Exemple #1
    def _parse_with_config(self, parser):

        config = confuse.Configuration('kafl', modname='kafl_fuzzer')

        # check default config search paths
        config.read(defaults=True, user=True)

        # local / workdir config
        workdir_config = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'kafl.yaml')
        if os.path.exists(workdir_config):
            config.set_file(workdir_config, base_for_paths=True)

        # ENV based config
        if 'KAFL_CONFIG' in os.environ:
            config.set_file(os.environ['KAFL_CONFIG'], base_for_paths=True)

        # merge all configs into a flat dictionary, delimiter = ':'
        config_values = FlatDict(config.flatten())
        if 'KAFL_CONFIG_DEBUG' in os.environ:
            print("Options picked up from config: %s" % str(config_values))

        # adopt defaults into parser, fixup 'required' and file/path fields
        for action in parser._actions:
            #print("action: %s" % repr(action))
            if action.dest in config_values:
                if action.type == parse_is_file:
                    action.default = config[action.dest].as_filename()
                elif isinstance(action, argparse._AppendAction):
                    assert ("append are not supported in in yaml config")
                    #action.default = [config[action.dest].as_str()]
                    action.default = config[action.dest].get()
                action.required = False

        # remove options not defined in argparse (set_defaults() imports everything)
        for option in config_values:
            if 'KAFL_CONFIG_DEBUG' in os.environ:
                logger.warn("Dropping unrecognized option '%s'." % option)

        # allow unrecognized options?

        args = parser.parse_args()

        if 'KAFL_CONFIG_DEBUG' in os.environ:
            print("Final parsed args: %s" % repr(args))
        return args
Exemple #2
    def save(cls, network, phases=[], filename=''):
        Write Network to a Mat file for exporting to Matlab.

        network : OpenPNM Network Object

        filename : string
            Desired file name, defaults to network name if not given

        phases : list of phase objects ([])
            Phases that have properties we want to write to file

        project, network, phases = cls._parse_args(network=network,
        network = network[0]
        # Write to file
        if filename == '':
            filename = project.name
        filename = cls._parse_filename(filename=filename, ext='mat')

        d = Dict.to_dict(network=network, phases=phases, interleave=True)
        d = FlatDict(d, delimiter='|')
        d = sanitize_dict(d)
        new_d = {}
        for key in list(d.keys()):
            new_key = key.replace('|', '_').replace('.', '_')
            new_d[new_key] = d.pop(key)

        spio.savemat(file_name=filename, mdict=new_d)
Exemple #3
    def save(cls, network, phases=[], filename=''):
        Write Network to a Mat file for exporting to Matlab.

        network : OpenPNM Network Object

        filename : string
            Desired file name, defaults to network name if not given

        phases : list of phase objects ([])
            Phases that have properties we want to write to file

        project, network, phases = cls._parse_args(network=network,
        network = network[0]
        # Write to file
        if filename == '':
            filename = project.name
        filename = cls._parse_filename(filename=filename, ext='mat')

        d = Dict.to_dict(network=network, phases=phases, interleave=True)
        d = FlatDict(d, delimiter='|')
        d = sanitize_dict(d)
        new_d = {}
        for key in list(d.keys()):
            new_key = key.replace('|', '_').replace('.', '_')
            new_d[new_key] = d.pop(key)

        spio.savemat(file_name=filename, mdict=new_d)
Exemple #4
    def from_dict(cls, dct, project=None, delim=' | '):
        This method converts a correctly formatted dictionary into OpenPNM
        objects, and returns a handle to the *project* containing them.

        dct : dictionary
            The Python dictionary containing the data.  The nesting and
            labeling of the dictionary is used to create the appropriate
            OpenPNM objects.

        project : OpenPNM Project Object
            The project with which the created objects should be associated.
            If not supplied, one will be created.

        An OpenPNM Project containing the objects created to store the given

        The requirement of a *correctly formed* dictionary is rather strict,
        and essentially means a dictionary produced by the ``to_dict`` method
        of this class.

        if project is None:
            project = ws.new_project()

        # Uncategorize pore/throat and labels/properties, if present
        fd = FlatDict(dct, delimiter=delim)
        # If . is the delimiter, replace with | otherwise things break
        if delim == '.':
            delim = ' | '
            for key in list(fd.keys()):
                new_key = key.replace('.', delim)
                fd[new_key] = fd.pop(key)
        d = FlatDict(delimiter=delim)
        for key in list(fd.keys()):
            new_key = key.replace('pore' + delim, 'pore.')
            new_key = new_key.replace('throat' + delim, 'throat.')
            new_key = new_key.replace('labels' + delim, '')
            new_key = new_key.replace('properties' + delim, '')
            d[new_key] = fd.pop(key)

        # Plase data into correctly categorized dicts, for later handling
        objs = {
            'network': NestedDict(),
            'geometry': NestedDict(),
            'physics': NestedDict(),
            'phase': NestedDict(),
            'algorithm': NestedDict(),
            'base': NestedDict()
        for item in d.keys():
            path = item.split(delim)
            if len(path) > 2:
                if path[-3] in objs.keys():
                    # Item is categorized by type, so note it
                    objs[path[-3]][path[-2]][path[-1]] = d[item]
                    # item is nested, not categorized; make it a base
                    objs['base'][path[-2]][path[-1]] = d[item]
                # If not categorized by type, make it a base
                objs['base'][path[-2]][path[-1]] = d[item]

