Exemple #1
    action="store_true", dest="SOCKET_STATS",
    help="Parse socket stats during test. This will capture and parse socket "
    "statistics for all TCP upload flows during a test, adding TCP cwnd and RTT "
    "values to the test data. Requires the 'ss' utility to be present on the "
    "system, and can fail if there are too many simultaneous upload flows; which "
    "is why this option is not enabled by default.")

plot_group = parser.add_argument_group(
    "Plot configuration",
    "These options are used to configure the appearance of "
    "plot output and only make sense combined with -f plot.")


tool_group = parser.add_argument_group("Test tool-related options")

    action="store", type=unicode, dest="CONTROL_HOST", metavar="HOST",
    help="Hostname for control connection for test tools that support it "
    "(netperf and D_ITG). If not supplied, this will be the same as the test "
    "target host. The per-flow test parameter setting takes precedence of this "
    "for multi-target tests.")

    action="store", type=unicode, dest="CONTROL_LOCAL_BIND", metavar="IP",
    help="Local IP to bind control connection to (for test tools that support it;"
Exemple #2
    action="store_true", dest="SOCKET_STATS",
    help="Parse socket stats during test. This will capture and parse socket "
    "statistics for all TCP upload flows during a test, adding TCP cwnd and RTT "
    "values to the test data. Requires the 'ss' utility to be present on the "
    "system, and can fail if there are too many simultaneous upload flows; which "
    "is why this option is not enabled by default.")

plot_group = parser.add_argument_group(
    "Plot configuration",
    "These options are used to configure the appearance of "
    "plot output and only make sense combined with -f plot.")


tool_group = parser.add_argument_group("Test tool-related options")

    action="store", type=unicode, dest="CONTROL_HOST", metavar="HOST",
    help="Hostname for control connection for test tools that support it "
    "(netperf and D_ITG). If not supplied, this will be the same as the test "
    "target host.")

    action="store", type=unicode, dest="CONTROL_LOCAL_BIND", metavar="IP",
    help="Local IP to bind control connection to (for test tools that support it;"
    " currently netperf). If not supplied, the value for --local-bind will be "