Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, sdk_type):
     :param flytekit.common.types.base_sdk_types.FlyteSdkType sdk_type:
     self._raw_value = None
     self._sdk_type = sdk_type
     self._sdk_value = _base_sdk_types.Void()
def test_sdk_output_references_construction():
    references = {
        name: _task_output.OutputReference(_type_helpers.get_sdk_type_from_literal_type(variable.type))
        for name, variable in _six.iteritems(two_queries.interface.outputs)
    # Before user code is run, the outputs passed to the user code should not have values
    assert references['hive_results'].sdk_value == _base_sdk_types.Void()

    # Should be a list of schemas
    assert isinstance(references['hive_results'].sdk_type, _containers.TypedCollectionType)
    assert isinstance(references['hive_results'].sdk_type.sub_type, _schema.SchemaInstantiator)
Exemple #3
 def from_python_std(cls, t_value):
     :param T t_value: It is up to each individual object as to whether or not this value can be cast.
     :rtype: FlyteSdkValue
     :raises: flytekit.common.exceptions.user.FlyteTypeException
     if t_value is None:
         return _base_sdk_types.Void()
     if type(t_value) != bool:
         raise _user_exceptions.FlyteTypeException(type(t_value), bool,
     return cls(t_value)
Exemple #4
 def from_python_std(cls, t_value: Union[GeneratedProtocolMessageType, FlyteIdlEntity]):
     :param Union[T, FlyteIdlEntity] t_value: It is up to each individual object as to whether or not this value can be cast.
     :rtype: _base_sdk_types.FlyteSdkValue
     :raises: flytekit.common.exceptions.user.FlyteTypeException
     if t_value is None:
         return _base_sdk_types.Void()
     elif isinstance(t_value, cls.pb_type) or isinstance(t_value, FlyteIdlEntity):
         return cls(t_value)
         raise _user_exceptions.FlyteTypeException(type(t_value), cls.pb_type, received_value=t_value)
Exemple #5
 def from_python_std(cls, t_value):
     :param T t_value: It is up to each individual object as to whether or not this value can be cast.
     :rtype: FlyteSdkValue
     :raises: flytekit.common.exceptions.user.FlyteTypeException
     if t_value is None:
         return _base_sdk_types.Void()
     if not isinstance(t_value, list):
         raise _user_exceptions.FlyteTypeException(type(t_value), list,
     return cls([cls.sub_type.from_python_std(v) for v in t_value])
Exemple #6
 def from_python_std(cls, t_value):
     Creates an object of this type from the model primitive defining it.
     :param T t_value: It is up to each individual object as to whether or not this value can be cast.
     :rtype: FlyteSdkValue
     :raises: flytekit.common.exceptions.user.FlyteTypeException
     if t_value is None:
         return _base_sdk_types.Void()
     if type(t_value) not in set([str, _six.text_type]):
         raise _user_exceptions.FlyteTypeException(
             type(t_value), set([str, _six.text_type]), t_value)
     return cls(t_value)
Exemple #7
 def from_python_std(cls, t_value):
     :param T t_value: It is up to each individual object as to whether or not this value can be cast.
     :rtype: FlyteSdkValue
     :raises: flytekit.common.exceptions.user.FlyteTypeException
     if t_value is None:
         return _base_sdk_types.Void()
     elif isinstance(t_value, _blob_impl.Blob):
         blob = t_value
         blob = _blob_impl.Blob.from_python_std(t_value)
     return cls(blob)
Exemple #8
 def from_python_std(cls, t_value):
     :param T t_value: It is up to each individual object as to whether or not this value can be cast.
     :rtype: FlyteSdkValue
     :raises: flytekit.common.exceptions.user.FlyteTypeException
     if t_value is None:
         return _base_sdk_types.Void()
     elif isinstance(t_value, _schema_impl.Schema):
         schema = t_value.cast_to(cls.schema_type)
         schema = _schema_impl.Schema.from_python_std(t_value, schema_type=cls.schema_type)
     return cls(schema)
Exemple #9
 def from_python_std(cls, t_value):
     :param T t_value: It is up to each individual object as to whether or not this value can be cast.
     :rtype: FlyteSdkValue
     :raises: flytekit.common.exceptions.user.FlyteTypeException
     if t_value is None:
         return _base_sdk_types.Void()
     elif type(t_value) != _datetime.datetime:
         raise _user_exceptions.FlyteTypeException(type(t_value),
     elif t_value.tzinfo is None:
         raise _user_exceptions.FlyteValueException(
             t_value, "Datetime objects in Flyte must be timezone aware.  "
             "tzinfo was found to be None.")
     return cls(t_value)
Exemple #10
def test_void():
    # Check type specification
    with pytest.raises(user_exceptions.FlyteAssertion):

