Exemple #1
def view_user(request):
    # TODO
    # Add in auth tokens (if exists) and access tokens (if exists)
    session = DBSession()
    matchdict = request.matchdict
    if (request.logged_in != int(matchdict["user_id"])):
        return HTTPForbidden(_("You are not allowed to view information about a user other than yourself."))

    user = session.query(User).join(User.groups).join(Group.group_info).filter(User.id == matchdict["user_id"]).one()

    request_key_url = ""
    key = ""
    secret = ""
    token = ""
    token_secret = ""

    keySecret = ConsumerKeySecret.getByUserID(request.logged_in)
    if (keySecret):
        key = keySecret.consumer_key
        secret = keySecret.consumer_secret

        tokenData = Token.getTokenByConsumerID(keySecret.id)
        if (tokenData):
            token = tokenData.token
            token_secret = tokenData.token_secret

        request_key_url = route_url("api_request_key", request)

    return dict(username = user.username, homepage = user.homepage, title = _("Viewing ") + " " + user.username, key = key, secret = secret, token = token, token_secret = token_secret, request_key_url = request_key_url)
Exemple #2
def doViewBlog(request = None, page_num = 1, limit = 10):
    session = DBSession()

    p = Pager(session.query(Post).join(User).order_by(desc(Post.created_time)), page_num, limit)
    posts = p.results

    # TODO
    # horribly inefficient; probably a much better way of doing things, perhaps in the template itself?
    modifiedPosts = []
    for post in posts:
        # TODO
        # move these to classmethod
        post.username = post.user.username
        post.post_url = route_url("view_blog_post", request, post_id = post.id)
        post.formattedContent = post.getFormattedContent()
        post.ISOTime = post.getISOTime()
        post.formattedTime = post.getFormattedTime()

    if (page_num < p.pages):
        next_page = page_num + 1
        next_page = 0

    if (page_num > 1):
        previous_page = page_num - 1
        previous_page = 0

    return dict(title = _("Fluid Nexus Blog"), posts = modifiedPosts, pages = p.pages, page_num = page_num, previous_page = previous_page, next_page = next_page)
Exemple #3
def api_nexus_hashes(request):
    session = DBSession()
    hashes = session.query(NexusMessage.message_hash).join(User).order_by(desc(NexusMessage.created_time)).all()

    result = {'hashes': []}

    for message_hash in hashes:

    return result
def groupfinder(userid, request):
    session = DBSession()
    user = session.query(User).join(User.groups).join(Group.group_info).filter(User.id==userid).one()
    groupNames = []
    if (user is not None):
        groups = user.groups
        for group in groups:
            groupNames.append("group:" + group.group_info.group_name)

    return groupNames
Exemple #5
def edit_users(request):
    session = DBSession()
    users = session.query(User).order_by(User.id).all()

    modifiedUsers = []
    for user in users:
        user.edit_url = route_url("edit_user", request, user_id = user.id)

    return dict(users = modifiedUsers, title = _("Edit users"))
Exemple #6
def view_page(request):
    """View a given page."""
    session = DBSession()
    matchdict = request.matchdict
    page_location = matchdict["page_location"]
        page = session.query(Page).filter(Page.location == page_location).one()
    except NoResultFound:
        return HTTPNotFound(detail = "Requested page not found.")

    return dict(title = page.title, content = textile.textile(page.content))
Exemple #7
def rss(request):
    num_posts = 10
    num_nexus = 10
    session = DBSession()

    posts = session.query(Post).join(User).order_by(desc(Post.created_time)).limit(num_posts)
    nexus = session.query(NexusMessage).join(User).order_by(desc(NexusMessage.created_time)).limit(num_nexus)

    items = []

