Exemple #1
def test_action_python_only():

    m = MyObject()

    # Action decorator needs proper callable
    with raises(TypeError):
    if '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names:
        pass  # skip
        with raises(TypeError):

    # Check type of the instance attribute
    assert isinstance(m.set_foo, event._action.Action)

    # Cannot set or delete an action
    with raises(AttributeError):
        m.set_foo = 3
    with raises(AttributeError):
        del m.set_foo

    # Repr and docs
    assert 'action' in repr(m.__class__.set_foo).lower()
    assert 'action' in repr(m.set_foo).lower()
    assert 'foo' in repr(m.set_foo)
    # Also for autogenereated action
    m = MyObject_autoaction()
    assert 'action' in repr(m.__class__.set_foo).lower()
    assert 'action' in repr(m.set_foo).lower()
    assert 'foo' in repr(m.set_foo)
Exemple #2
def test_fail_exception():
    with raises(AttributeError):
    with raises(AttributeError):
    with raises(Exception):  # eval_js turns processerror into Exception
Exemple #3
def test_js_module_types():
    code = create_js_module('baz.js', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'hidden')
    assert 'define' not in code
    assert 'require' not in code
    assert 'bb' not in code
    assert 'aa' not in code
    assert 'return' not in code
    code = create_js_module('baz.js', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'simple')
    assert 'define' not in code
    assert 'require' not in code
    assert 'bb' not in code
    assert 'return aa' in code

    code = create_js_module('baz.js', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'amd')
    assert 'define' in code
    assert 'require' not in code
    assert 'bb' in code
    assert 'return aa' in code

    code = create_js_module('baz.js', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'umd')
    assert 'define' in code
    assert 'require' in code
    assert 'bb' in code
    assert 'return aa' in code
    with raises(ValueError):  # type not a str
        create_js_module('baz.js', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 3)
    with raises(ValueError):  # invalid type
        create_js_module('baz.js', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'not_known')
Exemple #4
def test_set_log_level():

    with raises(ValueError):

    with raises(TypeError):
Exemple #5
def test_iter():
    foo = Foo()
    foo.emit('foo', {})
    assert len(foo.r) == 0
    assert len(foo.r) == 1
    assert foo.r[0] == 1
    foo = Foo()
    foo.emit('foo', {})
    foo.emit('foo', {})
    assert len(foo.r) == 1
    assert foo.r[0] == 2
    # Failing func call
    res = []
    def fail():
    raises(ZeroDivisionError, fail)
    assert len(res) == 1
    # When handled by the loop, error is printed, but no fail
    assert len(res) == 2
Exemple #6
def test_method_handlers():
    events1 = []
    events2 = []
    class Foo(event.HasEvents):
        def handle1(self, *events):
        @event.connect('x1', 'x2')
        def handle2(self, *events):
    foo = Foo()
    with event.loop:
        foo.emit('x1', {})
        foo.emit('x2', {})
    assert len(events1) == 1
    assert len(events2) == 2
    assert isinstance(foo.handle1, event._handler.Handler)
    assert repr(foo.handle1)
    assert hasattr(foo.handle1, 'dispose')
    assert foo.handle1.get_name() == 'handle1'
    assert foo.handle1.get_connection_info() == [('x1', ['x1', ])]
    assert foo.handle2.get_connection_info() == [('x1', ['x1', ]), ('x2', ['x2', ])]
    # Can't touch this
    with raises(AttributeError):
        foo.handle1 = 3
    with raises(AttributeError):
        del foo.handle1
Exemple #7
def test_signals_on_classes_are_descriptors():
    shown = []
    class Test(HasSignals):
        def title(v=''):
            return str(v)
        def show_title1(v=''):
        def show_title2(self, v=''):
    assert len(shown) == 0
    assert Test.title.not_connected
    assert Test.show_title1.not_connected
    assert Test.show_title2.not_connected
    raises(RuntimeError, Test.show_title1.connect)
    t = Test()
    assert len(shown) == 2
Exemple #8
def test_emitter_python_only():

    m = MyObject()

    # Emitter decorator needs proper callable
    with raises(TypeError):
    if '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names:
        pass  # skip
        with raises(TypeError):

    # Check type of the instance attribute
    assert isinstance(m.foo, event._emitter.Emitter)

    # Cannot set or delete an emitter
    with raises(AttributeError):
        m.foo = 3
    with raises(AttributeError):
        del m.foo