    # Test value behavior
    for val in [
            1, 1.0, 'abc', True, False,
            datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), None
        assert base_sdk_types.Void.from_python_std(val).to_python_std() is None

    obj = base_sdk_types.Void()
    assert base_sdk_types.Void.from_flyte_idl(obj.to_flyte_idl()) == obj

    assert obj.short_string() == "Void()"
    assert obj.verbose_string() == "Void()"
Exemple #11
 def from_python_std(cls, t_value):
     :param T t_value: It is up to each individual object as to whether or not this value can be cast.
     :rtype: FlyteSdkValue
     :raises: flytekit.common.exceptions.user.FlyteTypeException
     if t_value is None:
         return _base_sdk_types.Void()
     elif isinstance(t_value, _blob_impl.Blob):
         if t_value.metadata.type.format != "csv":
             raise _user_exceptions.FlyteValueException(
                 t_value, "Blob is in incorrect format.  Expected CSV.")
         blob = t_value
         blob = _blob_impl.Blob.from_python_std(t_value,
     return cls(blob)
Exemple #12
    def from_python_std(cls, t_value):
        :param T t_value: It is up to each individual object as to whether or not this value can be cast.
        :rtype: FlyteSdkValue
        :raises: flytekit.common.exceptions.user.FlyteTypeException
        if t_value is None:
            return _base_sdk_types.Void()
        elif not isinstance(t_value, dict):
            raise _user_exceptions.FlyteTypeException(type(t_value), dict,

            t = _json.dumps(t_value)
        except Exception:
            raise _user_exceptions.FlyteValueException(
                t_value, "Is not JSON serializable.")

        return cls(_json_format.Parse(t, _struct.Struct()))
Exemple #13
def test_input():
    i = promise.Input("name", primitives.Integer, help="blah", default=None)
    assert i.name == "name"
    assert i.sdk_default is None
    assert i.default == base_sdk_types.Void()
    assert i.sdk_required is False
    assert i.help == "blah"
    assert i.var.description == "blah"
    assert i.sdk_type == primitives.Integer

    i = promise.Input("name2", primitives.Integer, default=1)
    assert i.name == "name2"
    assert i.sdk_default == 1
    assert i.default == primitives.Integer(1)
    assert i.required is None
    assert i.sdk_required is False
    assert i.help is None
    assert i.var.description == ""
    assert i.sdk_type == primitives.Integer

    with pytest.raises(_user_exceptions.FlyteAssertion):
        promise.Input("abc", primitives.Integer, required=True, default=1)
Exemple #14
def test_input():
    i = Input(primitives.Integer, help="blah", default=None)
    assert i.name == ''
    assert i.sdk_default is None
    assert i.default == base_sdk_types.Void()
    assert i.sdk_required is False
    assert i.required is None
    assert i.help == "blah"
    assert i.var.description == "blah"
    assert i.sdk_type == primitives.Integer

    i = i.rename_and_return_reference('new_name')
    assert i.name == 'new_name'
    assert i.sdk_default is None
    assert i.default == base_sdk_types.Void()
    assert i.sdk_required is False
    assert i.required is None
    assert i.help == "blah"
    assert i.var.description == "blah"
    assert i.sdk_type == primitives.Integer

    i = Input(primitives.Integer, default=1)
    assert i.name == ''
    assert i.sdk_default is 1
    assert i.default == primitives.Integer(1)
    assert i.sdk_required is False
    assert i.required is None
    assert i.help is None
    assert i.var.description == ""
    assert i.sdk_type == primitives.Integer

    i = i.rename_and_return_reference('new_name')
    assert i.name == 'new_name'
    assert i.sdk_default is 1
    assert i.default == primitives.Integer(1)
    assert i.sdk_required is False
    assert i.required is None
    assert i.help is None
    assert i.var.description == ""
    assert i.sdk_type == primitives.Integer

    with pytest.raises(_user_exceptions.FlyteAssertion):
        Input(primitives.Integer, required=True, default=1)

    i = Input([primitives.Integer], default=[1, 2])
    assert i.name == ''
    assert i.sdk_default == [1, 2]
    assert i.default == containers.List(primitives.Integer)([primitives.Integer(1), primitives.Integer(2)])
    assert i.sdk_required is False
    assert i.required is None
    assert i.help is None
    assert i.var.description == ""
    assert i.sdk_type == containers.List(primitives.Integer)

    i = i.rename_and_return_reference('new_name')
    assert i.name == 'new_name'
    assert i.sdk_default == [1, 2]
    assert i.default == containers.List(primitives.Integer)([primitives.Integer(1), primitives.Integer(2)])
    assert i.sdk_required is False
    assert i.required is None
    assert i.help is None
    assert i.var.description == ""
    assert i.sdk_type == containers.List(primitives.Integer)