    # add a link to each item
    newPosts = []
    for post in posts:
        link = "http://fluidnexus.net/blog/post/" + str(post.id)
        setattr(post, "link", link)
        setattr(post, "guid", link)
        setattr(post, "categories", ["blog"])
    [items.append(post) for post in newPosts]

    newNexus = []
    for message in nexus:
        link = "http://fluidnexus.net/nexus"
        setattr(message, "link", link)
        setattr(message, "guid", message.message_hash)
        setattr(message, "categories", ["nexus"])
    [items.append(message) for message in newNexus]

    items = sorted(items, key=attrgetter("created_time"), reverse = True)    

    rssItems = []

    for item in items:
        rssItem = PyRSS2Gen.RSSItem(title = item.title,
            description = textile.textile(item.content),
            pubDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(item.created_time),
            link = item.link,
            guid = PyRSS2Gen.Guid(item.guid),
            categories = item.categories,
            author = item.user.username)

    rss = PyRSS2Gen.RSS2(
        title = "Fluid Nexus RSS Feed",
        link = "http://fluidnexus.net/feed/rss",
        description = "RSS feed of Nexus and Blog posts from Fluid Nexus",
        lastBuildDate = datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
        items = rssItems

    return Response(rss.to_xml(encoding = "utf-8"), content_type="application/rss+xml")
Exemple #8
def view_nexus_message(request):
    session = DBSession()
    matchdict = request.matchdict
    message = session.query(NexusMessage).filter(NexusMessage.id == matchdict["message_id"]).one()
    user = session.query(User).filter(User.id == message.user_id).one()
    message.username = user.username
    message.formattedContent = message.getFormattedContent()
    message.ISOTime = message.getISOTime()
    message.formattedTime = message.getFormattedTime()

    # TODO
    # Add in comment supports; needs a new, separate NexusComment table
    # message_comment_url = route_url("view_nexus_message", request, message_id = message.id)

    return dict(title=message.title + _(" || Nexus Message"), message=message)
Exemple #9
def edit_pages(request):
    """List pages to edit."""
    session = DBSession()
    pages = session.query(Page).join(User).order_by(desc(Page.modified_time)).all()
    modifiedPages = []
    for page in pages:
        page.formatted_time = time.ctime(page.modified_time)
        page.username = page.user.username
        page.page_url = route_url("edit_page", request, page_id = page.id)

    # TODO
    # Figure out how to delete using checkboxes
    new_page_url = route_url("new_page", request)
    return dict(title = "Edit pages", new_page_url = new_page_url, pages = modifiedPages)
Exemple #10
def register_user(request):
    session = DBSession()
    matchdict = request.matchdict

    if (request.logged_in):
        request.session.flash(_("You are already logged in and therefore cannot register for a new account."))
        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))

    login_url = route_url('login', request)
    referrer = request.url
    if (referrer == login_url):
        referrer = '/' # never use the login form itself as came_from
    came_from = request.params.get('came_from', referrer)

    fs = None

    if 'submitted' in request.params:
        fs = RegisterUserFieldSet().bind(User, session = session, data = request.params or None)
        valid = fs.validate()
        if valid:
            user = User()
            password = bcrypt.hashpw(fs.password1.value, bcrypt.gensalt())

            # TODO
            # Shouldn't have to do this, but doing it for simplicity now
            user.username = fs.username.value
            user.password = password
            user.given_name = fs.given_name.value
            user.surname = fs.surname.value
            user.homepage = fs.homepage.value
            #user.email = fs.email.value
            user.email = bcrypt.hashpw(fs.email.value, bcrypt.gensalt())
            user.created_time =  time.time()
            user.user_type = User.NORMAL

            User.addToGroup(fs.username.value, "nexus")
            request.session["username"] = fs.username.value
            headers = remember(request, User.getID(fs.username.value))
            request.session.flash(_("You have successfully created a new account!"))
            return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request), headers = headers)

    if (fs is None):
        fs = RegisterUserFieldSet().bind(User, session = session)
    form = fs.render()
    return dict(form = form, title = _("Register new user"))
Exemple #11
def doNexusMessages(request=None, page_num=1, limit=10):
    session = DBSession()
    # messages = session.query(NexusMessage).join(User).order_by(desc(NexusMessage.created_time)).all()

    p = Pager(session.query(NexusMessage).join(User).order_by(desc(NexusMessage.created_time)), page_num, limit)
    messages = p.results

