Exemple #1
    def test_adjacent_points(self):
        test_game = Flow(self.simple_board)
        self.assertTrue(test_game.adjacent_points((1, 0), (2, 0)))
        self.assertTrue(test_game.adjacent_points((2, 0), (1, 0)))

        self.assertFalse(test_game.adjacent_points((0, 3), (0, 2)))
        self.assertFalse(test_game.adjacent_points((0, 0), (1, 1)))
Exemple #2
 def heuristic(self, game):
     F = Flow(game.board)
     Gives a cost to the board state by measuring how far between growth points
     this also makes the cost max value when one path can't be moved
     :type game: Flow
     :return: double
     cost = len(game.paths) * 2
     for color in game.paths:
         path = game.paths[color]
         if path.is_complete():
             cost -= 2
         gp1, gp2 = path.get_grow_points()
         # print abs((gp1[0] - gp2[0]) + (gp1[1] - gp2[1])), gp1, gp2
         cost += abs((gp1[0] - gp2[0]) + (gp1[1] - gp2[1]))
         adjecent_points = utils.get_adjacent_points(gp1)
         if not F.is_valid(adjecent_points[0][0], adjecent_points[0][1]):
             if not F.is_valid(adjecent_points[1][0], adjecent_points[1][1]):
                 if not F.is_valid(adjecent_points[2][0], adjecent_points[2][1]):
                     if not F.is_valid(adjecent_points[3][0], adjecent_points[3][1]):
                         cost = sys.maxint
                         return cost
     # print game.board[1][1]
     # for i, value in enumerate(game.board):
     #     for j in enumerate(game.board[i]):
     #         if j[1] == '0':
     #             cost += 1
     return cost
    def test_adjacent_points(self):
        test_game = Flow(self.simple_board)
        self.assertTrue(test_game.adjacent_points((1, 0), (2, 0)))
        self.assertTrue(test_game.adjacent_points((2, 0), (1, 0)))

        self.assertFalse(test_game.adjacent_points((0, 3), (0, 2)))
        self.assertFalse(test_game.adjacent_points((0, 0), (1, 1)))
Exemple #4
 def test_equals(self):
     game1 = Flow(self.simple_board)
     game2 = Flow(self.simple_board)
     self.assertTrue(game1 == game2)
     changed_board = copy.deepcopy(self.simple_board)
     changed_board[1][0] = 'r'
     game2 = Flow(changed_board)
     self.assertFalse(game1 == game2)
    def test_single_gp(self):
        flow_game = Flow(self.simple_board)
        solution = BFS().solve_single_gp(flow_game)
            "Tests if BFS solves simple board with single GP method of adding to queue"

        flow_game = Flow(self.medium_flow)
        solution = BFS().solve_single_gp(flow_game)
            "Tests if BFS solves medium board with single GP method of adding to queue"
    def test_round_robin(self):
        flow_game = Flow(self.simple_board)
        solution = BFS().solve_rr(flow_game)
            "Test if BFS solves the simple board with RR method of adding to queue"

        flow_game = Flow(self.medium_flow)
        solution = BFS().solve_single_gp(flow_game)
            "Test if BFS solves the medium board with RR method of adding to queue"
Exemple #7
    def test_get_board_copy(self):
        test_board = [['0', 'R', '0'],
                      ['R', '0', '0']]

        flow = Flow(test_board)
        original_board = flow.get_board_copy()
        self.assertTrue(utils.equal_boards(test_board, original_board),
                        "Returned board should be the same as the test board")

        original_board[0][0] = 'T'
        self.assertFalse(utils.equal_boards(test_board, original_board),
                         "Change made to the returned board. Test board should not be the same as it")

        self.assertTrue(utils.equal_boards(test_board, flow.get_board_copy()),
                        "Change made to the returned board should not effect the new copy")
    def test_get_board_copy(self):
        test_board = [["0", "R", "0"], ["R", "0", "0"]]

        flow = Flow(test_board)
        original_board = flow.get_board_copy()
            utils.equal_boards(test_board, original_board), "Returned board should be the same as the test board"

        original_board[0][0] = "T"
            utils.equal_boards(test_board, original_board),
            "Change made to the returned board. Test board should not be the same as it",

            utils.equal_boards(test_board, flow.get_board_copy()),
            "Change made to the returned board should not effect the new copy",
Exemple #9
    def test_find_end_points(self):
        test_flow = Flow(self.simple_board)
        red_path = test_flow.paths['R'].path_from1
        red_path += test_flow.paths['R'].path_from2
        orange_path = test_flow.paths['O'].path_from1
        orange_path += test_flow.paths['O'].path_from2

        self.assertTrue((0, 0) in red_path,
                        "There is a R end point at position 0, 0 in simple board")

