#load the http data in to a data frame print('Loading HTTP data') df = load_brofile(args[0], fields_to_use) total_rows = len(df.index) if opts.verbose: print('Total number of rows: %d' % total_rows) print('Loading trained model') #read the vectorizers and trained RF file clf = joblib.load(opts.randomforestfile) vectorizers = joblib.load(opts.vectorizerfile) print('Calculating features') #get a numberic feature dataframe using our flow enhancer and featurizer featureMatrix = featureize(enhance_flow(df), vectorizers, verbose=opts.verbose) #predict the class of each row using the random forest featureMatrix['prediction'] = clf.predict(featureMatrix) print print('Analyzing') #get the class-1 (outlier/anomaly) rows from the feature matrix, and drop the prediction so we can investigate them outliers = featureMatrix[featureMatrix.prediction == opts.anomalyclass].drop('prediction',axis=1) num_outliers = len(outliers.index) print 'detected %d anomalies out of %d total rows (%.2f%%)' % (num_outliers, total_rows, (num_outliers * 1.0 / total_rows)*100) if num_outliers == 0: sys.exit(0)
# df1 = df1.sample(n=opts.maxtrainingfeatures) #set the classes of the dataframes and then stitch them together in to one big dataframe df['class'] = 0 df1['class'] = 1 classedDf = pd.concat([df, df1], ignore_index=True) else: #we weren't passed a file containing class-1 data, so we should generate some of our own. noiseDf = create_noise_contrast(df, numSamples) if opts.verbose: print('Added %s rows of generated malicious data' % numSamples) df['class'] = 0 noiseDf['class'] = 1 classedDf = pd.concat([df, noiseDf], ignore_index=True) enhancedDf = enhance_flow(classedDf) # construct some vectorizers based on the data in the DF. We need to vectorize future log files the exact same way so we # will be saving these vectorizers to a file. vectorizers = build_vectorizers(enhancedDf, max_features=opts.maxfeaturesperbag, ngram_size=opts.ngramsize, verbose=opts.verbose) #use the vectorizers to featureize our DF into a numeric feature dataframe featureMatrix = featureize(enhancedDf, vectorizers, verbose=opts.verbose) #add the class column back in (it wasn't featurized by itself) featureMatrix['class'] = enhancedDf['class'] #randomly assign 3/4 of the feature df to training and 1/4 to test
def Eval(clargs): __version__ = '1.0' usage = """train_flows [options] normaldatafile""" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=__version__) parser.add_option("-x", "--vectorizerfile", action="store", type="string", \ default='/tmp/vectorizers.pkl', help="") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, \ help="enable verbose output") parser.add_option("-o", "--maliciousdatafile", action="store", type="string", \ default=None, help="An optional file of malicious http logs") parser.add_option("-m", "--maxfeaturesperbag", action="store", type="int", \ default=100, help="maximum number of features per bag") parser.add_option("-g", "--ngramsize", action="store", type="int", \ default=7, help="ngram size") parser.add_option("-f", "--features", action="store", type="string", \ default="01000100111111111111", help="An optional file for choosing which features to be extracted") parser.add_option("-t", "--maxtrainingfeatures", action="store", type="int", \ default=50000, help="maximum number of rows to train with per class") parser.add_option("-n", "--numtrees", action="store", type="int", \ default=200, help="number of trees in isolation forest") parser.add_option("-s", "--numsamples", action="store", type="int", \ default=8192, help="number of samples in each tree") Start=time.time() (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(clargs) if len(args) != 2: parser.error('Incorrect number of arguments') ftu=[] features = opts.features for i, j in enumerate(features): if opts.verbose: print(j, all_fields[i]) if j == 1 or j=='1': ftu.append(all_fields[i]) if opts.verbose: print ftu #ftu = ['method', 'user_agent', 'status_code'] # load the http data in to a data frame print('Loading HTTP data') df = load_brofile(args[0], fields_to_use) trainDf = load_brofile(args[1], fields_to_use) total_rows = len(df.index) if opts.verbose: print('Total number of rows: %d' % total_rows) if opts.maliciousdatafile != None: print('Reading malicious training data') df1 = load_brofile(opts.maliciousdatafile, fields_to_use) if opts.verbose: print('Read malicious data with %s rows ' % len(df1.index)) #if (len(df1.index) > opts.maxtrainingfeatures): # if