Exemple #1
 def _website_price(self):
     # First filter out the ones that have no variant:
     # This makes sure that every template below has a corresponding product in the zipped result.
     self = self.filtered('product_variant_id')
     # use mapped who returns a recordset with only itself to prefetch (and don't prefetch every product_variant_ids)
     for template, product in pycompat.izip(
             self, self.mapped('product_variant_id')):
         template.website_price = product.website_price
         template.website_public_price = product.website_public_price
         template.website_price_difference = product.website_price_difference
Exemple #2
    def chk(lst, verbose=False):
        pvs = []
        for v in lst:
            pv = parse_version(v)
            if verbose:
                print(v, pv)

        for a, b in pycompat.izip(pvs, pvs[1:]):
            assert a < b, '%s < %s == %s' % (a, b, a < b)
 def get_products_price(self, products, quantities, partners, date=False, uom_id=False):
     """ For a given pricelist, return price for products
     Returns: dict{product_id: product price}, in the given pricelist """
     return {
         product_id: res_tuple[0]
         for product_id, res_tuple in self._compute_price_rule(
             list(pycompat.izip(products, quantities, partners)),
Exemple #4
    def _remove_reified_groups(self, values):
        """ return `values` without reified group fields """
        add, rem = [], []
        values1 = {}

        for key, val in values.items():
            if is_boolean_group(key):
                (add if val else rem).append(get_boolean_group(key))
            elif is_selection_groups(key):
                rem += get_selection_groups(key)
                if val:
                values1[key] = val

        if 'groups_id' not in values and (add or rem):
            # remove group ids in `rem` and add group ids in `add`
            values1['groups_id'] = list(
                itertools.chain(pycompat.izip(repeat(3), rem),
                                pycompat.izip(repeat(4), add)))

        return values1
Exemple #5
 def write(self, values):
     res = super(GroupsImplied, self).write(values)
     if values.get('users') or values.get('implied_ids'):
         # add all implied groups (to all users of each group)
         for group in self:
             vals = {
             super(GroupsImplied, group.trans_implied_ids).write(vals)
     return res
Exemple #6
 def _inverse_display_name(self):
     names = self.display_name.split('/')
     # determine sequence of categories
     categories = []
     for name in names[:-1]:
         category = self.search([('name', 'ilike', name.strip())])
     # assign parents following sequence
     for parent, child in pycompat.izip(categories, categories[1:]):
         if parent and child:
             child.parent = parent
     # assign name of last category, and reassign display_name (to normalize it)
     self.name = names[-1].strip()
Exemple #7
    def get_attribute_value_ids(self, product):
        res = super(WebsiteSale, self).get_attribute_value_ids(product)
        variant_ids = [r[0] for r in res]
        # recordsets conserve the order
        for r, variant in izip(res, request.env['product.product'].sudo().browse(variant_ids)):
                'virtual_available': variant.virtual_available,
                'product_type': variant.type,
                'inventory_availability': variant.inventory_availability,
                'available_threshold': variant.available_threshold,
                'custom_message': variant.custom_message,
                'product_template': variant.product_tmpl_id.id,
                'cart_qty': variant.cart_qty,
                'uom_name': variant.uom_id.name,

        return res
Exemple #8
    def _website_price(self):
        qty = self._context.get('quantity', 1.0)
        partner = self.env.user.partner_id
        current_website = self.env['website'].get_current_website()
        pricelist = current_website.get_current_pricelist()
        company_id = current_website.company_id

        context = dict(self._context, pricelist=pricelist.id, partner=partner)
        self2 = self.with_context(context) if self._context != context else self

        ret = self.env.user.has_group('sale.group_show_price_subtotal') and 'total_excluded' or 'total_included'

