def create_app(config_name): app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(config[config_name]) config[config_name].init_app(app) configure_uploads(app, photos) patch_request_class(app) # 限制文件上传大小 bootstrap.init_app(app) mail.init_app(app) moment.init_app(app) db.init_app(app) login_manager.init_app(app) pagedown.init_app(app) # oauth.init_app(app) if not app.debug and not app.testing and not app.config['SSL_DISABLE']: from flask_sslify import SSLify sslify = SSLify(app) from .main import main as main_blueprint app.register_blueprint(main_blueprint) from .auth import auth as auth_blueprint app.register_blueprint(auth_blueprint, url_prefix='/auth') from .api_1_0 import api as api_1_0_blueprint app.register_blueprint(api_1_0_blueprint, url_prefix='/api/v1.0') return app
def create_app(config_name): app= Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(config_by_name[config_name] ) UPLOAD_FOLDER = r'D:\aqua\apps\static\downloads' ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS= set(['txt','json','csv','xlsx']) app.config['UPLOADS_DEFAULT_DEST'] = UPLOAD_FOLDER app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] ='downloads' docs = UploadSet('docs',DOCUMENTS) configure_uploads(app,docs) patch_request_class(app) celery.conf.update(CeleryConfig) mail.init_app(app) ''' db.init_app(app) toolbar.init_app(app) pagedown.init_app(app) ''' login_manager.init_app(app) moment.init_app(app) bootstrap.init_app(app) from .main import main as main_blueprint app.register_blueprint(main_blueprint) return app
def configure_uploads(app): """ 文件上传支持. 我们将图片直接保存在static目录之下, 因此在生产环境中可以直接由nginx提供服务. 注意我们没有调用flask_uploads的configure_uploads(), 这个方法负责为每个uploadset生成UploadConfiguration, 并且注册一个blueprint用来生成上传后的url. 所以我们直接初始化UploadConfiguration, 注意在上传完文件后要使用url_for('static', filename=[])来生成url. """ # 设置上传目标路径, 无需通过配置文件设置一个绝对路径 uploads._config = UploadConfiguration(os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static', 'uploads')) # 限制上传文件大小 patch_request_class(app, 10 * 1024 * 1024)
def configure_app(app, config): if not config: config = assets.AppModes.DEVELOPMENT config = config_factory.get(config) app.config.from_object(config) # override config with env file cfg prod_config = os.environ.get('OPINEW_CONFIG_FILE') if prod_config and os.path.exists(prod_config): app.config.from_envvar('OPINEW_CONFIG_FILE') # pragma: no cover # limit the file size that can be uploaded patch_request_class(app, assets.Constants.MAX_FILE_SIZE) # infinite jinja template cache app.jinja_env.cache = {}
def create_app(config_name): app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(config[config_name]) config[config_name].init_app(app) bootstrap.init_app(app) moment.init_app(app) login_manager.init_app(app) login_manager.login_view = 'auth.login' db.init_app(app) from .main import main from .auth import auth from .manager import manager app.register_blueprint(main) app.register_blueprint(auth) app.register_blueprint(manager) configure_uploads(app, photos) patch_request_class(app) from .models import Message, User, Post, Praise, Comment, Collection app.add_template_global(Message, 'Message') app.add_template_global(User, 'User') app.add_template_global(Post, 'Post') app.add_template_global(Comment, 'Comment') return app
from utils.my_bcrypt import bcrypt from user.routes import bp as user_bp from vessel.routes import bp as vessel_bp from container_image.routes import bp as container_image_bp from container_info.routes import bp as container_info_bp from container_check.routes import bp as container_check_bp from container_approval.routes import bp as container_approval_bp from container_report.routes import bp as container_report_bp from utils.image_helper import IMAGE_SET app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object('config.Config') # app.config["MONGO_URI"] = Config.MONGO_URI # app.config["UPLOADED_IMAGES_DEST"] = Config.UPLOADED_IMAGES_DEST # app.config["JWT_SECRET_KEY "] = Config.JWT_SECRET_KEY patch_request_class(app, 6 * 1024 * 1024) # 6MB max upload. configure_uploads(app, IMAGE_SET) mongo.init_app(app) bcrypt.init_app(app) jwt = JWTManager(app) # ENCODER jsonify untuk menghandle objectID dan Datetime dari mongodb app.json_encoder = JSONEncoder @jwt.user_claims_loader def add_claims_to_jwt(identity): user = mongo.db.users.find_one({"username": identity}) return {"name": user["name"], "isAdmin": user["isAdmin"],
from wtforms import StringField, SubmitField, PasswordField from wtforms.validators import DataRequired, Length, Email, EqualTo import mysql.connector from config import db_config import tempfile import os import boto3 from app import webapp #from wand.image import Image photos = UploadSet('photos', IMAGES) configure_uploads(webapp, photos) patch_request_class(webapp) ''' Class Definitions ''' class RegisterForm(FlaskForm): username = StringField(u'Username', validators=[ DataRequired(message= u'Username can not be empty.'), Length(4, 16)]) password = PasswordField('New Password', validators=[ DataRequired(message= u'Password can not be empty.'), EqualTo('confirm', message='Passwords must match') ]) confirm = PasswordField('Repeat Password')
def configure_forms(app): configure_uploads(app, photos) configure_uploads(app, avatars) # set maximum file size, default is 3MB patch_request_class(app, app.config["MAX_FILE_SIZE"])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os from flask import Flask, request from flask_uploads import UploadSet, configure_uploads, IMAGES, patch_request_class app = Flask(__name__) app.config['UPLOADED_PHOTOS_DEST'] = os.getcwd() photos = UploadSet('photos', IMAGES) configure_uploads(app, photos) patch_request_class(app) # set maximum file size, default is 16MB html = ''' <!DOCTYPE html> <title>Upload File</title> <h1>Photo Upload</h1> <form method=post enctype=multipart/form-data> <input type=file name=photo> <input type=submit value=Upload> </form> ''' @app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def upload_file(): if request.method == 'POST' and 'photo' in request.files: filename =['photo']) file_url = photos.url(filename) return html + '<br><img src=' + file_url + '>' return html