    # Repr and docs
    assert 'emitter' in repr(m.__class__.foo).lower()
    assert 'emitter' in repr(m.foo).lower()
    assert 'foo' in repr(m.foo)
Exemple #9
def test_export():
    # Test using some icons over which I have some control
    B = 'https://bitbucket.org/iep-project/iep/raw/tip/iep/resources/appicons/'
    for name in ['ieplogo', 'py']:
        icon = Icon(B + name + '.ico')
        assert len(icon.image_sizes()) > 0
        # Export png
        filename = os.path.join(tempdir, name + '.png')
        for i in icon.image_sizes():
            assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tempdir, name + '%i.png' % i))
        # Export bmp
        filename = os.path.join(tempdir, name + '.bmp')
        for i in icon.image_sizes():
            assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tempdir, name + '%i.bmp' % i))
        # Failures ..
        with raises(TypeError):
        with raises(TypeError):
        if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
            with raises(TypeError):
        with raises(ValueError):
            icon.write(os.path.join(tempdir, name + '.foo'))
Exemple #10
def test_main_funcs():
    o_app = dialite._the_app
        # No args
        dialite._the_app = app = NoopApp()
        for func in (dialite.inform, dialite.warn, dialite.fail,
                     dialite.ask_ok, dialite.ask_retry, dialite.ask_yesno):
        assert app.res == ['Info', 'Warning', 'Error',
                           'Confirm', 'Retry', 'Question']
        # With args
        dialite._the_app = app = NoopApp()
        for func in (dialite.inform, dialite.warn, dialite.fail,
                     dialite.ask_ok, dialite.ask_retry, dialite.ask_yesno):
            func(func.__name__, 'meh bla')
        assert app.res == ['inform', 'warn', 'fail',
                           'ask_ok', 'ask_retry', 'ask_yesno']
        # Fails
        for func in (dialite.inform, dialite.warn, dialite.fail,
                     dialite.ask_ok, dialite.ask_retry, dialite.ask_yesno):
            with raises(TypeError):
                func(3, 'meh')
            with raises(TypeError):
                func('meh', 3)
            with raises(TypeError):
                func('meh', 'bla', 'foo')  # need exactly two args
        dialite._the_app = o_app
Exemple #11
def test_method_handlers_nodecorator():
    events1 = []
    events2 = []
    class Foo(event.HasEvents):
        def _handle1(self, *events):
        handle1 = event.connect(_handle1, 'x1')
        def _handle2(self, *events):
        handle2 = event.connect(_handle2, 'x1', 'x2')
    foo = Foo()
    with event.loop:
        foo.emit('x1', {})
        foo.emit('x2', {})
    assert len(events1) == 1
    assert len(events2) == 2
    assert isinstance(foo.handle1, event._handler.Handler)
    assert repr(foo.handle1)
    assert hasattr(foo.handle1, 'dispose')
    assert foo.handle1.get_name() == '_handle1'  # note the name ...
    # Can't touch this
    with raises(AttributeError):
        foo.handle1 = 3
    with raises(AttributeError):
        del foo.handle1
Exemple #12
def test_emit():
    h = event.HasEvents()
    events = []
    @h.connect('foo', 'bar')
    def handler(*evts):
    h.emit('foo', {})
    h.emit('bar', {'x': 1, 'y': 2})
    h.emit('spam', {})  # not registered
    assert len(events) == 2
    for ev in events:
        assert isinstance(ev, dict)
        assert ev.source is h
    assert len(events[0]) == 2
    assert len(events[1]) == 4
    assert events[0].type == 'foo'
    assert events[1].type == 'bar'
    assert events[1].x == 1
    assert events[1]['y'] == 2
    # Fail
    with raises(ValueError):
        h.emit('foo:a', {})
    with raises(TypeError):
        h.emit('foo', 4)
    with raises(TypeError):
        h.emit('foo', 'bla')
Exemple #13
def test_selenium():
    p = launch(URL, "selenium-firefox")
    assert p._proc is None
    assert p.driver
    raises(ValueError, launch, URL, "selenium")
Exemple #14
def test_connectors2():
    """ test connectors with sub """
    x = MyHasEvents()
    y = MyHasEvents()
    x.sub = [y]
    def foo(*events):
    # Warn if no known event
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.connect(foo, 'sub*.b')
    assert log
    # Supress warn
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.connect(foo, '!sub*.b')
    assert not log
    # Supress warn, with label
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.connect(foo, '!sub*.b:meh')
    assert not log
    # Invalid syntax - but fix and warn
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.connect(foo, 'sub*.!b:meh')
    assert log
    assert 'Exclamation mark' in log[0]
    # Position of *
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.connect(foo, 'sub*.a')
    assert not log
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.connect(foo, 'sub.*.a')
    assert log
    with raises(ValueError):
        h = x.connect(foo, 'sub.*a')  # fail

    # No star, no connection, fail!
    with raises(RuntimeError):
        h = x.connect(foo, 'sub.b')
    # Mix it
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.connect(foo, '!aa*')
    assert not log
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.connect(foo, '!aa**')
    assert not log
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.connect(foo, '!aa**:meh')  # why not
    assert not log
Exemple #15
def test_session_registering_model_classes():
    store = AssetStore()
    s = SessionAssets(store)
    s._send_command = lambda x: None
    raises(ValueError, s.register_model_class, 4)  # must be a Model class
    assert len(s._known_classes) == 3  # Slider, Widget, and Model
    s.register_model_class(ui.Slider)  # no duplicates!
    assert len(s._known_classes) == 3
    # Get result
    js = s.get_js_only()
    assert js.count('.Button = function ') == 1
    assert js.count('.Slider = function ') == 1
    assert js.count('.Widget = function ') == 1
    assert js.count('.BoxLayout = function ') == 1
    # Check that module indeed only has layout widgets
    jsmodule = store.load_asset('flexx-ui-layouts.js').decode()
    assert jsmodule.count('.BoxLayout = function ') == 1
    assert jsmodule.count('.Button = function ') == 0
    assert jsmodule.count('.Widget = function ') == 0
    # Check that page contains the rest
    page = s.get_page()
    assert page.count('.BoxLayout = function ') == 0
    assert page.count('.Button = function ') == 1
    assert page.count('.Widget = function ') == 1
    # Check that a single page export has it all
    export  = s.get_page_for_export([], True)
    assert export.count('.BoxLayout = function ') == 1
    assert export.count('.Button = function ') == 1
    assert export.count('.Widget = function ') == 1
    # Patch - this func is normally provided by the Session subclass
    commands = []
    s._send_command = lambda x: commands.append(x)
    # Dynamic
    assert len(commands) == 0  # already known
    assert len(commands) == 0  # already in module asset
    assert '.Label = function' in commands[0]  # JS
    assert 'flx-' in commands[1]  # CSS
Exemple #16
def test_js_module_names():
    with raises(ValueError):  # name not a str
        create_js_module(3, CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'simple')
    with raises(ValueError):  # name empty str
        create_js_module('', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'simple')
    code = create_js_module('foo.js', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'simple')
    assert '.foo =' in code  # using safe names
Exemple #17
def test_js_module_exports():
    with raises(ValueError):  # exports not a str or list
        create_js_module('foo.js', CODE, ['bb'], 3, 'simple')
    with raises(ValueError):  # exports element not a str
        create_js_module('foo.js', CODE, ['bb'], ['aa', 3], 'simple')
    code =create_js_module('foo.js', CODE, ['bb'], 'aa', 'simple')
    assert 'return aa' in code
    code = create_js_module('foo.js', CODE, ['bb'], ['aa', 'bb'], 'simple')
    assert 'return {aa: aa, bb: bb}' in code
def test_connecting_disconnected():
    def s1(v):
        return v + 1
    assert isinstance(s1, Signal)
    assert s1.not_connected
    raises(SignalValueError, s1)
    raises(RuntimeError, s1.connect)
    assert 'not connected' in repr(s1).lower()
Exemple #19
def test_func_name():
    # Do not allow weird names, though not recommended
    # todo: now that we have a metaclass, we can allow it!
    with raises(RuntimeError):
        class Test(HasSignals):
            s1 = Signal(lambda x: x, [])
    with raises(RuntimeError):
        class Test(HasSignals):
            s2 = Signal(float, [])
Exemple #20
def test_cannot_instantiate_without_session():