        for p, p2 in pycompat.izip(self, self2):
            taxes = partner.property_account_position_id.map_tax(p.sudo().taxes_id.filtered(lambda x: x.company_id == company_id))
            p.website_price = taxes.compute_all(p2.price, pricelist.currency_id, quantity=qty, product=p2, partner=partner)[ret]
            price_without_pricelist = taxes.compute_all(p.list_price, pricelist.currency_id)[ret]
            p.website_price_difference = False if float_is_zero(price_without_pricelist - p.website_price, precision_rounding=pricelist.currency_id.rounding) else True
            p.website_public_price = taxes.compute_all(p2.lst_price, quantity=qty, product=p2, partner=partner)[ret]
Exemple #9
 def create_view(self, archf, terms, **kwargs):
     view = self.env['ir.ui.view'].create({
         'name': 'test',
         'model': 'res.partner',
         'arch': archf % terms,
     for lang, trans_terms in kwargs.items():
         for src, val in pycompat.izip(terms, trans_terms):
                 'type': 'model',
                 'name': 'ir.ui.view,arch_db',
                 'lang': lang,
                 'res_id': view.id,
                 'src': src,
                 'value': val,
                 'state': 'translated',
     return view
Exemple #10
 def test_spaces(self):
     """ Create translations where value has surrounding spaces. """
     archf = '<form string="%s"><div>%s</div><div>%s</div></form>'
     terms_en = ('Knife', 'Fork', 'Spoon')
     terms_fr = (' Couteau', 'Fourchette ', ' Cuiller ')
     view0 = self.env['ir.ui.view'].create({
         'name': 'test',
         'model': 'res.partner',
         'arch': archf % terms_en,
     for src, value in list(pycompat.izip(terms_en, terms_fr)):
             'type': 'model',
             'name': 'ir.ui.view,arch_db',
             'lang': 'fr_FR',
             'res_id': view0.id,
             'src': src,
             'value': value,
Exemple #11
    def test_copy(self):
        """ Create a simple view, fill in translations, and copy it. """
        env_en = self.env(context={})
        env_fr = self.env(context={'lang': 'fr_FR'})

        archf = '<form string="%s"><div>%s</div><div>%s</div></form>'
        terms_en = ('Knife', 'Fork', 'Spoon')
        terms_fr = ('Couteau', 'Fourchette', 'Cuiller')
        view0 = self.env['ir.ui.view'].create({
            'name': 'test',
            'model': 'res.partner',
            'arch': archf % terms_en,
        for src, value in list(pycompat.izip(terms_en, terms_fr)):
                'type': 'model',
                'name': 'ir.ui.view,arch_db',
                'lang': 'fr_FR',
                'res_id': view0.id,
                'src': src,
                'value': value,

        # check translated field
        self.assertEqual(view0.with_env(env_en).arch_db, archf % terms_en)
        self.assertEqual(view0.with_env(env_fr).arch_db, archf % terms_fr)

        # copy without lang
        view1 = view0.with_env(env_en).copy({})
        self.assertEqual(view1.with_env(env_en).arch_db, archf % terms_en)
        self.assertEqual(view1.with_env(env_fr).arch_db, archf % terms_fr)

        # copy with lang='fr_FR'
        view2 = view0.with_env(env_fr).copy({})
        self.assertEqual(view2.with_env(env_en).arch_db, archf % terms_en)
        self.assertEqual(view2.with_env(env_fr).arch_db, archf % terms_fr)

        # copy with lang='fr_FR' and translate=html_translate
            type(self.env['ir.ui.view']).arch_db, 'translate', html_translate)
        view3 = view0.with_env(env_fr).copy({})
        self.assertEqual(view3.with_env(env_en).arch_db, archf % terms_en)
        self.assertEqual(view3.with_env(env_fr).arch_db, archf % terms_fr)
Exemple #12
 def iter_fiscal_pos_map(self):
     keys = [c.value for c in self.sheet_fiscal_pos_map.row(0)]
     yield keys
     for i in range(1, self.sheet_fiscal_pos_map.nrows):
         row = (c.value for c in self.sheet_fiscal_pos_map.row(i))
         yield OrderedDict(pycompat.izip(keys, row))
Exemple #13
 def update(self, records, field, values):
     """ Set the values of ``field`` for several ``records``. """
     key = records.env.cache_key(field)
     self._data[key][field].update(pycompat.izip(records._ids, values))
Exemple #14
        global count, errors
        count += 1
        result = float_repr(float_round(amount,
        if result != expected:
            errors += 1
            print('###!!! Rounding error: got %s , expected %s' %
                  (result, expected))