from flask import render_template, flash, redirect,url_for, session, jsonify from flask_uploads import UploadSet, configure_uploads, IMAGES, patch_request_class from flask import request from config import Config from form import LoginForm, DataForm, UploadForm from Leach import result import cv2 from amiya import perd app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(Config) basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) photos = UploadSet('photos', IMAGES) configure_uploads(app, photos) patch_request_class(app) #@app.route('/') @app.route('/index', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def index(): return render_template('index.html') @app.route('/user/<name>') def user(name): return '<h1>hello!,{}!</h1>'.format(name) @app.route('/') @app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def login():
from resources.users import users_api from resources.auth import auth_api from resources.comments import comments_api from resources.images import images_api API_PREFIX = '/api/v1' daily_rate = os.environ.get('GLOBAL_DAILY_RATE') hourly_rate = os.environ.get('GLOBAL_HOURLY_RATE') app = Flask(__name__) load_dotenv('.env', verbose=True) app.config.from_object('default_config') # any default config settings that need to be over-written can be changed the # file referred to by APPLICATION_SETTINS in .env app.config.from_envvar('APPLICATION_SETTINGS') patch_request_class(app, 10 * 1024 * 1024) # 10 MB max configure_uploads(app, IMAGE_SET) jwt = JWTManager(app) limiter = Limiter(app, default_limits=[daily_rate, hourly_rate], key_func=get_ipaddr) @app.before_first_request def create_tables(): db.create_all() @jwt.unauthorized_loader
from Algorithm.Classification.src.DTree import * from Algorithm.Classification.src.KNN import * from Algorithm.Classification.src.XGB import * from Algorithm.Classification.src.NB import * app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path="") # app = Flask(__name__) app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'adsfhgasfkjhkj' app.config['UPLOADED_FILES_DEST'] = os.getcwd() + '\\userfiles' # CSRFProtect(app) Bootstrap(app) files = UploadSet('files', DOCUMENTS) configure_uploads(app, files) patch_request_class(app) # 文件大小限制默认为16M @app.before_request def before_request(): g.user = None s = Session() if 'email' in session: g.user = s.query(User).filter( == session['email']).first() print( @app.route('/', methods = ['GET', 'POST']) @app.route('/index', methods = ['GET', 'POST']) def index(): """
from blacklist import BLACKLIST from resources.user import User, UserRegister, UserLogin, UserLogout, TokenRefresh, UserList from resources.github_login import GithubLogin, GithubAuthorize from resources.item import Item, ItemList from import Store, StoreList from resources.confirmation import Confirmation, ConfirmationByUser from resources.image import ImageUpload, Image, AvatarUpload, Avatar from resources.order import Order, OrderList from libs.image_helper import IMAGE_SET from oauth import oauth app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object("default_config") app.config.from_envvar("APPLICATION_SETTINGS") patch_request_class(app, 10 * 1024 * 1024) # 10MB Max Upload Size configure_uploads(app, IMAGE_SET) api = Api(app) jwt = JWTManager(app) @app.errorhandler(ValidationError) def handle_marshmallow_validation(err): return jsonify(err.messages), 400 @jwt.token_in_blacklist_loader def check_if_token_in_blacklist_loader(decrypted_token): return decrypted_token['jti'] in BLACKLIST
"""The initialization for the app folder.""" from config import Config from flask import Flask from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap from flask_login import LoginManager from flask_migrate import Migrate from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask_uploads import (configure_uploads, patch_request_class, IMAGES, UploadSet) """Creates an instance of Flask app and initializes all dependencies that I am using """ app = Flask(__name__) # Creates an instance of a flask app app.config.from_object(Config) # Generatess config from bootstrap = Bootstrap(app) # activates flask bootstrap db = SQLAlchemy(app) # initializes database migrate = Migrate(app, db) # initializes flask migrate login = LoginManager(app) # links login manager to app login.login_view = 'login' # setup for Login Manager photos = UploadSet('photos', IMAGES) # upload settings configure_uploads(app, photos) # more upload settings patch_request_class(app) # the rest of the upload settings """ runs and generates """ from app import routes, models
def register_configuration(app): configure_uploads(app, filez) patch_request_class(app, size=25000000) app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app) app.debug = True app.wsgi_app = DebuggedApplication(app.wsgi_app, True)
#!/usr/bin/env python import os from app import create_app, db from flask_script import Manager, Shell, Server from flask_migrate import Migrate, MigrateCommand from flask_uploads import UploadSet, DOCUMENTS from flask_uploads import configure_uploads, patch_request_class from app.main.forms import files app = create_app(os.getenv('FLASK_CONFIG') or 'default') manager = Manager(app) migrate = Migrate(app, db) configure_uploads(app, (files,)) patch_request_class(app, size=100*1024*1024) def make_shell_context(): return dict(app=app, db=db) manager.add_command("shell", Shell(make_context=make_shell_context)) manager.add_command('db', MigrateCommand) manager.add_command('runserver', Server(host='', port=5000)) if __name__ == '__main__':
from flask import Flask from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask_migrate import Migrate from flask_login import LoginManager from flask_uploads import UploadSet, IMAGES, configure_uploads, patch_request_class from config import UPLOADS_DEFAULT_DEST, MAX_FILE_SIZE app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object('config') app.config['UPLOADS_DEFAULT_DEST'] = UPLOADS_DEFAULT_DEST images = UploadSet('images', IMAGES) configure_uploads(app, images) patch_request_class(app, MAX_FILE_SIZE) db = SQLAlchemy(app) migrate = Migrate(app, db) login_manager = LoginManager() login_manager.init_app(app) login_manager.login_view = 'login' if not app.debug: import logging from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler file_handler = RotatingFileHandler('tmp/blog.log', 'a', 1 * 1024 * 1024, 10) file_handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s [in %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d]'