opts.verbose: print('Too many malicious samples for training, downsampling to %d' % opts.maxtrainingfeatures) # df1 = df1.sample(n=opts.maxtrainingfeatures) #set the classes of the dataframes and then stitch them together in to one big dataframe df['class'] = 0 df1['class'] = 1 classedDf = pd.concat([df,df1], ignore_index=True) else: #we weren't passed a file containing class-1 data, so we should generate some of our own. noiseDf = create_noise_contrast(df, numSamples) if opts.verbose: print('Added %s rows of generated malicious data'%numSamples) df['class'] = 0 noiseDf['class'] = 1 classedDf = pd.concat([df,noiseDf], ignore_index=True) #that doesn't matter trainDf['class']=0; #spliting into training and evaluation sets classedDf['is_train']=False trainDf['is_train']=True enhancedDf = enhance_flow(pd.concat([trainDf,classedDf], ignore_index=True), ftu) # construct some vectorizers based on the data in the DF. We need to vectorize future log files the exact same way so we # will be saving these vectorizers to a file. vectorizers = build_vectorizers(enhancedDf, ftu, max_features=opts.maxfeaturesperbag, ngram_size=opts.ngramsize, verbose=opts.verbose) #use the vectorizers to featureize our DF into a numeric feature dataframe featureMatrix = featureize(enhancedDf, ftu, vectorizers, verbose=opts.verbose) #add the class column back in (it wasn't featurized by itself) featureMatrix['class'] = enhancedDf['class'] featureMatrix['is_train'] = enhancedDf['is_train'] #split out the train and test df's into separate objects train, test = featureMatrix[featureMatrix['is_train']==True], featureMatrix[featureMatrix['is_train']==False] #drop the is_train column, we don't need it anymore train = train.drop('is_train', axis=1) test = test.drop('is_train', axis=1) #print('Calculating features') Trees=opts.numtrees Samples=opts.numsamples clf = IsolationForest(n_estimators=Trees, max_samples=Samples) clf.fit(train.drop('class', axis=1)) testnoclass = test.drop('class', axis=1) print('Predicting') test.is_copy = False test['prediction'] = clf.decision_function(testnoclass) + 0.5 print('Analyzing') #get the class-1 (outlier/anomaly) rows from the feature matrix, and drop the prediction so we can investigate them ##From Here Left=0.001 Right=0.01 fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(test['class'], test['prediction'], pos_label=0) F=interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr, assume_sorted=True) x=np.logspace(np.log10(Left), np.log10(Right)) y=F(x) roc_auc=auc(x, y) plt.figure() plt.xscale('log') plt.plot(fpr, tpr, color='b') plt.plot(x,y, color='r') plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') plt.title('Receiver operating characteristic') plt.plot(plt.xlim(), plt.ylim(), ls="--", c=".3") plt.savefig("fig3.png") plt.clf() plt.close('all') print('Area Under the Curve = %.6f' %(roc_auc)) Min, Sec= divmod( int(time.time() - Start), 60 ) #print Min, Sec target= open('Results.txt', 'a') target.write(str(Trees)+' ') target.write(str(Samples)+' ') target.write(str(Min)+' ') target.write(str(Sec)+' ') target.write(str(roc_auc)) target.write("\n") target.write(str(features)) target.write("\n") target.write("\n") target.close() print("Minutes: %d, Seconds: %d" % (int(Min), int(Sec)) ) return roc_auc
df1 = df1.sample(n=opts.maxtrainingfeatures) #set the classes of the dataframes and then stitch them together in to one big dataframe df['class'] = 0 df1['class'] = 1 classedDf = pd.concat([df,df1], ignore_index=True) else: #we weren't passed a file containing class-1 data, so we should generate some of our own. noiseDf = create_noise_contrast(df, numSamples) if opts.verbose: print('Added %s rows of generated malicious data'%numSamples) df['class'] = 0 noiseDf['class'] = 1 classedDf = pd.concat([df,noiseDf], ignore_index=True) #add some useful columns to the data frame enhancedDf = enhance_flow(classedDf) if opts.verbose: print('Concatenated normal and malicious data, total of %s rows' % len(enhancedDf.index)) #construct some vectorizers based on the data in the DF. We need to vectorize future log files the exact same way so we # will be saving these vectorizers to a file. vectorizers = build_vectorizers(enhancedDf, max_features=opts.maxfeaturesperbag, ngram_size=opts.ngramsize, verbose=opts.verbose) #use the vectorizers to featureize our DF into a numeric feature dataframe featureMatrix = featureize(enhancedDf, vectorizers, verbose=opts.verbose) #add the class column back in (it wasn't featurized by itself) featureMatrix['class'] = enhancedDf['class'] #randomly assign 3/4 of the feature df to training and 1/4 to test featureMatrix['is_train'] = np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(featureMatrix)) <= .75
