Exemple #1
    def _csv_write_rows(self, rows, lineterminator=u'\r\n'):
        Write FEC rows into a file
        It seems that Bercy's bureaucracy is not too happy about the
        empty new line at the End Of File.

        @param {list(list)} rows: the list of rows. Each row is a list of strings
        @param {unicode string} [optional] lineterminator: effective line terminator
            Has nothing to do with the csv writer parameter
            The last line written won't be terminated with it

        @return the value of the file
        fecfile = io.BytesIO()
        writer = pycompat.csv_writer(fecfile, delimiter='|', lineterminator='')

        rows_length = len(rows)
        for i, row in enumerate(rows):
            if not i == rows_length - 1:
                row[-1] += lineterminator

        fecvalue = fecfile.getvalue()
        return fecvalue
    def test_big_attachments(self):
        Ensure big fields (e.g. b64-encoded image data) can be imported and
        we're not hitting limits of the default CSV parser config
        from PIL import Image

        im = Image.new('RGB', (1920, 1080))
        fout = io.BytesIO()

        writer = pycompat.csv_writer(fout, dialect=None)
            [u'name', u'db_datas'],
            [u'foo', base64.b64encode(im.tobytes()).decode('ascii')]

        import_wizard = self.env['base_import.import'].create({
            'res_model': 'ir.attachment',
            'file': fout.getvalue(),
            'file_type': 'text/csv'
        results = import_wizard.do(
            ['name', 'db_datas'],
            {'headers': True, 'separator': ',', 'quoting': '"'})
        self.assertFalse(results, "results should be empty on successful import")
 def _makefile(self, rows):
     f = io.BytesIO()
     writer = pycompat.csv_writer(f, quoting=1)
     writer.writerow(['name', 'counter'])
     for i in range(rows):
         writer.writerow(['n_%d' % i, str(i)])
     return f.getvalue()
    def test_newline_import(self):
        Ensure importing keep newlines
        output = io.BytesIO()
        writer = pycompat.csv_writer(output, quoting=1)

        data_row = [u"\tfoo\n\tbar", u" \"hello\" \n\n 'world' "]

        writer.writerow([u"name", u"Some Value"])

        import_wizard = self.env['base_import.import'].create({
        data, _ = import_wizard._convert_import_data(['name', 'somevalue'], {
            'quoting': '"',
            'separator': ',',
            'headers': True

        self.assertItemsEqual(data, [data_row])
Exemple #5
 def fiscal_pos_map_to_csv(self):
     writer = pycompat.csv_writer(open('account.fiscal.'
                                  'position.tax.template-%s.csv' %
                                  self.suffix, 'wb'))
     fiscal_pos_map_iterator = self.iter_fiscal_pos_map()
     keys = next(fiscal_pos_map_iterator)
     for row in fiscal_pos_map_iterator:
         writer.writerow([pycompat.to_text(s) for s in row.values()])
    def test_limit_on_lines(self):
        """ The limit option should be a limit on the number of *lines*
        imported at at time, not the number of *records*. This is relevant
        when it comes to embedded o2m.

        A big question is whether we want to round up or down (if the limit
        brings us inside a record). Rounding up (aka finishing up the record
        we're currently parsing) seems like a better idea:

        * if the first record has so many sub-lines it hits the limit we still
          want to import it (it's probably extremely rare but it can happen)
        * if we have one line per record, we probably want to import <limit>
          records not <limit-1>, but if we stop in the middle of the "current
          record" we'd always ignore the last record (I think)
        f = io.BytesIO()
        writer = pycompat.csv_writer(f, quoting=1)
        writer.writerow(['name', 'value/value'])
        for record in range(10):
            writer.writerow(['record_%d' % record, '0'])
            for row in range(1, 10):
                writer.writerow(['', str(row)])

        import_wizard = self.env['base_import.import'].create({
        opts = {'quoting': '"', 'separator': ',', 'headers': True}
        preview = import_wizard.parse_preview({**opts, 'limit': 15})
        self.assertIs(preview['batch'], True)