    with raises(RuntimeError) as err:
    assert 'needs a session!' in str(err)

    with raises(RuntimeError) as err:
    assert 'needs a session!' in str(err)
Exemple #21
def test_flexx_in_thread3():
    """ Test starting and creating server when a server is currently running.
    res = []
    def main():
        # Create fresh ioloop and make flexx use it
        loop = IOLoop()
    def try_start():
        except RuntimeError:
    def try_create():
        except RuntimeError:

    t = threading.Thread(target=main)
    # With that thread running ...
    while not app.current_server()._running:
    with raises(RuntimeError):
    with raises(RuntimeError):
    t1 = threading.Thread(target=try_start)
    t2 = threading.Thread(target=try_create)
    # Stop
    app.stop()  # Start does not work, but we can stop it!
    t.join()  # Otherwise it would never join
    # Note that we cannot start it right after calling stop, because it wont
    # stop *at once*. We need to join first.
    assert res == ['start-fail', 'create-fail']    
def test_errors():
    # Capture stderr
    errors = []
    def _fake_err(msg):
    old_error = sys.stderr.write
    sys.stderr.write = _fake_err
        reacted = []
        def s1(v=10):
            return float(v)
        # creating a react signal connects it, invalidates it, updates it
        # -> error to stderr
        def s2(v):
        assert len(reacted) == 1
        # hooray, we got here safely, but there should be printing to stderr
        assert 'ZeroDivision' in ''.join(errors)
        # Updating s1 should invoke the same ...
        errors[:] = []
        assert len(reacted) == 2
        assert 'ZeroDivision' in ''.join(errors)
        # creating a lazy signal connects it, invalidates it. Stop
        # -> on calling, it should raise
        def s3(v):
        assert len(reacted) == 2
        raises(ZeroDivisionError, s3)
        assert len(reacted) == 3
        # Calling it again ... raises again
        raises(ZeroDivisionError, s3)
        assert len(reacted) == 4
        sys.stderr.write = old_error  # Set back
Exemple #23
def test_js_module_imports():
    with raises(ValueError):  # imports not a list
        create_js_module('foo.js', CODE, 'bb', 'aa', 'simple')
    with raises(ValueError):  # imports element not a str
        create_js_module('foo.js', CODE, ['bb', 4], 'aa', 'simple')
    for type in ('amd', 'umd'):
        code = create_js_module('foo.js', CODE, ['bb as cc', 'dd'], 'aa', type)
        assert '"bb"' in code
        assert '"dd"' in code
        assert '"cc"' not in code
        assert 'cc, dd' in code
Exemple #24
def test_remote_asset():

    # Prepare example asset info
    # Note: use http instead of https to avoid spurious certificate errors
    bootstrap_url = 'http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css'
    jquery_url = 'http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.slim.min.js'
    with open(test_filename + '.js', 'wb') as f:
        f.write('var blablabla=7;'.encode())

    # JS from url
    asset = app.Asset(jquery_url)
    assert asset.remote
    assert asset.source == jquery_url
    assert 'jQuery v3.1.1' in asset.to_string()
    assert 'jQuery v3.1.1' in asset.to_html('{}', 0)
    assert 'jQuery v3.1.1' not in asset.to_html('{}', 1)
    assert 'jQuery v3.1.1' not in asset.to_html('{}', 2)
    assert 'jQuery v3.1.1' not in asset.to_html('{}', 3)
    assert 'src=' not in asset.to_html('{}', 0)
    assert 'src=' in asset.to_html('{}', 1)
    assert 'src=' in asset.to_html('{}', 2)
    assert 'src=' in asset.to_html('{}', 3)
    assert 'http://' in asset.to_html('{}', 1)
    assert 'http://' not in asset.to_html('{}', 2)
    assert 'http://' in asset.to_html('{}', 3)

    # CSS from url
    asset = app.Asset(bootstrap_url)
    assert asset.remote
    assert asset.source == bootstrap_url
    assert 'Bootstrap v3.3.7' in asset.to_string()
    assert 'Bootstrap v3.3.7' in asset.to_html('{}', 0)
    assert 'Bootstrap v3.3.7' not in asset.to_html('{}', 1)
    assert 'Bootstrap v3.3.7' not in asset.to_html('{}', 2)
    assert 'Bootstrap v3.3.7' not in asset.to_html('{}', 3)
    assert 'href=' not in asset.to_html('{}', 0)
    assert 'href=' in asset.to_html('{}', 1)
    assert 'href=' in asset.to_html('{}', 2)
    assert 'href=' in asset.to_html('{}', 3)
    assert 'http://' in asset.to_html('{}', 1)
    assert 'http://' not in asset.to_html('{}', 2)
    assert 'http://' in asset.to_html('{}', 3)

    # Falis
    with raises(TypeError):  # JS from file - not allowed
        app.Asset('file://' + test_filename + '.js')
    with raises(TypeError):
         app.Asset(jquery_url, 'foo=3')  # no sources for remote asset
    with raises(TypeError):
         app.Asset(jquery_url, ['foo=3'])  # no sources for remote asset
Exemple #25
def test_json_conversion():
    from commonast import Node, Assign, Name, BinOp, Bytes, Num
    # Test json conversion
    roota = Assign([Name('foo')], BinOp('Add', Name('a'), Num(3)))
    rootb = Assign([Name('foo')], BinOp('Add', None, Num(3.2)))
    rootc = Assign([Name('foo')], BinOp('Add', Bytes(b'xx'), Num(4j)))  
    for node1 in (roota, rootb, rootc):
        js = node1.tojson()
        node2 = Node.fromjson(js)
        assert js.count('BinOp') == 1
        assert js.count('Num') == 1
        assert node2.target_nodes[0].name == node1.target_nodes[0].name
        assert node2.value_node.op == node1.value_node.op
        assert node2.value_node.left_node == node1.value_node.left_node
        assert node2.value_node.right_node.value == node1.value_node.right_node.value
        # In fact, we can do
        node1 == node2
    assert roota != rootb
    assert roota != rootc
    with raises(ValueError):
        roota == 5
    assert str(roota) == roota.tojson()
    assert len(repr(roota)) < 80
Exemple #26
def test_read_wrong():
    with raises(TypeError):
    with raises(IOError):
        Icon('file does not exist')
    with raises(IOError):
        Icon('http://url does not exist')
    with raises(TypeError):
        Icon(['no', 'lists'])
    if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
        with raises(TypeError):
            Icon(b'not a filename')
Exemple #27
def test_session_registering_model_classes():
    from flexx import ui
    store = AssetStore()
    s = Session('', store)
    commands = []
    s._send_command = lambda x: commands.append(x)
    assert not s.present_modules
    assert len(s.present_modules) == 2
    assert 'flexx.ui._widget' in s.present_modules
    assert 'flexx.ui.widgets._button' in s.present_modules
    assert len(s._present_classes) == 6  # Because a module was loaded that has more widgets
    assert ui.Button in s._present_classes
    assert ui.RadioButton in s._present_classes
    assert ui.CheckBox in s._present_classes
    assert ui.ToggleButton in s._present_classes
    assert ui.BaseButton in s._present_classes
    assert ui.Widget in s._present_classes
    with raises(TypeError):
Exemple #28
def test_dict_ok():