TokenRefresh, UserLogout, ) from resources.item import Item, ItemList, ItemPriorityFind from resources.shopping_list import ShoppingList, ListOfShoppingLists from resources.confirmation import Confirmation, ConfirmationByUser from resources.image import Image, ImageUpload, Profile, ProfileUpload from libs.image_handler import IMAGE_SET # Creates and configures the flask application app = Flask(__name__) load_dotenv(".env", verbose=True) app.config.from_object("default_config") app.config.from_envvar("APPLICATION_SETTINGS") patch_request_class(app, 10 * 1024 * 1024) # 10 MB max image upload size for API configure_uploads(app, IMAGE_SET) api = Api(app) jwt = JWTManager(app) # Creates database before first request to API can be sent @app.before_first_request def create_tables(): db.create_all() # App-Wide error handling for Validation type errors @app.errorhandler(ValidationError) def handle_marshmallow_validation(error):
import logging import os from flask import Flask from config import Config from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap from flask_uploads import patch_request_class from logging.handlers import SMTPHandler, RotatingFileHandler app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(Config) bootstrap = Bootstrap(app) patch_request_class(app, size=16777216) from app import routes, errors if not app.debug: if app.config['MAIL_SERVER']: auth = None if app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'] or app.config['MAIL_PASSWORD']: auth = (app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'], app.config['MAIL_PASSWORD']) secure = None if app.config['MAIL_USE_TLS']: secure = () mail_handler = SMTPHandler( mailhost=(app.config['MAIL_SERVER'], app.config['MAIL_PORT']), fromaddr='no-reply@' + app.config['MAIL_SERVER'], toaddrs=app.config['ADMINS'], subject='VXRD Error Traceback', credentials=auth, secure=secure) mail_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
from flask_moment import Moment from flask_uploads import configure_uploads, patch_request_class, UploadSet, IMAGES app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(Config) db = SQLAlchemy(app) migrate = Migrate(app, db) login = LoginManager(app) login.login_view = 'login' mail = Mail(app) bootstrap = Bootstrap(app) pagedown = PageDown(app) moment = Moment(app) photos = UploadSet('photos', IMAGES) configure_uploads(app, photos) patch_request_class(app, size=629145) if not app.debug: if app.config['MAIL_SERVER']: auth = None if app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'] or app.config['MAIL_PASSWORD']: auth = (app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'], app.config['MAIL_PASSWORD']) secure = None if app.config['MAIL_USE_TLS']: secure = () mail_handler = SMTPHandler( mailhost=(app.config['MAIL_SERVER'], app.config['MAIL_PORT']), fromaddr='no-reply@' + app.config['MAIL_SERVER'], toaddrs=app.config['ADMINS'], subject='Writerrific Failure', credentials=auth,
from flask_login import LoginManager from config import Config from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask_uploads import UploadSet, IMAGES from flask_uploads import configure_uploads, patch_request_class import json from server_utils import full_path app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(Config) db = SQLAlchemy(app) login = LoginManager(app) login.login_view = 'login' CLIENT_SECRET_PATH = full_path(__file__, '..', 'client_secret.json') with open(CLIENT_SECRET_PATH) as f: client_secret_json = json.load(f) CLIENT_ID = client_secret_json['web']['client_id'] # image upload setup images = UploadSet('images', IMAGES) configure_uploads(app, images) patch_request_class(app, 4 * 1024 * 1024) # limits image's size # here app is the package # not the above app var from app import models, login_routes, routes, api
def create_app(test_config=None): # Create Flask app with a default config app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) # Load test config if we are in testing mode if test_config is None: app.config.from_pyfile('', silent=True) else: app.config.from_mapping(test_config) # ensure the instance folder exists try: os.makedirs(app.instance_path) except OSError: pass from lidarts.models import User, Role from lidarts.auth.forms import ExtendedLoginForm, ExtendedRegisterForm, \ ExtendedChangePasswordForm, ExtendedResetPasswordForm # Initialize Flask extensions db.init_app(app) cdn.init_app(app) migrate.init_app(app, db) mail.init_app(app) user_datastore = SQLAlchemyUserDatastore(db, User, Role) security.init_app(app, user_datastore, login_form=ExtendedLoginForm, register_form=ExtendedRegisterForm, change_password_form=ExtendedChangePasswordForm, reset_password_form=ExtendedResetPasswordForm) origins = app.config[ 'CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS'] if 'CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS' in app.config else '*' if 'ENGINEIO_MAX_DECODE_PACKETS' in app.config: Payload.max_decode_packets = app.config['ENGINEIO_MAX_DECODE_PACKETS'] message_queue = app.config[ 'SOCKETIO_MESSAGE_QUEUE'] if 'SOCKETIO_MESSAGE_QUEUE' in app.config else 'redis://' socketio.init_app( app, message_queue=message_queue, async_mode='gevent', cors_allowed_origins=origins, # logger=True, engineio_logger=True, ) babelobject.init_app(app) moment.init_app(app) configure_uploads(app, avatars) patch_request_class(app, 2 * 1024 * 1024) app.json_encoder = JSONEncoder # Fixes bug: url_for generates http endpoints instead of https which causes mixed-content-errors app.wsgi_app = ReverseProxied(app.wsgi_app) # filter for jinja app.jinja_env.filters['datetime'] = format_datetime app.jinja_env.globals['get_locale'] = get_locale if 'REDIS_URL' in app.config: # app.redis = Redis.from_url('redis://') # app.redis_client = StrictRedis() app.redis = StrictRedis( host=app.config['REDIS_URL'], password=app.config['REDIS_PASSWORD'], ) else: app.redis = StrictRedis.from_url('redis://') app.task_queue = rq.Queue('lidarts-tasks', connection=app.redis) # Flask-Security mails need to be sent in background @security.send_mail_task def delay_flask_security_mail(msg): app.task_queue.enqueue('lidarts.tasks.send_mail', msg) if 'DASHBOARD_ENABLED' in app.config and app.config['DASHBOARD_ENABLED']: dashboard.config.init_from( file=os.path.join(app.instance_path, 'dashboard.cfg')) def get_user_id(): return dashboard.config.group_by = get_user_id dashboard.bind(app) # Load all blueprints from lidarts.admin import bp as admin_bp app.register_blueprint(admin_bp) from lidarts.api import bp as api_bp app.register_blueprint(api_bp) from lidarts.generic import bp as generic_bp app.register_blueprint(generic_bp) from import bp as game_bp app.register_blueprint(game_bp) from lidarts.profile import bp as profile_bp app.register_blueprint(profile_bp) from import bp as legal_bp app.register_blueprint(legal_bp) from lidarts.auth import bp as auth_bp app.register_blueprint(auth_bp) from import bp as tools_bp app.register_blueprint(tools_bp) from lidarts.statistics import bp as statistics_bp app.register_blueprint(statistics_bp) from lidarts.tournament import bp as tournament_bp app.register_blueprint(tournament_bp) from lidarts.generic.errors import not_found_error, internal_error app.register_error_handler(404, not_found_error) app.register_error_handler(500, internal_error) import lidarts.models import lidarts.socket.base_handler import lidarts.socket.chat_handler import lidarts.socket.X01_game_handler import import lidarts.socket.public_challenge_handler import lidarts.socket.tournament_handler import lidarts.socket.webcam_follow_handler return app
"SECRET_KEY": "askdfjasd" } finally: # set file destination application.config['UPLOADED_DATAFILES_DEST'] = configurations[ "SAVE_FILE_DESTINATION"] # set secret application.secret_key = configurations['SECRET_KEY'] # declare files for upload set # DATA allows for only data extensions (".csv" etc) datafiles = UploadSet('datafiles', DATA) configure_uploads(application, datafiles) # set max upload size to 500MB patch_request_class(application, 500 * 1024 * 1024) #### FUNCTIONS #### # hashing function to be applied to pandas dataframe # salt is prepended to string def hashthis(string, salt): hash_string = salt + string sha = hashlib.sha256(hash_string.encode()).hexdigest() return sha # pandas processing function to anonymise ids column
app = Flask(__name__) app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY') # app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = os.environ.get('SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI') app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = os.environ.get('POSTGRES_DATABASE_URI') app.config[ 'SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS'] = False # do not track changes until saved app.config[ 'PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS'] = True # flask extensions can raise their own errors app.config['JWT_BLACKLIST_ENABLED'] = True # enable blacklisting user id's app.config['JWT_BLACKLIST_TOKEN_CHECKS'] = [ 'access', 'refresh' ] # enable blacklist for those functions app.config['JWT_SECRET_KEY'] = os.environ["JWT_SECRET_KEY"] app.config['UPLOADED_IMAGES_DEST'] = os.path.join("static", "images") app.config['DEBUG'] = True patch_request_class(app, 10 * 1024 * 1024) # 10MB image size limit configure_uploads(app, IMAGE_SET) # img extensions api = Api(app) @app.errorhandler(ValidationError) def handle_marshmallow_validation(error): return jsonify(error.messages), 400 # Enable jwt authentication (check resources.user.UserLogin) jwt = JWTManager(app) @jwt.token_in_blacklist_loader def chcek_if_token_in_blacklist(decrypted_token):
import os from flask import Flask, request from flask_uploads import UploadSet, configure_uploads, IMAGES,\ patch_request_class app = Flask(__name__) app.config['UPLOADED_PHOTOS_DEST'] = os.getcwd() # 文件储存地址 photos = UploadSet('photos', IMAGES) configure_uploads(app, photos) patch_request_class(app) # 文件大小限制,默认为16MB html = ''' <!DOCTYPE html> <title>Upload File</title> <h1>图片上传</h1> <form method=post enctype=multipart/form-data> <input type=file name=photo> <input type=submit value=上传> </form> ''' @app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def upload_file(): if request.method == 'POST' and 'photo' in request.files: filename =['photo']) file_url = photos.url(filename) return html + '<br><img src=' + file_url + '>' return html
UserLogin, User, TokenRefresh, UserLogout, ) from resources.item import Item, ItemList from import Store, StoreList from resources.confirmation import Confirmation, ConfirmationByUser from resources.image import ImageUpload, Image, AvatarUpload, Avatar from libs.image_helper import IMAGE_SET app = Flask(__name__) load_dotenv(".env", verbose=True) app.config.from_object("default_config") app.config.from_envvar("APPLICATION_SETTINGS") patch_request_class(app, 10 * 1024 * 1024) # restrict max upload image size to 10MB configure_uploads(app, IMAGE_SET) api = Api(app) @app.before_first_request def create_tables(): db.create_all() @app.errorhandler(ValidationError) def handle_marshmallow_validation(err): return jsonify(err.message), 400 jwt = JWTManager(app)
def create_app(config_class=Config): app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(config_class) db.init_app(app) migrate.init_app(app, db) login.init_app(app) mail.init_app(app) configure_uploads(app, images) patch_request_class(app, size=33554432) app.r = Redis.from_url(app.config['REDIS_URL']) app.q = Queue('climb_dest-tasks', connection=app.r) # start worker: rq worker climb_dest-tasks from app.errors import bp as errors_bp app.register_blueprint(errors_bp) from app.auth import bp as auth_bp app.register_blueprint(auth_bp, url_prefix='/auth') from app.user import bp as user_bp app.register_blueprint(user_bp) from app.destinations import bp as destinations_bp app.register_blueprint(destinations_bp) from app.currency import bp as currency_bp app.register_blueprint(currency_bp) from app.main import bp as main_bp app.register_blueprint(main_bp) if not app.debug and not app.testing: if app.config['MAIL_SERVER']: auth = None if app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'] or app.config['MAIL_PASSWORD']: auth = (app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'], app.config['MAIL_PASSWORD']) secure = None if app.config['MAIL_USE_TLS']: secure = () mail_handler = SMTPHandler( mailhost=(app.config['MAIL_SERVER'], app.config['MAIL_PORT']), fromaddr='no-reply@' + app.config['MAIL_SERVER'], toaddrs=app.config['ADMINS'], subject='climb_dest Failure', credentials=auth, secure=secure) mail_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) app.logger.addHandler(mail_handler) if not os.path.exists('logs'): os.mkdir('logs') file_handler = RotatingFileHandler('logs/climb_dest.log', maxBytes=10240, backupCount=10) file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s [in %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d]')) file_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) app.logger.addHandler(file_handler) app.