def standardrecon(base, pos, bias, R):

    #base = base.astype(np.float32)
    #pos = pos.astype(base.dtype)
    smwts = tf.exp(tf.multiply(-kmesh**2, R**2))
    basek = utils.r2c3d(base, norm=nc**3)
    basek = tf.multiply(basek, tf.cast(smwts, tf.complex64))
    basesm = utils.c2r3d(basek, norm=nc**3)

    grid = bs/nc*np.indices((nc, nc, nc)).reshape(3, -1).T.astype(np.float32)
    grid = tf.constant(np.expand_dims(grid, 0))
    grid = grid *nc/bs
    pos = pos *nc/bs
    mesh = basesm #tf.constant(basesm.astype(np.float32))
    meshk = utils.r2c3d(mesh, norm=nc**3)
    DX = tfpm.lpt1(meshk, pos, kvec=kvec)
    DX = tf.multiply(DX, -1/bias)
    pos = tf.add(pos, DX)
    displaced = tf.zeros_like(mesh)
    displaced = utils.cic_paint(displaced, pos, name='displaced')
    DXrandom = tfpm.lpt1(meshk, grid, kvec)
    DXrandom = tf.multiply(DXrandom, -1/bias)
    posrandom = tf.add(grid, DXrandom)
    random = tf.zeros_like(mesh)
    random = utils.cic_paint(random, posrandom, name='random')
    return displaced, random
Exemple #2
def test_nody():
    """ Checking end to end nbody
    a0 = 0.1

    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=bs, Nmesh=[nc, nc, nc], dtype='f4')
    grid = pm.generate_uniform_particle_grid(shift=0).astype(np.float32)
    solver = Solver(pm, Planck15, B=1)
    stages = np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 10, endpoint=True)

    # Generate initial state with fastpm
    whitec = pm.generate_whitenoise(100, mode='complex', unitary=False)
    lineark = whitec.apply(lambda k, v: Planck15.get_pklin(
        sum(ki**2 for ki in k)**0.5, 0)**0.5 * v /**0.5)
    statelpt = solver.lpt(lineark, grid, a0, order=1)
    finalstate = solver.nbody(statelpt, leapfrog(stages))
    final_cube = pm.paint(finalstate.X)

    # Same thing with flowpm
    tlinear = tf.expand_dims(np.array(lineark.c2r()), 0)
    state = tfpm.lpt_init(tlinear, a0, order=1)
    state = tfpm.nbody(state, stages, nc)
    tfread = pmutils.cic_paint(tf.zeros_like(tlinear), state[0]).numpy()

    assert_allclose(final_cube, tfread[0], atol=1.2)
def pgd_loss(pgdparams, state, target_pk, return_pk=False):
  Defines the loss function for the PGD parameters
    shape = state.get_shape()
    batch_size = shape[1]

    # Step I: Apply PGD to the state vector
    pdgized_state = tfpm.pgd(state,
                             nc=[] * 3,

    # Step II: Painting and compensating for cic window
    field = cic_paint(tf.zeros([batch_size] + [] * 3),
    field = compensate_cic(field)

    # Step III: Compute power spectrum
    k, pk = flowpm.power_spectrum(field,
                                  boxsize=np.array([FLAGS.box_size] * 3),
                                  kmin=np.pi / FLAGS.box_size,
                                  dk=2 * np.pi / FLAGS.box_size)
    # Averaging pk over realisations
    pk = tf.reduce_mean(pk, axis=0)

    # Step IV: compute loss
    loss = tf.reduce_sum((1. - pk / target_pk)**2)
    if return_pk:
        return loss, pk
        return loss
Exemple #4
def force(cosmo,
  Estimate force on the particles given a state.

