def GET(self, id):
     flattr = Flattr()
     if id == "":
         id = "1"
     video = flattr.getVideoById(id)
     if video is None or video.embeddedcode == "":
         return "No Oembed data found for that flattr thing!"
         return render.single("Flattr Video Browser", "Flattr Video Browser", "A Flattr API proof of concept", video)
 def GET(self, id):
     flattr = Flattr()
     if id == "":
         video = flattr.getRandomVideo(True)
         thingid = video.thingid        
         return web.seeother('/movie/'+str(thingid))
         video = flattr.getVideoById(id, True)
     if video is None or video.embeddedcode == "":
         return "No Oembed data found for that flattr thing!"
         return"Flattr Video Browser", "Flattr Video Browser", "A Flattr API proof of concept", video)
 def GET(self, page = u"1"):
         cacheFile = open('data.pkl', 'rb')
         cache = pickle.load(cacheFile)
         # This takes care of case when no data.pkl file exists (only needed once).
         flattr = Flattr()
         listOfVideos = flattr.getVideoList(page, 8)
         cache["cache"] = listOfVideos
         cache["time"] = time()
         output = open('data.pkl', 'wb')
         pickle.dump(cache, output)
         print "Initialize cache"
     # Input santiation
     if page == u'':
         page = u"1"
     if not page.isdigit():
         return "Sorry, that is not a number!"
     # If it is first browse page, either serve som cache or refresh cache    
     if page == u"1" and (time() - cache["time"] < 60):
         listOfVideos = cache["cache"]
         print "Serving from cache"
     elif page == u"1": 
         flattr = Flattr()
         listOfVideos = flattr.getVideoList(page, 8)
         cache["cache"] = listOfVideos
         cache["time"] = time()
         output = open('data.pkl', 'wb')
         pickle.dump(cache, output)
         print "Refresh cache"
         flattr = Flattr()
         listOfVideos = flattr.getVideoList(page, 8)
     return render.browse("Flattr Video Browser", "Flattr Video Browser", "A Flattr API proof of concept", page, listOfVideos)
 def GET(self):
     flattr = Flattr()
     video = flattr.getRandomVideo()
     return render.single("Flattr Video Browser", "Flattr Video Browser", "A Flattr API proof of concept", video)
 def GET(self):
     flattr = Flattr()
     video = flattr.getRandomVideo()
     thingid = video.thingid        
     return web.seeother('/id/'+str(thingid))