    d = event.Dict(foo=3)
    assert d.foo == 3
    assert d['foo'] == 3

    d.foo = 4
    assert d.foo == 4
    assert d['foo'] == 4

    d['foo'] = 5
    assert d.foo == 5
    assert d['foo'] == 5

    d._x = 9
    assert d._x == 9

    d.__x = 8
    assert d.__x == 8

    d.x0123 = 7
    assert d.x0123 == 7

    with raises(AttributeError):
Exemple #29
def test_get_event_handlers():
    class Foo(event.HasEvents):
        def spam(self, *events):
        def eggs(self, *events):
    foo = Foo()
    def bar(*events):
    # sorted by label name
    assert foo.get_event_handlers('x') == [bar, foo.eggs, foo.spam]
    def zz1(*events):
    def zz2(*events):
    # sorted by label name
    assert foo.get_event_handlers('x') == [zz2, bar, foo.eggs, foo.spam, zz1]
    # Nonexisting event type is ok
    assert foo.get_event_handlers('y') == []
    # No labels allowed
    with raises(ValueError):
Exemple #30
def test_lazy_asset():
    side_effect = []

    def lazy():
        return 'spaaam'

    asset = app.Asset('foo.js', lazy)
    assert asset.source is lazy
    assert not side_effect

    assert asset.to_string() == 'spaaam'
    assert side_effect

    while side_effect:

    assert asset.to_string() == 'spaaam'
    assert not side_effect

    # Fail

    def lazy_wrong():
        return None

    asset = app.Asset('foo.js', lazy_wrong)
    assert asset.source is lazy_wrong

    with raises(ValueError):
Exemple #31
def test_session_assets():

    store = AssetStore()
    s = SessionAssets(store)
    s._send_command = lambda x: None

    assert not s.get_used_asset_names()

    with open(test_filename, 'wb') as f:

    # Add assets, check mangles name
    a1 = s.add_asset('foo.css', b'foo\n')
    a2 = s.add_asset('foo.js', test_filename)
    assert 'foo' in a1 and s.id in a1 and a1.endswith('.css')
    assert 'foo' in a2 and s.id in a2 and a2.endswith('.js')
    assert s.get_used_asset_names() == [a1, a2]  # order in which it came

    # Get the asset
    raises(IndexError, store.load_asset, 'foo.css')
    raises(IndexError, store.load_asset, 'foo.js')
    assert store.load_asset(a1) == b'foo\n'
    assert store.load_asset(a2) == b'bar\n'

    # Use asset
    store.add_asset('spam.js', b'1234\x00')
    assert s.get_used_asset_names()[-1] == 'spam.js'
    raises(IndexError, s.use_global_asset, 'unknown-asset.js')
    raises(ValueError, s.add_asset, 3, b'a\n')

    # Add assets after loading page
    s.use_global_asset('spam.js')  # prints a warning, but it does work

    # Global assets
    s.add_global_asset('eggs.js', b'12345\x00')
    assert s.get_used_asset_names()[-1] == 'eggs.js'
    assert store.load_asset('eggs.js') == b'12345\x00'
    raises(ValueError, s.use_global_asset, 3)

    # Remote assets
    s.use_remote_asset('http://linked.com/not/verified.css')  # twice is ok
    raises(ValueError, s.use_remote_asset, 3)
    page = s.get_page()
    assert 'not/verified.js' in page
    assert 'not/verified.css' in page
Exemple #32
def test_import_project_fail():
    raises(Exception, loaded_modules, PROJECT_NAME + '.foobarxx')
Exemple #33
def test_property():
    class MyObject(event.HasEvents):
        def foo(self, v=1.2):
            return float(v)

        def bar(self, v=1.3):
            return float(v)

    m = MyObject()
    assert m.foo == 1.2
    assert m.bar == 1.3

    m = MyObject(foo=3)
    assert m.foo == 3.0

    m.foo = 5.1
    m.bar = 5.1
    assert m.foo == 5.1
    assert m.bar == 5.1

    m.foo = '9.3'
    assert m.foo == 9.3

    m = MyObject(foo=3)
    assert m.foo == 3.0

    # Hacky, but works
    def foo():

    x = event.prop(foo)
    assert 'foo' in repr(x)

    spam = lambda x: None
    x = event.prop(spam)
    assert '<lambda>' in repr(x)

    # fails

    with raises(ValueError):
        m.foo = 'bla'

    with raises(ValueError):

    with raises(TypeError):
        m._set_prop(3, 3)  # Property name must be a string

    with raises(AttributeError):
        m._set_prop('spam', 3)  # MyObject has not spam property

    with raises(AttributeError):
        MyObject(spam='bla')  # MyObject has not spam property

    with raises(TypeError):
        event.prop(3)  # prop decorator needs callable

    with raises(AttributeError):
        del m.foo  # cannot delete a property

    class MyObject2(event.HasEvents):
        def foo(self, v):
            return float(v)

    #with raises(RuntimeError):
    #    MyObject2()  # no default value for foo
    ob = MyObject2()
    assert ob.foo is None
Exemple #34
def test_js_module_code():
    with raises(ValueError):  # code not a str
        create_js_module('foo.js', 4, ['bb'], 'aa', 'simple')
Exemple #35
def test_asset():