  state: tensor
    Input state tensor of shape (3, batch_size, npart, 3)

  boxsize: float
    Size of the simulation volume (Mpc/h) TODO: check units

  cosmology: astropy.cosmology
    Cosmology object

  pm_nc_factor: int
    TODO: @modichirag please add doc
    with tf.name_scope(name):
        state = tf.convert_to_tensor(state, name="state")

        shape = state.get_shape()
        batch_size = shape[1]
        ncf = [n * pm_nc_factor for n in nc]

        rho = tf.zeros([batch_size] + ncf)
        wts = tf.ones((batch_size, nc[0] * nc[1] * nc[2]))
        nbar = nc[0] * nc[1] * nc[2] / (ncf[0] * ncf[1] * ncf[2])

        rho = cic_paint(rho, tf.multiply(state[0], pm_nc_factor), wts)
        rho = tf.multiply(rho, 1. /
                          nbar)  # I am not sure why this is not needed here
        delta_k = r2c3d(rho, norm=ncf[0] * ncf[1] * ncf[2])
        fac = tf.cast(1.5 * cosmo.Omega_m, dtype=dtype)
        update = apply_longrange(tf.multiply(state[0], pm_nc_factor),

        update = tf.expand_dims(update, axis=0)

        indices = tf.constant([[2]])
        shape = state.shape
        update = tf.scatter_nd(indices, update, shape)
        mask = tf.stack((tf.ones_like(state[0]), tf.ones_like(
            state[0]), tf.zeros_like(state[0])),
        state = tf.multiply(state, mask)
        state = tf.add(state, update)
        return state
def pgd(state, pgdparams, nc, pm_nc_factor=1, name="PGD", **kwargs):
  Estimate the short range force on the particles given a state.

  state: tensor
    Input state tensor of shape (3, batch_size, npart, 3)
  nc: int, or list of ints
    Number of cells

  alpha: float
    Free parameter. Factor of proportionality between the displacement and the Particle-mesh force.

  kl: float
    Long range scale parameter
  ks: float
    Short range scale parameter

  pm_nc_factor: int
    Resolution factor. Ratio of the size per side of the mesh and the number of particles per side
    with tf.name_scope(name):
        state = tf.convert_to_tensor(state, name="state")
        shape = state.get_shape()
        batch_size = shape[1]
        ncf = [n * pm_nc_factor for n in nc]

        rho = tf.zeros([batch_size] + ncf)
        wts = tf.ones((batch_size, nc[0] * nc[1] * nc[2]))
        nbar = nc[0] * nc[1] * nc[2] / (ncf[0] * ncf[1] * ncf[2])

        rho = cic_paint(rho, tf.multiply(state[0], pm_nc_factor), wts)
        rho = tf.multiply(rho, 1. /
                          nbar)  # I am not sure why this is not needed here
        delta_k = r2c3d(rho, norm=ncf[0] * ncf[1] * ncf[2])

        alpha, kl, ks = tf.split(pgdparams, 3)
        update = apply_pgd(
            tf.multiply(state[0], pm_nc_factor),
        update = tf.expand_dims(update, axis=0) / pm_nc_factor

        indices = tf.constant([[0]])
        shape = state.shape
        update = tf.scatter_nd(indices, update, shape)
        state = tf.add(state, update)
        return state
Exemple #6
def test_cic_paint():
    bs = 50
    nc = 16
    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=bs, Nmesh=[nc, nc, nc], dtype='f4')
    nparticle = 100
    pos = bs * np.random.random(3 * nparticle).reshape(-1, 3).astype(
    wts = np.random.random(nparticle).astype(np.float32)

    # Painting with pmesg
    pmmesh = pm.paint(pos, mass=wts)

    mesh = cic_paint(tf.zeros((1, nc, nc, nc), dtype=tf.float32),
                     (pos * nc / bs).reshape((1, nparticle, 3)),
                     weight=wts.reshape(1, nparticle))
    tfmesh = mesh.numpy()

    assert_allclose(pmmesh, tfmesh[0], atol=1e-06)
Exemple #7
def test_cic_paint():
    bs = 50
    nc = 16
    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=bs, Nmesh=[nc, nc, nc], dtype='f4')
    nparticle = 100
    pos = bs * np.random.random(3 * nparticle).reshape(-1, 3).astype(
    wts = np.random.random(nparticle).astype(np.float32)

    # Painting with pmesg
    pmmesh = pm.paint(pos, mass=wts)

    with tf.Session() as sess:
        mesh = cic_paint(tf.zeros((1, nc, nc, nc), dtype=tf.float32),
                         (pos * nc / bs).reshape((1, nparticle, 3)),
                         weight=wts.reshape(1, nparticle))
        tfmesh =

    assert_allclose(pmmesh, tfmesh[0], atol=1e-06)