        results = import_wizard.do(['name', 'value/value'], [], {
            **opts, 'limit': 5
            len(results['ids']), 1,
            "should have imported the first record in full, got %s" %
        self.assertEqual(results['nextrow'], 10)

        results = import_wizard.do(['name', 'value/value'], [], {
            **opts, 'limit': 15
            len(results['ids']), 2,
            "should have importe the first two records, got %s" %
        self.assertEqual(results['nextrow'], 20)
Exemple #7
 def taxes_to_csv(self):
     writer = pycompat.csv_writer(
         open('account.tax.template-%s.csv' % self.suffix, 'wb'))
     taxes_iterator = self.iter_taxes()
     keys = next(taxes_iterator)
     writer.writerow(keys[3:] + ['sequence'])
     seq = 100
     for row in sorted(taxes_iterator, key=lambda r: r['description']):
         if not _is_true(row['active']):
         seq += 1
         if row['parent_id:id']:
             cur_seq = seq + 1000
             cur_seq = seq
              for v in list(row.values())[3:]] + [cur_seq])
Exemple #8
    def tax_codes_to_csv(self):
        writer = pycompat.csv_writer(
            open('account.tax.code.template-%s.csv' % self.suffix, 'wb'))
        tax_codes_iterator = self.iter_tax_codes()
        keys = next(tax_codes_iterator)

        # write structure tax codes
        tax_codes = {}  # code: id
        for row in tax_codes_iterator:
            tax_code = row['code']
            if tax_code in tax_codes:
                raise RuntimeError('duplicate tax code %s' % tax_code)
            tax_codes[tax_code] = row['id']
            writer.writerow([pycompat.to_text(v) for v in row.values()])

        # read taxes and add leaf tax codes
        new_tax_codes = {}  # id: parent_code

        def add_new_tax_code(tax_code_id, new_name, new_parent_code):
            if not tax_code_id:
            name, parent_code = new_tax_codes.get(tax_code_id, (None, None))
            if parent_code and parent_code != new_parent_code:
                raise RuntimeError('tax code "%s" already exist with '
                                   'parent %s while trying to add it with '
                                   'parent %s' %
                                   (tax_code_id, parent_code, new_parent_code))
                new_tax_codes[tax_code_id] = (new_name, new_parent_code)

        taxes_iterator = self.iter_taxes()
        for row in taxes_iterator:
            if not _is_true(row['active']):
            if row['child_depend'] and row['amount'] != 1:
                raise RuntimeError('amount must be one if child_depend '
                                   'for %s' % row['id'])
            # base parent
            base_code = row['BASE_CODE']
            if not base_code or base_code == '/':
                base_code = 'NA'
            if base_code not in tax_codes:
                raise RuntimeError('undefined tax code %s' % base_code)
            if base_code != 'NA':
                if row['child_depend']:
                    raise RuntimeError('base code specified '
                                       'with child_depend for %s' % row['id'])
            if not row['child_depend']:
                # ... in lux, we have the same code for invoice and refund
                if base_code != 'NA':
                    assert row[
                        'base_code_id:id'], 'missing base_code_id for %s' % row[
                assert row['ref_base_code_id:id'] == row['base_code_id:id']
                                 'Base - ' + row['name'], base_code)
            # tax parent
            tax_code = row['TAX_CODE']
            if not tax_code or tax_code == '/':
                tax_code = 'NA'
            if tax_code not in tax_codes:
                raise RuntimeError('undefined tax code %s' % tax_code)
            if tax_code == 'NA':
                if row['amount'] and not row['child_depend']:
                    raise RuntimeError('TAX_CODE not specified '
                                       'for non-zero tax %s' % row['id'])
                if row['tax_code_id:id']:
                    raise RuntimeError('tax_code_id specified '
                                       'for tax %s' % row['id'])
                if row['child_depend']:
                    raise RuntimeError('TAX_CODE specified '
                                       'with child_depend for %s' % row['id'])
                if not row['amount']:
                    raise RuntimeError('TAX_CODE specified '
                                       'for zero tax %s' % row['id'])
                if not row['tax_code_id:id']:
                    raise RuntimeError('tax_code_id not specified '
                                       'for tax %s' % row['id'])
            if not row['child_depend'] and row['amount']:
                # ... in lux, we have the same code for invoice and refund
                assert row[
                    'tax_code_id:id'], 'missing tax_code_id for %s' % row['id']
                assert row['ref_tax_code_id:id'] == row['tax_code_id:id']
                                 'Taxe - ' + row['name'], tax_code)