    # TODO
    # horribly inefficient; probably a much better way of doing things, perhaps in the template itself?
    modifiedMessages = []
    for message in messages:
        # TODO
        # move these to classmethod
        message.username = message.user.username
        message.message_url = route_url("view_nexus_message", request, message_id=message.id)
        message.formattedContent = message.getFormattedContent()
        message.ISOTime = message.getISOTime()
        message.formattedTime = message.getFormattedTime()
        if message.attachment_path != "":
            fullPath, extension = os.path.splitext(message.attachment_original_filename)
            message.massaged_attachment_path = (
                "/static/attachments/" + os.path.basename(message.attachment_path) + extension
            message.massaged_attachment_path_tn = (
                "/static/attachments/" + os.path.basename(message.attachment_path) + "_tn" + extension

    if page_num < p.pages:
        next_page = page_num + 1
        next_page = 0

    if page_num > 1:
        previous_page = page_num - 1
        previous_page = 0

    return dict(
        title=_("Nexus Messages"),
Exemple #12
def edit_blog(request):
    session = DBSession()
    posts = session.query(Post).join(User).order_by(desc(Post.modified_time)).all()
    new_blog_post_url = route_url("new_blog_post", request)

    modifiedPosts = []
    for post in posts:
        post.formatted_time = time.ctime(post.modified_time)
        post.username = post.user.username
        post.post_url = route_url("edit_blog_post", request, post_id = post.id)

    # TODO
    # Figure out how to delete using checkboxes
    #g = Grid(Post, posts)
    #g.configure(options = [g["title"].readonly()], exclude = [g["modified_time"], g["user"], g["created_time"], g["content"]])
    #form = g.render()
    return dict(title = _("Edit blog posts"), posts = modifiedPosts, new_blog_post_url = new_blog_post_url)
Exemple #13
def api_nexus_messages(request):
    session = DBSession()
    messages = session.query(NexusMessage).join(User).order_by(desc(NexusMessage.created_time)).all()

    result = {'messages': []}

    for message in messages:
        jsonMessage = {}
        jsonMessage['title'] = message.title
        jsonMessage['content'] = message.content
        jsonMessage['message_hash'] = message.message_hash
        jsonMessage['created_time'] = message.created_time
        jsonMessage['attachment_path'] = message.attachment_path
        jsonMessage['attachment_original_filename'] = message.attachment_original_filename
        jsonMessage["username"] = message.user.username

    return result
Exemple #14
def new_blog_post(request):
    session = DBSession()

    if 'submitted' in request.params:
        post = Post()
        fs = FieldSet(Post, data=request.params)
        post.title = fs.title.value
        post.content = fs.content.value
        now = time.time()
        post.modified_time = now
        post.created_time = now
        post.user_id = authenticated_userid(request)

        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("edit_blog", request))

    new_blog_post_url = route_url("new_blog_post", request)
    fs = FieldSet(Post, session = session)
    fs.configure(options=[fs.content.textarea(size=(45, 10))], exclude = [fs["modified_time"], fs["user"], fs["comments"], fs["created_time"]])
    form = fs.render()
    return dict(title = _("New Fluid Nexus Blog Post"), form = form, new_blog_post_url = new_blog_post_url)
Exemple #15
def edit_blog_post(request):
    session = DBSession()
    matchdict = request.matchdict
    post = session.query(Post).filter(Post.id == matchdict["post_id"]).one()

    if 'submitted' in request.params:
        fs = FieldSet(post, data=request.params)
        # TODO
        # Not sure why this is necessary...shouldn't I just be able to pass the session to FieldSet and have it sync?
        post.title = fs.title.value
        post.content = fs.content.value
        post.modified_time = time.time()

        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("view_blog_post", request, post_id = post.id))

    if 'delete' in request.params:

        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("edit_blog", request))

    edit_blog_post_url = route_url("edit_blog_post", request, post_id = post.id)
    fs = FieldSet(post)
    fs.configure(options=[fs.content.textarea(size=(45, 10))], exclude = [fs["modified_time"], fs["created_time"], fs["user"]])
    form = fs.render()
    return dict(form = form, title = post.title, edit_blog_post_url = edit_blog_post_url)
Exemple #16
def edit_page(request):
    """Edit a given page."""
    session = DBSession()
    matchdict = request.matchdict
    page = session.query(Page).join(User).filter(Page.id == matchdict["page_id"]).order_by(desc(Page.modified_time)).one()

    if 'submitted' in request.params:
        fs = FieldSet(page, data=request.params)
        # TODO
        # add validation
        # Not sure why this is necessary...shouldn't I just be able to pass the session to FieldSet and have it sync?
        page.title = fs.title.value
        page.content = fs.content.value
        page.modified_time = time.time()
        page.location = fs.location.value
        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("view_page", request, page_location = page.location))

    elif 'delete' in request.params:
        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("edit_pages", request))

    edit_blog_post_url = route_url("edit_page", request, page_id = page.id)
    fs = FieldSet(page)
    fs.configure(options=[fs.content.textarea(size=(45, 10))], exclude = [fs["modified_time"], fs["created_time"], fs["user"]])
    form = fs.render()