        # Convert to OpenPNM Objects, attempting to infer type
        for objtype in objs.keys():
            for name in objs[objtype].keys():
                # Create empty object, using dummy name to avoid error
                obj = project._new_object(objtype=objtype, name='')
                # Overwrite name
                obj._set_name(name=name, validate=False)
                # Update new object with data from dict

        return project
Exemple #5
    def from_dict(cls, dct, project=None, delim=' | '):
        This method converts a correctly formatted dictionary into OpenPNM
        objects, and returns a handle to the *project* containing them.

        dct : dictionary
            The Python dictionary containing the data.  The nesting and
            labeling of the dictionary is used to create the appropriate
            OpenPNM objects.

        project : OpenPNM Project Object
            The project with which the created objects should be associated.
            If not supplied, one will be created.

        An OpenPNM Project containing the objects created to store the given

        The requirement of a *correctly formed* dictionary is rather strict,
        and essentially means a dictionary produced by the ``to_dict`` method
        of this class.

        if project is None:
            project = ws.new_project()

        # Uncategorize pore/throat and labels/properties, if present
        fd = FlatDict(dct, delimiter=delim)
        # If . is the delimiter, replace with | otherwise things break
        if delim == '.':
            delim = ' | '
            for key in list(fd.keys()):
                new_key = key.replace('.', delim)
                fd[new_key] = fd.pop(key)
        d = FlatDict(delimiter=delim)
        for key in list(fd.keys()):
            new_key = key.replace('pore' + delim, 'pore.')
            new_key = new_key.replace('throat' + delim, 'throat.')
            new_key = new_key.replace('labels' + delim, '')
            new_key = new_key.replace('properties' + delim, '')
            d[new_key] = fd.pop(key)

        # Plase data into correctly categorized dicts, for later handling
        objs = {'network': NestedDict(),
                'geometry': NestedDict(),
                'physics': NestedDict(),
                'phase': NestedDict(),
                'algorithm': NestedDict(),
                'base': NestedDict()}
        for item in d.keys():
            path = item.split(delim)
            if len(path) > 2:
                if path[-3] in objs.keys():
                    # Item is categorized by type, so note it
                    objs[path[-3]][path[-2]][path[-1]] = d[item]
                    # item is nested, not categorized; make it a base
                    objs['base'][path[-2]][path[-1]] = d[item]
                # If not categorized by type, make it a base
                objs['base'][path[-2]][path[-1]] = d[item]

        # Convert to OpenPNM Objects, attempting to infer type
        for objtype in objs.keys():
            for name in objs[objtype].keys():
                # Create empty object, using dummy name to avoid error
                obj = project._new_object(objtype=objtype, name='')
                # Overwrite name
                obj._set_name(name=name, validate=False)
                # Update new object with data from dict

        return project
Exemple #6
    def to_dataframe(cls, network=None, phases=[], join=False, delim=' | '):
        Convert the Network (and optionally Phase) data to Pandas DataFrames.

        network: OpenPNM Network Object
            The network containing the data to be stored

        phases : list of OpenPNM Phase Objects
            The data on each supplied phase will be added to DataFrame

        join : boolean
            If ``False`` (default), two DataFrames are returned with *pore*
            data in one, and *throat* data in the other.  If ``True`` the pore
            and throat data are combined into a single DataFrame.  This can be
            problematic as it will put NaNs into all the *pore* columns which
            are shorter than the *throat* columns.

        Pandas ``DataFrame`` object containing property and label data in each
        column.  If ``join`` was False (default) the two DataFrames are
        returned i a named tuple, or else a single DataFrame with pore and
        throat data in the same file, despite the column length being

        project, network, phases = cls._parse_args(network=network,

        # Initialize pore and throat data dictionary using Dict class
        pdata = Dict.to_dict(network=network,
        tdata = Dict.to_dict(network=network,
        pdata = FlatDict(pdata, delimiter=delim)
        tdata = FlatDict(tdata, delimiter=delim)

        # Scan data and convert non-1d arrays to multiple columns
        for key in list(pdata.keys()):
            if sp.shape(pdata[key]) != (network[0].Np, ):
                arr = pdata.pop(key)
                tmp = sp.split(arr, arr.shape[1], axis=1)
                cols = range(len(tmp))
                    {key + '[' + str(i) + ']': tmp[i].squeeze()
                     for i in cols})
        for key in list(tdata.keys()):
            if sp.shape(tdata[key]) != (network[0].Nt, ):
                arr = tdata.pop(key)
                tmp = sp.split(arr, arr.shape[1], axis=1)
                cols = range(len(tmp))
                    {key + '[' + str(i) + ']': tmp[i].squeeze()
                     for i in cols})

        # Convert sanitized dictionaries to DataFrames
        pdata = pd.DataFrame(sanitize_dict(pdata))
        tdata = pd.DataFrame(sanitize_dict(tdata))

        # Prepare DataFrames to be returned
        if join:
            data = tdata.join(other=pdata, how='left')
            nt = namedtuple('dataframes', ('pore', 'throat'))
            data = nt(pore=pdata, throat=tdata)

        return data