    # Extended float range test, inspired by Cloves Almeida's test on bug #882036.
    fractions = [.0, .015, .01499, .675, .67499, .4555, .4555, .45555]
    expecteds = ['.00', '.02', '.01', '.68', '.67', '.46', '.456', '.4556']
    precisions = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4]
    for magnitude in range(7):
        for frac, exp, prec in pycompat.izip(fractions, expecteds, precisions):
            for sign in [-1, 1]:
                for x in range(0, 10000, 97):
                    n = x * 10**magnitude
                    f = sign * (n + frac)
                    f_exp = ('-'
                             if f != 0 and sign == -1 else '') + str(n) + exp
                    try_round(f, f_exp, precision_digits=prec)

    stop = time.time()

    # Micro-bench results:
    # 47130 round calls in 0.422306060791 secs, with Python 2.6.7 on Core i3 x64
    # with decimal:
    # 47130 round calls in 6.612248100021 secs, with Python 2.6.7 on Core i3 x64
    print(count, " round calls, ", errors, "errors, done in ", (stop - start),
 def _price_get_multi(self, pricelist, products_by_qty_by_partner):
     """ Mono pricelist, multi product - return price per product """
     return pricelist.get_products_price(
Exemple #16
 def _compute_params(self):
     self_bin = self.with_context(bin_size=False, bin_size_params_store=False)
     for record, record_bin in pycompat.izip(self, self_bin):
         record.params = record_bin.params_store and safe_eval(record_bin.params_store, {'uid': self._uid})
Exemple #17
 def _compute_location_description(self):
     for operation, operation_sudo in izip(self, self.sudo()):
         operation.from_loc = '%s%s' % (operation_sudo.location_id.name, operation.product_id and operation_sudo.package_id.name or '')
         operation.to_loc = '%s%s' % (operation_sudo.location_dest_id.name, operation_sudo.result_package_id.name or '')
Exemple #18
    def test_rounding_03(self):
        """ Test rounding methods with 3 digits. """

        def try_round(amount, expected, digits=3, method='HALF-UP'):
            value = float_round(amount, precision_digits=digits, rounding_method=method)
            result = float_repr(value, precision_digits=digits)
            self.assertEqual(result, expected, 'Rounding error: got %s, expected %s' % (result, expected))

        try_round(2.6745, '2.675')
        try_round(-2.6745, '-2.675')
        try_round(2.6744, '2.674')
        try_round(-2.6744, '-2.674')
        try_round(0.0004, '0.000')
        try_round(-0.0004, '-0.000')
        try_round(357.4555, '357.456')
        try_round(-357.4555, '-357.456')
        try_round(457.4554, '457.455')
        try_round(-457.4554, '-457.455')

        # Try some rounding value with rounding method UP instead of HALF-UP
        # We use 8.175 because when normalizing 8.175 with precision_digits=3 it gives
        # us 8175,0000000001234 as value, and if not handle correctly the rounding UP
        # value will be incorrect (should be 8,175 and not 8,176)
        try_round(8.175, '8.175', method='UP')
        try_round(8.1751, '8.176', method='UP')
        try_round(-8.175, '-8.175', method='UP')
        try_round(-8.1751, '-8.176', method='UP')
        try_round(-6.000, '-6.000', method='UP')
        try_round(1.8, '2', 0, method='UP')
        try_round(-1.8, '-2', 0, method='UP')