        for tax_code_id in sorted(new_tax_codes):
            name, parent_code = new_tax_codes[tax_code_id]
                tax_code_id, u'lu_tct_m' + parent_code,
                tax_code_id.replace('lu_tax_code_template_', u''), u'1', u'',
                pycompat.to_text(name), u''
Exemple #9
    def generate_fec(self):
        # We choose to implement the flat file instead of the XML
        # file for 2 reasons :
        # 1) the XSD file impose to have the label on the account.move
        # but Flectra has the label on the account.move.line, so that's a
        # problem !
        # 2) CSV files are easier to read/use for a regular accountant.
        # So it will be easier for the accountant to check the file before
        # sending it to the fiscal administration
        header = [
            u'JournalCode',  # 0
            u'JournalLib',  # 1
            u'EcritureNum',  # 2
            u'EcritureDate',  # 3
            u'CompteNum',  # 4
            u'CompteLib',  # 5
            u'CompAuxNum',  # 6  We use partner.id
            u'CompAuxLib',  # 7
            u'PieceRef',  # 8
            u'PieceDate',  # 9
            u'EcritureLib',  # 10
            u'Debit',  # 11
            u'Credit',  # 12
            u'EcritureLet',  # 13
            u'DateLet',  # 14
            u'ValidDate',  # 15
            u'Montantdevise',  # 16
            u'Idevise',  # 17

        company = self.env.user.company_id
        if not company.vat:
            raise Warning(
                _("Missing VAT number for company %s") % company.name)
        if company.vat[0:2] != 'FR':
            raise Warning(_("FEC is for French companies only !"))

        fecfile = io.BytesIO()
        w = pycompat.csv_writer(fecfile, delimiter='|')

        unaffected_earnings_xml_ref = self.env.ref(
        unaffected_earnings_line = True  # used to make sure that we add the unaffected earning initial balance only once
        if unaffected_earnings_xml_ref:
            #compute the benefit/loss of last year to add in the initial balance of the current year earnings account
            unaffected_earnings_results = self.do_query_unaffected_earnings()
            unaffected_earnings_line = False

        sql_query = '''
            'OUV' AS JournalCode,
            'Balance initiale' AS JournalLib,
            'OUVERTURE/' || %s AS EcritureNum,
            %s AS EcritureDate,
            MIN(aa.code) AS CompteNum,
            replace(replace(MIN(aa.name), '|', '/'), '\t', '') AS CompteLib,
            '' AS CompAuxNum,
            '' AS CompAuxLib,
            '-' AS PieceRef,
            %s AS PieceDate,
            '/' AS EcritureLib,
            replace(CASE WHEN sum(aml.balance) <= 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(SUM(aml.balance), '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Debit,
            replace(CASE WHEN sum(aml.balance) >= 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(-SUM(aml.balance), '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Credit,
            '' AS EcritureLet,
            '' AS DateLet,
            %s AS ValidDate,
            '' AS Montantdevise,
            '' AS Idevise,
            MIN(aa.id) AS CompteID
            account_move_line aml
            LEFT JOIN account_move am ON am.id=aml.move_id
            JOIN account_account aa ON aa.id = aml.account_id
            LEFT JOIN account_account_type aat ON aa.user_type_id = aat.id
            am.date < %s
            AND am.company_id = %s
            AND aat.include_initial_balance = 't'
            AND (aml.debit != 0 OR aml.credit != 0)