    # Initialization

    asset1 = app.Asset('foo.js', 'foo=3')
    assert 'foo.js' in repr(asset1)
    assert 'foo.js' == asset1.name
    assert asset1.source == 'foo=3'

    asset2 = app.Asset('bar.css', 'bar=2')
    assert 'bar.css' in repr(asset2)
    assert 'bar.css' == asset2.name
    assert asset2.source == 'bar=2'

    with raises(TypeError):
        app.Asset()  # :/
    with raises(TypeError):
        app.Asset('foo.js')  # need source

    with raises(TypeError):
        app.Asset(3, 'bar=2')  # name not a str
    with raises(ValueError):
        app.Asset('foo.png', '')  # js and css only
    with raises(TypeError):
        app.Asset('bar.css', 3)  # source not str
    with raises(TypeError):
        app.Asset('bar.css', ['a'])  # source not str

    # To html JS
    asset = app.Asset('foo.js', 'foo=3;bar=3')
    code = asset.to_html('', 0)
    assert code.startswith('<script') and code.strip().endswith('</script>')
    assert 'foo=3' in code
    assert '\n' not in code  # because source had no newlines

    asset = app.Asset('foo.js', 'foo=3\nbar=3')
    code = asset.to_html('', 0)
    assert code.startswith('<script') and code.strip().endswith('</script>')
    assert '\nfoo=3\nbar=3\n' in code  # note the newlines

    asset = app.Asset('foo.js', 'foo=3\nbar=3')
    code = asset.to_html()
    assert code.startswith('<script ') and code.strip().endswith('</script>')
    assert 'foo=' not in code
    assert '\n' not in code  # because its a link

    # To html CSS
    asset = app.Asset('bar.css', 'foo=3;bar=3')
    code = asset.to_html('', 0)
    assert code.startswith('<style') and code.strip().endswith('</style>')
    assert 'foo=' in code
    assert '\n' not in code  # because source had no newlines

    asset = app.Asset('bar.css', 'foo=3\nbar=3')
    code = asset.to_html('', 0)
    assert code.startswith('<style') and code.strip().endswith('</style>')
    assert '\nfoo=3\nbar=3\n' in code  # note the newlines

    asset = app.Asset('bar.css', 'foo=3\nbar=3')
    code = asset.to_html()
    assert code.startswith('<link') and code.strip().endswith('/>')
    assert 'foo-' not in code
    assert '\n' not in code  # becasue its a link

    # Test asset via uri
    with open(test_filename, 'wb') as f:
        f.write('var blablabla=7;'.encode())
    asset = app.Asset('bar.css', 'file://' + test_filename)
    assert 'blablabla=7' in asset.to_string()
    asset = app.Asset('bar.css',
    assert 'jQuery v3.1.1' in asset.to_string()
Exemple #36
 def test_for(self):
     # Test all possible ranges
     line = nowhitespace(py2js('for i in range(9): pass', inline_stdlib=False))
     assert line == 'vari;for(i=0;i<9;i+=1){}'
     line = nowhitespace(py2js('for i in range(2, 99): pass', inline_stdlib=False))
     assert line == 'vari;for(i=2;i<99;i+=1){}'
     line = nowhitespace(py2js('for i in range(100, 0, -1): pass', inline_stdlib=False))
     assert line == 'vari;for(i=100;i>0;i+=-1){}'
     # Test enumeration (code)
     assert ' in ' not in py2js('for i in [1, 2, 3]: pass')
     assert ' in ' not in py2js('for i in {1:2, 2:3}: pass')
     # Test declaration of iteration variable
     assert 'var aa' in py2js('for aa in x: pass')
     assert 'var aa' in py2js('aa=""\nfor aa in x: pass')
     assert 'var aa' in py2js('j=aa=""\nfor aa in x: pass')
     # Test output for range
     assert evalpy('for i in range(3):\n  print(i)') == '0\n1\n2'
     assert evalpy('for i in range(1,6,2):\n  print(i)') == '1\n3\n5'
     # Range with complex input
     assert evalpy('for i in range(sum([2, 3])): print(i)') == '0\n1\n2\n3\n4'
     # Test explicit for-array iteration
     code = py2js('a=[7,8]\nfor i in range(len(a)):\n  print(a[i])')
     assert ' in ' not in code and evaljs(code) == '7\n8'
     # Test enumeration over arrays - should use actual for-loop
     code = py2js('for k in [7, 8]:\n  print(k)')
     assert ' in ' not in code and evaljs(code) == '7\n8'
     # compile time tests
     raises(JSError, py2js, 'for i, j in range(10): pass')
     # Test enumeration over dicts
     # Python cannot see its a dict, and uses a for-loop
     code = py2js('d = {3:7, 4:8}\nfor k in d:\n  print(k)')
     assert ' in ' not in code and evaljs(code) == '3\n4'
     code = py2js('d = {3:7, 4:8}\nfor k in d:\n  print(d[k])')
     assert ' in ' not in code and evaljs(code) == '7\n8'
     # .keys()
     code = py2js('d = {3:7, 4:8}\nfor k in d.keys():\n  print(d[k])')
     assert evaljs(code) == '7\n8'  # and ' in ' in code
     # .values()
     code = py2js('d = {3:7, 4:8}\nfor v in d.values():\n  print(v)')
     assert ' in ' in code and evaljs(code) == '7\n8'
     # .items()
     code = py2js('d = {3:7, 4:8}\nfor k,v in d.items():\n  print(k)')
     assert ' in ' in code and evaljs(code) == '3\n4'
     code = py2js('d = {3:7, 4:8}\nfor k,v in d.items():\n  print(v)')
     assert ' in ' in code and evaljs(code) == '7\n8'
     # compile time tests
     raises(JSError, py2js, 'for i, j in x.keys(): pass')
     raises(JSError, py2js, 'for i, j in x.values(): pass')
     raises(JSError, py2js, 'for i in x.items(): pass')
     raises(JSError, py2js, 'for i, j, k in x.items(): pass')
     # Test iterate over strings
     code = py2js('for c in "foo":\n  print(c)')
     assert evaljs(code) == 'f\no\no'
     # Break and continue
     for9 = 'for i in range(9):\n  '
     assert evalpy(for9 + 'if i==4:break\n  print(i)') == '0\n1\n2\n3'
     assert evalpy(for9 + 'if i<5:continue\n  print(i)') == '5\n6\n7\n8'
     # Else
     assert evalpy(for9 + 'if i==3:break\nelse: print(99)\n0') == '0'
     assert evalpy(for9 + 'if i==30:break\nelse: print(99)\n0') == '99\n0'
     # Nested loops correct else
     code = py2js(self.method_for)
     assert evaljs('%s method_for()' % code) == 'ok\nok\nnull'
     # Tuple iterators
     assert evalpy('for i, j in [[1, 2], [3, 4]]: print(i+j)') == '3\n7'
     assert evalpy('for i, j, k in [[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5]]: print(i+j+k)') == '6\n12'
Exemple #37
def test_unknown():
    raises(ValueError, launch, URL, 'foo')
Exemple #38
def test_fails():

    import flxtest.foo
    import flxtest.bar

    assert JSModule('flxtest.foo', {})