#load the http data in to a data frame print('Loading HTTP data') df = load_brofile(args[0], fields_to_use) total_rows = len(df.index) if opts.verbose: print('Total number of rows: %d' % total_rows) print('Loading trained model') #read the vectorizers and trained RF file clf = joblib.load(opts.randomforestfile) vectorizers = joblib.load(opts.vectorizerfile) print('Calculating features') #get a numberic feature dataframe using our flow enhancer and featurizer featureMatrix = featureize(enhance_flow(df), vectorizers, verbose=opts.verbose) #predict the class of each row using the random forest featureMatrix['prediction'] = clf.predict(featureMatrix) print print('Analyzing') #get the class-1 (outlier/anomaly) rows from the feature matrix, and drop the prediction so we can investigate them outliers = featureMatrix[featureMatrix.prediction == 1].drop('prediction', axis=1) num_outliers = len(outliers.index) print 'detected %d anomalies out of %d total rows (%.2f%%)' % ( num_outliers, total_rows, (num_outliers * 1.0 / total_rows) * 100)
#load the http data in to a data frame print('Loading HTTP data') df = load_brofile(args[0], fields_to_use) print('Loading trained model') #read iForest data clf = joblib.load(opts.iforestfile) vectorizers = joblib.load(opts.vectorizerfile) total_rows = len(df.index) if opts.verbose: print('Total number of rows: %d' % total_rows) enhancedDf = enhance_flow(df) #construct some vectorizers based on the data in the DF. We need to vectorize future log files the exact same way so we # will be saving these vectorizers to a file. #vectorizers = build_vectorizers(enhancedDf, max_features=opts.maxfeaturesperbag, ngram_size=opts.ngramsize, verbose=opts.verbose) # use the vectorizers to featureize our DF into a numeric feature dataframe featureMatrix = featureize(enhancedDf, vectorizers, verbose=opts.verbose) print('Calculating features') #get a numberic feature dataframe using our flow enhancer and featurizer #clf = IsolationForest(n_jobs=4, n_estimators=opts.numtrees, oob_score=True)
def Eval(clargs): __version__ = '1.0' usage = """train_flows [options] normaldatafile""" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=__version__) parser.add_option("-x", "--vectorizerfile", action="store", type="string", \ default='/tmp/vectorizers.pkl', help="") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, \ help="enable verbose output") parser.add_option("-o", "--maliciousdatafile", action="store", type="string", \ default=None, help="An optional file of malicious http logs") parser.add_option("-m", "--maxfeaturesperbag", action="store", type="int", \ default=100, help="maximum number of features per bag") parser.add_option("-g", "--ngramsize", action="store", type="int", \ default=7, help="ngram size") parser.add_option("-f", "--features", action="store", type="string", \ default="01000100111111111111", help="An optional file for choosing which features to be extracted") parser.add_option("-t", "--maxtrainingfeatures", action="store", type="int", \ default=50000, help="maximum number of rows to train with per class") parser.add_option("-n", "--numtrees", action="store", type="int", \ default=200, help="number of trees in isolation forest") parser.add_option("-s", "--numsamples", action="store", type="int", \ default=8192, help="number of samples in each tree") Start = time.time() (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(clargs) if len(args) != 2: parser.error('Incorrect number of arguments') ftu = [] features = opts.features for i, j in enumerate(features): if opts.verbose: print(j, all_fields[i]) if j == 1 or j == '1': ftu.append(all_fields[i]) if opts.verbose: print ftu #ftu = ['method', 'user_agent', 'status_code'] # load the http data in to a data frame print('Loading HTTP data') df = load_brofile(args[0], fields_to_use) trainDf = load_brofile(args[1], fields_to_use) total_rows = len(df.index) if opts.verbose: print('Total number of rows: %d' % total_rows) if opts.maliciousdatafile != None: print('Reading malicious training data') df1 = load_brofile(opts.maliciousdatafile, fields_to_use) if opts.verbose: print('Read malicious data with %s rows ' % len(df1.index)) #if (len(df1.index) > opts.maxtrainingfeatures): # if opts.verbose: print('Too many malicious samples for training, downsampling to %d' % opts.maxtrainingfeatures) # df1 = df1.sample(n=opts.maxtrainingfeatures) #set the classes of the dataframes and then stitch them together in to one big dataframe df['class'] = 0 df1['class'] = 1 classedDf = pd.concat([df, df1], ignore_index=True) else: #we weren't passed a file containing class-1 data, so we should generate some of our own. noiseDf = create_noise_contrast(df, numSamples) if opts.verbose: print('Added %s rows of generated malicious data' % numSamples) df['class'] = 0 noiseDf['class'] = 1 classedDf = pd.concat([df, noiseDf], ignore_index=True) #that doesn't matter trainDf['class'] = 0 #spliting into training and evaluation sets classedDf['is_train'] = False trainDf['is_train'] = True enhancedDf = enhance_flow( pd.concat([trainDf, classedDf], ignore_index=True), ftu) # construct some vectorizers based on the data in the DF. We need to vectorize future log files the exact same way so we # will be saving these vectorizers to a file. vectorizers = build_vectorizers(enhancedDf, ftu, max_features=opts.maxfeaturesperbag, ngram_size=opts.ngramsize, verbose=opts.verbose) #use the vectorizers to featureize our DF into a numeric feature dataframe featureMatrix = featureize(enhancedDf, ftu, vectorizers, verbose=opts.verbose) #add the class column back in (it wasn't featurized by itself) featureMatrix['class'] = enhancedDf['class'] featureMatrix['is_train'] = enhancedDf['is_train'] #split out the train and test df's into separate objects train, test = featureMatrix[featureMatrix['is_train'] == True], featureMatrix[featureMatrix['is_train'] == False] #drop the is_train column, we don't need it anymore train = train.drop('is_train', axis=1) test = test.drop('is_train', axis=1) #print('Calculating features') Trees = opts.numtrees Samples = opts.numsamples clf = IsolationForest(n_estimators=Trees, max_samples=Samples) clf.fit(train.drop('class', axis=1)) testnoclass = test.drop('class', axis=1) print('Predicting') test.is_copy = False test['prediction'] = clf.decision_function(testnoclass) + 0.5 print('Analyzing') #get the class-1 (outlier/anomaly) rows from the feature matrix, and drop the prediction so we can investigate them ##From Here Left = 0.001 Right = 0.01 fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(test['class'], test['prediction'], pos_label=0) F = interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr, assume_sorted=True) x = np.logspace(np.log10(Left), np.log10(Right)) y = F(x) roc_auc = auc(x, y) plt.figure() plt.xscale('log') plt.plot(fpr, tpr, color='b') plt.plot(x, y, color='r') plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') plt.title('Receiver operating characteristic') plt.plot(plt.xlim(), plt.ylim(), ls="--", c=".3") plt.savefig("fig3.png") plt.clf() plt.close('all') print('Area Under the Curve = %.6f' % (roc_auc)) Min, Sec = divmod(int(time.time() - Start), 60) #print Min, Sec target = open('Results.txt', 'a') target.write(str(Trees) + ' ') target.write(str(Samples) + ' ') target.write(str(Min) + ' ') target.write(str(Sec) + ' ') target.write(str(roc_auc)) target.write("\n") target.write(str(features)) target.write("\n") target.write("\n") target.close() print("Minutes: %d, Seconds: %d" % (int(Min), int(Sec))) return roc_auc
if len(args) != 1: parser.error('Incorrect number of arguments') #load the http data in to a data frame print('Loading HTTP data') df = load_brofile(args[0], fields_to_use) print('Loading trained model') #read iForest data clf = joblib.load(opts.iforestfile) vectorizers = joblib.load(opts.vectorizerfile) total_rows = len(df.index) if opts.verbose: print('Total number of rows: %d' % total_rows) enhancedDf = enhance_flow(df) #construct some vectorizers based on the data in the DF. We need to vectorize future log files the exact same way so we # will be saving these vectorizers to a file. #vectorizers = build_vectorizers(enhancedDf, max_features=opts.maxfeaturesperbag, ngram_size=opts.ngramsize, verbose=opts.verbose) # use the vectorizers to featureize our DF into a numeric feature dataframe featureMatrix = featureize(enhancedDf, vectorizers, verbose=opts.verbose) print('Calculating features') #get a numberic feature dataframe using our flow enhancer and featurizer #clf = IsolationForest(n_jobs=4, n_estimators=opts.numtrees, oob_score=True) featureMatrix['prediction'] = clf.decision_function(featureMatrix)