    # TODO
    # Figure out how to delete using checkboxes
    return dict(title = "Edit '%s'" % page.title, save_name = save_name, delete_name = delete_name, form = form)
Exemple #17
def api_do_authorize_token(request):
    session = DBSession()

    matchdict = request.matchdict
    appType = matchdict.get("appType", "")

    # First check that the logged in user is the holder of this token
    given_token = request.params.get("token")
    token = Token.getByToken(given_token)
    consumer = ConsumerKeySecret.getByConsumerID(token.consumer_key_secret.id)

    if (not consumer):
        request.session.flash(_("Unable to find consumer key in the database; this should never happen!"))
        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))

    if (token):
        if (token.consumer_key_secret.user.id != request.logged_in):
            request.session.flash(_("Attempt to use an authorization token that does not belong to you."))
            return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))
        request.session.flash(_("Malformed authorization token parameters."))
        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))

    # Generate a new token to replace this now non-useful authorization token
    randomData = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest()
    key = generateRandomKey()
    secret = generateRandomKey()

    token.token = key
    token.token_secret = secret
    token.consumer_id = consumer.id
    token.timestamp = time.time()

    if (appType == "android"):
        token.callback_url = token.callback_url + "?oauth_token=%s&oauth_token_secret=%s" % (token.token, token.token_secret)

    return HTTPFound(location = token.callback_url)
Exemple #18
def new_page(request):
    session = DBSession()

    if 'submitted' in request.params:
        page = Page()
        fs = FieldSet(Page, data=request.params)
        page.title = fs.title.value
        page.content = fs.content.value
        page.location = fs.location.value.lower()
        now = time.time()
        page.modified_time = now
        page.created_time = now
        page.user_id = authenticated_userid(request)

        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("edit_pages", request))

    new_page_url = route_url("new_page", request)
    fs = FieldSet(Page, session = session)
    fs.configure(options=[fs.content.textarea(size=(45, 10))], exclude = [fs["modified_time"], fs["user"], fs["created_time"]])
    form = fs.render()
    return dict(title = "Create new Fluid Nexus page", save_name = save_name, form = form)
Exemple #19
def edit_user(request):
    session = DBSession()
    matchdict = request.matchdict

    if (request.logged_in != int(matchdict["user_id"])):
        return HTTPForbidden(_("You are not allowed to view information about a user other than yourself."))

    user = session.query(User).join(User.groups).join(Group.group_info).filter(User.id == matchdict["user_id"]).one()

    if (user.user_type == User.OPENID):
        fs = UserNoPasswordFieldSet().bind(user, session = session, data = request.POST or None)
        fs = UserFieldSet().bind(user, session = session, data = request.POST or None)
    if 'submitted' in request.params:
        valid = fs.validate()
        if valid:
            if user.user_type == User.NORMAL:
                user.password = bcrypt.hashpw(fs.password1.value, bcrypt.gensalt())
            return HTTPFound(location = route_url("view_user", request, user_id = request.logged_in))

    form = fs.render()
    return dict(form = form, title = _("Edit") + " " + user.username)
Exemple #20
def api_request_key(request):
    session = DBSession()

    if (not request.logged_in):
        request.session.flash(_("You must be registered and logged in to request a consumer key and secret."))
        return HTTPForbidden(location = route_url("home", request))
    keySecret = ConsumerKeySecret.getByUserID(request.logged_in)
    if (keySecret):
        key = keySecret.consumer_key
        secret = keySecret.consumer_secret
        # generate a consumer key and secret
        randomData = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest()
        keySecret = ConsumerKeySecret()
        key = generateRandomKey()
        secret = generateRandomKey()
        keySecret.consumer_key = key
        keySecret.consumer_secret = secret
        keySecret.user_id = request.logged_in

    return dict(key = key, secret = secret, title = _("Fluid Nexus Key and Secret"))
Exemple #21
def reset_password(request):
    session = DBSession()
    matchdict = request.matchdict
    token = matchdict["token"]