    # Wrong init
    with raises(TypeError):
    with raises(TypeError):
    with raises(TypeError):
        JSModule(3, {})
    with raises(TypeError):
        JSModule('flxtest.foo', 3)
    with raises(TypeError):
        JSModule('flxtest.foo', {}, 3)

    # Name issues
    with raises(ValueError):
        JSModule('flxtest.doesnotexist', {})
    with raises(ValueError):
        JSModule('flxtest', {})  # must be flxtest.__init__
    with raises(ValueError):
        JSModule('flxtest.foo.__init__', {})  # only for actual package names!

    # Cannot create module with same name twice (in same store)
    store = {}
    JSModule('flxtest.foo', store)
    with raises(RuntimeError):
        JSModule('flxtest.foo', store)
    JSModule('flxtest.foo', {})  # in alt store its ok though

    # Untranspilable
    m = JSModule('flxtest.bar', {})
    with raises(ValueError) as err:
    assert 'cannot transpile' in str(err.value)

    # Unserializable
    m = JSModule('flxtest.bar', {})
    with raises(ValueError) as err:
    assert 'cannot serialize' in str(err.value)

    # Un-anythingable
    m = JSModule('flxtest.bar', {})
    with raises(ValueError) as err:
    assert 'cannot convert' in str(err.value)
Exemple #39
def test_unknown():
    # Suppress dialog temporarily
    from flexx import dialite
    with dialite.NoDialogs():
        raises(ValueError, launch, URL, 'foo')
Exemple #40
def test_Node_creation():

    Node = commonast.Node

    class MyNodeWithoutSlots(Node):

    class MyStubNode(Node):
        __slots__ = ()

    class MyNode(Node):
        __slots__ = 'name', 'op', 'foo_node', 'foo_nodes', 'bar'

    stubnode = MyStubNode()
    stubnodes = [MyStubNode(), MyStubNode(), MyStubNode()]

    # Node is an abstract class
    raises(AssertionError, Node)
    # Nodes must have slots (and no __dict__ to preserve memory)
    raises(AssertionError, MyNodeWithoutSlots)
    # number of names must match
    raises(AssertionError, MyStubNode, 1)
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 'a', 'Add', stubnode, stubnodes, 1, 2)

    # These work
    node = MyNode('a', 'Add', stubnode, stubnodes, 1)
    node = MyNode('a', 'Add', None, stubnodes, 1)
    node = MyNode('a', 'Add', stubnode, [], 1)
    node = MyNode('a', 'Add', stubnode, stubnodes, 'bla')
    node = MyNode('a', 'Add', stubnode, stubnodes, [1, 2, 3])
    node = MyNode('a', 'Mult', stubnode, stubnodes, 1)
    node = MyNode('blas asdasd as', 'Mult', stubnode, stubnodes, 1)
    # Name must be a string
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 1, 'Add', stubnode, stubnodes, 1)
    # op must be an existing operator
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 'a', 'crap', stubnode, stubnodes, 1)
    # names ending with _node must be a node, and _nodes must be a list of nodes
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 'a', 'Add', 1, stubnodes, 1)
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 'a', 'Add', 'x', stubnodes, 1)
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 'a', 'Add', stubnode, 'not a node', 1)
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 'a', 'Add', stubnode, [1, 2], 1)
    # bar can be anything, but not a Node or list of Nodes
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 'a', 'Add', stubnode, stubnodes, stubnode)
    raises(AssertionError, MyNode, 'a', 'Add', stubnode, stubnodes, stubnodes)
Exemple #41
def test_ok234():
    assert func_ok2()
    with raises(StdoutMismatchError):
    with raises(StdoutMismatchError):
Exemple #42
def test_python_wrong():
    b = Bar()
    raises(TypeError, serializer.saves, b)
Exemple #43
def test_asset_store_simple():

    s = AssetStore()
    assert len(s.get_asset_names()) == 1  # reset.css
    assert not s._cache

    raises(IndexError, s.load_asset, 'foo.js')

    with open(test_filename, 'wb') as f:

    s.add_asset('foo.css', b'foo\n')
    s.add_asset('foo.js', test_filename)

    assert s.get_asset_names() == ['foo.css', 'foo.js',
                                   'reset.css']  # alphabetically
    assert s.load_asset('foo.css') == b'foo\n'
    assert s.load_asset('foo.js') == b'bar\n'

    # Check caching
    with open(test_filename, 'wb') as f:
    assert s.load_asset('foo.js') == b'bar\n'

    # Setting same asset
    s.add_asset('foo.css', b'foo\n')
    s.add_asset('foo.js', test_filename)
    raises(ValueError, s.add_asset, 'foo.css', b'fooo\n')
    raises(ValueError, s.add_asset, 'foo.js', b'foo\n')
    raises(ValueError, s.add_asset, 'foo.js', b'bar\n')

    # Fail add_asset
    raises(ValueError, s.add_asset, 'xxx', 3)  # value must be str or bytes
    raises(ValueError, s.add_asset, 'xxx',
           'some file that does not exist')  # str means filename
        RuntimeError, s._cache_get,
        'nonexistent.ever')  # Runtime error, because this should never happen

    # Assets from http
    s.add_asset('webresource.js', 'http://code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js')
    assert len(s.load_asset('webresource.js')) > 0

    # Fail load_asset
    raises(IndexError, s.load_asset, 'nonexistent.js')
Exemple #44
def test_bundle():

        from flexx import ui
    except ImportError:
        skip('no flexx.ui')

    store = {}
    m1 = app.JSModule('flexx.ui.widgets._button', store)
    m2 = app.JSModule('flexx.ui.widgets._tree', store)
    m3 = store['flexx.ui._widget']  # because its a dep of the above