        # For official report: only use posted entries
        if self.export_type == "official":
            sql_query += '''
            AND am.state = 'posted'

        sql_query += '''
        GROUP BY aml.account_id, aat.type
        HAVING sum(aml.balance) != 0
        AND aat.type not in ('receivable', 'payable')
        formatted_date_from = self.date_from.replace('-', '')
        date_from = datetime.strptime(self.date_from,
        formatted_date_year = date_from.year
            (formatted_date_year, formatted_date_from, formatted_date_from,
             formatted_date_from, self.date_from, company.id))

        for row in self._cr.fetchall():
            listrow = list(row)
            account_id = listrow.pop()
            if not unaffected_earnings_line:
                account = self.env['account.account'].browse(account_id)
                if account.user_type_id.id == self.env.ref(
                    #add the benefit/loss of previous fiscal year to the first unaffected earnings account found.
                    unaffected_earnings_line = True
                    current_amount = float(listrow[11].replace(
                        ',', '.')) - float(listrow[12].replace(',', '.'))
                    unaffected_earnings_amount = float(
                            ',', '.')) - float(
                                    ',', '.'))
                    listrow_amount = current_amount + unaffected_earnings_amount
                    if listrow_amount > 0:
                        listrow[11] = str(listrow_amount).replace('.', ',')
                        listrow[12] = '0,00'
                        listrow[11] = '0,00'
                        listrow[12] = str(-listrow_amount).replace('.', ',')
        #if the unaffected earnings account wasn't in the selection yet: add it manually
        if (not unaffected_earnings_line and unaffected_earnings_results
                and (unaffected_earnings_results[11] != '0,00'
                     or unaffected_earnings_results[12] != '0,00')):
            #search an unaffected earnings account
            unaffected_earnings_account = self.env['account.account'].search(
                [('user_type_id', '=',
            if unaffected_earnings_account:
                    4] = unaffected_earnings_account.code
                    5] = unaffected_earnings_account.name

        # INITIAL BALANCE - receivable/payable
        sql_query = '''
            'OUV' AS JournalCode,
            'Balance initiale' AS JournalLib,
            'OUVERTURE/' || %s AS EcritureNum,
            %s AS EcritureDate,
            MIN(aa.code) AS CompteNum,
            replace(MIN(aa.name), '|', '/') AS CompteLib,
            CASE WHEN rp.ref IS null OR rp.ref = ''
            THEN COALESCE('ID ' || rp.id, '')
            ELSE replace(rp.ref, '|', '/')
            AS CompAuxNum,
            COALESCE(replace(rp.name, '|', '/'), '') AS CompAuxLib,
            '-' AS PieceRef,
            %s AS PieceDate,
            '/' AS EcritureLib,
            replace(CASE WHEN sum(aml.balance) <= 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(SUM(aml.balance), '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Debit,
            replace(CASE WHEN sum(aml.balance) >= 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(-SUM(aml.balance), '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Credit,
            '' AS EcritureLet,
            '' AS DateLet,
            %s AS ValidDate,
            '' AS Montantdevise,
            '' AS Idevise,
            MIN(aa.id) AS CompteID
            account_move_line aml
            LEFT JOIN account_move am ON am.id=aml.move_id
            LEFT JOIN res_partner rp ON rp.id=aml.partner_id
            JOIN account_account aa ON aa.id = aml.account_id
            LEFT JOIN account_account_type aat ON aa.user_type_id = aat.id
            am.date < %s
            AND am.company_id = %s
            AND aat.include_initial_balance = 't'
            AND (aml.debit != 0 OR aml.credit != 0)

