def edit(date, time, pickup, dropoff, driver_id, price, status, ride_id): """ A method to edit a ride's details. :param date: A string, the date the ride is to be taken. :param time: A string, the time the ride is to start. :param pickup: A string, the place where the ride starts. :param dropoff: A string, the destination of the ride. :param driver_id: An int, the unique identifier of the driver of the ride. :param price: A string, the price of the ride. :param status: A string, the status of the ride. :param ride_id: An int, the unique identifier of the ride. :return: Http Response """ if status in Ride.STATUS_OPTIONS: car = User.get_car(driver_id) car_capacity = car['capacity'] connection = connectDB() cursor = connection.cursor( cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) Ride.abort_if_ride_offer_doesnt_exist(ride_id) try: cursor.execute( """UPDATE ride SET date = %s, time = %s, pickup = %s, dropoff = %s, capacity = %s, driver_id = %s, price = %s, status = %s WHERE id = %s;""", (date, time, pickup, dropoff, car_capacity, driver_id, price, status, ride_id)) connection.commit() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: connection.rollback() return {'status': 'failed', 'data': error}, 500 cursor.close() connection.close() return { 'status': 'success', 'data': 'Ride offer successfully updated' }, 200 return { 'status': 'failed', 'message': 'You entered an invalid ride status' }, 404
def __init__(self, date, time, pickup, dropoff, driver_id, price, status=STATUS_IN_OFFER): car = User.get_car(driver_id) car_capacity = car['capacity'] = date self.time = time self.pickup = pickup self.dropoff = dropoff self.capacity = car_capacity self.seats_available = car_capacity self.driver_id = driver_id self.price = price self.status = status