    # JS bundle
    bundle = app.Bundle('flexx.ui.js')
    assert 'flexx.ui' in repr(bundle)


    # Modules are sorted
    assert bundle.modules == (m3, m1, m2)

    # Deps are agregated
    assert 'flexx.app.js' in bundle.deps
    assert 'flexx.app._component2.js' in bundle.deps
    assert not any('flexx.ui' in dep for dep in bundle.deps)

    # Strings are combined
    code = bundle.to_string()
    assert '$Widget =' in code
    assert '$Button =' in code
    assert '$TreeWidget =' in code

    # CSS bundle
    bundle = app.Bundle('flexx.ui.css')
    code = bundle.to_string()
    assert '.Widget =' not in code
    assert '.flx-Widget {' in code
    assert '.flx-TreeWidget {' in code

    # This works too
    bundle = app.Bundle('-foo.js')

    # But this does not
    bundle = app.Bundle('foo.js')
    with raises(ValueError):

    # Assets can be bundled too

    bundle = app.Bundle('flexx.ui.css')

    a1 = app.Asset('foo.css', 'foo-xxx')
    a2 = app.Asset('bar.css', 'bar-yyy')

    assert a1 in bundle.assets
    assert a2 in bundle.assets

    code = bundle.to_string()
    assert 'foo-xxx' in code
    assert 'bar-yyy' in code

    with raises(TypeError):
    with raises(TypeError):
    with raises(TypeError):
        bundle.add_asset(bundle)  # no bundles
Exemple #45
def test_py2js_on_wrong_vals():

    raises(ValueError, py2js, [])
    raises(ValueError, py2js, {})

    raises(ValueError, py2js, str)  # cannot find source for str
Exemple #46
def test_asset():

    # Initialization

    asset1 = app.Asset('foo.js', 'foo=3')
    assert 'foo.js' in repr(asset1)
    assert 'foo.js' == asset1.name
    assert asset1.source == 'foo=3'

    asset2 = app.Asset('bar.css', 'bar=2')
    assert 'bar.css' in repr(asset2)
    assert 'bar.css' == asset2.name
    assert asset2.source == 'bar=2'

    with raises(TypeError):
        app.Asset()  # :/
    with raises(TypeError):
        app.Asset('foo.js')  # need source

    with raises(TypeError):
        app.Asset(3, 'bar=2')  # name not a str
    with raises(ValueError):
        app.Asset('foo.png', '')  # js and css only
    with raises(TypeError):
        app.Asset('bar.css', 3)  # source not str
    with raises(TypeError):
        app.Asset('bar.css', ['a'])  # source not str

    # To html JS
    asset = app.Asset('foo.js', 'foo=3;bar=3')
    code = asset.to_html('', 0)
    assert code.startswith('<script') and code.strip().endswith('</script>')
    assert 'foo=3' in code
    assert '\n' not in code  # because source had no newlines

    asset = app.Asset('foo.js', 'foo=3\nbar=3')
    code = asset.to_html('', 0)
    assert code.startswith('<script') and code.strip().endswith('</script>')
    assert '\nfoo=3\nbar=3\n' in code  # note the newlines

    asset = app.Asset('foo.js', 'foo=3\nbar=3')
    code = asset.to_html()
    assert code.startswith('<script ') and code.strip().endswith('</script>')
    assert 'foo=' not in code
    assert '\n' not in code  # because its a link

    # To html CSS
    asset = app.Asset('bar.css', 'foo=3;bar=3')
    code = asset.to_html('', 0)
    assert code.startswith('<style') and code.strip().endswith('</style>')
    assert 'foo=' in code
    assert '\n' not in code  # because source had no newlines

    asset = app.Asset('bar.css', 'foo=3\nbar=3')
    code = asset.to_html('', 0)
    assert code.startswith('<style') and code.strip().endswith('</style>')
    assert '\nfoo=3\nbar=3\n' in code  # note the newlines

    asset = app.Asset('bar.css', 'foo=3\nbar=3')
    code = asset.to_html()
    assert code.startswith('<link') and code.strip().endswith('/>')
    assert 'foo-' not in code
    assert '\n' not in code  # becasue its a link

    # Test asset via uri
    fname = 'file:///home/xx/foobar.css'
    with raises(TypeError):
        app.Asset('bar.css', fname)
    with raises(TypeError):
def test_connectors2():
    """ test connectors with sub """
    x = MyComponent()
    y = MyComponent()
    x.sub = [y]
    def foo(*events):
    # Warn if no known event
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.reaction(foo, 'sub*.b')
    assert log
    # Supress warn
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.reaction(foo, '!sub*.b')
    assert not log
    # Supress warn, with label
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.reaction(foo, '!sub*.b:meh')
    assert not log
    # Invalid syntax - but fix and warn
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.reaction(foo, 'sub*.!b:meh')
    assert log
    assert 'Exclamation mark' in log[0]
    # Position of *
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.reaction(foo, 'sub*.a')
    assert not log
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.reaction(foo, 'sub.*.a')
    assert log
    with raises(ValueError):
        h = x.reaction(foo, 'sub.*a')  # fail

    # No star, no connection, fail!
    with raises(RuntimeError):
        h = x.reaction(foo, 'sub.b')
    # y.a is not a list, fail!
    with raises(RuntimeError):
        h = y.reaction(foo, 'a*.b')
    # Mix it
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.reaction(foo, '!aa**')
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.reaction(foo, '!aa*')
    assert not log
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = y.reaction(foo, '!aa*')
    assert not log
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.reaction(foo, '!aa**')
    assert not log
    with capture_log('warning') as log:
        h = x.reaction(foo, '!aa**:meh')  # why not
    assert not log
Exemple #48
 def test_exceptions(self):
     raises(JSError, py2js, "foo(**kwargs)")
Exemple #49
def test_fail():
    with raises(StdoutMismatchError):
Exemple #50
def test_raw_js():

    with raises(TypeError):
    with raises(TypeError):

    # Empty
    r1 = RawJS('')
    assert str(r1) == ''
    assert r1.get_code() == ''
    assert r1.get_code(4) == ''
    assert '0' in repr(r1)
    assert r1.__module__.endswith(__name__)

    # Short single line
    r2 = RawJS('require("foobar")')
    assert 'require(' in repr(r2)
    assert 'require(' in str(r2)
    assert r2.get_code().startswith('require')
    assert r2.get_code(4).startswith('    require')
    assert r2.get_code(2).startswith('  require')
    assert '\n' not in r2.get_code()