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)'Climbit startup') return app
def CreateWallApp(): app = WallApp(static_folder='assets', static_url_path='/assets') app.config.from_object(__name__ + '.ConfigClass') try: app.config.from_object('local_settings') except: pass # Use for Frontend debug CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": "*"}}) Compress(app) Cache(app) babel = Babel(app) login = LoginManager(app) @login.unauthorized_handler def handle_needs_login(): flash("You have to be logged in to access this page.") return redirect(url_for('login', next=request.endpoint)) @app.route("/login", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def login(): if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] user = User.query.filter( or_(User.username == username, == username)).first() if user is None or not user.check_password(password): flash("Sorry, but you could not log in.") redirect(url_for('home_page')) else: next = request.form['next'] login_user(user, remember=True) return redirect(next) else: next = request.args.get('next') return render_template("login.html", next=next) login.login_view = 'login' @babel.localeselector def get_locale(): return 'ru' app.dropzone = Dropzone(app) = UploadSet('photos', IMAGES) configure_uploads(app, patch_request_class(app) @app.route('/') def home_page(): users = db.session.query(func.count( images = db.session.query(func.count( is_logedin = current_user.is_authenticated return render_template("index.html", files=str(images), users=str(users), is_logedin=is_logedin) @app.route('/images_page') @login_required def images_page(): return render_template('images_page.html') @app.route("/logout") @login_required def logout(): logout_user() return redirect(url_for('home_page')) api = Api(app) class Images(Resource): def get(self, page): pglen = 10 record_query = Image.query \ .filter(Image.updated_at <= \ .paginate(int(page), pglen, False) files = record_query.items contents = [] total = {'files': len(files), 'pglen': pglen} for file in files: filepath = info = {} info['name'] = file.image info['width'] = file.width info['height'] = file.height info['url'] = filepath info['type'] = 'file' contents.append(info) return {'contents': contents, 'total': total} api.add_resource(Images, '/api/v1/FilesREST/<page>') return app
import os, sys sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))) from flask_uploads import patch_request_class # import atexit # from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler from flask_script import Manager, Server from application import create_app # from utilities.journal import print_date_time app = create_app() #file's size limit patch_request_class(app, size=41943040) manager = Manager(app) # scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() # scheduler.add_job(func=print_date_time,trigger='cron', hour='0') # scheduler.start() host = os.environ.get('IP', '') port = int(os.environ.get('PORT', 5000)) manager.add_command( "runserver", Server(use_debugger=True, use_reloader=True, host=host, port=port)) if __name__ == "__main__":
app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 8 * 1024 * 1024 manager = Manager(app) #设置保存的位置 app.config['UPLOADED_PHOTOS_DEST'] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'uploads') #创建文件上传对象 主要用来设置 允许的上传类型 photos = UploadSet('photos', IMAGES) #将上传对象 跟 app实例完成绑定 configure_uploads(app, photos) #配置上传文件大小 size默认64M 如果size为None #那么就会按照我们自己设置的 app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] 大小 patch_request_class(app, size=None) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): return 'Hello World!' @app.route('/uploads/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def uploads(): img_url = None if request.method == "POST": #保存文件 filename =['photos']) #获取保存的url img_url = photos.url(filename)
def create_app(test_config=None): app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) load_dotenv() app.config.update(os.environ) @app.before_request def start_session(): try: session["sid"] except KeyError: session["sid"] = urllib.parse.quote_plus(b64encode(os.urandom(10))) print("Starting with sid {}".format(session["sid"])) cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": "*"}}) images = UploadSet("images", IMAGES) patch_request_class(app, 2 * 1024 * 1024) configure_uploads(app, images) from . import db from . import auth from . import views app.register_blueprint(auth.bp) app.register_blueprint(views.bp) from .blueprints.admin import admin_theme app.register_blueprint(admin_theme, url_prefix="/admin") app.add_url_rule("/", "index", views.