def __loadAdminData(self):
     self.debug("Loading admin data from '%s'", self._adminPath)
     loader = inifile.IniFile()
     adminData = dataprops.AdminData()
     loader.loadFromFile(adminData, self._adminPath)
     self._adminData = adminData
     basePath = os.path.dirname(self._adminPath)
     relDir = self._adminData.customersDir
     absPath = fileutils.makeAbsolute(relDir, basePath)
     absDir = fileutils.ensureAbsDirPath(absPath)
     self._customersDir = absDir
     fileutils.ensureDirExists(self._customersDir, "customers configuration")
     self.debug("Loading customers data from directory '%s'", absDir)
     files = os.listdir(absDir)
     for f in files:
         if f.startswith(".") or not f.endswith('.ini'):
             self.log("Ignoring customer data file '%s'", f)
         self.log("Loading customer data file '%s'", f)
         data = dataprops.CustomerData()
             loader.loadFromFile(data, absDir + f)
         except Exception, e:
             log.notifyException(self, e,
                                 "Fail to load customer data "
                                 "from file '%s'", absDir + f)
         identifier = f.rsplit(os.path.extsep, 1)[0]
         self._customersData[identifier] = data
 def __loadActivityData(self):
     basePath = os.path.dirname(self._adminPath)
     relDir = self._adminData.activitiesDir
     absPath = fileutils.makeAbsolute(relDir, basePath)
     absDir = fileutils.ensureAbsDirPath(absPath)
     self._activeActivitiesDir = absDir
     self._failedActivitiesDir = fileutils.ensureAbsDirPath(absDir + "failed")
     self._doneActivitiesDir = fileutils.ensureAbsDirPath(absDir + "done")
     self._invalidActivitiesDir = fileutils.ensureAbsDirPath(absDir + "invalid")
                               "activities data base")
                               "failed activities")
                               "done activities")
                               "invalid activities")
     self.debug("Loading activities data from directory '%s'", absDir)
     loader = inifile.IniFile()
     files = os.listdir(absDir)
     for f in files:
         if not f.endswith('.ini'):
             self.log("Ignoring activity data file '%s'", f)
         if f.startswith("transcoding-"):
             data = dataprops.TranscodingActivityData()
         elif f.startswith("notification-"):
             data = dataprops.NotificationActivityData()
             self.log("Ignoring activity data file '%s'", f)
         self.log("Loading activity data file '%s'", f)
             loader.loadFromFile(data, absDir + f)
         except Exception, e:
             log.notifyException(self, e,
                                 "Fail to load activity data "
                                 "from file '%s'", absDir + f)
             self.__safeMove(absDir, self._invalidActivitiesDir, f)
         if data.state == ActivityStateEnum.done:
             self.__safeMove(absDir, self._doneActivitiesDir, f)
         elif data.state == ActivityStateEnum.failed:
             self.__safeMove(absDir, self._failedActivitiesDir, f)
             self._activitiesData[f] = (absDir + f, data)
def main(argv):
    if not UpgradeConfig.checkVersions():
        print "ERROR: Configuration files definition changed, please update the upgrade script"
    usage="usage: %prog [-v] bootstrap|upgrade [OPTIONS]"
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, version=VERSION)
    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action="count", dest="verbose", default=0,
                      help="Print more information; use more than one time for even more information")
    parser.add_option('-t', '--tag', action="store", type="string", dest="tag", default="",
                      help="Transcoder version tag; used to be able to install more "
                           "than one version of the transcoder at the same time")
    parser.add_option('-o', '--old-config-file',
                      action="store", type="string", dest="oldConfigFile",
                      metavar="OLD_CONFIG_FILE", default=DEFAULT_OLD_CONFIG_FILE,
                      help="The path to the old configuration file to upgrade from; "
                           "default value: '%s'" % DEFAULT_OLD_CONFIG_FILE)
    parser.add_option('-n', '--new-config-dir',
                      action="store", type="string", dest="newConfigDir",
                      metavar="NEW_CONFIG_DIR", default=None,
                      help="The path to the new configuration directory; "
                           "default value: '%s'" % DEFAULT_NEW_CONFIG_DIR)
    parser.add_option('-r', '--root-dir',
                      action="store", type="string", dest="rootDir",
                      metavar="DEFAULT_ROOT_DIR", default=DEFAULT_ROOT_DIR,
                      help="The path to the root directory of the transcoder files; "
                           "default value: '%s'" % DEFAULT_ROOT_DIR)
    parser.add_option('', '--disable-requests',
                      action="store_true", dest="disableRequests", default=False,
                      help="Disable the GET requests configuration for done and filed transcoding")
    parser.add_option('', '--change-mail',
                      action="store", type="string", dest="changeMail",
                      help="Change the eMail used for notifying the transcoding failures")
    parser.add_option('', '--keep-config',
                      action="store_true", dest="keepConfig", default=False,
                      help="Keep the actual configuration file if it exists (flumotion-transcoder.ini)")
    parser.add_option('', '--disable-backup',
                      action="store_false", dest="doBackup", default=True,
                      help="Do not rename the old files, just delete them.")

    options, args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])

    Loggable.level = min(5, options.verbose + 2)

    if args == ['bootstrap']:
        oldConfigFile = fileutils.makeAbsolute(options.oldConfigFile)
        rootDir = fileutils.makeAbsolute(options.rootDir)
        newConfigDir = options.newConfigDir
        if not newConfigDir:
            newConfigDir = DEFAULT_NEW_CONFIG_DIR % options.tag
        newConfigDir = fileutils.makeAbsolute(newConfigDir)

        if not os.path.exists(oldConfigFile):
            parser.error("Old configuration file '%s' not found" % oldConfigFile)
        if not os.access(oldConfigFile, os.F_OK | os.R_OK):
            parser.error("Cannot read old configuration file '%s'; check permissions"
                         % oldConfigFile)
        if not os.path.exists(newConfigDir):
            except Exception, e:
                parser.error("New configuration directory '%s' cannot be created: %s"
                             % (newConfigDir, str(e)))
        if not os.access(newConfigDir, os.F_OK | os.R_OK | os.W_OK | os.X_OK):
            parser.error("Not enough permissions to use directory '%s' as "
                         "the new configuration directory" % newConfigDir)
        if not os.path.exists(rootDir):
            except Exception, e:
                parser.error("Default transcoder root directory '%s' cannot be created: %s"
                             % (rootDir, str(e)))