTest.objects(**test_args).exclude("units.logs").exclude("units.text_logs") return test.first() def history(self, username, reponame): """ Return the history of a repo :param username: :param reponame: :return: """ repository = self.m_Repository.objects.get_or_404(owner__iexact=username, name__iexact=reponame) history = { "username": username, "reponame": reponame, "logs": [ { "run_at": event.run_at, "uuid": event.uuid, "coverage": event.coverage, "ref": event.branch, "slug": event.branch_slug } for event in self.m_RepoTest.objects.exclude("units")(repository=repository) ] } return jsonify(**history) def comment(self, test): """ Takes care of sending information to github API through the comment / status API :param test: The test currently running or finished :return: """ repo = test.repository uri = "repos/{owner}/{repo}/statuses/{sha}".format(owner=repo.owner,, sha=test.sha) if test.status == "error": state = "error" sentence = "Test cancelled or ran into an error" elif test.status == "success": state = "success" sentence = "Full repository is cts compliant" elif test.status == "failed": state = "failure" sentence = "{0:.2f}% of unit tests passed. {1} CTS compatibles".format(test.coverage, HookUI.f_ctsized(test.ctsized())) else: state = "pending" sentence = "Currently testing..." data = { "state": state, "target_url": self.url_for(".repository_test", owner=repo.owner,, uuid=test.uuid, _external=True), "description": sentence, "context": "continuous-integration/capitains-hook" } params = {} if not hasattr(self.g, "user"): user = repo.authors[0] access_token = user.github_access_token params = {"access_token": access_token}, data=data, params=params) @staticmethod def slice(elements, start, max=None): """ Return a sublist of elements, starting from index {start} with a length of {max} :param elements: List of elements to slice :type elements: list :param start: Starting element (0-based Index) :type start: int :param max: Maximum number of elements to return :type max: int :return: (Sublist, Starting index of the sublist, end_index) :rtype: (list, int, int) """ length = len(elements) real_index = start + 1 if length < real_index: return [], length, 0 else: if max is not None and max + start < length: return elements[start:max+start], start, max+start else: return elements[start:], start, length - 1 def login(self, url_redirect): """ Login the user using github API :param url_redirect: Url to redirect to :return: redirect(url_redirect) """ if self.session.get('user_id', None) is None: return self.api.authorize(scope=",".join(["user:email", "repo:status", "admin:repo_hook", "read:org"])) return redirect(url_redirect) """ USER CONTROLLER """ def authorize(self, access_token, request, success, error): """ Callback uri of Github API to signin/up a user :param access_token: Access token sent by github :param request: request informations :param success: success redirect uri :param error: error redirect uri :return: redirect() """ if access_token is None: return redirect(error) user = self.m_User.objects(github_access_token=access_token) if len(user) == 0: # Make a call to the API more = self.api.get("user", params={"access_token": access_token}) user = self.m_User( uuid=str(uuid4()), github_access_token=access_token, mail=more["email"], git_id=more["id"], login=more["login"] ) else: user = user.first() with session['user_id'] = user.uuid return redirect(success) def fetch(self, method): """ Fetch repositories of a user :param method: :return: """ response = [] if hasattr(self.g, "user") and self.g.user: if method == "POST": # We clear the old authors self.g.user.remove_authorship() repositories = self.api.get( "user/repos", params={ "affiliation": "owner,collaborator,organization_member", "access_token": self.g.user.github_access_token }, all_pages=True ) for repo in repositories: owner = repo["owner"]["login"] name = repo["name"] repo = self.g.user.addto(owner=owner, name=name) response.append(repo) elif method == "GET": response = self.g.user.repositories return jsonify({"repositories" : [repo.dict() for repo in response]}) def logout(self, url_redirect): """ Logout the user and redirect to a specific url :param url_redirect: Url to redirect to :return: redirect(url_redirect) """ self.session.pop('user_id', None) return redirect(url_redirect) @property def session(self): """ Flask Session """ with return session @property def g(self): """ G Flask APP global information """ if not self.__g: with self.g = g return self.__g @g.setter def g(self, value): self.__g = value @property def domain(self): """ Domain URL of the current app """ with return url_for("", _external=True) @property def callback_url_hooktest_endpoint(self): """ Callback URL use for retrieving data from the HookTest service """ return self.url_for(".api_hooktest_endpoint", _external=True) def url_for(self, route, **kwargs): with return url_for(route, **kwargs)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import argparse from flask import Flask, g, session from flask.ext.github import GitHub from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy app = Flask(__name__) github = GitHub() db = SQLAlchemy() @app.before_request def before_request(): from fish_bundles_web.models import User g.user = None if 'user' in session: g.user = User.query.filter_by(username=session['user']).first() def parse_arguments(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--port', '-p',