__getattribute__("choose")) # the signals from .signals import journey_complete # Set custom modules path sys.path.append(app.config["MODULES_PATH"]) with app.app_context(): # Migrate database database.init_app(app) migrate = Migrate(app, database) upgrade('./migrations') if test_config is not None: seed_db() app.config.update(test_config) load_theme(app) # Register yml pages as routes pages = Page.query.all() for page in pages: page_path = page.path template_file = page.template_file view_func_name = page.page_name # Generate view function generate_view_func = """def %s_view_func(): return render_template('%s')""" % ( view_func_name, template_file, ) exec(generate_view_func) in globals(), locals() method_name = view_func_name + "_view_func" possibles = globals().copy() possibles.update(locals()) view_func = possibles.get(method_name) app.add_url_rule("/" + page_path, view_func_name + "_view_func", view_func) # Import any custom modules modules = Module.query.all() print("sys.path contains: {}".format(sys.path)) for module in modules: # Assume standard python module try: print("Attempting to importing module: {}".format( importlib.import_module( except ModuleNotFoundError: # Attempt to load module from src dest = Path(app.config["MODULES_PATH"], print("Cloning module into: {}".format(dest)) os.makedirs(str(dest), exist_ok=True) try: git.Repo.clone_from(module.src, dest) except git.exc.GitCommandError: pass # Now re-try import try: import site reload(site) importlib.import_module( except ModuleNotFoundError: print("Error: Could not import module: {}".format( # Register modules as blueprint (if it is one) try: importedModule = importlib.import_module( if isinstance(getattr(importedModule,, Blueprint): # Load any config the Blueprint declares blueprint = getattr(importedModule, blueprintConfig = "".join( [blueprint.root_path, "/", ""]) app.config.from_pyfile(blueprintConfig, silent=True) # Register the Blueprint app.register_blueprint(getattr(importedModule, print("Imported as flask Blueprint") # Run Blueprint migrations if any modulePath = Path(importedModule.__file__).parents[0] moduleMigrationsPath = Path(modulePath, 'migrations') if moduleMigrationsPath.is_dir(): # Run migrations for migration in moduleMigrationsPath.iterdir(): print("Running module migration {}".format( migration)) # Run subscribie_cli database migrations db_full_path = app.config['DB_FULL_PATH']"python " + str(migration) + ' -up -db ' + db_full_path, shell=True) except (ModuleNotFoundError, AttributeError): print("Error: Could not import module as blueprint: {}".format( module["name"])) # Handling Errors Gracefully @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): return render_template("errors/404.html"), 404 @app.errorhandler(500) def page_not_found(e): return render_template("errors/500.html"), 500 @app.cli.command() def initdb(): """Initialize the database.""" click.echo('Init the db') with open("seed.sql") as fp: con = sqlite3.connect(app.config["DB_FULL_PATH"]) cur = con.cursor() cur.executescript( con.close() return app
from app import app from flask_uploads import UploadSet, configure_uploads, patch_request_class IMAGES = tuple('jpg jpe jpeg png gif'.split()) profilepictures = UploadSet('profilepictures', IMAGES) entityphotos = UploadSet('entityphotos', IMAGES) pdftopos = UploadSet('pdftopos', ('pdf',)) configure_uploads(app, ( profilepictures, entityphotos, pdftopos )) patch_request_class(app, app.config['UPLOADS_MAX_FILESIZE'])
import os from flask import Flask, request, redirect, url_for, render_template from flask_restful import abort, reqparse, Resource, Api from flask_restful.representations import json from flask_uploads import UploadSet, IMAGES, configure_uploads, patch_request_class from peewee import * from playhouse.shortcuts import model_to_dict app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app) app.config['UPLOADED_PHOTOS_DEST'] = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) photos = UploadSet('photos', IMAGES) configure_uploads(app, photos) patch_request_class(app, 12 * 1024 * 1024) @app.route('/upload', methods=['POST', 'GET']) def upload(): if request.method == 'POST' and 'photo' in request.files: filename =['photo']) return redirect(url_for('show', name=filename)) return render_template('upload.html') @app.route('/photo/<name>') def show(name): if name is None: abort(404) url = photos.url(name)
def create_app(test_config=None): app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) HoneyMiddleware( app, db_events=True ) # db_events defaults to True, set to False if not using our db middleware with Flask-SQLAlchemy load_dotenv(verbose=True) app.config.update(os.environ) if test_config is not None: app.config.update(test_config) @app.before_request def start_session(): try: session["sid"] except KeyError: session["sid"] = urllib.parse.quote_plus(b64encode(os.urandom(10))) print("Starting with sid {}".format(session["sid"])) @app.before_first_request def register_modules(): """Import any custom modules""" # Set custom modules path sys.path.append(app.config["MODULES_PATH"]) modules = Module.query.all() print("sys.path contains: {}".format(sys.path)) for module in modules: # Assume standard python module try: print("Attempting to importing module: {}".format( importlib.import_module( except ModuleNotFoundError: # Attempt to load module from src dest = Path(app.config["MODULES_PATH"], print("Cloning module into: {}".format(dest)) os.makedirs(str(dest), exist_ok=True) try: git.Repo.clone_from(module.src, dest) except git.exc.GitCommandError: pass # Now re-try import try: import site reload(site) importlib.import_module( except ModuleNotFoundError: print("Error: Could not import module: {}".format( # Register modules as blueprint (if it is one) try: importedModule = importlib.import_module( if isinstance(getattr(importedModule,, Blueprint): # Load any config the Blueprint declares blueprint = getattr(importedModule, blueprintConfig = "".join( [blueprint.root_path, "/", ""]) app.config.from_pyfile(blueprintConfig, silent=True) # Register the Blueprint app.register_blueprint(getattr(importedModule, print(f"Imported {} as flask Blueprint") except (ModuleNotFoundError, AttributeError): print("Error: Could not import module as blueprint: {}".format( CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": "*"}}) CORS(app, resources={r"/auth/jwt-login/*": {"origins": "*"}}) images = UploadSet("images", IMAGES) patch_request_class( app, int(app.config.get("MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH", 2 * 1024 * 1024))) configure_uploads(app, images) from . import auth from . import views from . import api app.register_blueprint(auth.bp) app.register_blueprint(views.bp) app.register_blueprint(api.api) from .blueprints.admin import admin from .blueprints.subscriber import subscriber from .blueprints.pages import module_pages from .blueprints.iframe import module_iframe_embed from import module_style_shop from .blueprints.seo import module_seo_page_title app.register_blueprint(module_pages, url_prefix="/pages") app.register_blueprint(module_iframe_embed, url_prefix="/iframe") app.register_blueprint(module_style_shop, url_prefix="/style") app.register_blueprint(module_seo_page_title, url_prefix="/seo") app.register_blueprint(admin, url_prefix="/admin") app.register_blueprint(subscriber) app.add_url_rule("/", "index", views.