        # For official report: only use posted entries
        if self.export_type == "official":
            sql_query += '''
            AND am.state = 'posted'

        sql_query += '''
        GROUP BY aml.account_id, aat.type, rp.ref, rp.id
        HAVING sum(aml.balance) != 0
        AND aat.type in ('receivable', 'payable')
            (formatted_date_year, formatted_date_from, formatted_date_from,
             formatted_date_from, self.date_from, company.id))

        for row in self._cr.fetchall():
            listrow = list(row)
            account_id = listrow.pop()
            w.writerow([s.encode("utf-8") for s in listrow])

        # LINES
        sql_query = '''
            replace(replace(aj.code, '|', '/'), '\t', '') AS JournalCode,
            replace(replace(aj.name, '|', '/'), '\t', '') AS JournalLib,
            replace(replace(am.name, '|', '/'), '\t', '') AS EcritureNum,
            TO_CHAR(am.date, 'YYYYMMDD') AS EcritureDate,
            aa.code AS CompteNum,
            replace(replace(aa.name, '|', '/'), '\t', '') AS CompteLib,
            CASE WHEN rp.ref IS null OR rp.ref = ''
            THEN COALESCE('ID ' || rp.id, '')
            ELSE replace(rp.ref, '|', '/')
            AS CompAuxNum,
            COALESCE(replace(replace(rp.name, '|', '/'), '\t', ''), '') AS CompAuxLib,
            CASE WHEN am.ref IS null OR am.ref = ''
            THEN '-'
            ELSE replace(replace(am.ref, '|', '/'), '\t', '')
            AS PieceRef,
            TO_CHAR(am.date, 'YYYYMMDD') AS PieceDate,
            CASE WHEN aml.name IS NULL THEN '/' ELSE replace(replace(aml.name, '|', '/'), '\t', '') END AS EcritureLib,
            replace(CASE WHEN aml.debit = 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(aml.debit, '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Debit,
            replace(CASE WHEN aml.credit = 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(aml.credit, '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Credit,
            CASE WHEN rec.name IS NULL THEN '' ELSE rec.name END AS EcritureLet,
            CASE WHEN aml.full_reconcile_id IS NULL THEN '' ELSE TO_CHAR(rec.create_date, 'YYYYMMDD') END AS DateLet,
            TO_CHAR(am.date, 'YYYYMMDD') AS ValidDate,
                WHEN aml.amount_currency IS NULL OR aml.amount_currency = 0 THEN ''
                ELSE replace(to_char(aml.amount_currency, '000000000000000D99'), '.', ',')
            END AS Montantdevise,
            CASE WHEN aml.currency_id IS NULL THEN '' ELSE rc.name END AS Idevise
            account_move_line aml
            LEFT JOIN account_move am ON am.id=aml.move_id
            LEFT JOIN res_partner rp ON rp.id=aml.partner_id
            JOIN account_journal aj ON aj.id = am.journal_id
            JOIN account_account aa ON aa.id = aml.account_id
            LEFT JOIN res_currency rc ON rc.id = aml.currency_id
            LEFT JOIN account_full_reconcile rec ON rec.id = aml.full_reconcile_id
            am.date >= %s
            AND am.date <= %s
            AND am.company_id = %s
            AND (aml.debit != 0 OR aml.credit != 0)

        # For official report: only use posted entries
        if self.export_type == "official":
            sql_query += '''
            AND am.state = 'posted'

        sql_query += '''
        ORDER BY
        self._cr.execute(sql_query, (self.date_from, self.date_to, company.id))

        for row in self._cr.fetchall():

        siren = company.vat[4:13]
        end_date = self.date_to.replace('-', '')
        suffix = ''
        if self.export_type == "nonofficial":
            suffix = '-NONOFFICIAL'
        fecvalue = fecfile.getvalue()
            'fec_data': base64.encodestring(fecvalue),
            # Filename = <siren>FECYYYYMMDD where YYYMMDD is the closing date
            'filename': '%sFEC%s%s.csv' % (siren, end_date, suffix),

        action = {
            "web/content/?model=account.fr.fec&id=" + str(self.id) +
            "&filename_field=filename&field=fec_data&download=true&filename=" +
        return action