        self.assertTrue((2, 2) in orange_path,
                        "There is a O end point at 2,2 in simple board")
Exemple #10
 def heuristic(self, game):
     F = Flow(game.board)
     Gives a cost to the board state by measuring how far between growth points
     this also makes the cost max value when one path can't be moved
     :type game: Flow
     :return: double
     cost = len(game.paths) * 2
     for color in game.paths:
         path = game.paths[color]
         if path.is_complete():
             cost -= 2
         gp1, gp2 = path.get_grow_points()
         # print abs((gp1[0] - gp2[0]) + (gp1[1] - gp2[1])), gp1, gp2
         cost += abs((gp1[0] - gp2[0]) + (gp1[1] - gp2[1]))
         adjecent_points = utils.get_adjacent_points(gp1)
         if not F.is_valid(adjecent_points[0][0], adjecent_points[0][1]):
             if not F.is_valid(adjecent_points[1][0],
                 if not F.is_valid(adjecent_points[2][0],
                     if not F.is_valid(adjecent_points[3][0],
                         cost = sys.maxint
                         return cost
     # print game.board[1][1]
     # for i, value in enumerate(game.board):
     #     for j in enumerate(game.board[i]):
     #         if j[1] == '0':
     #             cost += 1
     return cost
Exemple #11
                was_added = True
        # Attempt to add to path 2
        if route_num == 0 or route_num == 2:
            if self.can_be_added_to_path(point, 2):
                was_added = True

        if was_added:
            self.flow_game.board[point[0]][point[1]] = self.color.lower()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    first_board = [['R', '0', 'G', '0', '0'], ['0', '0', 'B', '0', '0'],
                   ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0'], ['0', 'G', '0', '0', '0'],
                   ['0', 'R', 'B', '0', '0']]

    medium_flow = [['R', 'Y', '0'], ['0', '0', '0'], ['G', '0', '0'],
                   ['0', 'R', '0'], ['0', 'G', 'Y']]

    simple_board = [['R', 'Y', '0'], ['0', '0', '0'], ['R', '0', 'Y']]

    first_flow = Flow(first_board)
    # first_flow = Flow(simple_board)
    # first_flow = Flow(medium_flow)
    start_time = time.time()
    solution = astar().solve(first_flow)
    end_time = time.time()
    print solution
    print "Time:", end_time - start_time
    # print astar().heuristic(first_flow)
Exemple #12
        adj_points = utils.get_adjacent_points(gp1)
        for point in adj_points:
            if path.can_be_added_to_path(point):
                copy_path = copy.deepcopy(path)
                rv = self.finish_path(copy_path)
                if rv[0]:
                    return rv
        return False, None

if __name__ == '__main__':
    simple_board = [['R', 'Y', '0'], ['0', '0', '0'], ['R', '0', 'Y']]

    simple_flow = Flow(simple_board)
    start = time.time()
    print BackTrackSolver().solve(simple_flow)
    print "Back Track simple:", str(time.time() - start)

    medium_flow = [['R', 'Y', '0'], ['0', '0', '0'], ['G', '0', '0'],
                   ['0', 'R', '0'], ['0', 'G', 'Y']]
    medium_flow = Flow(medium_flow)

    start = time.time()
    print BackTrackSolver().solve(medium_flow)
    print "Back Track medium:", str(time.time() - start)

    first_board = [['R', '0', 'G', '0', 'Y'], ['0', '0', 'B', '0', 'M'],
                   ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0'], ['0', 'G', '0', 'Y', '0'],
                   ['0', 'R', 'B', 'M', '0']]
Exemple #13
 def setUp(self):
     simple_board = [['R', 'O', '0'],
                          ['0', '0', '0'],
                          ['R', '0', 'O']]
     self.simple_board = Flow(simple_board)
Exemple #14
                # print "Attempting"
                # print game
                # print possible, path.can_be_added_to_path(possible, 1)
                if path.can_be_added_to_path(possible, 1):
                    copy_game = deepcopy(game)
                    """:type: Flow"""
                    copy_game.paths[color].add_to_path(possible, 1)
                    # print "after attempt"
                    # print copy_game

if __name__ == '__main__':
    simple_board = [['R', 'Y', '0'], ['0', '0', '0'], ['R', '0', 'Y']]

    simple_flow = Flow(simple_board)
    # print BFS().solve_rr(simple_flow)
    start = time.time()
    print BFS().solve_single_gp(simple_flow)
    print "Simple board time:", str(time.time() - start)

    medium_flow = [['R', 'Y', '0'], ['0', '0', '0'], ['G', '0', '0'],
                   ['0', 'R', '0'], ['0', 'G', 'Y']]
    medium_flow = Flow(medium_flow)
    # print BFS().solve_rr(medium_flow)
    start = time.time()
    print BFS().solve_single_gp(medium_flow)
    print "Medium flow time:", str(time.time() - start)

    first_board = [['R', '0', 'G', '0', '0'], ['0', '0', 'B', '0', '0'],
                   ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0'], ['0', 'G', '0', '0', '0'],