    forgotPassword = ForgotPassword.getByToken(token)
    if (not forgotPassword):
        request.session.flash(_("Reset password token not found in database."))
        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))

    if (request.logged_in):
        request.session.flash(_("You are already logged in and therefore cannot reset a password."))
        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))

    login_url = route_url('login', request)
    referrer = request.url
    if (referrer == login_url):
        referrer = '/' # never use the login form itself as came_from
    came_from = request.params.get('came_from', referrer)

    user = User.getByID(forgotPassword.user.id)

    fs = None
    if 'submitted' in request.params:
        fs = ResetPasswordFieldSet().bind(User, session = session, data = request.params or None)
        valid = fs.validate()
        if valid:
            user = User.getByID(request.params["user_id"])
            password = bcrypt.hashpw(fs.password1.value, bcrypt.gensalt())
            user.password = password
            user.user_type = User.NORMAL

            session.query(ForgotPassword).filter(ForgotPassword.user_id == user.id).delete()

            request.session["username"] = user.username
            headers = remember(request, user.id)
            request.session.flash(_("You have successfully updated your password!"))
            return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request), headers = headers)

    if (fs is None):
        fs = ResetPasswordFieldSet().bind(User, session = session)
    form = fs.render()
    return dict(form = form, user_id = user.id, title = _("Forgot your password?"))
Exemple #22
def register_user_openid(request):
    session = DBSession()
    matchdict = request.matchdict

    if (request.logged_in):
        request.session.flash(_("You are already logged in and therefore cannot register for a new account."))
        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))

    fs = OpenIDUserFieldSet().bind(User, session = session)
    fs.append(Field("openid_url", value = request.params.get("openid_url", "")).hidden())

    if 'submitted' in request.params:
        fs = OpenIDUserFieldSet().bind(User, session = session, data = request.params or None)
        valid = fs.validate()
        if valid:
            user = User()

            # TODO
            # Shouldn't have to do this, but doing it for simplicity now
            # Should validate that the username is unique
            user.username = fs.username.value
            user.given_name = fs.given_name.value
            user.surname = fs.surname.value
            user.homepage = fs.homepage.value
            user.user_type = User.OPENID
            now = time.time()
            user.created_time = now
            user.password = bcrypt.hashpw(str(int(now)), bcrypt.gensalt())

            User.addToGroup(fs.username.value, "nexus")
            request.session["username"] = fs.username.value
            user_id = User.getID(fs.username.value)

            openid = OpenID(openid_url = request.params.get("openid_url", ""), user_id = user_id)

            headers = remember(request, user_id)
            request.session["username"] = fs.username.value
            request.session.flash(_("You have successfully registered!"))
            return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request), headers = headers)

    form = fs.render()
    return dict(form = form, title = _("Register new user"))
Exemple #23
def view_blog_post(request):
    session = DBSession()
    matchdict = request.matchdict
    post = session.query(Post).filter(Post.id == matchdict["post_id"]).one()
    user = session.query(User).filter(User.id == post.user_id).one()
    post.username = user.username
    post_comment_url = route_url("view_blog_post", request, post_id = post.id)

    fs = None

    # TODO
    # * make form validation better and more attractive
    # * add in field that asks for user to type word to submit form
    if 'submitted' in request.params:
        comment = Comment()
        fs = CommentFieldSet().bind(Comment, session = session, data = request.POST or None)
        valid = fs.validate()
        if valid:
            comment.name = fs.name.value
            comment.email = fs.email.value
            comment.homepage = fs.homepage.value
            comment.content = fs.content.value
            now = time.time()
            comment.created_time = now
            comment.post_id = post.id
            request.session.flash(_("Your comment was successfully posted."))
            fs = None

    comments = session.query(Comment).filter(Comment.post_id == post.id).order_by(desc(Comment.created_time))

    if (fs is None):
        fs = CommentFieldSet().bind(Comment, session = session)

    comment_form = fs.render()

    return dict(title = post.title + _(" || Fluid Nexus Blog Post"), post = post, comments = comments, comment_form = comment_form, post_comment_url = post_comment_url) 
Exemple #24
def forgot_password(request):
    session = DBSession()
    matchdict = request.matchdict

    if (request.logged_in):
        request.session.flash(_("You are already logged in and therefore cannot request a new password."))
        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))

    login_url = route_url('login', request)
    referrer = request.url
    if (referrer == login_url):
        referrer = '/' # never use the login form itself as came_from
    came_from = request.params.get('came_from', referrer)

    fs = None

    if 'submitted' in request.params:
        fs = ForgotPasswordFieldSet().bind(User, session = session, data = request.params or None)
        valid_user = User.checkEmail(fs.username.value, fs.email.value)

        if (not valid_user):
            request.session.flash(_("E-mail and password combination do not match."))
            return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))

