Exemple #1
from utils import http_error_handling, invoke
import json
import boto3
from fleece.xray import monkey_patch_botocore_for_xray
import os


def get_lc_instance_type(client, lc_name):
    desc = client.describe_launch_configurations(
    if not len(desc['LaunchConfigurations']):
        raise Exception('LC %s not found' % lc_name)
    lc = desc['LaunchConfigurations'][0]
    used_instance_type = lc['InstanceType']
    print("%s uses instance type %s" % (lc_name, used_instance_type))
    return used_instance_type

def find_subnets_to_exclude(unavailable, used, asg, subnet_to_az):
    unavailable_azs = unavailable[used]
    subnets_to_exclude = []
    for subnet in asg['subnets']:
        subnet_az = subnet_to_az[subnet]
        if subnet_az in unavailable_azs:

    return subnets_to_exclude
import boto3, json, logging, argparse, time, os,requests, uuid
from fleece.xray import (monkey_patch_botocore_for_xray, monkey_patch_requests_for_xray, trace_xray_subsegment)

cd imageProc
virtualenv fleece_venv --python=python3
source fleece_env/bin/activate
pip install fleece 
cd ..
python setupApps.py -f setupIProc.json --no_spotwrap --turn_on_tracing --profile aws_profile

//go to DynamoDB Management Console and create table imageLables with key "id" of type string
//create a table triggerTable with key "name" of type string

//go to s3 Management Console and create bucket MYBKTNAME
//create a folder called imgProc and place any image (filename.jpg) in this folder
test locally via: python imageProc/imageProc.py MYBKTNAME imgProc filename.jpg

//go to Lambda Management Console for
//ImageProcPy, Triggers tab, add Trigger, S3, choose bucket MYBKTNAME, 
//prefix: imgProc, enable trigger
test as function via:
aws lambda invoke --invocation-type Event --function-name ImageProcPy --region us-west-2 --profile aws_profile --payload '{"eventSource":"ext:invokeCLI","name":"MYBKTNAME","key":"imgProc/filname.jpg"}' outputfile

test as triggered function by dropping another file into MYBKTNAME/imageProc/ folder.
See entry in DynamoDB table imageLabels
See entry in DynamoDB table triggerTable (make this table trigger a different function)
View X-Ray service graph (there will be two "applications" with separate "clients" without GammaRay support)