Exemple #1
def earthsun_distance(moment):
    r'''Calculates the distance between the earth and the sun as a function 
    of date and time. Uses the Reda and Andreas (2004) model described in [1]_, 
    originally incorporated into the excellent 
    `pvlib library <https://github.com/pvlib/pvlib-python>`_
    moment : datetime
        Time and date for the calculation, in UTC time (or GMT, which is
        almost the same thing); not local time, [-]
    distance : float
        Distance between the center of the earth and the center of the sun,

    >>> earthsun_distance(datetime(2003, 10, 17, 13, 30, 30))
    The distance at perihelion, which occurs at 4:21 according to this
    algorithm. The real value is 04:38 (January 2nd).
    >>> earthsun_distance(datetime(2013, 1, 2, 4, 21, 50))
    The distance at aphelion, which occurs at 14:44 according to this
    algorithm. The real value is dead on - 14:44 (July 5).
    >>> earthsun_distance(datetime(2013, 7, 5, 14, 44, 51, 0))
    This function is quite accurate. The difference comes from the impact of 
    the moon.

    Note this function is not continuous; the sun-earth distance is not 
    sufficiently accurately modeled for the change to be continuous throughout
    each day.

    .. [1] Reda, Ibrahim, and Afshin Andreas. "Solar Position Algorithm for 
       Solar Radiation Applications." Solar Energy 76, no. 5 (January 1, 2004):
       577-89. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2003.12.003.
    from fluids.optional import spa
    delta_t = spa.calculate_deltat(moment.year, moment.month)
    import calendar
    unixtime = calendar.timegm(moment.timetuple())
    # Convert datetime object to unixtime
    return float(spa.earthsun_distance(unixtime, delta_t=delta_t)) * au
Exemple #2
def earthsun_distance(moment):
    r'''Calculates the distance between the earth and the sun as a function 
    of date and time. Uses the Reda and Andreas (2004) model described in [1]_, 
    originally incorporated into the excellent 
    `pvlib library <https://github.com/pvlib/pvlib-python>`_
    moment : datetime
        Time and date for the calculation, in UTC time (or GMT, which is
        almost the same thing); not local time, [-]
    distance : float
        Distance between the center of the earth and the center of the sun,

    >>> earthsun_distance(datetime(2003, 10, 17, 13, 30, 30))
    The distance at perihelion, which occurs at 4:21 according to this
    algorithm. The real value is 04:38 (January 2nd).
    >>> earthsun_distance(datetime(2013, 1, 2, 4, 21, 50))
    The distance at aphelion, which occurs at 14:44 according to this
    algorithm. The real value is dead on - 14:44 (July 5).
    >>> earthsun_distance(datetime(2013, 7, 5, 14, 44, 51, 0))
    This function is quite accurate. The difference comes from the impact of 
    the moon.

    Note this function is not continuous; the sun-earth distance is not 
    sufficiently accurately modeled for the change to be continuous throughout
    each day.

    .. [1] Reda, Ibrahim, and Afshin Andreas. "Solar Position Algorithm for 
       Solar Radiation Applications." Solar Energy 76, no. 5 (January 1, 2004):
       577-89. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2003.12.003.
    from fluids.optional import spa
    delta_t = spa.calculate_deltat(moment.year, moment.month)
    import calendar
    unixtime = calendar.timegm(moment.timetuple())
    # Convert datetime object to unixtime
    return float(spa.earthsun_distance(unixtime, delta_t=delta_t))*au