        #user = User.getByEmail(fs.email.value)

        token = str(time.time())

        # Generate salt
        for x in xrange(0, 10):
            token += str(random.randint(0, 100))
        token = hashlib.sha256(token).hexdigest()

        fp = ForgotPassword(token = token)
        fp.user_id = valid_user.id

        valid_user.user_type = User.FORGOT_PASSWORD

        # Import smtplib for the actual sending function
        import smtplib
        # Import the email modules we'll need
        from email.mime.text import MIMEText

        text = """Please go to the following link to reset your password:


If you have any questions please reply to this e-mail.


fluidnexus.net""" % token
        msg = MIMEText(text)
        msg["Subject"] = "Forgotten password for %s" % (fs.email.value)
        msg["From"] = "*****@*****.**"
        msg["To"] = fs.email.value
        s = smtplib.SMTP("localhost")
        s.sendmail("*****@*****.**", [fs.email.value], msg.as_string())

        request.session.flash(_("Please check your e-mail for the link to reset your password."))
        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))

    if (fs is None):
        fs = ForgotPasswordFieldSet().bind(User, session = session)
    form = fs.render()
    return dict(form = form, title = _("Forgot your password?"))
Exemple #25
def api_request_token(request):
    session = DBSession()
    auth_header = {}
    matchdict = request.matchdict
    appType = matchdict.get("appType", False)

    if ('Authorization' in request.headers):
        auth_header = {'Authorization': request.headers['Authorization']}
    req = oauth2.Request.from_request(
        headers = auth_header,
        parameters = dict([(k,v) for k,v in request.params.iteritems()]))

    consumer = ConsumerKeySecret.getByConsumerKey(req.get("oauth_consumer_key"))

    #if (request.logged_in != consumer.id):
    #    request.session.flash(_("You are trying to request a token using credentials that do not belong to you."))
    #    return HTTPForbidden(location = route_url("home", request))

        oauth_server.verify_request(req, consumer, None)

        # Check that this user doesn't already have an access token
        consumerToken = Token.getByConsumerID(consumer.id)
        if consumerToken:
            if (consumerToken.token_type == consumerToken.ACCESS):
                return Response(simplejson.dumps({'result': route_url('api_access_token', request)}))
            elif (consumerToken.token_type == consumerToken.AUTHORIZATION):
                # TODO
                # Check that the token hasn't already expired
                token = oauth2.Token(consumerToken.token, consumerToken.token_secret)
                if (appType == "android"):
                    return Response(token.to_string())
                    return Response(simplejson.dumps({'result': route_url('api_authorize_token', request, appType = appType) + '?' + token.to_string()}))

        nonce = ConsumerNonce.getByNonce(req.get("oauth_nonce"))
        if (nonce):
            return simplejson.dumps({"error": "Nonce is already registered for an authorization token; please generate another request token, or wait five minutes and try again."})
            nonce = ConsumerNonce()
            nonce.consumer_id = consumer.id
            nonce.timestamp = req.get("oauth_timestamp")
            nonce.nonce = req.get("oauth_nonce")

        randomData = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest()
        key = generateRandomKey()
        secret = generateRandomKey()
        token = oauth2.Token(key, secret)
        token.callback_confirmed = True

        tokenData = Token()
        tokenData.token = key
        tokenData.token_secret = secret
        tokenData.consumer_id = consumer.id
        tokenData.timestamp = time.time()
        tokenData.callback_url = req.get("oauth_callback")

        if (appType == "android"):
            return Response(token.to_string())
        elif (appType == "desktop"):
            result = {'result': route_url('api_authorize_token', request, appType = appType) + '?' + token.to_string()}
            return Response(simplejson.dumps(result))
    except oauth2.Error, e:
        return Response(simplejson.dumps({"oauth2 error": str(e)}))