Exemple #1
def send_json_rpc(cmd, args, hosts, timeout=0.5):
    rv = {}
    context = zmq.Context()

    if isinstance(hosts, basestring):
        hosts = [hosts]

    for host in hosts:
        rv[host] = None
            request = context.socket(zmq.DEALER)
            request.connect('tcp://%s:5000' % host)
            request.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0)

            #request.send_multipart([msgpack.packb(cmd), msgpack.packb(args)])
            request.send(msgpack.packb([cmd, args]))

            poller = zmq.Poller()
            poller.register(request, zmq.POLLIN)
            start = time()
            while True:
                socks = dict(poller.poll(timeout=timeout / 10.))
                if request in socks and socks[request] == zmq.POLLIN:
                    rv[host] = msgpack.unpackb(request.recv(zmq.POLLERR))

                if (time() - start) > timeout:
                sleep(timeout / 10.)
        except zmq.ZMQError as err:
            print str(err)

    return rv
Exemple #2
def _send_request(req_id, action, key, value=None):
    """ Generate a request ID, push the request to the node and wait for the
    result, filtering by the ID on the subscription.

    This should be a request/response call to the node, but since many must be
    possible at the same time, a PUSH/PULL AND PUB/SUB with an unique ID for
    each request is used instead.

    :return: the node response
    :rtype: []
    # Create and connect the sockets.
    context = current_app.config["context"]
    subscriber = context.socket(SUB)
    subscriber.setsockopt_string(SUBSCRIBE, req_id)
    request = context.socket(PUSH)
    request.setsockopt(SNDTIMEO, _TIMEOUT)
    # Push the request.
    request.send_json([req_id, action, key, value])
    # Wait for the response from the publisher.
    poller = Poller()
    poller.register(subscriber, POLLIN)
    sockets = dict(poller.poll(_TIMEOUT))
    if subscriber not in sockets:  # no response, time out
        raise InternalServerError()
    # Return the response, without the unique request ID
    return subscriber.recv_multipart()[1:]