        # Try some rounding value with rounding method DOWN instead of HALF-UP
        # We use 2.425 because when normalizing 2.425 with precision_digits=3 it gives
        # us 2424.9999999999995 as value, and if not handle correctly the rounding DOWN
        # value will be incorrect (should be 2.425 and not 2.424)
        try_round(2.425, '2.425', method='DOWN')
        try_round(2.4249, '2.424', method='DOWN')
        try_round(-2.425, '-2.425', method='DOWN')
        try_round(-2.4249, '-2.424', method='DOWN')
        try_round(-2.500, '-2.500', method='DOWN')
        try_round(1.8, '1', 0, method='DOWN')
        try_round(-1.8, '-1', 0, method='DOWN')

        # Extended float range test, inspired by Cloves Almeida's test on bug #882036.
        fractions = [.0, .015, .01499, .675, .67499, .4555, .4555, .45555]
        expecteds = ['.00', '.02', '.01', '.68', '.67', '.46', '.456', '.4556']
        precisions = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4]
        # Note: max precision for double floats is 53 bits of precision or
        # 17 significant decimal digits
        for magnitude in range(7):
            for frac, exp, prec in pycompat.izip(fractions, expecteds, precisions):
                for sign in [-1,1]:
                    for x in range(0, 10000, 97):
                        n = x * 10 ** magnitude
                        f = sign * (n + frac)
                        f_exp = ('-' if f != 0 and sign == -1 else '') + str(n) + exp
                        try_round(f, f_exp, digits=prec)

        def try_zero(amount, expected):
            self.assertEqual(float_is_zero(amount, precision_digits=3), expected,
                             "Rounding error: %s should be zero!" % amount)

        try_zero(0.0002, True)
        try_zero(-0.0002, True)
        try_zero(0.00034, True)
        try_zero(0.0005, False)
        try_zero(-0.0005, False)
        try_zero(0.0008, False)
        try_zero(-0.0008, False)

        def try_compare(amount1, amount2, expected):
            self.assertEqual(float_compare(amount1, amount2, precision_digits=3), expected,
                             "Rounding error, compare_amounts(%s,%s) should be %s" % (amount1, amount2, expected))

        try_compare(0.0003, 0.0004, 0)
        try_compare(-0.0003, -0.0004, 0)
        try_compare(0.0002, 0.0005, -1)
        try_compare(-0.0002, -0.0005, 1)
        try_compare(0.0009, 0.0004, 1)
        try_compare(-0.0009, -0.0004, -1)
        try_compare(557.4555, 557.4556, 0)
        try_compare(-557.4555, -557.4556, 0)
        try_compare(657.4444, 657.445, -1)
        try_compare(-657.4444, -657.445, 1)

        # Rounding to unusual rounding units (e.g. coin values)
        def try_round(amount, expected, precision_rounding=None, method='HALF-UP'):
            value = float_round(amount, precision_rounding=precision_rounding, rounding_method=method)
            result = float_repr(value, precision_digits=2)
            self.assertEqual(result, expected, 'Rounding error: got %s, expected %s' % (result, expected))

        try_round(-457.4554, '-457.45', precision_rounding=0.05)
        try_round(457.444, '457.50', precision_rounding=0.5)
        try_round(457.3, '455.00', precision_rounding=5)
        try_round(457.5, '460.00', precision_rounding=5)
        try_round(457.1, '456.00', precision_rounding=3)
        try_round(2.5, '2.50', precision_rounding=0.05, method='DOWN')
        try_round(-2.5, '-2.50', precision_rounding=0.05, method='DOWN')
 def _compute_signup_valid(self):
     dt = now()
     for partner, partner_sudo in pycompat.izip(self, self.sudo()):
         partner.signup_valid = bool(partner_sudo.signup_token) and \
         (not partner_sudo.signup_expiration or dt <= partner_sudo.signup_expiration)
Exemple #20
 def iter_taxes(self):
     keys = [c.value for c in self.sheet_taxes.row(0)]
     yield keys
     for i in range(1, self.sheet_taxes.nrows):
         row = (c.value for c in self.sheet_taxes.row(i))
         yield OrderedDict(pycompat.izip(keys, row))