Exemple #1
def sweHouses(jd, lat, lon, hsys):
    """ Returns lists of houses and angles. """
    hsys = SWE_HOUSESYS[hsys]
    hlist, ascmc = swisseph.houses(jd, lat, lon, hsys)
    # Add first house to the end of 'hlist' so that we
    # can compute house sizes with an iterator
    hlist += (hlist[0], )
    houses = [{
        'id': const.LIST_HOUSES[i],
        'lon': hlist[i],
        'size': angle.distance(hlist[i], hlist[i + 1])
    } for i in range(12)]
    angles = [{
        'id': const.ASC,
        'lon': ascmc[0]
    }, {
        'id': const.MC,
        'lon': ascmc[1]
    }, {
        'id': const.DESC,
        'lon': angle.norm(ascmc[0] + 180)
    }, {
        'id': const.IC,
        'lon': angle.norm(ascmc[1] + 180)
    }, {
        'id': const.VERTEX,
        'lon': ascmc[3]
    return (houses, angles)
Exemple #2
def orientality(obj, sun):
    """ Returns if an object is oriental or 
    occidental to the sun. 
    dist = angle.distance(sun.lon, obj.lon)
    return OCCIDENTAL if dist < 180 else ORIENTAL
Exemple #3
def light(obj, sun):
    """ Returns if an object is augmenting or diminishing light. """
    dist = angle.distance(sun.lon, obj.lon)
    faster = sun if sun.lonspeed > obj.lonspeed else obj
    if faster == sun:
        return LIGHT_DIMINISHING if dist < 180 else LIGHT_AUGMENTING
        return LIGHT_AUGMENTING if dist < 180 else LIGHT_DIMINISHING
Exemple #4
def solarReturnJD(jd, lon, forward=True):
    """ Finds the julian date before or after 
    'jd' when the sun is at longitude 'lon'. 
    It searches forward by default.
    sun = swe.sweObjectLon(const.SUN, jd)
    if forward:
        dist = angle.distance(sun, lon)
        dist = angle.distance(lon, sun)

    while abs(dist) > MAX_ERROR:
        jd = jd + dist / 0.9833  # Sun mean motion
        sun = swe.sweObjectLon(const.SUN, jd)
        dist = angle.closestdistance(sun, lon)
    return jd
Exemple #5
def syzygyJD(jd):
    """ Finds the latest new or full moon and
    returns the julian date of that event. 
    sun = swe.sweObjectLon(const.SUN, jd)
    moon = swe.sweObjectLon(const.MOON, jd)
    dist = angle.distance(sun, moon)

    # Offset represents the Syzygy type.
    # Zero is conjunction and 180 is opposition.
    offset = 180 if (dist >= 180) else 0
    while abs(dist) > MAX_ERROR:
        jd = jd - dist / 13.1833  # Moon mean daily motion
        sun = swe.sweObjectLon(const.SUN, jd)
        moon = swe.sweObjectLon(const.MOON, jd)
        dist = angle.closestdistance(sun - offset, moon)
    return jd
Exemple #6
def sweHouses(jd, lat, lon, hsys):
    """ Returns lists of houses and angles. """
    hsys = SWE_HOUSESYS[hsys]
    hlist, ascmc = swisseph.houses(jd, lat, lon, hsys)
    # Add first house to the end of 'hlist' so that we
    # can compute house sizes with an iterator 
    hlist += (hlist[0],)
    houses = [
            'id': const.LIST_HOUSES[i],
            'lon': hlist[i], 
            'size': angle.distance(hlist[i], hlist[i+1])
        } for i in range(12)
    angles = [
        {'id': const.ASC, 'lon': ascmc[0]}, 
        {'id': const.MC, 'lon': ascmc[1]},
        {'id': const.DESC, 'lon': angle.norm(ascmc[0] + 180)},
        {'id': const.IC, 'lon': angle.norm(ascmc[1] + 180)}
    return (houses, angles)