__getattribute__("choose")) with app.app_context(): database.init_app(app) Migrate(app, database) try: payment_provider = PaymentProvider.query.first() if payment_provider is None: # If payment provider table not seeded, seed with blank values. payment_provider = PaymentProvider() database.session.add(payment_provider) database.session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError as e: # Allow to fail until migrations run (flask upgrade requires app reboot) print(e) load_theme(app) # Handling Errors Gracefully @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): return render_template("errors/404.html"), 404 @app.errorhandler(413) def request_entity_too_large(error): return "File Too Large", 413 @app.errorhandler(500) def page_error_500(e): return render_template("errors/500.html"), 500 @app.cli.command() def initdb(): """Initialize the database.""" click.echo("Init the db") with open("seed.sql") as fp: con = sqlite3.connect(app.config["DB_FULL_PATH"]) cur = con.cursor() # Check not already seeded cur.execute("SELECT id from user") if cur.fetchone() is None: cur.executescript( else: print("Database already seeded.") con.close() @app.cli.command() def alert_subscribers_make_choice(): """Alert qualifying subscribers to set their choices For all people (aka Subscribers) - Loop over their *active* subscriptions - Check if x days before their subscription.next_date - If yes, sent them an email alert """ def alert_subscriber_update_choices(subscriber: Person): email_template = str( Path(current_app.root_path + "/emails/update-choices.jinja2.html")) # App context needed for (app.config["SERVER_NAME"] not set) with app.test_request_context("/"): update_options_url = ("https://" + + url_for("subscriber.login")) company = Company.query.first() with open(email_template) as file_: template = Template( html = template.render( update_options_url=update_options_url, company=company) try: mail = Mail(current_app) msg = Message() msg.subject = + " " + "Update Options" msg.sender = current_app.config["EMAIL_LOGIN_FROM"] msg.recipients = [] msg.html = html mail.send(msg) except Exception as e: print(e) print("Failed to send update choices email") people = Person.query.all() for person in people: for subscription in person.subscriptions: if (get_subscription_status( subscription.gocardless_subscription_id) == "active"): # Check if x days until next subscription due, make configurable today = days_until = subscription.next_date().date() - today if days_until.days == 8: print(f"Sending alert for subscriber '{}' on \ plan: {subscription.plan.title}") alert_subscriber_update_choices(person) return app
def create_app(config_filename="", app_name=None, register_blueprints=True): # App configuration app = Flask(app_name or __name__) env_cfg = os.getenv("CUSTOM_CONFIG", config_filename) app.config.from_pyfile(env_cfg) Bootstrap(app) app.jinja_env.add_extension("jinja2.ext.with_") app.jinja_env.add_extension("") app.jinja_env.globals.update(is_admin=is_admin) app.jinja_env.filters["state_to_str"] = state_str if HAS_SENTRY: app.config["SENTRY_RELEASE"] = raven.fetch_git_sha( os.path.dirname(__file__)) sentry = Sentry(app, dsn=app.config["SENTRY_DSN"]) # noqa: F841 print(" * Sentry support activated") print(" * Sentry DSN: %s" % app.config["SENTRY_DSN"]) if app.config["DEBUG"] is True: app.jinja_env.auto_reload = True app.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Logging if not app.debug: formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s " "[in %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d]") file_handler = RotatingFileHandler("%s/errors_app.log" % os.getcwd(), "a", 1000000, 1) file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) app.logger.addHandler(file_handler) mail.init_app(app) migrate = Migrate(app, db) # noqa: F841 babel = Babel(app) # noqa: F841 toolbar = DebugToolbarExtension(app) # noqa: F841 db.init_app(app) # Setup Flask-Security security = Security( # noqa: F841 app, user_datastore, register_form=ExtendedRegisterForm, confirm_register_form=ExtendedRegisterForm) @FlaskSecuritySignals.password_reset.connect_via(app) @FlaskSecuritySignals.password_changed.connect_via(app) def log_password_reset(sender, user): if not user: return add_user_log(,, "user", "info", "Your password has been changed !") @FlaskSecuritySignals.reset_password_instructions_sent.connect_via(app) def log_reset_password_instr(sender, user, token): if not user: return add_user_log(,, "user", "info", "Password reset instructions sent.") git_version = "" gitpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".git") if os.path.isdir(gitpath): git_version = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"]) if git_version: git_version = git_version.strip().decode("UTF-8") @babel.localeselector def get_locale(): # if a user is logged in, use the locale from the user settings identity = getattr(g, "identity", None) if identity is not None and return identity.user.locale # otherwise try to guess the language from the user accept # header the browser transmits. We support fr/en in this # example. The best match wins. return request.accept_languages.best_match(["fr", "en"]) @babel.timezoneselector def get_timezone(): identity = getattr(g, "identity", None) if identity is not None and return identity.user.timezone @app.before_request def before_request(): cfg = { "CAMGEAR_VERSION_VER": VERSION, "CAMGEAR_VERSION_GIT": git_version, "CAMGEAR_VERSION": "{0} ({1})".format(VERSION, git_version), } g.cfg = cfg @app.errorhandler(InvalidUsage) def handle_invalid_usage(error): response = jsonify(error.to_dict()) response.status_code = error.status_code return response pictures = UploadSet("pictures", IMAGES) configure_uploads(app, pictures) patch_request_class(app, 