    # Long single line
    r2b = RawJS('require("foobar")' * 10)
    assert 'require(' not in repr(r2b)
    assert '1' in repr(r2b)

    # Multiline, start at first line
    r3 = RawJS("""for ... {
    assert 'lines' in repr(r3)
    assert 'for ...' in str(r3)
    assert str(r3).endswith('}\n')
    assert r3.get_code().count('\n') == 3
    assert r3.get_code().startswith('for')
    assert r3.get_code(4).startswith('    for')
    assert '\n    yyyy\n' in r3.get_code(0)
    assert '\n        yyyy\n' in r3.get_code(4)

    # Multiline, exactly the same, but start at second line; same results
    r4 = RawJS("""
        for ... {
    assert 'lines' in repr(r4)
    assert 'for ...' in str(r4)
    assert str(r4).endswith('}\n')
    assert r4.get_code().count('\n') == 3
    assert r4.get_code().startswith('for')
    assert r4.get_code(4).startswith('    for')
    assert '\n    yyyy\n' in r4.get_code(0)
    assert '\n        yyyy\n' in r4.get_code(4)

    # Multiline, now newline at the ned
    r5 = RawJS("""
        for ... {
    assert r5.get_code().count('\n') == 2
    assert str(r5).endswith('}')
Exemple #51
def test_read_file():

    # Prepare config files
    filename1 = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'flexx_config_test1.cfg')
    with open(filename1, 'wb') as f:
    filename2 = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'flexx_config_test2.cfg')
    with open(filename2, 'wb') as f:
    filename3 = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'flexx_config_test3.cfg')
    with open(filename3, 'wb') as f:
    filename4 = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'flexx_config_test4.cfg')
    with open(filename4, 'wb') as f:

    # Config without sources
    c = Config('testconfig',
               foo=(False, bool, ''),
               bar=(1, int, ''),
               spam=(0.0, float, ''),
               eggs=('', str, ''))
    assert c.foo == False
    assert c.bar == 1

    # Config with filename, implicit section
    c = Config('testconfig',
               foo=(False, bool, ''),
               bar=(1, int, ''),
               spam=(0.0, float, ''),
               eggs=('', str, ''))
    assert c.foo == True
    assert c.bar == 3
    assert c.eggs == 'bla bla'

    # Config with filename, explicit section
    c = Config('testconfig',
               foo=(False, bool, ''),
               bar=(1, int, ''),
               spam=(0.0, float, ''),
               eggs=('', str, ''))
    assert c.foo == True
    assert c.bar == 4
    assert c.eggs == 'bla bla bla'

    # Config with string, implicit section
    c = Config('testconfig',
               foo=(False, bool, ''),
               bar=(1, int, ''),
               spam=(0.0, float, ''),
               eggs=('', str, ''))
    assert c.foo == True
    assert c.bar == 3
    assert c.eggs == 'bla bla'

    # Config with string, explicit section
    c = Config('testconfig',
               foo=(False, bool, ''),
               bar=(1, int, ''),
               spam=(0.0, float, ''),
               eggs=('', str, ''))
    assert c.foo == True
    assert c.bar == 4
    assert c.eggs == 'bla bla bla'

    # Config with string, implicit section, different name
    c = Config('aaaa',
               foo=(False, bool, ''),
               bar=(1, int, ''),
               spam=(0.0, float, ''),
               eggs=('', str, ''))
    assert c.foo == True
    assert c.bar == 3

    # Config with string, explicit section, different name (no section match)
    c = Config('aaaa',
               foo=(False, bool, ''),
               bar=(1, int, ''),
               spam=(0.0, float, ''),
               eggs=('', str, ''))
    assert c.foo == False
    assert c.bar == 1

    # Config with both, and filenames can be nonexistent
    c = Config('testconfig',
               filename1 + '.cfg',
               foo=(False, bool, ''),
               bar=(1, int, ''),
               spam=(0.0, float, ''),
               eggs=('', str, ''))
    assert c.bar == 4
    c = Config('testconfig',
               filename1 + '.cfg',
               foo=(False, bool, ''),
               bar=(1, int, ''),
               spam=(0.0, float, ''),
               eggs=('', str, ''))
    assert c.bar == 3

    # Config from invalid string is ignored (logged)
    c = Config('testconfig', SAMPLE3, bar=(1, int, ''))
    assert c.bar == 1

    # Config from invalid file is ignored (logged)
    c = Config('testconfig', filename3, bar=(1, int, ''))
    assert c.bar == 1

    # Config from invalid unidocde file is ignored (logged)
    c = Config('testconfig', filename4, bar=(1, int, ''))
    assert c.bar == 1

    # Fails
    with raises(ValueError):
        c = Config('testconfig', [])
    with raises(ValueError):
        c = Config('testconfig', 3)
Exemple #52
def test_base_runtime_must_have_url_in_kwargs():
    with raises(KeyError) as excinfo:

    assert 'url' in str(excinfo.value)
Exemple #53
def test_emitter():
    class MyObject(event.HasEvents):
        def foo(self, v):
            return dict(value=float(v))

        def bar(self, v):
            return dict(value=float(v) + 1)  # note plus 1

        def on_foo(self, *events):
            self.the_val = events[0].value  # so we can test it

        def on_bar(self, *events):
            self.the_val = events[0].value  # so we can test it

    m = MyObject()

    the_vals = []

    @m.connect('foo', 'bar')
    def handle_foo(*events):

    with event.loop:
    assert m.the_val == 3.2
    assert the_vals[-1] == 3.2

    with event.loop:
    assert m.the_val == 9.1
    assert the_vals[-1] == 9.1

    with event.loop:
    assert m.the_val == 4.2
    assert the_vals[-1] == 4.2

    # Fail

    with raises(ValueError):

    with raises(TypeError):
        event.emitter(3)  # emitter decorator needs callable

    with raises(AttributeError):
        del m.foo  # cannot delete an emitter

    with raises(AttributeError):
        m.foo = None  # cannot set an emitter

    class MyObject2(event.HasEvents):
        def foo(self, v):
            return float(v)

    with raises(TypeError):
        m = MyObject2()
        m.foo(3.2)  # return value of emitter must be a dict
Exemple #54
def test_component_instance_attributes2():  # Py only

    with raises(TypeError):

        class X(Component):
            a = event.Attribute(doc=3)