Exemple #1
  Shows all the routes registered in Flask.
  output = []
  for rule in current_app.url_map.iter_rules():
    methods = ','.join(rule.methods)
    path = urllib.unquote(rule.rule)
    # line = urllib.unquote()
    output.append((rule.endpoint, methods, path))

  for endpoint, methods, path in sorted(output):
    print('{:40s} {:25s} {}'.format(endpoint, methods, path))

# user commands
email_opt = manager.option('email', help='user\'s email')
password_opt = manager.option(
  '-p', '--password', dest='password', default=None,
  help='If absent, a prompt will ask for password', )
role_opt = manager.option(
  '-r', '--role', dest='role',
  choices=[r.name for r in Role.assignable_roles()],
name_opt = manager.option(
  '-n', '--name', dest='name', default=None,
  help='Last name (e.g "Smith")')
firstname_opt = manager.option(
  '-f', '--firstname', dest='first_name', default=None,
  help='Fist name (e.g. "John")')

Exemple #2
def routes():
    """Show all the routes registered in Flask."""
    output = []
    for rule in current_app.url_map.iter_rules():
        methods = ','.join(rule.methods)
        path = urllib.parse.unquote(rule.rule)
        output.append((rule.endpoint, methods, path))

    for endpoint, methods, path in sorted(output):
        print('{:40s} {:25s} {}'.format(endpoint, methods, path))

# user commands
email_opt = manager.option('email', help='user\'s email')
password_opt = manager.option(
    help='If absent, a prompt will ask for password',
role_opt = manager.option(
    choices=[r.name for r in Role.assignable_roles()],
name_opt = manager.option(
Exemple #3
def routes():
    """Show all the routes registered in Flask."""
    output = []
    for rule in current_app.url_map.iter_rules():
        methods = ",".join(rule.methods)
        path = urllib.parse.unquote(rule.rule)
        output.append((rule.endpoint, methods, path))

    for endpoint, methods, path in sorted(output):
        print("{:40s} {:25s} {}".format(endpoint, methods, path))

# user commands
email_opt = manager.option("email", help="user's email")
password_opt = manager.option(
    help="If absent, a prompt will ask for password",
role_opt = manager.option(
    "-r", "--role", dest="role", choices=[r.name for r in Role.assignable_roles()]
name_opt = manager.option(
    "-n", "--name", dest="name", default=None, help='Last name (e.g "Smith")'
firstname_opt = manager.option(
    "-f", "--firstname", dest="first_name", default=None, help='Fist name (e.g. "John")'