10 * 1024 * 1024) # 10m limit thumb = Thumbnail(app) # noqa: F841 if register_blueprints: from controllers.main import bp_main app.register_blueprint(bp_main) from controllers.users import bp_users app.register_blueprint(bp_users) from controllers.admin import bp_admin app.register_blueprint(bp_admin) from controllers.accessories import bp_accessories app.register_blueprint(bp_accessories) from controllers.cameras import bp_cameras app.register_blueprint(bp_cameras) from controllers.lenses import bp_lenses app.register_blueprint(bp_lenses) from controllers.autocompletion import bp_autocomplete app.register_blueprint(bp_autocomplete) @app.route("/uploads/<string:thing>/<path:stuff>", methods=["GET"]) def get_uploads_stuff(thing, stuff): if app.debug: directory = safe_join(app.config["UPLOADS_DEFAULT_DEST"], thing) app.logger.debug(f"serving {stuff} from {directory}") return send_from_directory(directory, stuff, as_attachment=True) else: app.logger.debug(f"X-Accel-Redirect serving {stuff}") resp = Response("") resp.headers[ "Content-Disposition"] = f"attachment; filename={stuff}" resp.headers[ "X-Accel-Redirect"] = f"/_protected/media/tracks/{thing}/{stuff}" return resp @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(msg): pcfg = { "title": gettext("Whoops, something failed."), "error": 404, "message": gettext("Page not found"), "e": msg, } return render_template("error_page.jinja2", pcfg=pcfg), 404 @app.errorhandler(403) def err_forbidden(msg): pcfg = { "title": gettext("Whoops, something failed."), "error": 403, "message": gettext("Access forbidden"), "e": msg, } return render_template("error_page.jinja2", pcfg=pcfg), 403 @app.errorhandler(410) def err_gone(msg): pcfg = { "title": gettext("Whoops, something failed."), "error": 410, "message": gettext("Gone"), "e": msg } return render_template("error_page.jinja2", pcfg=pcfg), 410 if not app.debug: @app.errorhandler(500) def err_failed(msg): pcfg = { "title": gettext("Whoops, something failed."), "error": 500, "message": gettext("Something is broken"), "e": msg, } return render_template("error_page.jinja2", pcfg=pcfg), 500 @app.after_request def set_x_powered_by(response): response.headers["X-Powered-By"] = "camgear" return response # Other commands @app.cli.command() def routes(): """Dump all routes of defined app""" table = texttable.Texttable() table.set_deco(texttable.Texttable().HEADER) table.set_cols_dtype(["t", "t", "t"]) table.set_cols_align(["l", "l", "l"]) table.set_cols_width([50, 30, 80]) table.add_rows([["Prefix", "Verb", "URI Pattern"]]) for rule in sorted(app.url_map.iter_rules(), key=lambda x: str(x)): methods = ",".join(rule.methods) table.add_row([rule.endpoint, methods, rule]) print(table.draw()) @app.cli.command() def config(): """Dump config""" pp(app.config) @app.cli.command() def seed(): """Seed database with default content""" make_db_seed(db) @app.cli.command() def createuser(): """Create an user""" username = click.prompt("Username", type=str) email = click.prompt("Email", type=str) password = click.prompt("Password", type=str, hide_input=True, confirmation_prompt=True) while True: role = click.prompt("Role [admin/user]", type=str) if role == "admin" or role == "user": break if click.confirm("Do you want to continue ?"): role = Role.query.filter( == role).first() if not role: raise click.UsageError("Roles not present in database") u = user_datastore.create_user(name=username, email=email, password=hash_password(password), roles=[role]) db.session.commit() if FSConfirmable.requires_confirmation(u): FSConfirmable.send_confirmation_instructions(u) print("Look at your emails for validation instructions.") return app
def create_app(config_name=None): """Returns the Flask app.""" app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='templates') if not config_name: config_name = os.getenv('FLASK_ENV') if config_name == 'production': setup_logger_handlers(app) app.config.from_object(app_config[config_name]) app.jinja_env.line_statement_prefix = '%' app.jinja_env.filters['datetimeformat'] = datetimeformat assets.init_app(app) oauth.init_app(app) # Compare the init_app of cache to oauth later cache.init_app(app, config={ 'CACHE_TYPE': 'redis', 'CACHE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT': 5, 'CACHE_REDIS_HOST': os.getenv('REDIS_HOST'), 'CACHE_REDIS_PORT': os.getenv('REDIS_PORT'), 'CACHE_KEY_PREFIX': 'benwaonline:' }) login_manager.init_app(app) @login_manager.user_loader def load_user(user_id): if user_id: key = 'user_{}'.format(user_id) r = cache.get(key) if not r: r = UserGateway().get_by_user_id(user_id) cache.set(key, r, timeout=3600) return r return None @login_manager.unauthorized_handler def handle_unauthorized(): return redirect(url_for('authbp.authorize')) @app.errorhandler(BenwaOnlineError) def handle_error(error): args = error.args[0] msg = '{} - {}'.format(args['title'], args['source']) current_app.logger.debug(msg) return render_template('error.html', error=msg) @app.errorhandler(BenwaOnlineRequestError) def handle_request_error(error): msg = 'BenwaOnlineRequestError @ main: {}'.format(error) current_app.logger.debug(msg) return render_template('request_error.html', error=error) register_blueprints(app) configure_uploads(app, (images, )) patch_request_class(app, FILE_SIZE_LIMIT) return app
from flask import (Flask, request, flash, redirect, send_from_directory, render_template, url_for) from flask_uploads import UploadSet, configure_uploads, patch_request_class, ALL from werkzeug import SharedDataMiddleware basedir = os.getcwd() app = Flask(__name__) app.config['UPLOADED_FILES_DEST'] = os.path.join(basedir, 'uploads') app.config['FILE_PATH'] = os.path.join(basedir, 'uploads') app.config['DEBUG'] = True app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'ouahflnl' upload_file = UploadSet('files', ALL) configure_uploads(app, upload_file) patch_request_class(app, 5*1024*1024*1024*1024) @app.route("/file/<filename>", build_only=True) def prev_file(filename): return send_from_directory(app.config.get('UPLOADED_FILES_DEST'), filename) app.wsgi_app = SharedDataMiddleware( app.wsgi_app, { "/file": app.config.get("UPLOADED_FILES_DEST") }, cache=False )